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Small list of the oldest religious leaders with Wikipedia pages - born 1922 and before. Incomplete, and I might add 1923 and 1924 later. 

Bishops Manuel Edmilson da Cruz (1924), Serafín Luis Alberto Cartagena Ocaña (1924) and Gaetano Bonicelli (1924) not included, no English wiki page. Saifur Rahman Nizami not included - age fraud. Ramadan Dib (1920) and Non Nget (1922) also not included due to lack of wiki page.


Paul Mwazha (25 October 1918?) Zimbabwe


Leader of the African Apostolic Church since he founded it in 1959. I've started to doubt his age, he doesn't look 103 at all and according to atleast one source he's 10 years younger, born 1928.


Osman Nuhu Sharubutu (23 April 1919) Ghana


Ancient Chief Imam of Ghana. Not completely sure if he's 103 either, but he sure looks like it and nothing points otherwise.


Addold Mossin (12 December 1919 - 16 March 2024) Estonia


Neopaganist priest. As far as I know hasn't been seen since he was in his 90s, but seems to be alive. Picture from 2016.


Erwin Schild (9 March 1920 - 6 January 2024) Canada


German-born Canadian rabbi, Chief Rabbi of Adath Israel Congregation until 1989. See the Rabbi Thread for more. 


Pravrajika Bhaktiprana (October 1920 - 11 December 2022) India


Hindu nun, fourth president of the Sri Sarada Math and Ramakrishna Sarada Mission in Kolkata. Frail for years.


Zuriel Shaked (1920 - 23 September 2023) Libya-Israel

Rabbi, ancient leader of a Libyan-Israeli Jewish community.


Hossein Wahid Khorasani (1 January 1921) Iran


Iranian author and Grand Ayatollah, considered to be the most learned Shia authority alive. Current head of the Qom Seminary.


Elyakim Schlesinger (September 1921) United Kingdom

London rabbi and rosh yeshiva.


José de Jesús Sahagún de la Parra (1 January 1922) Mexico


Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Ciudad Lázaro Cárdenas, only current centenarian bishop in the Roman Catholic Church.


Gershon Edelstein (18 April 1923 - 30 May 2023) Israel

Israeli Haredi rabbi, rosh yeshiva of the Ponevezh Yeshiva and the spiritual leader of the Degel HaTorah party in Israel. See the Rabbi Thread for more.


Ezekiel Guti (5 May 1923 - 5 July 2023) Zimbabwe


Zimbabwean televangelist, leader-founder of the massive Zimbabwe Assemblies of God Africa (ZAOGA) and Forward in Faith Ministries International.


René Henry Gracida (9 June 1923) United States


Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, second-oldest bishop in the Roman Catholic Church.


Giuseppe Casale (28 September 1923 - 18 May 2023) Italy

Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of Foggia-Bovino.


Shubert Spero (29 September 1923) United States

US Rabbi: See the Rabbi Thread for more.


Henry Wylie Moore (2 November 1923) United Kingdom/Cyprus

Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf 1981-1986. 


Peter Gumpel (15 November 1923 - 12 October 2022) Germany


German Jesuit priest.


Luigi Bettazzi (26 November 1923 - 16 July 2023) Italy

Catholic Church, Bishop Emeritus of Ivrea, former Pax Christi International President. Last European participant of the Second Vatican Council. Old friend of Benedict XVI.


Augusto Lauro (29 November 1923 - 9 March 2023) Italy

Catholic Church, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of San Marco Argentano-Scalea


Georg Hille (28 December 1923 - 14 July 2023) Norway

Lutheran, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Hamar. His father Henrik Greve Hille (1881-1946) and grandfather Arnoldus Hille (1829-1919) were also Bishops of Hamar.


Stanisław Szymecki (26 January 1924 - 26 September 2023) Poland


Oldest Polish prelate of the Roman Catholic Church, Archbishop Emeritus of Białystok. Hospitalised in 2018, but the prayers worked.


Colin Stannard (8 February 1924 - 4 August 2023) United Kingdom

Church of England Archdeacon of Carlisle 1984-1993.


Peter Takaaki Hirayama (31 March 1924 - 15 July 2023) Japan

Korean-born Japanese Bishop Emeritus of Oita.


Settimio Todisco (10 May 1924) Italy

Catholic Archbishop Emeritus of the Archdiocese of Brindisi-Ostuni.


Thích Thanh Từ (24 July 1924) Vietnam


Major Zen Buddhist monk. Frail for decades.


Daniel Verstraete (31 July 1924) South Africa

Belgian-born South African catholic prelate, Bishop-emeritus of the Diocese of Klerksdorp


Swaroopanand Saraswati (2 September 1924 - 11 September 2022) India


Hindu leader, Shankaracharya of Dwarka Sharada Peetham in Dwaraka, Gujarat and the Jyotir Math in Badrinath. Seems to be in war with Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, ISKCON, Shirdi Sai Baba's followers and seemingly very controversial. Also apparently defended pedophile Prakashanand Saraswati, so quite a cunt. Has been hospitalised a few times for heart issues.


Russell M. Nelson (9 September 1924) United States

President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints since 2018.


Albert Houssiau (2 November 1924) Belgium

Catholic prelate, Bishop Emeritus of Liège.


Victorinus Youn Kong-hi (8 November 1924) South Korea

Archbishop Emeritus of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Kwangju.


Shmuel Kamenetsky (12 November 1924) United States

See the Rabbi Thread.


Du Shuzhen / Aminah (1924-?) China

Imam from Henan, alive?


Thomas Zhao Duomo (1924-2018 Off radar) China

Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Xuanhua. Apparently incumbent, so probably alive.


Karuna Mary Braganza (1924-2019 Off radar) India

Nun leader, principal, Society of the Sacred Heart


1925: 10


Bishops James Hector MacDonald, Ignatius Paul Pinto 1925 - 2023 and Jacques Marie Sébastien de Saint-Blanquat not included, no English wiki page, Anna Hannevik of Salvation Army (not a religious leader?)


Alexandre do Nascimento (1 March 1925) Angola


Archbishop Emeritus of Luanda, Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church since 1983, oldest Cardinal. Frail for ages, history of hospitalisations.


Hossein Noori Hamedani (21 March 1925) Iran

Grand Ayatollah, Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom member, member in the First Term of the Council of Experts. Asshole.


Ernest Bertrand Boland (10 July 1925 - 28 May 2023) United States


Bishop Emeritus of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Providence and of Multan, Pakistan.


Joseph Gabriel Fernandez (16 September 1925 - 4 March 2023) India


Bishop Emeritus of Quilon.


Dick Lucas (10 September 1925) United Kingdom


Anglican evangelical cleric.


Angelo Acerbi (23 September 1925) Italy


Apostolic Nuncio Emeritus of the Netherlands, Titular Archbishop of Zella


Robert Hitchcock Spain (26 October 1925 - 9 September 2022) United States

Bishop Emeritus of the United Methodist Church.


Gyanashree Mahathero/Mahathir (18 November 1925) Bangladesh


Buddhist leader, "highest religious guru of the native Buddhists"


John Robert Gorman (11 December 1925) United States

Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Chicago, Titular Bishop of Catula


Swami Shilananda / Father Peter Julia (1925 - December 2022) India

Spanish-born Indian priest, founder of Sanjivan Ashram in Sinnar, Maharashtra.


1926: 18


Not included: Doris Brougham 1926 - 2024 (missionary), Jan Lambrecht 1926 - 2023 (scholar? priest?), Bishops John Huo Cheng 1926 - 2023, Walter Ivan de Azevedo 1926 - 2024, Hildebrando Mendes Costa, Emanuele Catarinicchia 1926 - 2024, Heitor de Araújo Sales, Pedro Antônio Marchetti Fedalto, Raúl Holguer López Mayorga, Ernesto Togni 1926 - 2022, Domenico Crescentino Marinozzi 1926 - 2024 and Michael Pak Jeong-il (No wikipedia page)


Helio R. Camargo (1 February 1926 - 19 July 2024) Brazil

LDS official, former First Quorum of the Seventy


Estanislao Esteban Karlic (7 February 1926) Argentina

Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, Archbishop Emeritus of Paraná


Moshe Sternbuch (8 February 1926) Israel


UK-born rabbi. See the Rabbi Thread for more.


Simeon (Jakovlevič) (12 February 1926 - 19 March 2024) Czech Republic


Archbishop of Brno and Olomouc, Locum Tenens (ad interim administrator) of the Czech and Slovak Orthodox Church 2013.


Ali Tehrani (22 April 1926 - 19 October 2022) Iran

Shia theologian, critic of the govt and Khamenei's brother-in-law.


Maurice Taylor (5 May 1926 - 14 June 2023) United Kingdom

Catholic Church, Emeritus Bishop of the Diocese of Galloway, Scotland


Mohammad Sadeq Rouhani (16 July 1926 - 16 December 2022) Iran

Grand Ayatollah, critic of Iran's government.


James Chan Soon Cheong (26 July 1926 - 22 April 2023) Malaysia

Catholic Bishop Emeritus of Malacca-Johor


Ali Yafie (1 September 1926 - 25 February 2023) Indonesia


Muslim cleric, Chairman Emeritus of the Indonesian Ulema Council.


Yusuf Qaradawi (9 September 1926 - 26 September 2022)

Probably the most influential Sunni scholar in the world.


Donald Owens (12 September 1926) United States

Church of the Nazarene General Superintendent Emeritus.


Gilbert Sheldon (20 September 1926 - 24 April 2023) United States

Catholic Church Bishop Emeritus of Steubenville


Quinn G. McKay (30 October 1926) United States

LDS official.


Donald Cameron (7 November 1926) Australia

Anglican Emeritus Bishop of North Sydney.


Emmanuel Wamala (15 December 1926) Uganda


Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, Archbishop Emeritus of Kampala.


Timothy Dudley-Smith (26 December 1926 - 12 August 2024) United Kingdom

Church of England Bishop Emeritus of Thetford. Has written around 400 hymns.


Paolo Magnani (31 December 1926 - 5 November 2023) Italy

Catholic Church Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Treviso


Mohammad-Bagher Bagheri (1926) Iran

Mujtahid/Ayatollah, one of 82-86 Mujtahids to be elected in the First, Second, and Fourth terms in the Assembly of Experts


Ahmad Mohseni Garakani (1926) Iran

Grand Ayatollah, Friday Prayer Leader of Tuyserkan.


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Stumbled upon this accidentally, former Archbishop of Malta (2006-2014) Paul Cremona met the President of Malta this month:


He looked pretty frail, but only 76. Seems to have a history of ill health, he resigned in 2014 due to health reasons and has been hospitalised atleast twice since (fainted in September 2019, heart operation in April 2021)

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 @arghton, Henry Wylie Moore is listed in WHO’s WHO 2022 and he appears in the residency records on 192, so unless he’s died fairly recently, then he’s still alive.

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On 26/08/2022 at 01:31, arghton said:

René Henry Gracida (9 June 1923) United States


Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, second-oldest bishop in the Roman Catholic Church.

If I had kids, they wouldn’t be going anywhere near his confession box.

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On 26/08/2022 at 03:31, arghton said:

Swaroopanand Saraswati (2 September 1924) India


Hindu leader, Shankaracharya of Dwarka Sharada Peetham in Dwaraka, Gujarat and the Jyotir Math in Badrinath. Seems to be in war with Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, ISKCON, Shirdi Sai Baba's followers and seemingly very controversial. Has been hospitalised a few times for heart issues.

His holiness jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami shri Swaroopanand Saraswati Ji maharaj not dead, but he's 98 today.


Picture (probably) taken a few days ago. Looks much worse than I thought he'd look like.

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On 26/08/2022 at 01:31, arghton said:

Small list of the oldest religious leaders with Wikipedia pages - born 1922 and before. Incomplete, and I might add 1923 and 1924 later. 

Bishops Manuel Edmilson da Cruz, Serafín Luis Alberto Cartagena Ocaña and Gaetano Bonnicelli not included, no English wiki page.



1926: 19

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Not included: Doris Broughman (missionary), Jan Lambrecht (scholar? priest?), Bishops John Huo Cheng, Walter Ivan de Azevedo, Hildebrando Mendes Costa, Emanuele Catarinicchia, Heitor de Araújo Sales, Pedro Antônio Marchetti Fedalto, Raúl Holguer López Mayorga, Ernesto Togni, Domenico Crescentino Marinozzi and Michael Pak Jeong-il (No wikipedia page)


Helio R. Camargo (1 February 1926) Brazil

LDS official, former First Quorum of the Seventy


Estanislao Esteban Karlic (7 February 1926) Argentina

Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, Archbishop Emeritus of Paraná


Moshe Sternbuch (8 February 1926) Israel


UK-born rabbi. See the Rabbi Thread for more.


Simeon (Jakovlevič) (12 February 1926) Czech Republic


Archbishop of Brno and Olomouc, Locum Tenens (ad interim administrator) of the Czech and Slovak Orthodox Church 2013.


Ali Tehrani (22 April 1926) Iran

Shia theologian, critic of the govt and Khamenei's brother-in-law.


Maurice Taylor (5 May 1926) United Kingdom

Catholic Church, Emeritus Bishop of the Diocese of Galloway, Scotland


Mohammad Sadeq Rouhani (16 July 1926) Iran

Grand Ayatollah, critic of Iran's government.


James Chan Soon Cheong (26 July 1926) Malaysia

Catholic Bishop Emeritus of Malacca-Johor


Ali Yafie (1 September 1926) Indonesia


Muslim cleric, Chairman Emeritus of the Indonesian Ulema Council.


Donald Owens (12 September 1926) United States

Church of the Nazarene General Superintendent Emeritus.


Gilbert Sheldon (20 September 1926) United States

Catholic Church Bishop Emeritus of Steubenville


Quinn G. McKay (30 October 1926) United States

LDS official.


Donald Cameron (7 November 1926) Australia

Anglican Emeritus Bishop of North Sydney.


Emmanuel Wamala (15 December 1926) Uganda


Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church, Archbishop Emeritus of Kampala.


Timothy Dudley-Smith (26 December 1926) United Kingdom

Church of England Bishop Emeritus of Thetford. Has written around 400 hymns.


Paolo Magnani (31 December 1926) Italy

Catholic Church Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Treviso


Mohammad-Bagher Bagheri (1926) Iran

Mujtahid/Ayatollah, one of 82-86 Mujtahids to be elected in the First, Second, and Fourth terms in the Assembly of Experts


Clive Abdulah (1926) Trinidad and Tobago

Anglican Bishop Emeritus of Trinidad.


Ahmad Mohseni Garakani (1926) Iran

Grand Ayatollah, Friday Prayer Leader of Tuyserkan.


Clive Abdulah was born on 5 June 1927. His Wiki page was vandalised by a (now blocked) IP.

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On 22/08/2022 at 23:05, arghton said:

3. Orthodox leaders: Kallistos Ware will obviously be the next to go, Ilia II of Georgia is in very poor health battling advanced parkinson's and serious heart diseases and other health problems, Chrysostomos II of Cyprus is rumored to be ill. Neophyte of Bulgaria was hospitalised in May after breaking his femur and Bartholomew I the ecumenical patriarch of Constantinople was been hospitalised a few times months ago, mentioned here. Simeon Jakovlevič is wheelchairbound.

Neophyte of Bulgaria (wikihospitalised. Apparently he's been suffering from multiple chronic diseases for years, and translating the Bulgarian articles, seems like he has aspiration pneumonia.


Also mentioning Irenaios: Controversial Patriarch of the Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem 2001-2005. Rare example that a Orthodox Patriarch can leave his position without having to die, he sold his church's property away. Also the only living former Patriarch of one of the Four Ancient Patriarchates. Was on oxygen with pulmonary edema + arrhythmia in 2019, suffering from a "serious pulmonary disease" and Damianos II (greek wiki) Archbishop of Mount Sinai since 1973 who seems to have been in a serious car accident recently.

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René Henry Gracida (9 June 1923) United States


 Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, second-oldest bishop in the Roman Catholic Church.


There is no way that guy is 99 years old. That is the youngest looking 99 year old I have ever seen in my entire life.

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Just now, When The said:

There is no way that guy is 99 years old. That is the youngest looking 99 year old I have ever seen in my entire life.

Probably just an non-recent picture.

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On 15/08/2022 at 05:22, arghton said:


Major Eastern Orthodox Church leaders really aren't doing well compared to Ayatollahs, major Hindu, Buddhist, Christian leaders. Oldest with a wiki page as far as I know is Simeon (Jakovlevič), 96. Then there's Archbishop Demetrios of America, 94, a major name. Two from 1929, Ukraine's Filaret and Albania's Anastasios, both who survived the covid purge of late 2020. None from 1930 as far as I know, 1931 has John Zizioulas and 1932 Herman (Swaiko) who retired in 2008, only 6 nonagenarians in total. 1933 has the walking corpse that is Ilia II of Georgia, 1934 as far as I know only has Kallistos, 1935 only has a couple of relatively minor names.

Herman dead age 90



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Over his long career as a priest, including 19 years teaching at Erie's Cathedral Preparatory School, the Rev. Michael G. Barletta was accused of sexually abusing as many as 25 minors.

The conduct made Barletta one of the 41 "predator priests" from the Catholic Diocese of Erie named in the groundbreaking August 2018 statewide grand jury report on clergy sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church in Pennsylvania.

Barletta has died at 82, leaving behind a dark legacy that only fully came to light with the grand jury report.

The report said he admitted to the abuse. Barletta's behavior, as cited in the grand jury report, was particularly notable because of its scope and how the complaints against him involved a series of bishops.


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On 25/08/2022 at 00:07, Ulitzer95 said:

I don't think Russell M. Nelson will be troubling us for another 5 years or so. In fact, I think he'll outlive the Queen and Dick Van Dyke at this rate.

Russell M. Nelson celebrated his 98th today:


Could be the youngest-looking 98-year-old I've seen.


Another major religious leader, Yusuf al-Qaradawi celebrated his 96th today, but can't find any new pictures of him. 

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On 02/09/2022 at 13:29, arghton said:

His holiness jagadguru Shankaracharya Swami shri Swaroopanand Saraswati Ji maharaj not dead, but he's 98 today.


Picture (probably) taken a few days ago. Looks much worse than I thought he'd look like.

But now he is!

Swaroopanand Saraswati dead at 98.

Edit: cause of death given as a heart attack.

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Emmanuel Milingo, Zambian excomminicated former archbishop (remember February 2021 when he was hospitalised on oxygen and rumored dead?) appeared in public possibly the first time since his 2021 hospitalisation yesterday:


Doesn't look too bad except for the swollen legs.

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On 25/08/2022 at 20:31, arghton said:

Small list of the oldest religious leaders with Wikipedia pages - born 1922 and before. Incomplete, and I might add 1923 and 1924 later. 



1925: 10

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Robert Hitchcock Spain (26 October 1925) United States

Bishop Emeritus of the United Methodist Church.




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2 hours ago, chilean way said:

Who is? Can't tell from your post, unsearchable....

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16 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Who is? Can't tell from your post, unsearchable....


Key points:

United Methodist Bishop Robert H. Spain led conferences in Kentucky from 1988 to 1992, when he was already in his 60s. But that was just the beginning.

He also served as bishop again from 1995 to 1996 in South Carolina after the untimely death of Bishop Joseph B. Bethea.

In retirement, Spain took on a new role as full-time chaplain for the United Methodist Publishing House and faithful worshipper at Brentwood United Methodist Church. 



Old guy in America. H for Hitchcock, apparently.

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4 minutes ago, msc said:


Key points:

United Methodist Bishop Robert H. Spain led conferences in Kentucky from 1988 to 1992, when he was already in his 60s. But that was just the beginning.

He also served as bishop again from 1995 to 1996 in South Carolina after the untimely death of Bishop Joseph B. Bethea.

In retirement, Spain took on a new role as full-time chaplain for the United Methodist Publishing House and faithful worshipper at Brentwood United Methodist Church. 



Old guy in America. H for Hitchcock, apparently.

So is it Bob Spain then?


Dead is only appropriate for named threads.


It's a slow grumpy goodbye...;):angry::old:

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On 15/08/2022 at 13:22, arghton said:

Major Eastern Orthodox Church leaders really aren't doing well compared to Ayatollahs, major Hindu, Buddhist, Christian leaders. Oldest with a wiki page as far as I know is Simeon (Jakovlevič), 96. Then there's Archbishop Demetrios of America, 94, a major name. Two from 1929, Ukraine's Filaret and Albania's Anastasios, both who survived the covid purge of late 2020. None from 1930 as far as I know, 1931 has John Zizioulas and 1932 Herman (Swaiko) who retired in 2008, only 6 nonagenarians in total. 1933 has the walking corpse that is Ilia II of Georgia, 1934 as far as I know only has Kallistos, 1935 only has a couple of relatively minor names.

John (Stinka), Head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada dead at 87. Metropolitan Panteleimon of Belgium and Juvenal Poyarkov remain from the "relatively minor names"

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"On March 18, 2014, Kirill himself was absent from the events dedicated to the annexation of Crimea to Russia, he did not appear in the Georgievsky Hall of the Kremlin Palace, where the president read out his address, and further avoided commenting on the Crimean issue."


Quote from here: https://www.rbc.ru/society/18/08/2014/570420d59a794760d3d40c5f

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On 02/10/2022 at 21:31, chel said:

"On March 18, 2014, Kirill himself was absent from the events dedicated to the annexation of Crimea to Russia, he did not appear in the Georgievsky Hall of the Kremlin Palace, where the president read out his address, and further avoided commenting on the Crimean issue."


Quote from here: https://www.rbc.ru/society/18/08/2014/570420d59a794760d3d40c5f


Patriarch Kirill's health has 'sharply deteriorated' according to a Ukrainian news blog (who admittedly might not provide the most neutral of commentaries on this) 

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On 17/11/2021 at 17:35, arghton said:

Assembly of Experts member since 1983, longtime parliament member in Iran. First Ayatollah/Maraji to die since September, but there are quite many above 90:


1. Grand Ayatollah Lotfollah Safi Golpaygani (20 Feb 1919-31 Jan 2022) Secretary of the Guardian Council 1980-1985, once issued a fatwa calling for the death of a rapper.

2. Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Hossein Wahid Khorasani (1 Jan 1921-) "Most learned Shia authority alive" and critic of Khamenei. With Noori-Hamedani, the last Ayatollah/Maraji born in Qajar Persia/Qajar Iran/The Sublime State of Iran that stopped existing in 1925.

3. Shamsodin Mujtahidi Najafi (17 April 1923-27 Feb 2022)

4. Grand Ayatollah Hossein Noori-Hamedani (1925-) Hardliner and a total piece of shit.


Grand Ayatollah Hossein Noori Hamedani, 97-year-old hardline cleric hospitalised. A few weeks ago he (according to PBS NewsHour) urged the Iranian govt to listen to the protestors, possibly one of the first good things he's done in his life

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