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Canadian Paul

The Canadian Paul Deadpool

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Racked up and ready to roll.



Fidel Castro

Zsa Zsa Gabor

Rev. Billy Graham

Barbara Kent

Paul Newman

Robert Novak

Ariel Sharon

Barbara Streisand

Patrick Swayze

Liz Taylor


Theme name: Born in 1918, dead in 2009?

Patty Andrews

Frances Bay

Betty Ford

Rev. Billy Graham

Paul Harvey

Philip Jose Farmer

Nelson Mandela

Yasuhiro Nakasone

Helmut Schmidt

Efrem Zimnbalist Jr.

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My entry


Ordinary team


Paul Newman

Eunice Kennedy Shriver

Zeljko Sturanovic

Paul Birch

Shelley Morrison

Patrick Swayze

Elenor Mondale

Pat Burns

Anne Francis

Eddie Thompson


Theme team - Closer to Ged, closer to death


Rev Billy Graham

Oral Roberts

Rev Ian Cundy

Patriarch Pavle

Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei

Pope Shenouda III of Alexandria

Aziz Abdul al-Hakim

Muqtada al-Sadr

Louis Farrakhan

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Nice so far. One thing I noticed: You didn't mention everyone who picked Robson on his page. I'm not on the page at all, and To Die For is only at the bottom.

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Nice so far. One thing I noticed: You didn't mention everyone who picked Robson on his page. I'm not on the page at all, and To Die For is only at the bottom.


Sorted I think. I think only four picked him, but if I missed anyone else, let me know.


I also noticed that I spelled Handrejka's Team Name incorrectly in the little team navigation box. I'll sort that out soon.

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Ooh, I love show and tell time, I do.



Never Came to Maryport III


Vasily Aleksanyan

Jack Babcock – Canadian

Patricia C Dunn

Billy Graham

June Havoc – Canadian

Edwin Morgan

Paul Newman

Edna Parker

Tomoji Tanabe

(Baroness) Mary Wilson




Theme Team


Over the Top, and Under the Ground!!


Henry Allingham

Jack Babcock – Canadian

Del Borroni

Frank Buckles

Jack Campbell

Claude Choules

Ned Hughes

Syd Lucas

Harry Patch

Bill Stone

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Impressive work so soon CP. Begs a question, mind. With entries on poolofdeath and CPDP so low is deadpooling - like - dying?


Oh, I do hope so.


300 teams instead of the 500 odd scheduled for 2009 would be lovely... Amazingly, it hasn't consumed my life totally & have found a balance. In 09 though? Maybe the DDP is the exception to the rule and will grow?


Anyway, my team is on the site, but for the lazy, I have two theme teams. Essentially, I know I won't win either but I find I can't really be faffed naming too strong a team & spend loads of time researching ill people as DDP takes too much time up. I would imagine my 2009 DDP team not to do quite as well as previous years as a result.


Enough rambling:

Normal Team: (all P)

Peter Arundell

Paul Birch

Peter Broadbent

Paul Madeley

Paul Newman

Paul O'Grady

Pertwee, Bill

Pincher, Chapman

Maurice Strong (cos I couldn't think of a Canadian P apart from the obvious one...)

Patrick Swayze


Theme Team: (all hablar Espanol)

Estanislao Basora

Fidel Castro

Leon Febres Cordero

Luis Echeverria

Alberto Fujimori

Diego Maradona

Ricardo Montalban

Adolfo Suarez

Yma Sumac

Francisco Varallo

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I just found a bug on the Gordon Lightfoot page. It's supposed to say: Misers (Year 3)

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I just found a bug on the Gordon Lightfoot page. It's supposed to say: Misers (Year 3)


I'll try and fix that soon. I have to update the site now anyways, as Ian Fraser, VC has died, as noted by DDT, and was a unique pick for 2 Farts and a Splash's theme team. By the way, if anyone is interested, my CPDP team is as follows:


Ordinary Team:

Susan Atkins, James Coyne ©, Donald Crowdis ©, Paul Newman, Robert Novak, Jack Ramsay, Robert G. Robertson ©, Dufferin Roblin ©, Bobby Robson, Eddie Thompson


Theme Team:

Same as last year, except with Pete Langelle (who has begun returning autograph requests with a note indicating that he is too ill to sign anymore) and Hank Goldup (his ability to sign comes and goes) replacing the late Ken Reardon and Ray Getliffe respectively.

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Joining the bandwagon and am posting my team:


Normal Team: Death Has To Happen Sooner Or Later


Susan Atkins

Mr. Blackwell

Muriel Duckworth, Canadian

Tsien Hsue-Shen

John Landeryou, Canadian

Claude Levi-Strauss

John Matheson, Canadian

Paul Newman

Bobby Robson

Theodore Van Kirk


Theme Team: Premature Obituaries (all have had their deaths reported by a news source when not actually dead)


Lucien Bouchard, Canadian

Fidel Castro

Bill Henry

Nelson Mandela

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Hiroo Onoda

Harold Pinter (a bit surprised that I'm the only one to have picked him)

Margaret Thatcher

Slim Whitman

Abe Vigoda

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I'll post mine too:


Theme Team


Cardinals (Catholic and Baseball)


Cardinal Aloysius Ambrozic


Cardinal Jean-Claude Turcotte


Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-hsi


Stan Musial


Cardinal Edward Cassidy


Rick Sutcliffe


Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua


Cardinal Edward Egan


Pope Benedict the 16th (Cardinal of Rome)


Cardinal Paul Mayer





Regular Team


Gordon Lightfoot

Robert Nowak


Patrick Swayze


Susan Atkins


Annette Funicello


Elizabeth Taylor


Paul Newman


Ted Kennedy


Željko Šturanović


Amy Winehouse

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Ah Miser, our first sighting of Amy Winehouse. I debated long and hard where she was concerned before dropping in Harold Wilson's widow as a late replacement for Phil Hill. If you score points on her, I'll be kicking myself.

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Guest Very Busy.

If Canadian Paul is feeling generous enough to accept one more team after the deadline...


If not I completely understand.


(The Dream ... LIVES ON)


Senator Ted Kennedy

Patrick Swayze

Corazon Aquino

Robert Novak

Susan Atkins

Eddie Thompson

Sir Bobby Robson

George Kimball

Paul Newman

James Coyne (Just look at his picture in the Wikipedia)


(Selective Talent )


Patriarch Pavle

Jorn Utzon

Yitzhak Shamir

Harold John Blackham

Sir Bernard Lovell

Gough Whitlam

Mark W. Felt

Esther Williams

Gene Colan

Ratu iloilo

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Updated to reflect the death of Ian Fraser, well done to 2 Farts and a Splash for getting the first hit of the season. I haven't bothered to send out an email, as I feel that it would be a bit pointless at the moment.


As for adding more teams, sorry, but I'm going to have to go with no. I don't feel that it would be very fair to enter a team three days after the first hit.


I'll be doing some CPDP clean up tonight or tomorrow, so hopefully more stuff will be up by the end of the weekend, including the finalization of last year. I believe that I have already fixed anything previously brought up.

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Well, we have our winners for the CPDP:


Theme Team Bonus points went to three creative teams that, unfortunately, did not score any hits: Mullets and Skullets, Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom and Nothing in Moderation.


In the Ordinary Team category, we have To Die For as winner with six hits: Evel Knievel, Lois Maxwell, Sydney Pollack, Ian Porterfield, Yves St. Laurent and Tony Snow. Some risky picks certainly paid off.


In the Theme Team category, we have Dead and John as winner with only three hits: Janez Drnovsek, John-Harvey Jones and Ian Porterfield.


Congratulations to the theme teams who garnered a bonus and, of course, the overall winners!


So as it stands right now, the Hall of Candidates is no longer linked, but everything else, including candidate profiles for candidates picked this year AND in years past, are ready.

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In the Theme Team category, we have Dead and John as winner with only three hits: Janez Drnovsek, John-Harvey Jones and Ian Porterfield.


WOOHOO!!! The first time I have won anything since the 1984 Kentwood Fancy Dress Competition (Under 7 Category)!!!!


(I was a cowboy, for information's sake)

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Good work as always CP, despite the dearth of entries this year there's some interesting and eclectic selecting - especially in the theme teams.

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That's us - buncha damn conformists.


Damn sheep.. following the Master :(:blink:


There must be someone who did not do the same....


<--- that could be me then!


Too much on my plate, of late!


I'm late, I'm late, I'm very, very, very, very late!


Oh, and thanks going out to The Unknown Man for reminding me of the demise of Lynn Koleman from my shadow list. I've yet to update even my own spreadsheet.

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Did anyone NOT have Newman? Highly popular pick.

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The CPDP needs to bee updated due to the death of Paul Newman.


BBC obit


Buzz buzz. I figured if I didn't do it this morning, it'd never get done. Not going to bother with an email update until I get more of the site up though, which as long as I accomplish it by December, I'll still be ahead of last year.


Did anyone NOT have Newman? Highly popular pick.


Only two: DevonDeathTrip and Simfish InquilineKea


Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out what was going through my head when I allowed MPFC's veterans team, which is basically the same thing as his oldsters team except with older people. :ph34r: At least Bill Stone is healthy and out of the hospital, for the moment.


Maybe I should disqualify MPFC's theme team and replace it's with BS' late team - it could be a joint venture entitled "Never Came to Maryport.... Because of a Restraining Order!"

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Site updated to reflect the hit of Eddie Thompson and the near-miss of Levi Stubbs... congrats to all who got some points out of it.

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Now here's an interesting dilemma. Re Delfino Borroni I Googled Borroni + BBC and discovered that this BBC article includes a report of his death in the posts added underneath. I wasn't going to mention it until I checked and noticed CPDP rules specify a death must be 'reported in' one of the specified sources, like bbc.co.uk. Dunno if this counts or not. deffo 'reported in' and deffo an editorial decision from the BBC because they present a 'selection of' comments, but his death isn't exactly the point of the piece. Given the acreage of column inches awarded Borroni by The Times today I'm hopeful The Independent will deliver in a day or so, or report it in a belated way as context when one of ours - like Harry Patch - finally goes.



On the eve of this 90th anniversary of the end of the Great War, the last Italian survivor, the "Bersagliere" and Kight of Vittorio Veneto Delfino Borroni, passed away aged 110. In remembrance.

Andrea Porretta, Milano, Italia

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Looks like John Landeryou had been dead beforehand, ah well. Might as well just be more careful next time about living statuses of people.

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Looks like John Landeryou had been dead beforehand, ah well. Might as well just be more careful next time about living statuses of people.


Technically, if you want, you can claim that you were selecting his son of the same name. I doubt he'll either die or get the required coverage, but it's better than going in with 9 members.


Meanwhile, I continue to regret allowing MPFC's Theme Team in the game and, now that my life has returned to sucking, I remember why deadpooling is such an enjoyable distraction. Anyhow, site updated (finally). It was a rather large update this time, so if I missed something, particularly a hit, or made a mistake, let me know.

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