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Donald J Trump

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25 minutes ago, rockhopper penguin said:

I hate to bring this up but where is the evidence?

There is none that the public have been made aware of.

Probably isnt any whatsoever.

Im just mindful that, because Trump is a figure of ridicule, it doesnt mean that he couldnt have been spied on. The lack of any evidence and the probability that there will never be any evidence doesnt neccessarily  mean that it never happened.

Im mindful of Dr David Kellys 'suicide'.

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10 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

There is none that the public have been made aware of.

Probably isnt any whatsoever.

Im just mindful that, because Trump is a figure of ridicule, it doesnt mean that he couldnt have been spied on. The lack of any evidence and the probability that there will never be any evidence doesnt neccessarily  mean that it never happened.

Im mindful of Dr David Kellys 'suicide'.

I'm mindful of the protocols of the elders of Zion.

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Just now, rockhopper penguin said:

I'm mindful of the protocols of the elders of Zion.

You have decided that, without any evidence, Trump is talking bollocks, thats fair enough.

Ive decided that, however fucking wonderful the World thought Obama was, he was President of the most powerful nation on Earth and had to be fucking ruthless to attain that position.

Because there is no evidence found and never will be evidence found doesnt mean that it never happened.

Thats my opinion but i dont trust Politicians anyway and I trust security services even less.

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7 minutes ago, rockhopper penguin said:


I dont know why you feel the need to try and ram home the point to me that its all a big fantasy and Im away with the fairies. 

What are you trying to prove?

Ive never stated that Trump is right or wrong, all Ive said is that it is not beyond the realms of possibility that the US government wouldnt wiretap him for some of the reasons I suggested.

You have your views, ive respected them, ive not even disagreed with them, just offered an alternative point of view.

Putting up a picture of the Cottingley Fairies is just cuntish.

Whatever views you hold have been usurped by you being a bit of a cunt.

Nice one.

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2 hours ago, rockhopper penguin said:




That is one of the most famous cases of fake news - very apt

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15 minutes ago, maryportfuncity said:



That is one of the most famous cases of fake news - very apt

Probably THE most famous case.

It even had Sir Arthur Conan Doyle fooled.

What a thick cunt he was!!!

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Conan Doyle believing that is like Ben Carson and politics - proof that properly intelligent people can be thick as shit outside their own expertise.


Anyhow, when we were taught oxymorons at school, one of the textbook examples was "an honest politician"! :lol:

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12 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

Probably THE most famous case.

It even had Sir Arthur Conan Doyle fooled.

What a thick cunt he was!!!



Rotund thick too!

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Elected US Presidents spying on opponents, the idea!!

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8 hours ago, msc said:

Conan Doyle believing that is like Ben Carson and politics - proof that properly intelligent people can be thick as shit outside their own expertise.


Anyhow, when we were taught oxymorons at school, one of the textbook examples was "an honest politician"! :lol:

"Military intelligence" is another. :D

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14 hours ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

As much as I think he is a w***er, to shoot a leader that was democratically elected, is as bad as it gets, total anarchy.

Its not like he has actually gone down the Hitler route, is it.

In the hallowed words of my teenage idols Depeche Mode, it's just a matter of time. The man is a total lunatic shitball. 

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9 hours ago, Lard Bazaar said:

In the hallowed words of my teenage idols Depeche Mode, it's just a matter of time. The man is a total lunatic shitball. 

It wont happen, he would be 'dealt with' long before it ever came to that.

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I have always maintained that in politics and government the best way to apply Occam's Razor is to look at the timing. The Attorney General gets into hot water when it is revealed he lied to Congress - or omitted the truth, whichever - about talking to Russian officials, and then all of a sudden Breitbart and Trump are maintaining he was wiretapped.


The man is not even subtle in his attempts to deflect.

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56 minutes ago, CarolAnn said:

I have always maintained that in politics and government the best way to apply Occam's Razor is to look at the timing. The Attorney General gets into hot water when it is revealed he lied to Congress - or omitted the truth, whichever - about talking to Russian officials, and then all of a sudden Breitbart and Trump are maintaining he was wiretapped.


The man is not even subtle in his attempts to deflect.

Yes but, come on CA, he is a trier!! :D

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On ‎06‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 09:43, Davey Jones' Locker said:

"House of Cards creator Beau Willimon has called for Twitter to shut down US President Donald Trump's account because it is a "threat" to national security."









He created a highly respected series and even he couldn't make up some of the stuff Trump does every day

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The original British version is much better imo.

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3 hours ago, msc said:

The original British version is much better imo.


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3 hours ago, Davey Jones' Locker said:

This is an interesting look at what the market movers and shakers might be telling us about the duration of this presidency:  http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-03-08/donald-trump-presidency-could-be-short-lived-bond-market/8331454


This level of general fuckwittery is not sustainable. Another 4 years of this and another two thirds of America will be on Prozac. (The remaining 3rd is already on them.)


I think what's most likely to happen is either Trump will be around for 8 years or he'll be gone inside a year. I think the signs are stronger for the later at the moment but even 24 hours is proving to be a long time in Trumpworld. A lot depends on exactly how much the spooks are prepared to leak about him without risking an actual conviction. There's an awful lot of smoke related to Russians but someone needs to be bold and start the actual fire that finishes him.


On a topical point, though, a pundit I follow noted The Donald looked quite below par getting off Marine One on Monday and they felt it was a sign the job was starting to effect his health. The walls are certainly closing in.

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It's one thing to run a family owned business that isn't traded publicly and has no shareholders or board of directors to answer to as opposed to being President and having 435 congressional representatives, 100 senators, the supreme court and 350 million Americans to answer to. He's accustomed to waving his hand and getting his way. He is also accustomed to having the media report mostly favorably about his buildings and his philanthropy and his wives. 


Must suck when all of a sudden you are the butt of every late night comedian and half the country hates your guts and many members of your own adopted party are out for your blood. He's discovered being President is a stressful, no win situation that requires tact and diplomacy to succeed at - two qualities he has never cultivated nor needed.

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2 hours ago, WednesdayAddams said:


This level of general fuckwittery is not sustainable. Another 4 years of this and another two thirds of America will be on Prozac. (The remaining 3rd is already on them.)


I think what's most likely to happen is either Trump will be around for 8 years or he'll be gone inside a year. I think the signs are stronger for the later at the moment but even 24 hours is proving to be a long time in Trumpworld. A lot depends on exactly how much the spooks are prepared to leak about him without risking an actual conviction. There's an awful lot of smoke related to Russians but someone needs to be bold and start the actual fire that finishes him.


On a topical point, though, a pundit I follow noted The Donald looked quite below par getting off Marine One on Monday and they felt it was a sign the job was starting to effect his health. The walls are certainly closing in.

Godo thoughts, Wednesday.  I would add though that I think they would have to wait longer to impeach him because of the "passion" of his hardcore supporters.  They don't want to risk social unrest.    If I were a Yank political strategist, I'd wait until Donald's support drops amongst his key support base.  Once he starts alienating his own people, it will be easier to impeach him, without the mass of Trump supporters causing problems. Let them realise they made a mistake in voting for him, rather than the Establishment telling them they messed up.

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Impeachment is pretty damn difficult. The Constitution calls for " Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors " and the bar for evidence is pretty high. Simply talking to the Russian ambassador isn't enough - someone better have recorded the conversation and it better involve poisoning Litivinenko.


Impeachment is only half the battle. The House of Representatives impeaches, then the Senate has to convict. Only two Presidents have been impeached and neither was convicted and removed. Nixon would have been impeached and convicted over the Smoking Gun Tape, but if that tape hadn't been found he would have probably served out his term in office despite everyone and their dog knowing that he knew and condoned the break ins, the buggings and the harassments. 


At this point I doubt Trump could be impeached let alone convicted - his party controls Congress for the next two years at least. It takes a hell of a lot for a party to remove their own President regardless of him being an idiot. 



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