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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/02/18 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    Prince Henrik's death means Rover's valiant defence has been breached right on the brink of half time. Harsh luck, but some pundits will say 45th minute is the best time to take the lead. They are wrong of course, it's the 94th minute. However, Spade moves ahead in the quest to take on DDT in Round 2. Also, last year Sean went out in Round 1 which was rather a significant underachievement. Now he takes a 6 point lead at the halfway point. 1. Charon (Unrepentant) vs Maryportfuncity (Inter Youngboys FC) 3-0 2. Pedro (Trottingbum Hotsores) vs The Dead Cow 3-10 3. Young Willz (Glasgow Ron Weasley Ed Sheeran Slash Fanfiction Thistle Wanderers United) vs The Engineer 0-0 4. Grim Up North (Going Going GUN) vs Yorkshire Banker 6-3 5. Msc vs Wormfarmer 3-0 6. Spade Cooley (Great Railway Journeys with Hughie Gallacher and Robert Enke) vs Roverandout 3-0 7. Joey Russ vs Garn (Video Assistant Reaper) 7-0 8. Bibliogryphon (Bye Bye Biblio) vs Phantom of the Midway (AKA Rad Guy) 0-6 9. Sean (Shaun of the Dead’s Magical Funeral Parlour) vs Fixed Business (Business Fixed) 6-0 10. Gcreptile (The eaten tide pods) vs John Key 7-3 11. Deathray (First In, First Out and Never Invited to an Orgy Again) vs Sir Creep (The Month-to-Month Tenants) 0-0 12. Captain Chorizo vs Book (Never Heard of Soccer) 3-0
  2. 3 points
    Just wanted to say how ridiculous it is that Wikipedia 'deaths' listings for February 14 doesn't have St. Valentine's beheading of 278 A.D. listed. How can there be that much of an oversight? Happy Valentine's Day to all... .....says the aging single father sitting on an oil rig in a Texas ghost town. SMH St. Valentine had it better. SC
  3. 3 points
    Myself and Mrs Msc have only celebrated Valentine's Day once (she's not keen on it either). This was back at uni. Can't mind if it was the day itself or a few days before. Anyhow, the pub she'd chosen for a get together had a TV, which went from BBC weather reports into extended breaking news that actor Ian Richardson had died. Then her phone rang, it was my mum, and she got a long chat about Richardson from mum too! Anyhow, we went home and watched my House of Cards DVD. Somehow, she later married me.
  4. 3 points
    Fair enough. I 'own' neither
  5. 3 points
    Seeing as you have the avatar I find most attractive (Bladan being at other end of the list) here's my tale of success. Apologies for the initial excessive detail. Back in 1990 I had fancied this girl from work for about a year but initially we had both been going out with somebody else (and I was pretty sure she didn't fancy me) - anyhow in October/Nov 89 my girlfriend of 2 years dumped me leaving me feeling a bit low and then in December the girl I fancied copped off with one of my friends in front of me which ended her existing relationship and she started going out with my friend plunging me into a new low. Luckily for me in late Jan/early Feb my friend decided to go back to his previous girlfriend leaving the way clear for me. But at this stage of course I didn't really have high hopes that I was on her radar. Anyhow on 11th February 1990 the Sunday Times had an article in it (related to Valentine's Day) with a large diagram showing the internal parts of a heart. This gave me an idea and I decided to go for it. So I went out on Monday and bought some white card, cut out the internal heart diagram from the magazine and stuck it on the front of the card (the card was maybe a foot tall). Then I wrote on the front above the heart 'Valentine..' and inside the card '..you've captured my heart, With love ?' On the Wednesday morning at 6am I got up and drove round to her house and left the card in the front porch, I had forgotten the dog so it was not the silent arrival and departure I had hoped for but nevertheless I got away before anyone saw me. Later that day she asked me if it was me, I said yes and would she like to go out on Sunday, we got married in 1992, and are still married today with three beautiful adult daughters.
  6. 3 points
    Been running up and town the touchline directing the team. Now it is time to pull them off at half-time. Wait. I mean give them a severe dressing down. No, that still sounds a little pervy. They're going to get the full treatment...Oh good grief! *tries to think of a non-innuendo* *gives up* Happy Valentines Day...
  7. 2 points
    Yes, it is a-ma-zing. My 1970s little boy was so happy when I discovered that.
  8. 2 points
    I feel you on that one lol...things are changing so fast....kids these days dont know even the struggle of growing up in the early 2000s
  9. 2 points
    You're only as old as you feel, which makes me a chilled 134 years old.
  10. 2 points
    Think I've had three in my entire life.
  11. 2 points
    The first is for the angels / dog / layabout teenagers. Then subsequent ones are perfect. I don't know why either. Cooking is an art, baking is a science etc
  12. 2 points
    Why on Earth use a knife like that to cut it? * unless all the others are steeping in bleach for 'reasons'....
  13. 2 points
    I made a keesh qeesh cheash egg, bacon and cheese pie this morning; I can't stop cutting slivers off it and eating them.
  14. 2 points
    That would explain why my pancake parties are always a bit flat.
  15. 2 points
    Yes, yes I am. And I'm as astonished as anyone, let me tell you. Hoping for a Tsvangirai wonder goal Aguero-style in the last minute, but pleased I'm entering injury time for getting a money spinning replay. I rather imagine this is my current situation, now and for the remaining 15 days of February:
  16. 1 point
    I see there was a crowdfunding page here: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/nicolas-chagrin Don't think even Hadoke picked that one up... Ah, the Colin Baker era....
  17. 1 point
    Dairylea added to shopping list. This thread is getting expensive
  18. 1 point
    I've just bought valentine's heart sparklers (I had no idea they were a thing either) because my daughter treats her boyfriend appallingly and has made zero effort. There was a guy there looking all confused "But I don't want a card saying To My Wife, she's someone else's wife at the moment"
  19. 1 point
    I'm with you on pre-grated food but people who don't own sieves or graters are degenerates/ psychopaths.
  20. 1 point
    Mine? It was slightly awkward. I was married but newly separating. It was still great though. Couldn't get a card obviously but he stayed up to wish me a happy valentine's and made work the next day.
  21. 1 point
    That was for innocent purposes! And there's nothing wrong with Cat's knife. Just because you cut about with a machete...
  22. 1 point
    Lololololol. It's my trusty kitchen devil. I've had it for at least 20 years and it gets a few strokes of a stone once a month and you could perform surgery with it.
  23. 1 point
    Latest update on his condition- he's blind, deaf and can no longer speak or move.Apart from that he's doing great ! https://www.christianpost.com/news/anne-graham-lotz-gives-health-update-on-father-billy-graham-ahead-of-100th-birthday-217446/
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    Do you mean structures or shape? I've looked really hard at the photos but the structures seem to be the same (head on top of the body, two arms, two legs, and the accessories - eyes, nose, mouth etc. - all in the right place). Much as it'd be tabloid gold to prove the younger two to be bastard offspring I - personally - doubt it. Their slightly different shape (more prone to fat etc.) could pretty much be down to the ratio of hours actually worked to food scoffed. Andrew in particular seems partial to a snack and averse to hard graft with a slightly lived-in face that speaks volumes about an unfulfilled life whilst Edward is basically pampered, generally useless and so far down the royal pecking order his very existence verges on pointless. (Republican) rant over!
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