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Cameron: HS2 is coming.

May: HS2 is coming.

Johnson: HS2 is coming.

Truss: HS2 is coming.

Sunak: HS2 is gone!

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Sunak looking very tired and tetchy on Sky News right now.


Will he get out of Manchester alive?


Answer: Yes that helicopter he uses at taxpayers' expense on standby.

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He’s so, so easy to rattle and sounds so, so desperate. I almost feel sorry for the little cunt.

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I can see the Tories ousting Rishi and outing her as PM thinking she could prove to be a Trump like figure.


  • Facepalm 2

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I didn't see Security Risk Suella's speech. I find an afternoon in front of Tenable with Warwick Davis much more entertaining.


However, I'm seeing the snippets. So from what I can gather she said this:


"Politicians have been too squeamish to address immigration for fear of being branded racist. Well, I am here to tell you, I'm not afraid of being branded racist, because that is what I am. I have a big bag of plans in my suitcase of bile, so bear with me as there's a lot to unpack.


Yes, I don't turn up to Select Committee meetings and barely represent my constituents. That's because I'm busy producing my annual legislation to address the small boats - legislation that Labour oppose by the way - and quite frankly, that legislation simply doesn't work.


So while I was busy idly sending state secrets in my emails just the other day to all and sundry, I have thought good and hard about this. So I'm going to blame the people who drown in the channel, Winston Churchill's Convention on Human Rights, the history of the world and Mel Brooks' film Blazing Saddles. It isn't me that is inept, oh no. So we are going to change absolutely everything the British stand for, except I will remain in the highest offices in the land, whipping my hair back and forth like a King Charles Spaniel that has just come out of the rain.


Teresa May's hostile environment? You ain't seen nothing yet, bitches."


Or something similar.

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15 hours ago, YoungWillz said:

I think it's great to know that the UK isn't the only political basket case in the developed world.


You've got Trump coming out and saying he didn't commit fraud, when the Court has found he did. He says the Banks got paid and made loads of money. Fair enough, but the US taxpayer seems to have been defrauded of millions of dollars. The same taxpayers that he is asking to vote for him?


Then you have Matt Gaetz attempting to oust Kevin McCarthy. The same Matt Gaetz who was alleged to have had relations with minors? How's that going anyway? And then he says this is all about Congress passing laws, when what he is doing is stopping that process. Incredible!


It's all a very new low. Imo.

About fucking time, also a funny fact about this, a draft of the motion to vacant was found in a bathroom.

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Leaky Sue spewing some sickening rhetoric about a “hurricane of migration”. What I’d really like to see is a hurricane that sweeps her and her culture war obsessed NatC chums way out to fucking sea. 

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Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett's cult is finally getting some questioning from the FBI. She was notably never asked about it in her Senate hearings. Ofcourse their religious practice includes things like oppressing women and raping children. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/03/fbi-people-of-praise-amy-coney-barrett-faith-group-abuse-allegations

Article highlights the important role that the press and social media played, because the FBI and other "proper channels" were doing what they always do in these circumstances. I look forward to more heightened scrutiny of the Court.

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6 minutes ago, TQR said:

Leaky Sue spewing some sickening rhetoric about a “hurricane of migration”. What I’d really like to see is a hurricane that sweeps her and her culture war obsessed NatC chums way out to fucking sea. 


She is poisonous. It's horrific rhetoric. Up there with the claims in the referendum about 12 million Turks coming here and Farage's 'Breaking Point' poster. Poor Jo Cox was dead weeks later. And here's this daughter of not one but two immigrants throwing hyperbolic dog whistles to the skinheads. It's fucking disgusting.


But it's not surprising. Nigel Farage has "received a heroes welcome" at the Tory Party conference, which tells you everything about the Conservative Party in 2023. UKIP 2.0, the Even Nastier Party. They deserve to fade into oblivion never to be heard from again. 

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4 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:

Just noticed this chestnut in the article I linked above:



Would be one way of finishing off the Tories altogether. Not that he'd take it. He prerfers to shout from the sidelines oh and he'd have to be elected an MP too. Would he be elected in safe Tory seat perhaps but I'd say you would see a Martin Bell style anti Farage candidiate running as well

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1 hour ago, lilham said:

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett's cult is finally getting some questioning from the FBI. She was notably never asked about it in her Senate hearings. Ofcourse their religious practice includes things like oppressing women and raping children. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/oct/03/fbi-people-of-praise-amy-coney-barrett-faith-group-abuse-allegations

Article highlights the important role that the press and social media played, because the FBI and other "proper channels" were doing what they always do in these circumstances. I look forward to more heightened scrutiny of the Court.

Yeah she's a catholic.

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2 hours ago, TQR said:

Leaky Sue spewing some sickening rhetoric about a “hurricane of migration”. What I’d really like to see is a hurricane that sweeps her and her culture war obsessed NatC chums way out to fucking sea. 


I wish somebody could drop a bomb on the lot of them.

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2 hours ago, TQR said:

Leaky Sue spewing some sickening rhetoric about a “hurricane of migration”. What I’d really like to see is a hurricane that sweeps her and her culture war obsessed NatC chums way out to fucking sea. 

I can’t even begin to understand how someone can spout such strong views against immigrants when you are the child of two immigrants - it’s nonsensical.


As others have said previously on here it’s also sickening that the Tories are using the immigrant situation to try and win votes.

it is a complicated situation and we are more lenient than sone other countries but let’s have a proper debate and work out to what level we can help.

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1 hour ago, Toast said:

I wish somebody could drop a bomb on the lot of them.

Knowing our luck Suella would fucking survive, crawl out the rubble and blame the bomb on immigrants.

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Just now, Tango854 said:

He's gone and Patrick McHenry is the Speaker Pro Tem.

Alea iacta est.

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First ever Speaker to be removed from office.Gives him and Matt Gaetz unique places in American history.

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1 minute ago, Sean said:

First ever Speaker to be removed from office.Gives him and Matt Gaetz unique places in American history.

in 3 decades or so he is going to be option C in the 'Who is McCarthyism named after'? question in the test.

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Narrow Republican House might not have been the best result legislatively but it absolutely has been the funniest result.

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3 minutes ago, Death Impends said:

Narrow Republican House might not have been the best result legislatively but it absolutely has been the funniest result.

Like  the Jerry Springer Show on Steriods.Reminds me of the 2017 British Parliament where nothing could get through  leaving fierce infighting amongst different factions as the only option.

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