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1 minute ago, Sean said:

Like  the Jerry Springer Show on Steriods.Reminds me of the 2017 British Parliament where nothing could get through  leaving fierce infighting amongst different factions as the only option.

History first happens as a tragedy, then as a farce. Albeit both of these things are farces.

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Conservatism has invited the nihilists into the House, in several different countries! And they are paying the price.

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I particularly like this quote:



Rep. Scott Perry, one of the eight Republicans to vote to oust McCarthy, said he doesn’t have a name for who he wants to see as speaker.

“We're going to see what happens now. I'm going to base my decisions on what happens," he said.


They don't even have a "cloud cuckoo land" plan. Just voting for shits and giggles. :facepalm:

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3 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:

I particularly like this quote:



They don't even have a "cloud cuckoo land" plan. Just voting for shits and giggles. :facepalm:

These people are crazy, but Kevin McCarthy is crazier for building a very unstable house of cards and expecting it to not collapse horribly.

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There's a lot to digest from Sunak's speech. However, it's shit going in and shit coming out. 


Back later.

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I’m waiting to see how all future Tory leadership contenders vote on the smoking Ban. Liz Truss has already announced she will vote against it. Can’t imagine it’s particularly popular among Tory Members.

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I am extremely cynical about Rishi's HS2 announcement. Especially the plans to spend the same amount of money on 'Transport Projects' benefitting the North of England


He knows he will never have to deliver this because he knows he will be out of a job at the next election and then he will leave Labour with the prospect of having to resurrect the whole HS2 extension (which the Conservatives will be able to point to as wasteful) or deliver a meaningful Northern transport policy alternative


The whole conference seems to have been a chance for them to show off to the entire country how vile they are on the off chance of making Mark Francois jizz himself in a patriotic hate filled orgasm

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Let's bullet point Sunak's speech and what he didn't say.


He talked about his family and upbringing. He didn't mention his privileged education. No mention of his employment at Goldman Sachs who partially brought this country to its knees or the fact that until recently he held a Green Card. No mention that for years a Chancellor's wife was paying zero tax in this country. No mention of how he lied when he said he didn't attend any parties, or that he was fined by the Police for his attendance at a party.


He talked about "sainted" Margaret Thatcher and the "devil incarnate" Jeremy Corbyn. But then went on to say he wasn't going to play politics!


He announces the cancellation of HS2 - a decision made days or weeks ago which he couldn't bring himself to admit under cross-examination by journalists. In that vein he announced a new Northern Network for rail. This was promised by David Cameron in 2011 and has never come to pass! Failing the North for the last 13 years, he says he is going to do this - but can we trust him given he's just cancelled the biggest infrastructure project? Additionally, given the fact that Northern rail lines are creaking, how will they welcome more engineering work, more trains cancelled or delayed while this work is carried out?


He talks about a 2 quid flat fee on the buses across the country. Does he know that there are places in the country where buses simply don't run? This Tory interference in the market (the market his party created) likely means that private companies may simply reduce bus services further or get out of the market altogether.


He announces that there will be equivalence in A Levels and T Levels (whatever that means - I'm Scottish!). This means that every knuckle dragger with a woodwork certificate can be equivalent to those who study STEM subjects. He hails this as new. It isn't. It was Major's Government who made equivalence between polytechnics and universities, which as predicted back then, devalued university degrees. So there will be a devaluation of A Level students. Not only that but he now demonises the very university subjects (which used to be taught in polytechnics) and wants to scrap them!


He attacks smoking (fair enough - as a smoker though I want my freedom to do so) and trans people. Putting your jackboot on a minority from a position of power only enables more attacks and deaths of trans people. I remember Thatcher's use of police power against gay people in the 80s while doing little to address AIDS. Crime increases when you demonise minorities. Again this is nothing new from the Nasty Party.


He talks about valuing nurses, doctors etc etc - you know, those folk who saw us through the pandemic and some of whom died in that process. He does nothing to distance himself from Barclay's characterisation of the BMA as 'militant' - indeed he uses the striking workers as a political football to be kicked when they are down. How is that for playing politics.


He talks oh so briefly about immigration. He doesn't mention that legal economic migration to this country is up to 600,000 a year. LEGAL migration permitted by his Government. Says he's going to stop the boats - no detail on that. He says the UK is not a racist country - for the most part he is correct. So why seek the votes of racists with dog-whistle politics on his own failure to process claims and deal with gangs rather than threaten the safety of "asylum seekers"? Why have a quite clearly racist Home Secretary?


He barely mentions climate change or the environment. I've gone over this before - it's the biggest challenge and the biggest market opportunity ever, and he basically ignores it. Housebuilding - nothing - what then the Tory aspiration of home ownership?


So essentially it's the application of old ideas to new issues, a failure to address his and his predecessors' failings. As Sam Beckett might say, he has squandered the opportunity to put right what once went wrong.


This isn't change. This is talking bollocks in an echo chamber.


Yours sincerely, etc etc.


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3 minutes ago, Bibliogryphon said:



The whole conference seems to have been a chance for them to show off to the entire country how vile they are on the off chance of making Mark Francois jizz himself in a patriotic hate filled orgasm



Thank you for such a needless mental image :dead3:

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Oh, I knew I'd missed something.


He only wanted to talk about the past when it suited him. He didn't want to talk about how he became PM at all. The whole "no-one has ever voted for him" - but denies the country to have it's say on these 'changes'. The whole Liz Truss fiasco. The whole garbage pan of Johnson's premiership.


Regards, etc etc.

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19 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

Boris and Piggy Cameron having a go at Rishi over HS2




"Bringing the country together". From two men who ripped it to pieces in 2016. :angry:

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Fucking hell. The Tories consider Penny Dreadful to be one of their best performers. She’s a babbling maniac who sounds like she’s on an ungodly amount of Michael Gove special substances.



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1 hour ago, TQR said:

Fucking hell. The Tories consider Penny Dreadful to be one of their best performers. She’s a babbling maniac who sounds like she’s on an ungodly amount of Michael Gove special substances.



Reminds me of a trustterfuck/Thatch/Dalek  lets get Smash mash up.

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2 minutes ago, Redrumours said:

Reminds me of a trustterfuck/Thatch/Dalek  lets get Smash mash up.



I believe that, for a small fee, you can hire Penny Mordaunt to be a cheerleader at a cremation.

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8 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:



I believe that, for a small fee, you can hire Penny Mordaunt to be a cheerleader at a cremation.

I'll buy that.

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17 minutes ago, Redrumours said:

I'll buy that.


So would I, as long as I could choose who gets cremated.

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5 minutes ago, Toast said:

So would I, as long as I could choose who gets cremated.


I can think of at least 352 fitting candidates.

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