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That UK Election Thing

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Cameron has the ace card of political balance in his hand. Broadcasters won't be allowed to leave out the governing party as it would be against electoral law. Ah well, it's an American thing anyway and that only works there because they only have two parties.


This could have consequences in the next parliament however. Should the Tories hobble along as a minority government they'll get shit all done because the opposing parties hate their guts and will stop them passing any laws.


Interesting times ahead...



Not entirely sure on this either because the coalition muddies the waters and Clegg's already jumped in with an offer of debating with Milliband.

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On PM yesterday a Conservative made an interesting point that when Tony Blair didn't want a debate in 2001 the broadcasters just walked away.


However, Cameron did argue for the debates to take place in 2010 so he looks a little hypocritical.

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However, Cameron did argue for the debates to take place in 2010 so he looks a little hypocritical.

A politician being hypocritical. Film @11.

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I thought Grant Shapps made a very coherent case in defence of his party leader last night.

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I thought Grant Shapps made a very coherent case in defence of his party leader last night.


Do you mind? Someone could be driving a truck or operating heavy machinery as they read this forum!

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Grinaidus getting worried on the socialist luvvies behalf..




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It has been said that the past is a foreign country...



Which is ironic really as that where most of the UKIP supporters come from.....

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It has been said that the past is a foreign country...



Which is ironic really as that where most of the UKIP supporters come from.....

Unless they're able to trace their heritage back to the original Britons, in which case we're all foreigners. I've only ever met one person who could and that line stopped as his wife was/is Irish.

I don't think I've seen the level of racism that UKIP supporters display since the late 70s. many of them remind me of Tim Roth's character from the film "Made In Britain".

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The last British Prime Minister to 'win' an election was Tony Blair...in 2005.


If this next election goes the way it seems it will this could mean we will have gone 15 years without a leader with any mandate (and yes, I am aware Tony Blair only won about 33% of the vote in 2005).

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The trouble is that at the moment the potential scenarios playing out in the opinion polls suggest that because of the collapse in the LD vote a two party coalition will not reach the magic number. Kenneth Baker's Government of National Unity might be the only stable option. Rematch in 2017.

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Grinaidus getting worried on the socialist luvvies behalf..




nice to see racism is still alive and well in cartoons !

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The trouble is that at the moment the potential scenarios playing out in the opinion polls suggest that because of the collapse in the LD vote a two party coalition will not reach the magic number. Kenneth Baker's Government of National Unity might be the only stable option. Rematch in 2017.




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Has anyone decided who they're voting for yet then?

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Has anyone decided who they're voting for yet then?

I've decided who I'm not voting for, so it looks like the 'least worst' candidate will get my vote.


We did have this candidate listed as standing, but she seems to have withdrawn.

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The trouble is that at the moment the potential scenarios playing out in the opinion polls suggest that because of the collapse in the LD vote a two party coalition will not reach the magic number. Kenneth Baker's Government of National Unity might be the only stable option. Rematch in 2017.





Yes Like where you keep the asses.

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I'lll be voting by proxy as by the time I get my ballot card, there's barely enough time to send in a vote via post in time for the election.

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Grinaidus getting worried on the socialist luvvies behalf..




nice to see racism is still alive and well in cartoons !


Not just in the cartoons http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-31846453

Nick Farage allegedly stated that he would axe racial discrimination laws in the UK if elected.

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Cameron said that is was "despicable" that Labour haven't ruled out some sort of informal deal with the SNP.


Doesn't he realise that last September, the Scottish people agreed that Scotland was part of the UK? Therefore, whatever happens in May, the Scottish people will elect who they best think will represent their interests in the Westminster UK parliament. Is he determined to make sure the Scottish Tories get precisely ZERO votes north of the border?


It's the Scottish Nationalist Party, not Islamic State!

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Cameron said that is was "despicable" that Labour haven't ruled out some sort of informal deal with the SNP.


Doesn't he realise that last September, the Scottish people agreed that Scotland was part of the UK? Therefore, whatever happens in May, the Scottish people will elect who they best think will represent their interests in the Westminster UK parliament. Is he determined to make sure the Scottish Tories get precisely ZERO votes north of the border?


It's the Scottish Nationalist Party, not Islamic State!


Scots are only part of the UK if they vote the right way, naturally.


Of course, coalitions were perfectly fine in May 2010!

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Cameron said that is was "despicable" that Labour haven't ruled out some sort of informal deal with the SNP.


Doesn't he realise that last September, the Scottish people agreed that Scotland was part of the UK? Therefore, whatever happens in May, the Scottish people will elect who they best think will represent their interests in the Westminster UK parliament. Is he determined to make sure the Scottish Tories get precisely ZERO votes north of the border?


It's the Scottish Nationalist Party, not Islamic State!


Scots are only part of the UK if they vote the right way, naturally.


Of course, coalitions were perfectly fine in May 2010!


Now the talk is of minority government. Big push from the media on this, which makes me chuckle as a Scot. Why? Because Labour's last minority government up to 1979 led to 18 years of Conservative rule. And then when Major's Conservative government became minority, this ushered in 13 years of Labour rule. (First past the post, dontcha know old boy). And these massive majorities for both these complacent parties have led us to here, and both apparently quoting their divine right to rule, one or the other (no doubt others will quote a 400 year old reference to Scottish monarchs, but the Stuarts were a UK party...think Jim Murphy today).


Whereas in Scotland, the SNP's minority government up to 2011 actually led to a huge SNP majority elected by PR. So what is the UK afraid of? Good governance for once?

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She will have to go to the back of a fucking long queue.

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Reckon the election result will be a bit of a surprise:


My prediction is (seats calculated using electoral calculus):


Conservative: 32% (300)

Labour: 30% (302)

UKIP: 20% (12)

Green: 10% (2)

Lib Dem: 5% (6)

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Reckon the election result will be a bit of a surprise:


My prediction is (seats calculated using electoral calculus):


Conservative: 32% (300)

Labour: 30% (302)

UKIP: 20% (12)

Green: 10% (2)

Lib Dem: 5% (6)


How many SNP?

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