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Lord Fellatio Nelson

Petrol Heads To Petrol Deads

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Right, I did a search on here ( badly because im a thick cockney w*nker) and couldnt find a thread dedicated to those who died mangled in the wreckage of a car somewhere.

Im not talking about racing drivers, purely celebs who took a ride to the other side.

So far, and off the top of my thick head, I have thought of the following

"The peoples Princess" - Dont you love the British Secret Service?

Jayne Mansfield - Whos considerable funairbags couldnt save her from decapitation

Eddie Cochrane - Died in the back of a taxi driven by Lardys Grandad

Cozy Powell - Couldnt keep his Saab in a straight line on a Motorway

and thats as far as ive got ( without cheating)


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Right, I did a search on here ( badly because im a thick cockney w*nker) and couldnt find a thread dedicated to those who died mangled in the wreckage of a car somewhere.

Im not talking about racing drivers, purely celebs who took a ride to the other side.

So far, and off the top of my thick head, I have thought of the following

"The peoples Princess" - Dont you love the British Secret Service?

Jayne Mansfield - Whos considerable funairbags couldnt save her from decapitation

Eddie Cochrane - Died in the back of a taxi driven by Lardys Grandad

Cozy Powell - Couldnt keep his Saab in a straight line on a Motorway

and thats as far as ive got ( without cheating)



Marc Bolan - Tree 1, Mini 0.

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Grace Kelly - suffered a stroke while at the wheel, drove of mountain, died.


Desmond Llewellyn - Head on collision on his way back from a book signing engagement.

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I seem to remember James Dean had a crash of some sorts.

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Albert Camus and Lisa Lopes, though not in the same crash obviously.

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Life imitating art?


Shame he didn't have his paint tins out during his crash, could have created a bit more filthy lucca for his estate.

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General George Patton died in a car crash in 1945 and T.E. Lawrence died in a motorcycle accident in 1935

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Scottish actor Ian Bannen, killed when his wife crashed their car, he went out the side window head first with the car crushing his head (as far as I remember), oddly enough I was just thinking about him the other day.

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Right, I did a search on here ( badly because im a thick cockney w*nker) and couldnt find a thread dedicated to those who died mangled in the wreckage of a car somewhere.

Im not talking about racing drivers, purely celebs who took a ride to the other side.

So far, and off the top of my thick head, I have thought of the following

"The peoples Princess" - Dont you love the British Secret Service?

Jayne Mansfield - Whos considerable funairbags couldnt save her from decapitation

Eddie Cochrane - Died in the back of a taxi driven by Lardys Grandad

Cozy Powell - Couldnt keep his Saab in a straight line on a Motorway

and thats as far as ive got ( without cheating)




That, sir, is a foul slur on the driving ability of my ancestors. The entire Lard family, without exception, are drivers of the highest calibre. None of us has ever, EVER been involved in a public highway collision that was our fault. I did drive into a church once, but no second-rate 50s pop stars were hurt.


Didn't two of Echo and The Bunnymen take the Road to Hell?


So they did

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Just remembered Rob Collins, armed robber and ex-Charlatans keyboardist qualifies as does Ben Hollioak/Hollioake/Hollyoak, one time cricketer and inspiration behind a Chester based soap.

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Isadora Duncan in a very strange incident involving her scarf, her neck and the back wheel of her car.


DWB :(

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Razzle, drummer with Hanoi Rocks, was killed in a car crash in 1984, a very drunk Vince Neil, frontman with Mötley Crüe, was driving at the time, interesting account of it in this book.


Not exactly a car crash, but Metallica bassist Cliff Burton was killed in 1986 when the band's tour bus crashed, he was thrown through the window and the bus rolled on top of him. Hmm, I seem to remember people who died when vehicles crushed them .........

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Brian Harvey should have snuffed it but somehow got away with running himself over.


DWB <_<



Can't have everything DWB :(

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Life imitating art?


Shame he didn't have his paint tins out during his crash, could have created a bit more filthy lucca for his estate.


What a load of Pollocks!


Taxi for Mr. Beatle?


DWB :(

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Talking of Beatles, the inspiration for 'A Day in the Life' was of some toff they knew who died in a car crash...

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Extending this to include other transport, Gaudi was knocked down by a tram

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General Patton, I think, unless I'm misremembering some old film!

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Peter Houseman (ex-Chelsea footballer)

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Another footballer, Johnny Haynes...

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Ayrton Senna, Alberto Ascari, Jim Clark, Jochen Rindt, Mike Hawthorn, Guiseppi Farina......F1 champions all of them, not that Rindt knew he was F1 champion.


Eddie Cochran & Marc Bolan amongst a slew of iconic rockers




Mary Jo Koepechne.......who was driving and alone at the time IMHO. Mebbe now somebody will come forward and confirm that.

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Harry Chapin I believe.

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Eddie Cochran - Died in the back of a taxi


And in one of those bizarre coincidences, one of the first on the scene was a young policeman by the name of David Harman, later known as Dave Dee. (I hadn't realised he'd croaked this year!)

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