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41 minutes ago, TQR said:

I can think of at least 352 fitting candidates.


Agreed, and I would add two more to that.

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2 hours ago, TQR said:

Fucking hell. The Tories consider Penny Dreadful to be one of their best performers. She’s a babbling maniac who sounds like she’s on an ungodly amount of Michael Gove special substances.



I expected her to finish this off with "Cry God for Harry, England & St. George"

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39 minutes ago, Toast said:


Agreed, and I would add two more to that.


Johnson and Cameron?

Johnson and Cummings?

Johnson and Dorries?

Johnson and Hancock?

Johnson and Farage?

Johnson and Johnson (Sr.)?

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1 hour ago, TQR said:


Johnson and Cameron?

Johnson and Cummings?

Johnson and Dorries?

Johnson and Hancock?

Johnson and Farage?

Johnson and Johnson (Sr.)?


Oh yeah, all of those too :D

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I can see Labour losing in 2029 just because nothing will happen under Starmer. 

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12 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:
I can see Labour losing in 2029

In that case, I can see them winning.

  • Haha 2

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I was very tired last night, but I did have a few thoughts on Rishi's speech.

  • He said all the money saved from HS2 will be redirected into other projects - which leads to the question of how is it actually saving money?
  • His speech was on the tv in the staff room at school on mute and the banner at the bottom came up with "Sunak: Britain is most successful multi-ethnic democracy in the world," which I thought was interesting given his Home Secretary told us last week that "multiculturalism has failed". :rolleyes:

Oh, and to bring it up to date, despite what Sunak claimed yesterday, the government have now said HS2 will only go to London Euston if the private sector pay for it (he missed that bit out yesterday - how odd!) and ITV News are reporting tonight that lines announced yesterday have already been rowed back (shock horror!). Some details on LBC here: https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/government-backtracks-key-transport-pledge-24-hours-rishi-sunak/


It also includes details of Sunak's Twitter video on the announcement, which I'm sure you've seen, but just putting it here for posterity. The one announcing the cancellation of HS2...which was filmed in Downing Street...where he hasn't been since the Conference started at the weekend...when he was telling everybody he hadn't made a decision yet. Lying wanker.



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Huge swing Labour’s way in the Rutherglen by-election. Their line of “the clock is ticking on two failing governments” is a good one and will stick. Tories and SNPees are both scrabbling around for answers. 


LAB: 58.6% (+24.1)
SNP: 27.6% (-16.6)
CON: 3.9% (-11.1)
LDM: 2.9% (-2.3)
GRN: 2.0% (NEW)
(+ 9 other fringe candidates)


Part of the SNP’s defence of their disaster here, bizarrely, is that Tory voters went Labour this time round. That may be the case for some but even if we assumed that every Tory who flipped this time round went to Labour, Labour would still have won by 20 points.

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Scottish Labour are chatting.


Jackie Baillie and Ian Murray did the double act (Fat Smug and Fatter Smugger) of telling the tale of the by-election in numbers. Amazingly, they didn't enumerate the number of policies.


Michael Shanks then comes on. A teacher who sees no future in a poorly paid profession so becomes MP. Still slim, but in 16 months, he can hope to become as fat and as smug as his colleagues.


Anas Sarwar kissing the ring of Keir Starmer - yet again, nothing on policy, but will work to get your vote and power. Talks of change - possibly the paygrade of himself and his boss.


Keir Starmer usual blah blah blah. On a 37% turnout, his party gained just under the maximum vote Labour have achieved at recent Generals on a 70+% turnout. But his problem is his possible wish to homogenise the laws in Scotland with those in England which Labour did when in power at Holyrood and Westminster.  He will have to offer something distinctive in Scotland to that of the rest of the country. His speech today was basically everyone is is so bad, vote for me. But his unclear path on policy makes him as bad as everyone else.



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3 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:


That’s my prediction for how many SNP MPs there’ll be after the next GE. Maximum. Probably more like fünf oder sechs.

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8 minutes ago, TQR said:

That’s my prediction for how many SNP MPs there’ll be after the next GE. Maximum. Probably more like fünf oder sechs.

I don't really care. Question for Labour as I said is are there many more votes Labour can gain if they are only achieving a vote approaching peak Labour support in recent Generals? With Tory support anaw.


His conference will be critical to sending out a message to why Labour should be elected nationally. The danger is they start the whole taking votes in the North and Scotland for granted. Those votes will have to be repaid, or Labour will be a short term Government.

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I was still giggling about the mad Penny Mordaunt speech but this has got me full on rolling again :lol:



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44 minutes ago, TQR said:

I was still giggling about the mad Penny Mordaunt speech but this has got me full on rolling again :lol:




-"This country defeated Nazis and fascists..."

-No, don't cut to her!!! :lol::lol::lol:


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Bur..bur she held a ceremonial sword for hours. That surely must count for something?

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How many labour Mp’s are going to defend Hamas after their terror attacks on Israeli this morning. Bound to be at least one. 

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54 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

How many labour Mp’s are going to defend Hamas after their terror attacks on Israeli this morning. Bound to be at least one. 


Twat. Fuck off back to your uncle Keith's Facebook with his Union Jack tattooed bulldog profile picture and his racist meme share groups.

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9 minutes ago, TQR said:


Twat. Fuck off back to your uncle Keith's Facebook with his Union Jack tattooed bulldog profile picture and his racist meme share groups.


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3 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

Are you a supporter of Hamas then? 


No. You're hanging on to Corbyn's weird description from years and years ago of the militant group Hamas as "friends" and attempting to smear the current Labour Party with it, because for some sick reason you think that's an appropriate response to tens of people dead and hundreds injured in this horrific terrorist attack. You're a cunt, and so are the people who taught you to be like this.

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As if the UK or the opinions of its MPs matter in the world now. We are out of a supranational block that we barely have relations with, the US isn't too keen on us with our treatment of NI, and we leech onto other folks' conflicts to excuse our failings of the people.


Any conflict should be condemned. You don't have to take sides on that. Then get on with fixing the country.


The UK is not now a global military player.

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20 minutes ago, TQR said:


No. You're hanging on to Corbyn's weird description from years and years ago of the militant group Hamas as "friends" and attempting to smear the current Labour Party with it, because for some sick reason you think that's an appropriate response to tens of people dead and hundreds injured in this horrific terrorist attack. You're a cunt, and so are the people who taught you to be like this.

I’m a Labour Party supporter. I was just referring to the fact there several MP’s with the Labour whip that share his world view points and have ties to anti Israel organisations still around the party as MP’s and the odds are one will unmask their bigotry during this latest war. 

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9 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

I’m a Labour Party supporter. I was just referring to the fact there several MP’s with the Labour whip that share his world view points and have ties to anti Israel organisations still around the party as MP’s and the odds are one will unmask their bigotry during this latest war. 

Doesn’t matter who you supposedly support. If you look at a terrorist attack and say “I bet them lot like that”, that’s pretty gross. Much like when there was an attack on Finsbury Park Mosque a few years ago, it didn't cross my mind that some Tories, with the huge problem with Islamophobia in their party, would be laughing and clapping.


Incase this is what you were referring to, some MPs in the Labour Friends of Palestine group are also Labour Friends of Israel. The days of extremists being ‘friends’ according to the odd weirdo are over.

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2 minutes ago, TQR said:

Doesn’t matter who you supposedly support. If you look at a terrorist attack and say “I bet them lot like that”, that’s pretty gross. Much like when there was an attack on Finsbury Park Mosque a few years ago, it didn't cross my mind that some Tories, with the huge problem with Islamophobia in their party, would be laughing and clapping.


Incase this is what you were referring to, some MPs in the Labour Friends of Palestine group are also Labour Friends of Israel. The days of extremists being ‘friends’ according to the odd weirdo are over.

Pretty sure some of the most extreme ones would not be at all welcome in the LFI. 

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5 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

Pretty sure some of the most extreme ones would not be at all welcome in the LFI. 


Who are these extreme people who you suspect will be out in support of what's going on, then?

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