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Inverse Survivor Dead Pool I

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Going to have one less to choose from with Spencer P Jones demise...

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Stefan Karl Steffanson* also now. Wondering how many are going to make it to the starters flag.


*Who has now gone from 2 to 1 and finally 0 entries on my spreadsheet....

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Yeah, these 'Survivors' aren't doing terribly well so far.

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Amazing survivors this lot has been. 4 of them has died so far (McCain, Stefansson, Jones, Franklin)...

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No one else is posting them here? Here's my list, nice and public, whether I'm supposed to or not :) 


1. Queen Elizabeth II

2. Jimmy Carter

3. Ric Flair

4. John Paul Stevens

5. Sumner Redstone

6. Katherine Johnson

7. Denis Norden

8. Doris Day

9. Prince Philip

10. Jill Gascoine


11. Norman Lear

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I entered this by PM but haven't had any response - I presume I'm in but...........

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3 minutes ago, Grim Up North said:

I entered this by PM but haven't had any response - I presume I'm in but...........


Me neither.

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Nor me. Not even read, apparently...

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The odd thing is that he sent a PM to a group of people who haven’t submitted it yet, but he hasn’t even read those who actually submitted it so far. :lol: 

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Has Wormfarmer also died before the start line?

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Rest assured your entries have been read and tabulated (this is why you did not receive individual solicitations to get your entries in).  You guys are hungry for a new game I can tell.  I will go and respond to everyone individually right now. . . . . .

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On 18/08/2018 at 04:56, Wormfarmer said:

Folks, now that I already have 7 entries in hand, we will have to play the first month with 59.  I figured that Aretha would not make it to the start of the round, but would also not be picked to  survive it, either.  It may go even lower with two weeks of "dead" time before the start.  But that is not really a problem, 60 is an arbitrary number anyway.  As I stated, by the time we get to round 2, there will likely be a few less, so I may add names each month, or I may not.  The main thing is we are all gardening with the same batch of earthworm food, and the cleverest (or luckiest) players will do the right thing with the group we have.  One thing that I did not specify, but stands to reason, is that if a pick dies before the starting gun, they can add a replacement - AT THAT SPOT.  Please don't shuffle your whole list to accommodate a new name.  

Also, I can list the names vertically in the future if it is preferred by some.  I only did it  paragraph style to save room in the thread.  Carry on!


Okay WF - I have your PM and have now found in the above post the sub rule that you refer to - I think you should edit the original rules post to include this. 

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Yes I have little problem posting here either.  At least I know its posted.  I'm posting exactly as I jotted them down, no bother re-arranging them.  The FF Gods find favor in me.

Sir Creep's Survivors:
1. John Paul Stevens
2. Greg Gilbert
3. Linda Nolan
4. Jill Gascione
5. Queen Elizabeth II
6. Pete Frates
7. Javier Perez de Cuellar
8. Pierre Cardin
9. Kenny Rogers
10. Devin Lima

11. Clive James

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2 minutes ago, Sir Creep said:

Yes I have little problem posting here either.  At least I know its posted.  I'm posting exactly as I jotted them down, no bother re-arranging them.  The FF Gods find favor in me.

Sir Creep's Survivors:
2. Greg Gilbert
6. Pete Frates
10. Devin Lima



So I know who to thank if my DDP team rises from the dead in September now. :D

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Linda Nolan

Ric Flair

Marieke Vervoort 

Queen Elizabeth 

Prunella Scales 

Olivia de Havilland 

Jose Jose 

Carl Reiner 

Kenny Rogers

Pete Frates 



Bob Barker


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2 hours ago, Clorox Bleachman said:

Entered a risky team.

I would like to replace Spencer Jones with Carl Reiner.

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1. Queen Elizabeth

2. Jimmy Carter

3. Bob Dole

4. Vera Lynn

5. Kenny Rogers

6. Linda Nolan 

7. Prince Phillip 

8. Jimmy Grieves 

9. Carol Channing

10. Doris Day 


Nobby Stiles. 


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11 minutes ago, QTips said:

8. Jimmy Grieves

Saint gone has he?

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I've gone for a theme list: 


Paddy's Political Grey Area

Queen Elizabeth II

Robert Mugabe

Jimmy Carter

Bob Dole

George HW Bush

Javier Perez de Cuellar

Henry Kissenger

Prince Phillip

Le Duc Anh

Yasuhiro Nakasone

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Please check your list for accuracy.  Rd 1 ends Sep 30, Rd 2 begins Oct 1.


Round 1 - Sept 2018

theoldlady wormfarmer madhatter (1) unknown man skinny kiltrunner clorox bleachman
QE2 de Havilland flair gilbert frates bracknell
de Havilland QE2 QE2 nolan pei douglas
kissinger lynn gilbert vervoort gilbert lima
barker redstone ricketts reiner ricksen gilbert
channing day kissinger barker jaffee reiner
downs channing reiner p-orridge rogers anh
cardin nakasone scales carter jose jose kissinger
shultz pei barker ferlinghetti philip jose jose
carter vervoort stevens rogers  stiles overton
philip p-orridge norden lima mercier bush
quim reaper bibliogryphon msc grim up north sir creep en passant
rogers flair QE2 QE2 stevens QE2
escheverria rogers mugabe jose jose gilbert rogers
cruickshank kissinger philip gilbert nolan mugabe
de cuellar carter douglas nolan gascoine frates
pei QE2 james scales QE2 kumar
lear vervoort lynn frates frates reiner
reiner nolan lima stiles de cuellar philip
vervoort reiner kissinger carter cardin day
bush lynn barker anh rogers jaffee
bracknell day de cuellar philip lima james
captain chorizo john key (4) joey russ qtips paddyfool  
QE2 QE2 nolan QE2 QE2  
carter carter flair carter mugabe  
nolan flair vervoort dole carter   
flair stevens QE2 lynn dole  
cardin redstone scales rogers bush  
rogers k johnson de Havilland nolan de cuellar  
gilbert norden jose jose philip kissinger  
kissinger day  reiner greaves philip  
vervoort philip rogers channing anh  
frates gascoine frates day nakasone


Edited by Wormfarmer
First scores! Two teams hit, John Key is on the bubble!
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My list has been swapped with qtips' in the list above.


EDIT: Thank you for fixing this!

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On 01/09/2018 at 23:35, Wormfarmer said:

Please check your list for accuracy.  Rd 1 ends Sep 30, Rd 2 begins Oct 1.


Round 1 - Sept 2018

theoldlady wormfarmer madhatter unknown man skinny kiltrunner clorox bleachman
QE2 de Havilland flair gilbert frates bracknell
de Havilland QE2 QE2 nolan pei douglas
kissinger lynn gilbert vervoort gilbert lima
barker redstone ricketts reiner ricksen gilbert
channing day kissinger barder jaffee reiner
downs channing reiner p-orridge rogers anh
cardin nakasone scales carter jose jose kissinger
shultz pei barker ferlinghetti philip jose jose
carter vervoort stevens rogers  stiles overton
philip p-orridge norden lima mercier bush
quim reaper bibliogryphon msc grim up north sir creep en passant
rogers flair QE2 QE2 stevens QE2
escheverria rogers mugabe jose jose gilbert rogers
cruickshank kissinger philip gilbert nolan mugabe
de cuellar carter douglas nolan gascoigne frates
pei QE2 james scales QE2 kumar
lear vervoort lynn frates frates reiner
reiner nolan lima stiles de cuellar philip
vervoort reiner kissinger carter cardin day
bush lynn barker anh rogers jaffee
bracknell day de cuellar philip lima james
captain chorizo john key joey russ qtips paddyfool  
QE2 QE2 nolan QE2 QE2  
carter carter flair carter mugabe  
nolan flair vervoort dole carter   
flair stevens QE2 lynn dole  
cardin redstone scales rogers bush  
rogers k johnson de Havilland nolan de cuellar  
gilbert norden jose jose philip kissinger  
kissinger day  reiner greaves philip  
vervoort philip rogers channing anh  
frates gascoigne frates day nakasone



I believe that within these 17 lists that 50 of the 56 options have been selected.


So if any of the 56 die likely that someone will be getting some unwanted points.


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19 minutes ago, Grim Up North said:

I believe that within these 17 lists that 50 of the 56 options have been selected.


So if any of the 56 die likely that someone will be getting some unwanted points.




Given the no immediate re-use rules I'm 'saving some for later'. Which obviously means a slightly riskier than 'the best ten picks' first month lineup.


Presumably other (and undoubtedly more experienced) competitors have done something similar which has prevented an average of the 10 most likely to survive appearing here.



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