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On an unrelated note, I'd like to put the arseholes who've just crashed their car into our house in Room 101. Could have been a lot lot worse, but still a shock. and we've not told the landlords yet.

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The Data Protection Act.


I hate it with a vengeance.


Foreigners phone you at all hours of the day, who already have all your data (so what's been protected?) and harass you to answer all sorts of personal questions. Why should I confirm MY details when I don't have a freakin' clue that they're who they say they are? If you want something from me SEND ME A fekin LETTER!


I wanted to check my last transactions at the Abbey Bank, so I phoned Customer Services. I failed security because I couldn't tell them the last three transactions on the account. That was what I wanted to know, but could I get that through to the script reading slumdog muppet? Could I hell.


Data Protection - Waste of time and energy - I have to have my cards changed every couple of months because the only people that can get info on my account are the bloody thieves!



I'm sorry but I see this this from the other side. If we gave your information to all and sundry without having established you were who you said you were and you were frauded you'd be the first to complain. It's a myth that fraudsters only target hight networth accounts, it's your average person's account that is most at risk as fraudsters want to test the system with a normal account first before they go for the big guns.


Customers can be muppets too. We recently had a guy write to us and his letter included, his User ID, his password, his distinct name, his contact details, also attached was his passport with his d.o.b, p.o.b, signature and passport number and he couldn't understand why doing that was a security risk. If you want to moan, moan about fraudsters or idiotic customers who are the reason we have these security measures and not about the person trying to protect your money.

Sorry, I've worked both sides of this act and it's still a big pile of poo. Yes, there are some dumb asses out there who are clueless (mostly working at the Abbey, probably) but I cannot think of one instance where this act has helped me not hindered. Apart from anything else, why would I be phoning the bank if I've just nicked the card? I don't think Albanian fraudsters bother to check my last three account transactions before emptying the account.


Also, if I phoned you and said I was from BT and you owed me £62.47 and could you confirm your address and DOB and then pay me using your debit card, the DPA will not help me, common sense will. If I worked my way through the phone book, I bet I'd make a tidy profit by the end of the day.

However, if I want to pay my mum's phone bill, I can't because I can't pass her security. DPA = CRAP

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The Data Protection Act.


I hate it with a vengeance.


Foreigners phone you at all hours of the day, who already have all your data (so what's been protected?) and harass you to answer all sorts of personal questions. Why should I confirm MY details when I don't have a freakin' clue that they're who they say they are? If you want something from me SEND ME A fekin LETTER!


I wanted to check my last transactions at the Abbey Bank, so I phoned Customer Services. I failed security because I couldn't tell them the last three transactions on the account. That was what I wanted to know, but could I get that through to the script reading slumdog muppet? Could I hell.


Data Protection - Waste of time and energy - I have to have my cards changed every couple of months because the only people that can get info on my account are the bloody thieves!


Perhaps people who don't understand in full the data protection act or more's to the point how to protect themselves against ID fraud should be put in here. I have only had my cards changed once in my lifetime owing to a mislaid or stolen purse. The security works fine for me. I also like the new "calculator" devices that work on algorithms for internet banking.


You'd be a stupid fool to confirm your details to somebody phoning you up. You should say that you are not happy to give these details and that you will phone them back. In that way you will know it is definitely your bank you are speaking to and not a Nigerian outfit. In order not to pay over the odds for that return phone call check out saynoto0870.com. I hate to say it but there'd be a hell of a lot less ID fraud if ID cards were introduced, it works in other European countries.

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Perhaps people who don't understand in full the data protection act or more's to the point how to protect themselves against ID fraud should be put in here. I have only had my cards changed once in my lifetime owing to a mislaid or stolen purse. The security works fine for me. I also like the new "calculator" devices that work on algorithms for internet banking.


You'd be a stupid fool to confirm your details to somebody phoning you up. You should say that you are not happy to give these details and that you will phone them back. In that way you will know it is definitely your bank you are speaking to and not a Nigerian outfit. In order not to pay over the odds for that return phone call check out saynoto0870.com. I hate to say it but there'd be a hell of a lot less ID fraud if ID cards were introduced, it works in other European countries.

What she said.

Some very sensible remarks.

Ten out of ten.

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On an unrelated note, I'd like to put the arseholes who've just crashed their car into our house in Room 101. Could have been a lot lot worse, but still a shock. and we've not told the landlords yet.



Story here for anyone interested



That man and woman being questioned.....it wasnt BS and Yvonne by any chance?

PS: Did you find yourself dreaming that they had beheaded themselves in the crash? :unsure:

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On an unrelated note, I'd like to put the arseholes who've just crashed their car into our house in Room 101. Could have been a lot lot worse, but still a shock. and we've not told the landlords yet.

Story here for anyone interested


I hope your turrwets weren't damaged. Landlords hate that.


I'd like to put employment legislation in Room 101. Specifically, the bits of it which make it virtually impossible to fire someone in the UK for being stupid, lazy and ignorant. It seems that once someone has, by dint of deeply-ingrained incompetence on the part of HR, landed a job in this country it's virtually impossible for them to lose it except by redundancy. With so many willing workers out there, jobless for reasons outside their control, why can't we just fire the lazy and hire the willing? Let's Get Britain Working :unsure:

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On an unrelated note, I'd like to put the arseholes who've just crashed their car into our house in Room 101. Could have been a lot lot worse, but still a shock. and we've not told the landlords yet.

Story here for anyone interested


I hope your turrwets weren't damaged. Landlords hate that.


I'd like to put employment legislation in Room 101. Specifically, the bits of it which make it virtually impossible to fire someone in the UK for being stupid, lazy and ignorant. It seems that once someone has, by dint of deeply-ingrained incompetence on the part of HR, landed a job in this country it's virtually impossible for them to lose it except by redundancy. With so many willing workers out there, jobless for reasons outside their control, why can't we just fire the lazy and hire the willing? Let's Get Britain Working :unsure:


I could not agree with you more. I work with a completely lazy workshy c'unt. 22 years old, had 29 days off sick in the last financial year, plus 5.5 weeks holiday (which nobody could work out because he's only entitled to 4 weeks). When he does turn in for work he does f'uck all. Blames his various skives on verrucas, irritable bowel, migraines and bus crashes. Always moaning how ill he feels, then regales us with tales of staying up smoking and drinking and playing Wii till 4 on a work night. He's a complete twat. I hate him. He's got the squeakiest voice known to man, is clearly gay but in denial so pretends to have lots of girlfriends, when we know that no girl with eyesight would go within 50 feet of his manky teeth. And I'm the lucky bitch that has to sit next to the total f'uck-knuckle. And when he is taken to task about his behaviour, he claims discrimination because he is the only boy in the office. But lo, God smiles upon me, as I only have 6 working days left to sit next to him before I move offices, and never have to set eyes on the whining cock-knocker again.

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On an unrelated note, I'd like to put the arseholes who've just crashed their car into our house in Room 101. Could have been a lot lot worse, but still a shock. and we've not told the landlords yet.

Story here for anyone interested


I hope your turrwets weren't damaged. Landlords hate that.


I'd like to put employment legislation in Room 101. Specifically, the bits of it which make it virtually impossible to fire someone in the UK for being stupid, lazy and ignorant. It seems that once someone has, by dint of deeply-ingrained incompetence on the part of HR, landed a job in this country it's virtually impossible for them to lose it except by redundancy. With so many willing workers out there, jobless for reasons outside their control, why can't we just fire the lazy and hire the willing? Let's Get Britain Working :unsure:


I could not agree with you more. I work with a completely lazy workshy c'unt. 22 years old, had 29 days off sick in the last financial year, plus 5.5 weeks holiday (which nobody could work out because he's only entitled to 4 weeks). When he does turn in for work he does f'uck all. Blames his various skives on verrucas, irritable bowel, migraines and bus crashes. Always moaning how ill he feels, then regales us with tales of staying up smoking and drinking and playing Wii till 4 on a work night. He's a complete twat. I hate him. He's got the squeakiest voice known to man, is clearly gay but in denial so pretends to have lots of girlfriends, when we know that no girl with eyesight would go within 50 feet of his manky teeth. And I'm the lucky bitch that has to sit next to the total f'uck-knuckle. And when he is taken to task about his behaviour, he claims discrimination because he is the only boy in the office. But lo, God smiles upon me, as I only have 6 working days left to sit next to him before I move offices, and never have to set eyes on the whining cock-knocker again.


Must be something in the air. Apparently by moaning we demotivate this one more. So yesterday I started with the sarcasm and the sweet rewards scheme. If he's going to behave like a kid, I'll treat him like one. It's only himself he is letting down. He's a follower. He cites other people as examples, which I pointed out is stupid. no point aspiring not to achieve results for a thesis now is it. He needs to grasp his project by the balls and get on with it not look for other people's balls to play with.

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Green Bay Packers legend and all-time great Brett Favre has announced his retirement. A few career stats: most TD passes, most passing yards and most career victories by a starting QB, but the most remarkable is the streak of 275 consecutive starts - the ultimate Iron Man.


Easily my favourite player in the 20 years I've followed the sport. Adios, Brett.

I won't be miisssing him. Sure he was good player, decent even but I can't see what all the fanfare was about him. If he and his Packers were so great then why didn't they make it to the Super Bowl? Oh, that's right The Giants Won, The Giants Won!


Hopegully Favre will a good and happy future as a sportscaster (that seems to be where they all end up)

As they say about every sport except lacrosse and kabaddi, it's a funny old game. Not only has Brett unretired, it's just about possible he could be spending his unretirement as the starting QB for the Green Bay Packers. Edit: Sure, it's only sport, but this whole sad saga is beginning to depress me.


In another type of football, definitely quitting is Bobby Moore's #6 West Ham shirt. They don't retire jerseys outside North America very often, do they?

The horror...

Brett 'Benedict Arnold' Favre. The Jets is one thing, the Vikings is a whole different ball game.

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I hate the NinkyfuckingNonk. And don't get me started on that stupid muthafucka, Makka Pakka.

Whatever happened to kiddy programmes that made any sense? I blame those Telly Tubby bastards.

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I hate total bastards, F'uckwits and w'ankers. :ph34r:

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I hate total bastards, F'uckwits and w'ankers. :ph34r:


Must be a bastard every time you look in the mirror then, eh? :D

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I hate total bastards, F'uckwits and w'ankers. :ph34r:


Must be a bastard every time you look in the mirror then, eh? :D

Tosser!! :P

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Thieving bastards.


Some little f'ucker came in my house today while I was upstairs and nicked my bank card off my table. My fault for leaving the back door open, I know. But even so, I hope they catch scabies and their cock falls off.

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Thieving bastards.


Some little f'ucker came in my house today while I was upstairs and nicked my bank card off my table. My fault for leaving the back door open, I know. But even so, I hope they catch scabies and their cock falls off.



What if it was a lass that done it?

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Entertainment as 'News'


Watching the 'News' on itv. Whats on? The X Fuctor.


If it ain't that, its wall to wall big bother, i'm a nonentity britain's got problems or some other crap.


Oi, ITV, can we have some News on our news programs?

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Entertainment as 'News'


Watching the 'News' on itv. Whats on? The X Fuctor.


If it ain't that, its wall to wall big bother, i'm a nonentity britain's got problems or some other crap.


Oi, ITV, can we have some News on our news programs?

Ask an accountant. They run television.

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Entertainment as 'News'


Watching the 'News' on itv. Whats on? The X Fuctor.


If it ain't that, its wall to wall big bother, i'm a nonentity britain's got problems or some other crap.


Oi, ITV, can we have some News on our news programs?

Ask an accountant. They run television.



Thinking about it, they ru(i)n most things, so lets have them in as well.

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Tesco. Specifically their parking cameras.


I've just had a letter accusing me of parking in their car park for 23 hours over last Thursday/Friday, which is of course utterly ridiculous. I will be subject to their parking charges if I do it again, apparently, because it's selfish to other customers. I spend a f'ucking small fortune in there every week, cheeky b'astards. Needless to say I phoned them up, and their oh-so-great camera technology had clocked me going in, but not going out again. I soon put the operator straight on that one, and he apologised sheepishly upon checking his camera footage. This is the same branch of Tesco that also threatened a fine to a disabled couple because they took longer than three hours to do their shopping, which included them having a meal in the cafe. Bunch of f'ucking idiots. Their car park looks like it was designed by Stevie Wonder on crack as well. Conflicting bloody arrows everywhere, and at one point if you obey the No Entry signs you actually just go round and round in a circle. And it's full of Mexicans asking if I want my car washed. NO I F'UCKING DON'T, I didn't want it washed yesterday when you asked me, and I still don't want it washed today, now F'UCK OFF and find me a little trolley, there's never enough LITTLE trolleys. And they don't even sell hairbrushes. W'ankers.


Sorry to drag us back a pages to this one but... Sainsbury's.


They have recently taken it upon themsleves to post signs saying that they will issue £50 fines to people whom they deem to have parked in (i) disabled bays or (ii) "parent & child" bays.

I have fundamental issues with this.


Firstly, I never ever, EVER park in a disabled bay. It doesn't matter if it's the only parking space left in the car park or if the car park is completely empty with 100 disabled spaces available. I don't park in them. Disabled people don't choose to be disabled and have enough s'hite in their lives without me getting in their way. The fact that some people appear to be abusing the system and have got hold of disabled badges on the basis of having an ingrowing toe-nail or a slight cold is neither here nor there. Disabled spaces are sacrosanct.


People with children, however, are a completely different kettle of fish. On the whole, they have chosen to have kids. They often tell me how "rewarding" it is, even though I wish they wouldn't (because my partner & I have tried to create some ourselves and failed. The miscarriage was particularly gutting.) My taxes get used to fund the education system & I don't complain. I don't mind kids running and shouting outside my house or kicking the occasional ball into my garden. I don't hate kids. I don't hate parents of kids, in general.


But I do object to being discriminated against, based solely on a lack of procreativity. What gives Sainsbury's the right to banish me to the back of the car-park and exclude me from the larger parking spaces, just because I'm not going to fill my trolley with amusingly-shaped food or "Sunny Delight"? I have a reasonably large car, and don't wish to squeeze it into a small space only to risk some troll in an old ford fiesta parking next to me and smacking his car-door &/or trolley into my paintwork. Now I can't without risking a fine. My options seem to be

  1. risk a fine / call their bluff
  2. grit my teeth in frustration and rage every time I go shopping and park where they want me to
  3. shop on-line and risk getting all the crud that's about to expire
  4. shop at Tescos instead, which I despise.
  5. steal a child and put it in the car.

Am I being unreasonable?

Anyway, thanks for listening.

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Tesco. Specifically their parking cameras.


I've just had a letter accusing me of parking in their car park for 23 hours over last Thursday/Friday, which is of course utterly ridiculous. I will be subject to their parking charges if I do it again, apparently, because it's selfish to other customers. I spend a f'ucking small fortune in there every week, cheeky b'astards. Needless to say I phoned them up, and their oh-so-great camera technology had clocked me going in, but not going out again. I soon put the operator straight on that one, and he apologised sheepishly upon checking his camera footage. This is the same branch of Tesco that also threatened a fine to a disabled couple because they took longer than three hours to do their shopping, which included them having a meal in the cafe. Bunch of f'ucking idiots. Their car park looks like it was designed by Stevie Wonder on crack as well. Conflicting bloody arrows everywhere, and at one point if you obey the No Entry signs you actually just go round and round in a circle. And it's full of Mexicans asking if I want my car washed. NO I F'UCKING DON'T, I didn't want it washed yesterday when you asked me, and I still don't want it washed today, now F'UCK OFF and find me a little trolley, there's never enough LITTLE trolleys. And they don't even sell hairbrushes. W'ankers.


Sorry to drag us back a pages to this one but... Sainsbury's.


They have recently taken it upon themsleves to post signs saying that they will issue £50 fines to people whom they deem to have parked in (i) disabled bays or (ii) "parent & child" bays.

I have fundamental issues with this.


Firstly, I never ever, EVER park in a disabled bay. It doesn't matter if it's the only parking space left in the car park or if the car park is completely empty with 100 disabled spaces available. I don't park in them. Disabled people don't choose to be disabled and have enough s'hite in their lives without me getting in their way. The fact that some people appear to be abusing the system and have got hold of disabled badges on the basis of having an ingrowing toe-nail or a slight cold is neither here nor there. Disabled spaces are sacrosanct.


People with children, however, are a completely different kettle of fish. On the whole, they have chosen to have kids. They often tell me how "rewarding" it is, even though I wish they wouldn't (because my partner & I have tried to create some ourselves and failed. The miscarriage was particularly gutting.) My taxes get used to fund the education system & I don't complain. I don't mind kids running and shouting outside my house or kicking the occasional ball into my garden. I don't hate kids. I don't hate parents of kids, in general.


But I do object to being discriminated against, based solely on a lack of procreativity. What gives Sainsbury's the right to banish me to the back of the car-park and exclude me from the larger parking spaces, just because I'm not going to fill my trolley with amusingly-shaped food or "Sunny Delight"? I have a reasonably large car, and don't wish to squeeze it into a small space only to risk some troll in an old ford fiesta parking next to me and smacking his car-door &/or trolley into my paintwork. Now I can't without risking a fine. My options seem to be

  1. risk a fine / call their bluff
  2. grit my teeth in frustration and rage every time I go shopping and park where they want me to
  3. shop on-line and risk getting all the crud that's about to expire
  4. shop at Tescos instead, which I despise.
  5. steal a child and put it in the car.

Am I being unreasonable?

Anyway, thanks for listening.


I sympathise with you totally.

My husband is a wheelchair user and, in general, as long as the parking space is oversized to enable us to get the chair in and out, we don't mind wheeling across a car park. However, I do object to i) parent & child parking being closer to the shop than the disabled spaces and ii) people using the disabled spaces whose disabilties are not due to a lack of mobility (deaf or ginger or something). The latter is very annoying at hotels in particular where disabled spaces are usually restricted to two or three (even in big hotels!) 'cos it's a right pain trying to carry luggage and push a wheelchair.

If you take your elderly parent, can you still use parent & child spaces?

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But I do object to being discriminated against, based solely on a lack of procreativity. What gives Sainsbury's the right to banish me to the back of the car-park and exclude me from the larger parking spaces, just because I'm not going to fill my trolley with amusingly-shaped food or "Sunny Delight"? I have a reasonably large car, and don't wish to squeeze it into a small space only to risk some troll in an old ford fiesta parking next to me and smacking his car-door &/or trolley into my paintwork. Now I can't without risking a fine. My options seem to be

  1. risk a fine / call their bluff
  2. grit my teeth in frustration and rage every time I go shopping and park where they want me to
  3. shop on-line and risk getting all the crud that's about to expire
  4. shop at Tescos instead, which I despise.
  5. steal a child and put it in the car.

Am I being unreasonable?

Anyway, thanks for listening.

You are not being discriminated against solely because you have not procreated. If you think you are then you have some sort of complex.

Parents with Prams car parks are there for parents with small children and prams that the have to load/unload, similar to disabled/wheelchair access car parks. If you ever have to load/unload a pram, shopping, small child and potentially another one that's as mobile as a greased pig, the you'd know why these car parks are required. Try to load/unload in a normal-sized spot, you risk destroying not only you car, but both cars on either side. Unloading handicapped adults, who likely consent to the whole idea and have some sense of decorum, would be a walk in the park compared to juggling shopping bags, kids, crying child, shopping trolley, pram, headache, sleep deprivation, smelly nappies, and any other number of things -- all happening simultaneously... And you're whinging because you want to park your big-arsed car in a spot set aside for parent with prams, just because you're too damn lazy to walk an extra few yards? If parking in normal spot makes you grit your teeth with frustration and rage, then I'd say you have a serious problem. Manifesting itself as rage against parents with prams is probably the thin end of the wedge. It sounds like you either need some pills from the Doctor or a serious voltage applied daily. Probably anally.

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I wonder what a hunter gatherer would make of these last few posts. When I was a kid we didn't have a supermarket or a car. I went to town with my mum on a bus and she bought the groceries for the next few days on the market, fitting them in to two shopping bags. I don't recall her moaning about how difficult things were. Today we have so-called "convenience stores" and everyone moans about how inconvenient they are.

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Change your car.


It sounds like you have one of those monstrous off roading things but yet live in Surrey.

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Excellent post, honez.


People who park in parent and child spaces with school-age, mobile and biddable children however, should be shot.

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