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26 minutes ago, prussianblue said:

Surprised we don't have any discussion of actual results from noted psephologist Sir Old Crem?

Probably sees an increase in the Reform vote and backs Richard Tice to be PM before the year is out.

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"Mid-term by-elections are always difficult"  says Sunak.


He does know he has to call an election in months, doesn't he? Nothing mid-term about it.

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4 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

The way things are potentially shaping up a repeat of 1997 might be a "good night" for the Tories.


Definitely. Lab won 418 and Con won 165 in that election, and Labour’s lead in the polls was no bigger then than they have been in the past couple of years, most often a few points narrower than they are now.


Tories won’t get wiped out unless we embrace tactical voting en masse but even without this I’d be absolutely astonished if they achieved as many as 150 seats.

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26 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

The way things are potentially shaping up a repeat of 1997 might be a "good night" for the Tories.


I'm going to have D:Ream in my head all morning now.

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30 minutes ago, TQR said:

Probably sees an increase in the Reform vote and backs Richard Tice to be PM before the year is out.


In coalition with George Galloway. 

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I have actually chatted on social media to one of the winning new MP’s today about Politics. Nice person - really happy they have won. 

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4 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

I have actually chatted on social media to one of the winning new MPs today about Politics. Nice person - really happy they have won. 

You know, if you didn't incessantly post twitter/sun links that nobody cares about and actually got out more and educated yourself a bit, I might actually find you reasonably tolerable. 

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Very brave approach having Cuts directly above the word Hunt in their headline

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31 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

I have actually chatted on social media to one of the winning new MP’s today about Politics. Nice person - really happy they have won. 

And they must have had a real blast getting to practice their 'diplomatic skills' on you, I'm sure. It'll be real help when they're communicating with the Great British voter on the general election campaign.

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9 hours ago, maryportfuncity said:

Today's front page - deckchairs and the Titanic come to mind, or is it just me?




Fixed it for you.


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27 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

Poor Kemi




Not the type of thing you want with a leadership contest around the corner is it....


Funny that, I thought she sacked him because she needed a scapegoat for the mess revealed by an ITV drama a couple of weeks earlier. :rolleyes:


I'm guessing Henry knew this was coming and is confident in his account of things, so it will be interesting to see what Kemi can engineer to support her own version of events. And isn't there meant to be an Inquiry happening into the Post Office Scandal? I'm sure the truth will out there, Kemi, don't worry...

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Could be a big factor in the USA politics soon. 

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2 hours ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

Poor Kemi




Not the type of thing you want with a leadership contest around the corner is it....


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4 hours ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:



So they went with his lies instead of her lies? 




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Another Fucking Good Job from Education Secretary Gillian Keegan, who today announced new guidance on banning students from using their phones in school.


The policy in the guidance is exactly the same as it was back when I was at school.

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1 minute ago, TQR said:

Another Fucking Good Job from Education Secretary Gillian Keegan, who today announced new guidance on banning students from using their phones in school.


The policy in the guidance is exactly the same as it was back when I was at school.

No such guidance when I was at school, ha! 


I do remember the furore over calculators though. They were not to be used in school or indeed in exams. A few years after I departed the school system, it was very much, yeah, go ahead, use those calculators!


Smartphones are a terrible distraction I feel, personally. Imagine at your workplace if you were staring at Twitter or the tickety toks all day. There's got to be some way of allowing use between school and home and maybe over lunchtime. If it's showing kids how to behave in a work environment, that's the way to go. I wonder what the rules are in Scotland, given we have our own system?

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34 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

No such guidance when I was at school, ha! 


I do remember the furore over calculators though. They were not to be used in school or indeed in exams. A few years after I departed the school system, it was very much, yeah, go ahead, use those calculators!


Smartphones are a terrible distraction I feel, personally. Imagine at your workplace if you were staring at Twitter or the tickety toks all day. There's got to be some way of allowing use between school and home and maybe over lunchtime. If it's showing kids how to behave in a work environment, that's the way to go. I wonder what the rules are in Scotland, given we have our own system?


I had Calculator and Non-Calculator maths exams!


Phones, even the much simpler ones back then, were always verboten in classrooms (so this 'new' guidance is nothing new at all, fucking good job Gillian), yet since leaving school I've always used mine at work. Was never told not to as an apprentice, never told others not to as manager, and now no sod can tell me either way as a freelancer :P I regularly see public-facing workers on their phone. Doesn't bother me, unless there's a customer standing in front of them!

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40 minutes ago, TQR said:

Another Fucking Good Job from Education Secretary Gillian Keegan, who today announced new guidance on banning students from using their phones in school.

The policy in the guidance is exactly the same as it was back when I was at school.


It wasn't a problem in my day. :D We all managed to get home without one too.


Seriously - there is no need for a child to use a mobile phone while at school. 

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57 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

No such guidance when I was at school, ha! 


I do remember the furore over calculators though. They were not to be used in school or indeed in exams. A few years after I departed the school system, it was very much, yeah, go ahead, use those calculators!


Smartphones are a terrible distraction I feel, personally. Imagine at your workplace if you were staring at Twitter or the tickety toks all day. There's got to be some way of allowing use between school and home and maybe over lunchtime. If it's showing kids how to behave in a work environment, that's the way to go. I wonder what the rules are in Scotland, given we have our own system?


We had calculator, non-calculator, closed-book and open-book tests as well. There were strictly no phones in class from 2013-18, yet some fanny would get a phone snatched out their hand by a teacher in every class.


It's a bad idea nowadays to send kids to school with no phone, though. My first phone was an LG GS101 with a cracked 1.5-inch screen. It saved my parents from reporting me as a missing person a few times.

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45 minutes ago, Clorox Bleachman said:


We had calculator, non-calculator, closed-book and open-book tests as well. There were strictly no phones in class from 2013-18, yet some fanny would get a phone snatched out their hand by a teacher in every class.


It's a bad idea nowadays to send kids to school with no phone, though. My first phone was an LG GS101 with a cracked 1.5-inch screen. It saved my parents from reporting me as a missing person a few times.

I'm so old, electronic calculators were a novelty. No-one could afford one, and the Maths department had about two, for demonstration purposes. This was what we called a calculator back then (and no, we couldn't use them in exams).

Mechanical calculator

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