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Political Frailty

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10 minutes ago, wengeruk said:


Sir Patrick Duffy, 103, promoting his new book. Doesn't seem in any imminent danger.



He claimed it's because of all the walking he does... That's a new one for me.

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11 minutes ago, Comped said:

He claimed it's because of all the walking he does... That's a new one for me.

Walking is heavily underrated.

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33 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

Walking is heavily underrated.


For the last decade or so (bar lockdowns) I've been walking at least nine miles a week exercise wise and find my asthma is in a lot better shape. Also taking stairs instead of lifts but that's claustrophobia rather than fitness reasons. :lol:

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On 21/09/2021 at 22:24, arghton said:

here's a list of the first leaders of countries that gained independence when the Soviet Union collapsed (and before):



Milan Kučan (1941-) President 1991-2002

Andrej Marinc (1930-), Janez Zemljarič (1928-2022) and Dušan Šinigoj (1933-) are alive from the pre-independence Prime Ministers.

Lojze Peterle (1948-) Prime Minister 1990-1992

Dusan Sinigoj has died aged 90.

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On 12/08/2024 at 09:48, MortalCaso said:

Bill Pascrell in the hospital again. Wording sounds ominous.

Bill Pascrell dead at 87.

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You are becoming a top death reporter from the US. Congrats.

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25 minutes ago, RetroGamer47 said:

Second House Dem from New Jersey to die in just four months.

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26 minutes ago, RetroGamer47 said:

Can you please include a name in your posts so that they’re searchable in future?

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1 minute ago, Ulitzer95 said:

Can you please include a name in your posts so that they’re searchable in future?

Yeah my bad I’ll edit it now

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On 17/08/2024 at 19:11, arghton said:

Here's Farouk Kaddoumi, former head of Fatah, visited sometime after his wife's death last month:



Also, former PLO central committee and fatah revolutionary council member Salwa Abu Khadra seems to be in very poor health. Image from last month:


Farouk Kaddoumi dead at 93.

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2 hours ago, drol said:

Farouk Kaddoumi dead at 93.


Outstanding news. Even Mahmoud Abbas considered him a hardliner cunt!

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He was quite the human being. When terrorists shot an elderly Jewish man on a wheelchair while they were hijacking Achille Lauro, he claimed his wife had pushed him to get the insurance money.

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On 22/07/2023 at 22:04, arghton said:

It's been four years and with Sfar the above list is now 16/27 dead, here's an updated one...




*Mohamed Fayek (1929) Relic from Nasser's and Sadat's times, information minister in the 1960s.

*Hazem El Beblawi (1936) ousted Morsi.

*Habib el-Adly (1938) Mubarak's longtime corrupt Minister of the Interior who, with Mubarak, ordered killings during the revolution.

*Ahmed Shafik (1941) Former Prime Minister, "holdover of the Mubarak regime".

*Ahmad Fathi Sorour (1932-2024), Mubarak associate, who was ousted in 2011 as well. Hospitalised and said to be in coma in March.

*Mervat Tallawy (1937) Social Democrat leader

*Amr Moussa (1936) Arab League leader and Foreign Minister. Still boringly active.

*Nabil Elaraby (1935) Foreign Minister after Mubarak was ousted.

*Zakaria Azmi (1939) Mubarak Chief of Staff. Most recently attended an event a few months ago but looked quite frail.



Nabil Elaraby dead at 89.


Lot of decrepit significant names from that list. Fayek is a fucking dinosaur. So are Guiga and Chebbi from Tunisia.


Mebazaa and Ennaceur are unexplicably alive over 90 despite a decade of failing health. Ibrahimi has been decomposing for years. Ahmed Osman has not made public apperances for a while. Arab world icons Moussa and Brahimi are getting ancient too.


Very frail looking list.

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On 18/11/2021 at 22:58, arghton said:

From Wikipedia's Rastakhiz Party politicians category, not so notable but most held positions in the govt:


Mahnaz Afkhami (1940-) Minister without portfolio for women's affairs 1975-1978. Sounds slightly frail in an interview from a year ago but still sharp.

Manouchehr Ganji (1931-) Minister for Education 1971-1979. There's been atleast seven attempts on his life. Can't find anything about him from the last two years with a quick search.

Reza Ghotbi (1940-) Head of the National Iranian Radio and Television in the 70s.


Reza Ghotbi (Wiki), Iranian engineer who headed National Iranian Radio and Television during Pahlavi dynasty dead at 86

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Minister of the Interior Asadollah Nasr Esfahani is another who's still alive, 97 years old. I think those (Hushang Ansari, Afkhami, Ganji and Esfahani) might be the last living ministers from pre-revolution Iran.


Ebrahim Farahbakhshian (fa wiki) Minister of Roads and Transport is one who might be alive, but I quite doubt it. He never looked quite healthy.

Edit: I was wrong. Seems he is alive and only around 92.

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Brazilian former senator Maria do Carmo Alves (wiki), 83, hospitalised in ICU with stage 4 cancer. She is quite famous in the country as a woman groundbreaker, etc.


The outcome does not look so promising.

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On 03/08/2021 at 23:54, arghton said:

Here's a list of the ones I'd keep an eye on from that list.


Starting from the top:

Paulias Matane will be 90 later this year, looked very frail on his 89th:



Ati George Sokomanu, first President of Vanuatu has always been overweight and doesn't look great.

Julius Chan was hospitalised this April, John Howard was hospitalised for a heart condition in 2015 and rushed to hospital last year for a surgery.


Malielegaoi and Sope are (and have likely been for the last 40 years) overweight, here's Sope in 2017:



Tupou VI came to power after his brother died in 2012 at the age of 63 and doesn't look great nowadays. A bit like a fat Jeff Bezos.

Waqa...Overweight, too:



Semisi Sika, however, is even larger:



Ben Cayetano was hospitalised in 2012 with a bleeding ulcer, lost his son Brandon in 2014 and was hospitalised with a rare heart condition in 2019.


Tuheitia Paki has been in failing or atleast poor health since atleast 2013 as he already had serious health problems back then, diabetes-related issues and a rumored heart attack in 2014, reported to be "very unwell and declining" with "multiple illnesses" (atleast diabetes complications and cancer) in 2015, recieved his son's kidney in 2016 (or 2013?), hospitalised in 2017, has buried a lot of his siblings over the years. In February 2021 his medical team advised him to self-isolate.

Tuheitia Paki dead at 69.

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53 minutes ago, drol said:

Tuheitia Paki dead at 69.

Actually a pretty big name! He was the Maori King, a pal of King Charles and I assume the first royal to attend QEII's funeral to die.


I wonder if he was ever picked in the DDP. Despite still making appearances frequently, even as recently as this month, it was pretty much an open secret that he'd been suffering from heart and kidney failure for years despite how they always tried to assure he's in perfect health. The reaper has been going after a lot of long unfinished business this month. 

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8 minutes ago, arghton said:

Actually a pretty big name! He was the Maori King, a pal of King Charles and I assume the first royal to attend QEII's funeral to die.


I wonder if he was ever picked in the DDP. Despite still making appearances frequently, even as recently as this month, it was pretty much an open secret that he'd been suffering from heart and kidney failure for years despite how they always tried to assure he's in perfect health. The reaper has been going after a lot of long unfinished business this month. 

Funnily, "Reaper's unfinished business" is the Hindi meaning of "Jayapataka".

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36 minutes ago, arghton said:

Actually a pretty big name! He was the Maori King, a pal of King Charles and I assume the first royal to attend QEII's funeral to die.


I wonder if he was ever picked in the DDP. Despite still making appearances frequently, even as recently as this month, it was pretty much an open secret that he'd been suffering from heart and kidney failure for years despite how they always tried to assure he's in perfect health. The reaper has been going after a lot of long unfinished business this month. 

Surprised that record doesn't belong to Juan Carlos or King Harald of Norway given how frail they looked at the funeral. 

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1 hour ago, arghton said:

Actually a pretty big name! He was the Maori King, a pal of King Charles and I assume the first royal to attend QEII's funeral to die.


I believe that to be David Ogilvy, 13th Earl of Airlie in June 2023. I only recall as he was a surprise unique DDP hit of mine, despite looking like this at the funeral.




Edit: Nevermind, I just clocked that you said first royal. Do'h!

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5 minutes ago, Perhaps said:

Edit: Nevermind, I just clocked that you said first royal. Do'h!


He was Princess Alexandra's brother-in-law, so almost.

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On 09/06/2022 at 21:23, arghton said:

CHILE (Including less notable people up to 1930)

Armando Barrientos Miranda (1921-?) Former Deputy, alive? No death date anywhere and marked alive on wikipedia es.

Blanca Retamal Contreras (1921-2020) Former Deputy, alive? Same as above. EDIT: Died off-radar in 2020 at 98.

Arturo Alessandri Besa (1923-2022) Former Member of the Chamber of Deputies, Senator and Presidential candidate in 1993, got 24.4% of the votes.

Elena Díaz Hevia (1924-2022) Communist local politician from Arica who retired in 2021. Obese and wheelchairbound for ages.

Rodolfo Stange (1925-2023) One of the last surviving members of Pinochet's Junta that ruled the country from 1973 to 1990. He was a member of the Junta from 1985 to 1990. Never convicted of any crime, but accused of several human rights abuses.

Mario Arnello Romo (1925) Former Deputy.

Jacques Chonchol (1926-2023) Allende's Minister of Agriculture.

Eugenio Celedón (1926) Minister of Public Works in the 60s.

Luis Escobar Cerda (1927) Pinochet's Finance Minister, also served as the Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism 1961-1963.

Alberto Jerez Horta (1927-2023) Former Senator.

Santiago Sinclair (1927) Along with Stange and possibly Jorge Lucar, one of the last surviving members of Pinochet's Junta


Luis Escobar Cerda (Wiki), Former Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism of Chile dead at 97



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