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Canadian Paul

The Canadian Paul Deadpool

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Site updated to reflect the deaths of John Campbell Ross and Tomoji Tanabe - double well done to Never Came To Maryport.


Hmmm... haven't been here in a while... got a lot of posts to catch up on.


Arundell also scored a hit, for Octopus of Odstock's ordinary team.


I wouldn't have known had OoO not mentioned so..


EDIT: Noticed you've already knew and he just was lacking an obit. Never mind.


Has there been an obit for Arundell?

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Site updated to reflect the deaths of John Campbell Ross and Tomoji Tanabe - double well done to Never Came To Maryport.


Hmmm... haven't been here in a while... got a lot of posts to catch up on.


Arundell also scored a hit, for Octopus of Odstock's ordinary team.


I wouldn't have known had OoO not mentioned so..


EDIT: Noticed you've already knew and he just was lacking an obit. Never mind.


Has there been an obit for Arundell?


I haven't seen one... I'll wait until the weekend then, if there isn't one, I'll update for Arundell, Jackson, Foss and Rogers.

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Site updated to reflect the deaths of John Campbell Ross and Tomoji Tanabe - double well done to Never Came To Maryport.


Hmmm... haven't been here in a while... got a lot of posts to catch up on.


Arundell also scored a hit, for Octopus of Odstock's ordinary team.


I wouldn't have known had OoO not mentioned so..


EDIT: Noticed you've already knew and he just was lacking an obit. Never mind.


Has there been an obit for Arundell?


I haven't seen one... I'll wait until the weekend then, if there isn't one, I'll update for Arundell, Jackson, Foss and Rogers.

An obit might surface after the funeral

Weird that the funeral is taking place a month after the death. I always thought it was customary to have the funeral a week or two after the death.

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If there's an obit for Arundell, you'll be sure to hear about it.. :skull:


It might come, but I doubt it now, or at least for the CPDP - I have half a chance with the DDP as I have until December 31st...

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Site updated to reflect the deaths of John Campbell Ross and Tomoji Tanabe - double well done to Never Came To Maryport.


Hmmm... haven't been here in a while... got a lot of posts to catch up on.


Arundell also scored a hit, for Octopus of Odstock's ordinary team.


I wouldn't have known had OoO not mentioned so..


EDIT: Noticed you've already knew and he just was lacking an obit. Never mind.


Has there been an obit for Arundell?


I haven't seen one... I'll wait until the weekend then, if there isn't one, I'll update for Arundell, Jackson, Foss and Rogers.


No obit for Arundell yet, so site updated for all of the above, as well as Karl Malden. I did find out that that, however, that Arundell founded Mystique, which blew my mind as an Atari collector.

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Site updated to reflect the death of Edward Kenna. Well done to 2 Farts and a Splash!


Particularly as I seem to be a bit off the ball lately, let me know if you catch any mistakes.

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Site updated to reflect the death of Henry Allingham. Well done to Never Came to Maryport.

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McNamara's one for the Hall of Ghosts.


Right, thanks! I'll update this probably the next time someone dies.

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Got a busy week ahead, but will try to shove in an update for McNamara and Patch somewhere in it...

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Site updated to reflect the deaths of McNamara, Patch, Robson and Aquino. Well done to all involved with points! As always, let me know if there's any mistakes...

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Former Canadian Senator and CPDP pick Stanley Haidasz has died at the age of 86. Not often that I catch anyone from the Hall of Ghosts, so catching a particularly obscure one makes my morning. <_<

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Former Canadian Senator and CPDP pick Stanley Haidasz has died at the age of 86. Not often that I catch anyone from the Hall of Ghosts, so catching a particularly obscure one makes my morning. <_<



Bugger, I think he was another one I left off this year or?

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The CPDP needs to be updated due to the deaths of Eunice Kennedy Shriver & Ted "Teeder" Kennedy, the ice hockey player.

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The CPDP needs to be updated due to the deaths of Eunice Kennedy Shriver & Ted "Teeder" Kennedy, the ice hockey player.


Just finished with classes and thesis and stuff and am traveling later today - hopefully I can update for these two plus the Hall of Ghosts for the distinguished Canadian senator tomorrow.

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The CPDP also needs to be updated for the death of Robert Novak.


Site updated! Well done to all those who scored points, particularly To Die For, who scored with Shriver and Novak to tie for first in the Ordinary Team category!


In other news, I am now accepting entries for the CPDP 2009-2010 edition... same rules as the last round, looks like Never Came To Maryport will get first dibs on the Theme Team and, barring his choosing of elderly Canadian hockey players, I'll be keeping the same Theme Team this year, as it was rather successful this round. Anyhow, I'll send out an email to all current competitors unless you've already sent me a team, in which case I will confirm right away. Otherwise, players old and new are more than welcome. Entries go to cpdp2006(at)gmail.com


Why don't I throw out a link while I'm at it?

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In other news, I am now accepting entries for the CPDP 2009-2010 edition... same rules as the last round, looks like Never Came To Maryport will get first dibs on the Theme Team


Hopefully this time if MPFC names a team of supercenterians, the theme team won't be accepted. Sorry, but it goes completely against the grain of what this particular DP is supposed to be all about.


I'll be entering my team shortly, but I expect to be mid-table. I'm not entering this to win, more to be as "interesting " as I could ever hope to be. :birthday:

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In other news, I am now accepting entries for the CPDP 2009-2010 edition... same rules as the last round, looks like Never Came To Maryport will get first dibs on the Theme Team


Hopefully this time if MPFC names a team of supercenterians, the theme team won't be accepted. Sorry, but it goes completely against the grain of what this particular DP is supposed to be all about.


I'll be entering my team shortly, but I expect to be mid-table. I'm not entering this to win, more to be as "interesting " as I could ever hope to be. :birthday:


An unofficial rule is that a team must have at least one individual under the age of 100 on it this year. Yes, he slipped through the cracks last year when I was stressing out, but this time I'm as cool as a cucumber. If he hadn't won the Theme Team category this year though, it looks like I would have, so either way, bad news.

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I have sent in my entry.


Teamname: Windsor the Troll.

Theme Team: Order of the British Empire.

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I'll be back this year too CP please. Still working on my teams, but there won't be very many suprises.


NB team in as of the 25th.

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I'm not going to post my team just yet, but I'm going to go under Death Impends this time... Also, I got a fourth hit as Muriel Duckworth has died.


Updated and responded to all emails sent to me thus far! Well done! I just realized that the CPDP has no official rules for what to do in the case of the tie, which we have in three directions at the moment - right now I'm torn between declaring each person in the tie winner (since I didn't have an official tie-breaker before the competition began) and stealing the DDP's. Opinions may be voiced in public or in private (my message box has space in it for once!).

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I've got to whittle the main team down from its current stable of 15, re the theme team....I guarantee yers most of them will be well under a 100, assuming my current outfit holds out in front for the rest of the month. My first dibs theme team currently has 12 members and there is some last minute deciding to be done about the number of Canadians on board and whether or not Ariel Sharon is EVER going to be allowed to die. Either way, I'm planning a theme team called: Old Soldiers Don't Fade Away ( They cark and get news coverage). Assuming my current theme team delivers the goods I guarantee I'll stick to this plan and I'm already being honest enough to tell yers all, so you can plan around it.

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Re the above, I've done the editing and I'm in. Theme team as advertised.

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