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Guest Goldeneye-69

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15 hours ago, arrowsmith said:

The question is can he outlive them all? 

Blumenthal is 98, Marshall almost 96, and Califano is 93. It would be absolutely astounding if he managed it, but it’s within the realm of possibility. 

Even if Carter doesn't outlive all of them, it won't be long before they're all gone. Goldschmidt was the youngest surviving one by almost a decade, having passed away four days shy of his 84th birthday. As you've shown, the other three are in their mid to late nineties and could realistically pass away at any moment.


There are three living secretaries from the Ford administration as well; John Knebel (87), David Matthews (88) and Carla Hills (90). It wouldn't surprise me if they outlived Carters remaining secretaries as they're all slightly "younger".

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On 29/08/2023 at 10:08, polar duck said:

List of US Cabinet members from the 20th century:


Jimmy Carter (1977–1981)

  Hide contents

VP: Walter Mondale (1928–2021; 93)
Secretary of State: Cyrus Vance (1917–2002; 84), Ed Muskie (1914–1996; 81)
Secretary of the Treasury: W. Michael Blumenthal (b. 1926), G. William Miller (1925–2006; 81)
Secretary of Defense: Harold Brown (1927–2019; 91)
Attorney General: Griffin Bell (1918–2009; 90), Ben Civiletti (1935–2022; 87)
Secretary of the Interior: Cecil Andrus (1931–2017; 85)
Secretary of Agriculture: Bob Bergland (1928–2018; 90)

Secretary of Commerce: Juanita Kreps (1921–2010; 89), Philip Klutznick (1907–1999; 92)
Secretary of Labor: Ray Marshall (b. 1928)

Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare: Joe Califano (b. 1931), Patricia Roberts Harris (1924–1985; 60)
Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare and Human Services: Patricia Roberts Harris (1924–1985; 60)

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Patricia Roberts Harris (1924–1985; 60), Moon Landrieu (1930–2022; 92)
Secretary of Transportation: Brock Adams (1927–2004; 77), Neil Goldschmidt (1940–2024; 83)

Secretary of Energy: James Schlesinger (1929–2014; 85), Charles Duncan Jr. (1926–2022; 96)

Secretary of Education: Shirley Hufstedler (1925–2016; 90)


Updated for Neil Goldschmidt. 

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Posted (edited)

Former Congressman George Nethercutt (R-WA) dead at 79. He ousted incumbent House Speaker Tom Foley in 1994.

Edited by polar duck
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This has not been a good week for politicians from the US Pacific Northwest.

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4 hours ago, polar duck said:

 George Nethercutt (D-WA)

Small note, but Nethercutt was a Republican. His win over Foley was the first time an incumbent Speaker had been defeated for re-election since 1862 and was the cherry on top for the "Republican revolution" in 1994. 

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That reminds me... the other Pressler, Larry.

He's moved into a senior home after the death of his wife:



He's in good health despite having pancreatic and bladder cancer.

I suspect that the bladder cancer is the primary tumor that spread to the pancreas.

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On 20/10/2020 at 13:02, arghton said:


Carl-Olof Tallgren (b. 1927) Minister of Finance 1970-1971 during the Karjalainen II cabinet

Carl-Olof Tallgren has died aged 97.

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Taisto is now the only living Finnish minister to have served. That guy is a survivor.

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On 22/07/2023 at 22:04, arghton said:


*Ahmad Bishti (1927-?) Foreign Minister 1965-1968. Mentioned still living but I can't find any proof, but if still alive, a living relic of the Kingdom of Libya.



Does this FB post suggest Ahmad Bishti died in 2016?

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18 hours ago, drol said:

Taisto is now the only living Finnish minister to have served. That guy is a survivor.

Taisto Tähkämaa is also now the last living Finnish minister born in the 1920s. The second-oldest is Jermu Laine, a former minister for foreign trade, 7 years younger. I'm a bit suprised Laine is still alive too, his daughter (who was also his caregiver) died over a year ago.



Full list of my other "suprised they're still alive" Finnish members of parliament, in addition to Tähkämaa and Laine, for low requirement pools (Hares, Electoral DP etc.):

Raimo Ilaskivi - 96, indestructible National Coalition stalwart, presidential candidate and former Lord Mayor of Helsinki. Multiple bouts of intestinal cancer, skin cancer and other ailments. Caregiver of his demented wife, still active on Facebook and often interviewed.

Paavo Nikula - 81, suffered an enormous stroke while serving as Chancellor of Justice in 2007. Hospitalised for months on ventilator and his condition has been unknown since.

Erkki Pystynen - 94, former Speaker of Parliament. As far as I know, no appearances in the last nine years.

Iiro Viinanen - 79, Parkinson's since the 1990s.

Antero Laukkanen - 66, ALS, in a hospice late last year, back home now as his disease didn't progress as quickly as expected.

Pekka Vennamo - 79, spent more or less a year fighting for his life in hospital with covid and complications a few years back.

Pirkko Ikonen - 96, in a care home for years.

Elisabeth Rehn - 89, emergency surgery to remove a malignant colon tumor in 1995, breast cancer, other ailments.

Kati Peltola - 83, political relic, Alzheimer's.

Ralf Friberg - 88, political relic, his career peaked sometime fifty years ago.

Juha Väätäinen - 82, squamous cell carcinoma, serious fall in 2014, near-fatal car crash in 2017, heart surgery in 2021, stroke in 2022.

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On 02/08/2022 at 22:10, arghton said:

31. North Macedonia

Vladimir Mitkov (1931) Communist "leader"

Stojan Andov (1935) Founder of the Liberal Party, former President of Parliament

Vasil Tupurkovski (1951) picture of health 3rd Member of the Presidency of Yugoslavia for SR Macedonia 1989-1991


North Macedonian politician Stojan Andov (Wikidead at 88

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Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Nathaly Antona (RN-ID) has passed away aged 49. 

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On 08/06/2024 at 12:49, Ulitzer95 said:

FFS. If you were to come up with a list of ways to make the Lords even worse than the status quo, I’d suggest do this. Labour, as usual, haven’t a clue. They’re just stabbing around in the dark and putting anything together on a fag packet that sounds like it could be mildly enticing to voters cos they essentially don’t really care as power is already assured for them.


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