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Magere Hein

Ideas and possibilities for 2008

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There must be a Bin Laden thread somewhere on the DL, but I never really figured out the "search" function, and at the moment it's giving an error message that said something about flooding.


Anyway, five and a half years on, and just shy of his 50th birthday, is the US finally getting serious about catching killing Osama?


Happy 50th Old Boy

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Ian Porterfield, who scored the winning goal for Sunderland against Leeds in the 1973 FA Cup final, is battling colon cancer. When in charge of Chelsea in 1992, he became the first manager to be sacked in the Premiership era. He is now the manager of the Armenian national team.

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That'll be a great pick for next year, if only to counter any charges of populism as regards the names. Just imagine 'Oscar Nominated Yak Farmer' as occupation!

Thinley Lundup Lama, a yak herdsman from Nepal, who starred in 'Caravan', which was nominated for an Oscar in 1999, has been diagnosed with stomach cancer.

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Ian Porterfield, who scored the winning goal for Sunderland against Leeds in the 1973 FA Cup final, is battling colon cancer. When in charge of Chelsea in 1992, he became the first manager to be sacked in the Premiership era. He is now the manager of the Armenian national team.


and most importantly, of course, he is a former Reading FC player & manager.


I wish him well.

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The Kashmiri separatist leader, Ali Shah Geelani, who only has one kidney, has been diagnosed with cancer of the...kidney. :P

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American morning show host, Regis Philbin, to have heart bypass surgery.



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I love the smell of stinking hypocrisy in the morning.


We know the ilness, we name the daughter but we won't reveal the name of the illness to 'protect the privacy of the family'


You can bet your last euro that they'll pay big time for the first paparazzi shots of 'worried' Depp leaving the hospital, or 'distraught' Paradis rushing to her bedside. Shitbags.



Do any of our members ensconsced in the UK press know any more about Johnny Depp's daughter Lily Rose? The Mirror report indicates they know the illness involved, so - like John 'the alleged rapist' Leslie' spurting all over cyberspace before being named officially, presumably this one will ooze out.

I heard that she's better now.

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Just a quick update on one of my old favourites, Senior General Than Shwe of Myanmar. There is a suggestion that he may need a heart operation, never something for a 74 year-old to look forward to. A previous report highlighted the poor health of his deputy Vice Snr-Gen Maung Aye, who as well as rumours about cancer, is an alcoholic.


Now, two other senior Myanmar leaders have been making trips abroad for health reasons; Secretary-1 Lt-Gen Thein Sein has already been fitted with a pacemaker, and Prime Minister Gen Soe Win has also been seeking medical help in Singapore.


As well as these, the Party Chairman Aung Shwe and Secretary U Lwin are both in their late 80s. "Any one senior Myanmar politician" would be a good each-way bet at the moment.

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Several human rights organizations, including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, have reported on human rights abuses by the military government.


The above from the Wiki page on Myanmar; don't lets rule out some retribution by those abused. Good spotting Twelvetrees!

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American morning show host, Regis Philbin, to have heart bypass surgery.




to be more exact, it's a triple heart bypass surgery.


Having listened to his Christmas CD that he released in 2005 that contained a duet with Donald Trump, I just hope that the surgeon hasn't heard the same CD

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No news on his health, but at 86 and therefore older than Clive 'Immortal' Dunn, the Disney legend Wally Boag is still with us. I mention him because he has his own myspace page, so we should be able to keep track of him.

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American morning show host, Regis Philbin, to have heart bypass surgery.




to be more exact, it's a triple heart bypass surgery.


Having listened to his Christmas CD that he released in 2005 that contained a duet with Donald Trump, I just hope that the surgeon hasn't heard the same CD

I hope the surgeon has heard it; it's the least you deserve for duetting with 'King Syrup' Donald Trump.

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I love the smell of stinking hypocrisy in the morning.


We know the ilness, we name the daughter but we won't reveal the name of the illness to 'protect the privacy of the family'


You can bet your last euro that they'll pay big time for the first paparazzi shots of 'worried' Depp leaving the hospital, or 'distraught' Paradis rushing to her bedside. Shitbags.



You're not Jo(h)nny Depp in real life, are you? :) You seem to have taken the invasion of his (your?) personal space quite badly.

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The Serbian nationalist politician and alleged war criminal, Vojislav Šešelj, currently imprisoned in The Hague, has liver cancer.

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The Serbian nationalist politician and alleged war criminal, Vojislav Šešelj, currently imprisoned in The Hague, has liver cancer.


Y'see, Windsor, this is what I mean. Just when I take a few off (George Cole, Prince Phillip) in come more candidates far riper for the taking. :)


Wasn't he the hunger strike fellow from last year?

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Former NASCAR Chairman (the American version of Bernie Ecclestone?) Bill France Jr has been hospitalised with an unknown condition. One to keep an eye on as he was diagnosed with cancer several years ago. Fame test.... well he is the world's 512th richest man according to Forbes.


Also one of India's best known fashion designers, Sandeep Khosla, is in hospital with 'pancreatic troubles', which is never a good sign.


I won't be picking either of them for dead pools, I'm going for His Beatitude Ignatius IV Hazim Of All The East And Primate Of The Autocephalous Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch. He's not ill, but with a name like that, he deserves more widespread recognition. :)

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His Beatitude Ignatius IV Hazim Of All The East And Primate Of The Autocephalous Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch.
Hopefully he's still well enough to stop his Holy Hand Grenade falling into the wrong hands. :)

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The Serbian nationalist politician and alleged war criminal, Vojislav Šešelj, currently imprisoned in The Hague, has liver cancer.


Y'see, Windsor, this is what I mean. Just when I take a few off (George Cole, Prince Phillip) in come more candidates far riper for the taking. :)


Wasn't he the hunger strike fellow from last year?


Bastard; liver cancer is a DP corker and - not two hours ago - I submitted my WDP picks.

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I won't be picking either of them for dead pools, I'm going for His Beatitude Ignatius IV Hazim Of All The East And Primate Of The Autocephalous Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch. He's not ill, but with a name like that, he deserves more widespread recognition. :D


Autocephalous. Self Headed.

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An interesting article in today's Observer discussing the mortality of Sam Galbraith, former neurosurgeon, Member of Parliment and Britain's longest surviving lung transplant patient. He was given two years to live in 1990.


"He discounts the possibility of another potentially life-prolonging transplant, saying he has had longer than he ever expected. 'It's someone else's turn next. It would be unfair to have another when some people never even get the chance I've had


...'I think I might go on indefinitely,' he says with a smile. But he knows he won't. 'What I've learnt, not just from my own experience but from others as well, is that you never know what's around the corner'"

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Another one for the DDP and other pools that count UK press coverage. The guy's not exactly known outside the UK but Alan Willett has just had to step down from raising money for Canterbury Cathedral because of serious heart trouble. Still donning the ceremonial sword for Kent, mind. And 70 years old into the bargain.

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Umaru Yar'Adua, the man likely to become the next President of Nigeria in the upcoming elections, seems to be enthusiastically embracing the tradition of ill health in African politics. He has kidney problems and has received dialysis treatment, also his speech is interrupted by a persistent cough.


In January he challenged journalists who cast doubt on his health to a game of squash. Last week he was hospitalised in Germany after collapsing with what is rumoured to be a heart attack (although he described it as 'stress')

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French 'Spiderman' or 'Idiot' Alain Robert has just climbed a 185m building without any safety equipment. He only needs to get unlucky once to become of interest to this site. At 44, he is probably past his climbing prime.

He was on my DDP last year. I left him off this time. Don't know why.

I see the madman has just got arrested for trying to scale the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur.


There's a BBC interview here.


Bloody nutter.

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