For those of you confused - in the scrum, the boofhead is sandwiched between the tighthead and the loosehead, with the lock forwards' hands hanging on to his (or her) balls. It's a sad but (I suppose) inevitable, and perhaps even justified, sign of the modern times in which we live that thread titles must adapt to current health and safety regulations. Though I will give a small, sad shake of the head when 'Andy Fordham - will he lose his liver?' becomes 'Darts Players' and 'Geoff Duke' transmogrifies into 'Motorcyclists'.
I think the boofheads addition might have been my doing, way back when - possibly in some cackhanded tribute to Gunjaman5000 or some other such macho Antipodean sort. Farewell the once-talented Mr Ripley.
(Edit: oh sorry, I see he and his boofheads live on in the subtitle)