Thanks for the great answer. She sounds terrific. I think she and I would see eye to eye on a lot of things.
"You have no idea how many voice recordings I’ve accumulated and questions I’ve asked her!" With her consent, you should put them up on Youtube as they will be a treasure trove for people interested in social history.
"... when she was in university..." It would have been rare for a woman of her generation to go to uni.
"She always jokes that based on what people eat today her longevity records might never be broken, so she thanks McDonalds." I made that very same joke a while ago somewhere in this same thread. I think it was about the proliferation of Yank supercentenarians thinning out as the McDonald's generation hits old age.
"1990’s. She hated the war periods and in between the wars there were too many economic depressions for her liking. The economy in the 1990’s was booming and in her opinion, the culture was great. " Yes, the Asian Tiger economy period would have been good. Yes, the 1990s were a fairly good era in retrospect before the Yanks lost the plot completely after Sep 11.You'd be too young to even remember that world. There were a lot of economic problems for those of us not living in Asian economies though. Depressing that that decade might be as good as it gets and we might not see anything as good in the rest of our lives...
"She says that hygiene was the biggest imrpovement. In the early 1900’s, the thoughts of washing your hands, brushing your teeth, and taking showers were almost non existent! " That's why she outlived them all.
"She hated the developement and progression of the atomic bomb. " Absolutely.
"I think she also has a crush on Yuzuru Hanyu." Well, you can't blame her because every man in the world is a toyboy from her perspective now.
"This is also when she started driving (she got her first car at the age of 92)" She's Supergran!