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5 minutes ago, charon said:

*over 50 bullets fired by 8 politzi to take down 3 folk....(4 if you include the bystander). Not exactly "shoot to kill", more Wild Wild West....

Yeah but its London. :)

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6 minutes ago, charon said:

*over 50 bullets fired by 8 politzi to take down 3 folk....(4 if you include the bystander). Not exactly "shoot to kill", more Wild Wild West....


Knew it was an error to get Morricone to score the news reports...



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Just now, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

No, you are certainly no Phantom fella.

Im no Zorders, Ive not told you to kill yourself.:lol:



:D  I'm no liberal, I'll tell you that much.

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2 hours ago, charon said:

*over 50 bullets fired by 8 politzi to take down 3 folk....(4 if you include the bystander). Not exactly "shoot to kill", more Wild Wild West....

Oh booh fucking hoo there aim was off they still did more to save human life than you ever will. Get out with your anti police agenda you fucking dunce.

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Missed Tiresome Tim on QT this evening as I popped out.


Scottish dictator in chief remains untouchable. Anytime rUK wants a proper politician, call us. :P

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29 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Missed Tiresome Tim on QT this evening as I popped out.


Scottish dictator in chief remains untouchable. Anytime rUK wants a proper politician, call us. :P


Were we watching the same debate? The Great Leader faltered and failed miserably. The audience tore her apart. I expect The National/The New New Testament will be full of claims that she was the victim of the bias BBC.


Her only achievement in office has been the resurgence of the Tory Party in Scotland. Well done! They couldn't have done it without her and her band of brainwashed cunts!

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1 minute ago, Windsor said:


Were we watching the same debate? The Great Leader faltered and failed miserably. The audience tore her apart. I expect The National/The New New Testament will be full of claims that she was the victim of the bias BBC.


Her only achievement in office has been the resurgence of the Tory Party in Scotland. Well done! They couldn't have done it without her and her band of brainwashed cunts!

I dunno. She seemed confident, principled and ready for anything that was thrown at her.


Might not like all her policies, but it was more assured than flip-flopping Tezza and "how much does that policy cost again?" Jezza.

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Just now, YoungWillz said:

I dunno. She seemed confident, principled and ready for anything that was thrown at her.


Might not like all her policies, but it was more assured than flip-flopping Tezza and "how much does that policy cost again?" Jezza.

Its called MAKING IT UP AS YOU GO ALONG! She isn't even a convincing liar these days. She doesn't need to be as her brain dead supporters think that shes their pal. Because she gives them lots of free stuff. Or bribes.


Shame she won't be able to pay for all that free stuff if she succeeds in our goals. No more progressive policies then. It will be AUSTERITY AUSTERITY AUSTERITY. But it will be fine because its all for the greater good.


She has left people like me with no choice but the vote Conservative because any other vote will be spun into a vote for Independence.

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3 minutes ago, Windsor said:

Its called MAKING IT UP AS YOU GO ALONG! She isn't even a convincing liar these days. She doesn't need to be as her brain dead supporters think that shes their pal. Because she gives them lots of free stuff. Or bribes.


Shame she won't be able to pay for all that free stuff if she succeeds in our goals. No more progressive policies then. It will be AUSTERITY AUSTERITY AUSTERITY. But it will be fine because its all for the greater good.


She has left people like me with no choice but the vote Conservative because any other vote will be spun into a vote for Independence.


Did a double take at that typo for a second, tbh! :P

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6 minutes ago, Windsor said:

Its called MAKING IT UP AS YOU GO ALONG! She isn't even a convincing liar these days. She doesn't need to be as her brain dead supporters think that shes their pal. Because she gives them lots of free stuff. Or bribes.


Shame she won't be able to pay for all that free stuff if she succeeds in our goals. No more progressive policies then. It will be AUSTERITY AUSTERITY AUSTERITY. But it will be fine because its all for the greater good.


She has left people like me with no choice but the vote Conservative because any other vote will be spun into a vote for Independence.

I see your point there entirely. But of course, the only vote that matters on Indy surely is one in a referendum (if one takes place).


Voting Conservative guarantees austerity. They've promised that. Isn't that like saying "Nicola's for the guillotine, I hate that, I'll vote for the Conservatives who are in favour of hanging."?

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1 minute ago, msc said:


Did a double take at that typo for a second, tbh! :P

Wasn't as bad as Herr Sturgeon's slip on words in the programme.

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Just now, YoungWillz said:

I see your point there entirely. But of course, the only vote that matters on Indy surely is one in a referendum (if one takes place).


Voting Conservative guarantees austerity. They've promised that. Isn't that like saying "Nicola's for the guillotine, I hate that, I'll vote for the Conservatives who are in favour of hanging."


The SNP have made that the narrative. One minute the vote isn't about Scottish Independence, then it is about a mandate for independence, and now - once again - it has nothing to do with independence.

My sole political position is to oppose independence at any given opportunity. The SNP failed to take heed of the vote in 2014, so we need to ensure they get the message any other way. I'm not willing to risk another vote on independence because these fuckers will lie and lie again to get what they want. Just look at Brexit! How easy it is to lie your way to victory when you don't actually know what will be waiting for you at the other side of the vote.


The SNP needs to be destroyed. We will attempt it at the ballot box for now, but if things  don't go our way we will ensure Scotland becomes the next Northern Ireland.

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1 minute ago, Windsor said:


The SNP have made that the narrative. One minute the vote isn't about Scottish Independence, then it is about a mandate for independence, and now - once again - it has nothing to do with independence.

My sole political position is to oppose independence at any given opportunity. The SNP failed to take heed of the vote in 2014, so we need to ensure they get the message any other way. I'm not willing to risk another vote on independence because these fuckers will lie and lie again to get what they want. Just look at Brexit! How easy it is to lie your way to victory when you don't actually know what will be waiting for you at the other side of the vote.


The SNP needs to be destroyed. We will attempt it at the ballot box for now, but if things  don't go our way we will ensure Scotland becomes the next Northern Ireland.

You have a position, that is for sure! And I know from family members you are not alone.


Interesting times ahead....

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The SNP DO need destroyed. Always said that. And the best way to do that is with Independence, after that we will find our own way, new parties etc, and start again.....'If' they had left it as a one policy Party, Indy would have happened decades ago.

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 For a party that are supposed to be environmentally friendly the Lib Dems love wasting paper. Must have got the tenth leaflet through in this election campaign this morning.

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1 hour ago, Deathray said:


 For a party that are supposed to be environmentally friendly the Lib Dems love wasting paper. Must have got the tenth leaflet through in this election campaign this morning.

You must be in a target seat. Apart from one billboard on a roundabout they have been pretty absent here. Though they seem to be putting an effort in in Harborough where Edward Garnier is standing down.

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Just now, Bibliogryphon said:

You must be in a target seat. Apart from one billboard on a roundabout they have been pretty absent here. Though they seem to be putting an effort in in Harborough where Edward Garnier is standing down.


If there classing this seat as a target seat, they must be absolutely shitting themselves given there 18.3% majority at the last election. 

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LibDems always strong in my area at a local level, but always distant in the General. They do make an effort all the time though, not just at voting times. I just can't bring myself to vote for a party that put Cameron in power, abandoned their sole headline pledge and then kept a self-confessed liar as their MP for Orkney & Shetland.

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Only three parties have sent us post: Labour, SNP and UKIP. Liberals got crushed last time out, probably focusing on more winnable seats, say, Milngavie and Bearsden area.



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STV Debate.


"Dictator in chief" in denial over anger on indyref and local policy failures.


"Hockey Sticks" positively glorying in English Votes For English laws, a policy announced immediately after the last indyref, and defending the rape clause.


"The Rennie That Gives You Indigestion" spinning the positive message that taxing the working poor more will at least save the public services they'll need when they lose that insecure job.


"The Dugtail Wagged From London" defending Corbyn and opposition to indyref, when her position on both was the reverse only a year ago.



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57 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

STV Debate.


"Dictator in chief" in denial over anger on indyref and local policy failures.


"Hockey Sticks" positively glorying in English Votes For English laws, a policy announced immediately after the last indyref, and defending the rape clause.


"The Rennie That Gives You Indigestion" spinning the positive message that taxing the working poor more will at least save the public services they'll need when they lose that insecure job.


"The Dugtail Wagged From London" defending Corbyn and opposition to indyref, when her position on both was the reverse only a year ago.



Sounds even worse than the Westminster debates!

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37 minutes ago, Shaun of the Dead said:

Sounds even worse than the Westminster debates!

It's a matter of voting for the least worst option. So much the same.


If you are in favour of something offered, they get the vote, or more likely if you are vociferously against something,  regardless of other issues.


It's hard to believe how toxic the Tories, Labour and LibDems are up here. And the SNP have taken full advantage.  


However, the fact that there is somewhat of a Tory revival in Scotland does make me chuckle. Example: Instead of limits and quotas on fishermen imposed from Europe, they will be imposed from Westminster. So when the fishermen of Cornwall get a better deal than those in Arbroath, they will squeal. Same with farming subsidies. In fact if the Scots think they'll get a better deal under the Tories on anything, they are delusional. They've already screwed England & Wales until the pips are squeaking, and we're going to end up the same.


And by the time Brexit comes around, they'll positively be screaming for independence. Roll on Tezza's mahoosive majority!

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2 days left. Thank fuck only one of them's campaigning.


I see May's threatened to rip up human rights laws under the guise of "anti-terror", ever more slowly sinking into a dictatorship.

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1 minute ago, Deathray said:

2 days left. Thank fuck only one of them's campaigning.


I see May's threatened to rip up human rights laws under the guise of "anti-terror", ever more slowly sinking into a dictatorship.

Oh good, I like it, I like it.


She's on a hiding to nothing there. It was the UK which wrote most of the laws, based on the laws already in force through the courts in the UK. All that will happen is the courts will check the legislature and leap through every legislative loophole they can to frustrate things incompatible with our great traditions. Her Government will be in the Supreme Court more than they will in Parliament.


She was Home Secretary, wasn't she? Doesn't she know this stuff?

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