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Political Frailty

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1 hour ago, YoungWillz said:

David Chidgey, Baron Chidgey, former Liberal Democrat MP for Eastleigh elected at a by-election in 1994 and held the seat until 2005 following which he was elevated to the Lords, being reported dead, aged 79: 



An early backer of Charles Kennedy for leader, and while he didn't keep up his spot on the front bench, he was in the Human Rights joint committee around the time of the Iraq War. This means of the 24 Lib Dem MPs in 1999 who backed Kennedy, 6 are dead, and only Robert Maclennan and Ronnie Fearn made it above 80. And of course, our Charlie didn't come close, alas.


Of the 18 others, I agree with others that Paul Tyler (Lord Tyler) looked quite frail last I saw him on TV. Unless one of those UFOs gets Lembit Opik of course...

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1 hour ago, YoungWillz said:

The Back To Basics messaging from Major's Government, whilst not as egregious as the current PM's disastrous leadership, was seriously thrown into sharpest focus by the Milligan "orgasmodeath".


The "one rule for them, another for everybody else" is not a new Tory party problem. :lol:


Not really comparable though, is it?  His predilection for fancy wanks didn't affect anyone but himself.

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10 minutes ago, Toast said:


Not really comparable though, is it?  His predilection for fancy wanks didn't affect anyone but himself.

Oh I think it's comparable.


Otherwise the argument "Boris Johnson had some parties, nobody died" has merit.


If you send out a message, be prepared to hang on the noose you have drawn for yourself. Despite being a fairly moderate PM, Major was plagued by successive MPs having extra marital affairs, homosexual liaisons within marriage, cash for questions etc etc etc. While they were doing what they liked, they were dictating to the people of the country how to live so much better than they had behaved under Thatcher, actually folk like Mellor, Hamilton, Duncan and Brown were doing the exact opposite.

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1 hour ago, YoungWillz said:

Oh I think it's comparable.


Otherwise the argument "Boris Johnson had some parties, nobody died" has merit.


If you send out a message, be prepared to hang on the noose you have drawn for yourself. Despite being a fairly moderate PM, Major was plagued by successive MPs having extra marital affairs, homosexual liaisons within marriage, cash for questions etc etc etc. While they were doing what they liked, they were dictating to the people of the country how to live so much better than they had behaved under Thatcher, actually folk like Mellor, Hamilton, Duncan and Brown were doing the exact opposite.


Disagree.  The government never issued any rules about solitary wanking, with or without embellishments.

It was an unfortunate and embarrassing way to go, but an entirely private matter.

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13 minutes ago, Toast said:


Disagree.  The government never issued any rules about solitary wanking, with or without embellishments.

It was an unfortunate and embarrassing way to go, but an entirely private matter.


Good thing David Carradine was never a cabinet minister.

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27 minutes ago, Toast said:


Disagree.  The government never issued any rules about solitary wanking, with or without embellishments.

It was an unfortunate and embarrassing way to go, but an entirely private matter.

And I disagree with you, and that is very much ok.


Milligan was a signatory to an Early Day Motion regarding the reinforcement of Christian Education in schools. Now, I've read me Bible and I don't recall anywhere it being ok to do what Milligan was up to, albeit in the privacy of his own home. 


On its own the Milligan incident would simply be a matter of general prurience. The messaging from the Government, the many many other wrongdoings (some within the rules at the time) taken with the Milligan incident and others just added to the general feeling that it was a do as I say, not as I do Government (see the EDM referred to above).


This cannot be seen through the prism of now or change in attitudes. Politicians were preaching they were paragons of virtue and preaching that virtue to families including their children up and down the country. We expected more of our leaders back then. They were not simply individuals with themselves and their pleasures to be satisfied with power.


At some point we stopped that belief and now we've got what we have now (cronyism, corruption, back covering [Owen Patterson], let the bodies pile high) and actually a lot of folk see that as ok.


Practice what you preach was what I was always told. Of course the current lot preach parties, fuck your dead I'm off on holiday, the richest have done best out of COVID so fuck your disabled and poor and hungry we'll leave the rich alone, another photo op in front of a food bank anybody? All the things they actually do preach on now (migrant crisis, just about managing, reform of social care, Brexit bonus bonanzas etc etc etc) they are failing on.


As I said before, this is nothing new from the Tories, it's just more flagrant because they know the people seem to be happy take it up their arses without question. Which is another sexual pecadillo albeit a metaphor.


Anyway, poor old Baron Chidgey eh? :D

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4 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:


Anyway, poor old Baron Chidgey eh? :D


Don't blame me, I gave you some background and a future deadpool team tip, you focused on the wanking with an orange in the mouth of his predecessor! :D

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16 minutes ago, msc said:


Don't blame me, I gave you some background and a future deadpool team tip, you focused on the wanking with an orange in the mouth of his predecessor! :D

*found out that my total distraction technique from a valid deadpooling tip by msc wasn't noticed* :P

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Pheung Kya-shin, chairman of Myanmar's Kokang special region, longtime Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army commander in chief dead at something between 91 and 94:


He established a heroin factory in the region in the 1970s, later legalized opium planting and was involved in drug trafficking for around 30 years until making the region "drug free" (or not, according to narcotics experts) His region and army had two major clashes with Myanmar's army, in 2009 and in 2015.


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The man who became Flint's first elected African-American mayor has died.

Democrat Woodrow Stanley was elected to the city's highest office in 1991 after serving on the Flint City Council beginning in 1983. He went on to be elected mayor two more times before he was recalled from office 2002.

That did not end Stanley's political career. He went on to serve several years on the Genesee County Board of Commissioners before being elected to the Michigan House of Representatives in 2009.


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On 25/04/2011 at 13:23, maryportfuncity said:

Gabrielle Giffords, fit to see her hubby off into space, apparently.

Gabrielle Giffords now hospitalised for appendicitis:


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On 04/10/2021 at 19:03, Ulitzer95 said:

This 2014 book, written by one of his successors, mentions that Onorio is dead. Suggests that it was sometime during the 1980s.

I did think there was a small chance of him being alive, but I guess this pretty much cements Mustafa Ben Halim as the oldest living former world leader.


Rota Onorio died on the 14th of September 2004 according to this source, someone added this on his wiki page recently. 


Glad that a death date seems to have finally been found, the oldest Oceanian former head of a country seems to be former Gov-Gen of Australia William Deane who got to 91 in January. Still a few yellow names on the major list: Dennis Young (Acting Gov-Gen of Papua New Guinea 1989-1990 and 1991, if alive he'll be 85 this year), Ata Teaotai (Kiribati President for a few months in 1994. Birth date not known), Tion Otang (Also a Kiribati President, birth date not known, ruled for a few months in 2003) and Lagitupu Tuimulu (Prime Minister of Tuvalu for a few months 2000-2001. Birthdate not known)


There hasn't been a lot of deaths recently from that list, but I expect a lot to come this year. William Deane and Michael Hardie Boys have been quiet for years, Bill Hayden is still hanging on despite suffering a major stroke years ago and Tuila'epa Sa'ilele Malielegaoi seems to be very ill and spent time in ICU last month.

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On 07/07/2021 at 19:27, JustPassingThrough said:

I guess a bit like the Brokenshire news, U.S. Representative Jim Hagedorn has announced today that his kidney cancer has returned. He had been diagnosed with stage IV kidney cancer in 2019 and seemed to be doing better after having his kidney removed last year, but a new occurrence was found over the weekend:


Jim Hagedorn dead from cancer aged 59: https://kstp.com/kstp-news/top-news/us-rep-hagedorn-dies-at-age-59/


Somebody's Joker? Will he QO?

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19 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Jim Hagedorn dead from cancer aged 59: https://kstp.com/kstp-news/top-news/us-rep-hagedorn-dies-at-age-59/


Somebody's Joker? Will he QO?

Represented Minnesota's 1st district in the House of Reps. All 5 of his predecessors going back to 1958(!) survived him.

Seat tends to flip every 10 years but in the current climate, it should remain Republican.

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29 minutes ago, Death Impends said:


Incumbent representative. Will QO without problem.

Yep, here’s a QO

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7 minutes ago, Joey Russ said:

Yep, here’s a QO


Kidney cancer is a really difficult one to narrow down, tbh.

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On 23/11/2021 at 16:18, arghton said:


And I think we'd know if Karl Vaino was dead as he seems to be quite hated in Estonia and his grandson is currently Putin's Chief of Staff.


Rafiq Nishonov is also still alive and still gives interviews.

Numerous news sources online (eg this one) reporting that Karl Vaino has died aged 98.

They state that his death date is unknown. All they know is he died earlier in 2022 and was already buried by 16 February.

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Finally! I've heard how hated he was/is in Estonia. Helsingin Sanomat even described him as "the man with the worst reputation in Estonia" a few years ago.

He was, as wikipedia describes, "an extreme Russificator" who couldn't speak Estonian well and tried to make Estonia a part of Russia by "strenghtening the position of the Russian language and supressing nationalist phenomena" and making children learn Russian at kindergartens and schools. He was considered too conservative after Gorbachev came to power and was forced to resign in 1988, moved to Moscow and never returned to Estonia.


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24 minutes ago, arghton said:


Jeanine Anez, former President of Bolivia 2019-2020 after Evo Morales resigned, hospitalised "in delicate health" after a ten-day hunger strike.

Still have to see one of those hunger strikers die...

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Anez has actually been having some health issues in the past, was hospitalised around four times last year (peripheral polyneuropathy, chronic gastritis and systemic atrial hypertension) but might also have a strong case of lyingitis-to-get-out-of-jailitis. 

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One for the Foreigners Who Probably Got Tired Of English People Laughing At Their Name thread: former Luxembourg cabinet minister and MEP Jacques Poos has died aged 86. (It's pronounced "pose", actually.)

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3 hours ago, drol said:

Still have to see one of those hunger strikers die...

Its a rarity indeed.  Put on Cup teams with utmost hesitation.

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