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Looks like my beach vacation will be stormed out... :( 

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For our UK users.


Early warning of a potential heatwave into the end of next week and the week after. I hesitate to use the term heatwave as we can't determine length of it yet which partially defines heatwave. Expect sweltering temperatures and potential drought action. No rain in sight and temperatures possibly heading well in excess of 30 degrees for days on end. If like me you've been angered at the recent above average warmth in our weather then hibernation may appear to be a good idea next week after. 

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I'm happy but my runner beans aren't, so not  looking forward to more watering.  (No garden tap)

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Subjective reporting deathers.


North of Watford might get 25°.



You're looking at Laaaandan stuff.



No way will the top third of the UK, ie north of Glasgow, get 30°+ for days on end.







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11 minutes ago, charon said:

Subjective reporting deathers.


North of Watford might get 25°.



You're looking at Laaaandan stuff.



No way will the top third of the UK, ie north of Glasgow, get 30°+ for days on end.








It's possible, would be the more extreme end but possible.

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It is not.

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11 minutes ago, charon said:



It is not.


Yes it is. The easiest way to judge this will be on the day temps next week and the week after and then we'll see; but the current model output does have those temperatures within the possible range of outcomes. 

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If like Death ray and myself , you look at the weather forecast models (Netweather is a good site) then yes a Heatwave is nailed on for next week, for all of the UK and Ireland. 


The top temp record for Eire is 33c and that’s in danger of going next Thursday/Friday. The temperature is just going to build and build, with a possible reload going into mid July.


In my job, that’s going to be insufferable 

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1 hour ago, philheybrookbay said:

If like Death ray and myself , you look at the weather forecast models (Netweather is a good site) then yes a Heatwave is nailed on for next week, for all of the UK and Ireland. 


The top temp record for Eire is 33c and that’s in danger of going next Thursday/Friday. The temperature is just going to build and build, with a possible reload going into mid July.


In my job, that’s going to be insufferable 


Anyone who works outdoors is going to find it insufferable if it comes off.

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Thunderstorms are loads of fun...

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I see nothing above here that qualifies as heat. Carry on....

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33(C) x 9/5 + 32 = 91.4(F)
That's the temp it is outside when I walk out to go to work 7am.  Well ok, by 8:30am...
33C is barely 'warm'.  C'mon now.

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The great thing with this current ‘heatwave’ is that the humidity has been really low, so it’s been bare able. Mind you being on the coast so 25c has been really rather nice :) . Last night was the first uncomfortable night as well but again ok with a fan on. 


However with thunderstorms forecast for us now on Sunday, I expect that to change. 

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Huge fires started up on the moors near Manchester, near Staylbridge in particular. Poor bloody farmers after the winter we've had in this part of the country this is the last thing they need. Poor firefighters as well, full apparatus in this heat must be a sweatbox! Few nearby hamlets evacuated. 

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13 hours ago, Paul Bearer said:

We get that here in the UK more often than you think. 

Sure, but do you understand the difference in logistics?  That said, that’s still pretty crazy 

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14 hours ago, Paul Bearer said:

We get that here in the UK more often than you think. 

In Norway too. We might actually have a drought this summer. This is the first summer though where we actually have sunshine. Last couple of summeres it rained everyday in Southern Norway. The Sahara Desert is alive and growing like a cancer on the rest of the planet.

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I am enjoying not having to mow the lawn, but that is offset by having to do watering every day.

Lawn is burnt to a crisp, but I did have to get the mower out today just to get rid of all the tiny plum trees that sucker up all over it.  Bloody hedge is full of them too.

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It's raining! :o  :D

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12 minutes ago, Cat O'Falk said:

It's raining! :o  :D

*checks outside*

Nope, still hot as hell here...

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There's a clue as to your location there joey :D

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Pretty hot here, hovering around 85-90 most days, rather humid too. But nothing out of the ordinary.

And while a lot of folks are bitching about it, I like summertime in Chicago: the mugginess, the sunshine, the lush greenery, the sounds of ACs running and cicadas chirping.

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