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Found 3,525 results

  1. Sir Creep

    American Football Players

    Video clip of his shining moment…
  2. roaming_comrade

    34. Daniel Barenboim

    you should look at video versions, he can barely play piano anymore
  3. Zsa Zsa's leg

    Summer Olympic Deaths/Dead Medallists

    https://www.today.com/video/mary-lou-retton-breaks-silence-on-pneumonia-hospitalization-201518661835 Here's a link to the video. She looks decent for somebody who was almost dead a few months ago.
  4. Octopus of Odstock

    ALS/MND/other degenerative diseases

    Darby in a video here. Now mostly wheelchair bound and definitely struggling to speak now. I think he'll still see 2025, but he's clearly on the downhill slope. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/football/67915248
  5. La Tombe

    Thoughts On The 2024 List

    The DL should regret to not having Delon in the DL. I write there just after saw the interview of Anthony Delon his son on BFMTV. Delon, 88 years old, is physically diminished. He can not speak as easily as before. He needs assistance to move. Until these summer, Alain Delon moved between France and Switzerland (he has residences in both countries and citizenship of both), now since the summer the health of Delon deteriorated more and Anthony says that now his father wants to live his final years or months or weeks…don’t know…in the domain of Douchy, a former castle in a village, located one hour and half, south of Paris. (For precisions Google Maps is your help). Delon wants to be buried in his domain next to his dogs, he had many in the past and they are buried in the domain of Douchy. So I’m glad, Delon is in my French deathlist these year, he should have been considered by the DL . I think he will not reach his 90th birthday in november 2025, Anthony Delon even says that Christmas 2023 could be his last. In my think, Delon is afraid to die someday. Maybe he will achieve 89 but that’s almost sure, not 90. link to the video of Anthony Delon on French news channel BFMTV :
  6. Spade_Cooley

    Internet Celebrities

    Also getting in on the hot new YouTuber announcing their imminent death from cancer craze, gun reviewer Paul Harrell dropped a "goodbye" video today. 816,000 subscribers so he'd have made DDP requirements, not too confident on him making it to QO though.
  7. jimbean1121

    Donald J Trump

    possibly the funniest trump video ever because like look at him trying to understand smart stuff like magnets
  8. Clorox Bleachman

    Derby Dead Pool 2024

    I'm proud to present my theme (and only) team, Lil Tay Is Not Dead but Alive With Soul. It's named after David Gest's aged-like-milk tour. All these names were incorrectly or maliciously pronounced dead within the last 18 months. This is my favourite theme team I've done, if only for the sheer absurdity you're about to read. Name | backstory | how convincing was the hoax? Linda Nolan [JOKER] | Some boomer heard Linda Lewis was dead and sent condolences to the Nolan family. 2/10 Purple Aki | Twitter users reported he was found dead in his flat in Leeds. All rumours about this man are true until proven false. 8/10 Jimmy Carter | Announced in November 2022 by an account called CarterCenterUS, run by he-who-shall-not-be-named. Proud to say I helped stop the spread of misinformation. 6/10 Raul Castro | This one came about just before I submitted my team and was quickly shut down. 4/10 Simon Cowell (TV guy with uncanny face) | People edited photos to make it look like he was seriously ill or dead and Sinitta fell for it LOL. 1/10 Yael Dayan | Locally reported to have died from COPD. Commented herself that she was fine. Still dying from COPD, I presume??? 5/10 Cardinal Alexandre do Nascimento | 2 separate hoaxes last Spring. Who has the time or interest? 7/10 Mary Marquis | Scottish Twitter figures who looked up to her thought she was dead. 9/10 Zubin Mehta | Cancelled shows in Berlin and then 'died'. Convenient timing. He wasn't even in Europe. 4/10 David Neilson | This weird memorial website posted an obituary, but it made it t' forum. 3/10 Ozzy Osbourne | He found a picture of himself in a YouTube memorial, but didn't do a Marcus Garvey. 0/10 Vladimir Putin | When is he not being falsely killed off? 2/10 Thomas Robb | Wikipedia vandalism. Fingers crossed though. 3/10 Linda Robson | The Loose Women cast were being killed off at an alarming rate by Twitter users. She posted a response video where she pretended to be undead, pretty good sport. 1/10 Amartya Sen | Reported by Deccan Herald and Times of India, thanks to a hoax account and despite his daughter denying it. 6/10 Try Sutrisno | Multiple hoaxes circulated on "messaging applications". Meh. 4/10 Loretta Swit | Again, some people on Twitter were sad to hear from somewhere that she died. As a bonus, she got some automated tribute videos (not that kind, get your mind out the gutter). 5/10 Denise Welch | Wild combination of Twitter fantasy-writing and Wikipedia vandalism. "The Gay, Horny Pink from the African tribe of Welch's" suffered heartburn from watching Hollyoaks, was struck down by lightning from the 5G tower masts, then had a bout of explosive diarrhoea at her personal toilet, then was run over by Kerry Riches' mobility scooter after it was hijacked on a drunken rampage by Farida Khalifa, hair and makeup artist for the traveller gypsy community. Her name was changed to Theynise Squelch, Jesus, "I need a man", Loreen, P!nk, Blackpink, Holly Jervis, and Honest Vocal Coach; her picture was changed to June Whitfield's by a user named Dula Peep. 0/10 but funny Bruce Willis | Those lame Facebook posts that put 2 dates on a picture with excessive HDR and mums and dads in Nigeria and Bangladesh post sad reactions. I'm sorry if that sounds insensitive, if you've witnessed it you'll know it's completely true. 0/10 Qi Xin | Xi Jinping's mother, reported to have died from covid but still going apparently. 4/10 SUBS: left off because they're all healthy 30-somethings. Ciara | Some art director named Jackie Murphy died and some really stupid people on Facebook thought Ciara (young, well-known pop star) died because her name was mentioned in a tweet about Murphy. 0/10 Josh Seiter | Bachelorette contestant with mental health problems. A post about his death went up on his own Instagram. I would've believed this one. 9/10 Charley Uchea | Someone pretending to be her cousin posted that she had passed away. It wasn't officially denied for a week. Did she not bother because she thought it was obvious it was fake? Because it wasn't. 8/10 When I put together this team in Autumn, the working title was Sophie Anderson Is Not Dead but Alive With Soul. Then, in the coincidence of the century, she FUCKING DIED 3 MONTHS AFTER HER DEATH HOAX EXACTLY LIKE DAVID GEST. The iconic "David's Dead" video, for reference:
  9. Salmon Mousse

    Internet Celebrities

    The biggest Barczyk oddity is what passes for a celebrity on the internet. Sure, his "goodbye video" sits at just under 660k views... but the internet has 5.3 billion users. Might just be a middle-aged man yelling at clouds here but seems the bar for internet-only fame should be a lot higher than real-world fame. Emphasis on "a lot".
  10. BelieveTheLie

    42. Raul Castro

    You are of course correct that he could die of a sudden heart attack but literally every human could suffer the same fate at any time. My opinion from watching the video of his speech is that he does not appear frail or sickly meaning that all things being equal I doubt he will die soon. Sure he could bang his head and die like Bob Saget but compared to other people of his age he looks healthy and together.
  11. The Daredevil

    Michael Douglas

    Happy New Year Video
  12. livingbygrace

    Hartlepool Deadlypool 2024

    I just saw you had Brian Barczyk on your list.. He just did a good-bye video on youtube.. So sad, he was one of my kids favorite youtubers. My boy is majorly into reptiles. Seemed like it wont be long for him.
  13. Whitehouse

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    Two men fighting in the Philadelphia Sibway, one lost his balance got run over by train. (Graphic video!)
  14. The Watcher

    The Boys Of '66

    He looked fit enough 'daddy dancing' when making his usual appearance a year ago on the Christmas 2022 version of Football's Coming Home. Apart from the 1996 video there is another ruder (check names on shirts) version which he appears in decades ago which seems to be filmed in a car park.
  15. Insane

    Internet Celebrities

    I hate to agree with you, I watched the video, he’s gasping for air and sounds frail and looks the part + he had a “few strokes”
  16. RadGuy

    Internet Celebrities

    Murmurs on Twitter that Brian Barczyk has died are likely untrue, as his YouTube channel posted a goodbye video just over an hour ago and confirmed in the comments that he's still alive. The video is depressing, so watch at your own risk, but basically, he confirms that chemo stopped working a few months ago and he is now entering hospice. So, still alive, but as is tradition to say 'round these parts, won't be around to see the Royal Rumble.
  17. Commtech Sio Bibble

    20. Derek Draper

    For all those who said he wasn't famous enough, not only he receive a breaking news notification from the BBC but his death was the second 'headline' story on the 1 o'clock BBC News where he received a video obituary that focused on his political career and not his wife.
  18. markb4

    15. Glynis Johns

    I feel it's gonna be hard to top her as the choice for the last person memorialized in the "TCM Remembers 2024" video.
  19. alt obits guy

    People Who Are Dead According To Wikipedia...

    Leonid Tkachenko obit: https://us.firenews.video/world-news/former-baltika-head-coach-leonid-tkachenko-has-passed-away-kaliningrad-news/
  20. Spade_Cooley

    Deadpool Detective Work

    There doesn't appear to have been a "Christmas at the Rancho" video for 2023 - possible sign that, at 105, Elisabeth Waldo's years are finally catching up with her? There is a mini-documentary on her from 3 months ago uploaded by the same account, so I doubt she's died off-radar. Also, the fact that she is now appearing regularly in SEO-bait "oldest living celebrity" lists makes me think she's guaranteed a QO.
  21. RadGuy

    Your DDP Salvage Lot 2024

    Subs: Patrick Murray - probably a goner with all his ailments but I couldn't find room. Joe Doering/Dikembe Mutombo - both with unclear stages of cancer, both might be on their way out in 2024 reading between the lines, but I just knew if I only picked one, the other would go, and I didn't have room for both. Final drops: Dario G - probably one of the better 'new' names but still see him making it to 2025. Shannen Doherty - starting to decline but still think she sees 2025. Roy Battersby - dying this year, but I have enough old, low-scoring names already. Richard "Black Bart" Harris - my wrestling ignorance made me unsure of a QO, plus he seems somewhat stable still according to a recent Facebook video. Not worth the risk for a 7-pointer. Toby Keith - still not sold on him dying, would've been a purely defensive pick. Joanne Woodward - Drop 40 for sure but if she's survived 15 years with Alzheimer's, why not another year? Not sure the alleged hospice changes anything. Other drops: Jimmy Zoppi/Erik Jensen - both seem to be relatively stable and responding well to treatment. Sudarshan Maharaj - pancan sounds big and scary always, but reading between the lines, they seem confident it's treatable. Jose "Piculin" Ortiz - another name that wouldn't reveal the stage of their cancer, ffs, why are there so many? But if I understood correctly it was caught during a routine scan so probably early. Vanessa Redgrave - again, too many oldies already, and she's not as likely to die as a Carter or Chomsky. Joe Shannon - not super likely to die and I've seen plenty of household names in Ireland not get a single obit in the UK press so I was worried that would be the case here too. Why can't y'all get along? Richard Scolyer - experimental treatment looks promising. Nigel Starmer-Smith - already carried over SEVEN of my 2023 survivors so no room for him. Adrian Sutton - not a lot of updates and kinda boring. Plus "incurable" to me always sounds like "the cancer is here to stay, but so am I for 4-5 years." Sean Wallace - found him very late. Also, as an American college sports fan, even I think he's too obscure to get a Yahoo obit. Francoise Hardy - already have drama queen Esther Rantzen, didn't need two. Dennis Skinner - Chomsky filled the "forum user claims to have inside knowledge that they're dying" spot. James Fanale - just no way he gets a QO, imo.
  22. The Daredevil

    Thoughts On The 2024 List

    How likely will they be 2024 DL hits? Jimmy Carter: 100%, 99 years old, in hospice for over 10 months, lost his wife of 77 years a month ago, will be dead by March and won’t see his 100th birthday, let alone 2025. Dick Van Dyke: 25%, in fine kettle of late, ageist pick, maybe influenced by his old history of chain smoking, alcoholism and clinical depression. Pete Murray: 35%, he should make 2025, fit and active as of 2022, and I can see him going at 99 like Bob Barker. Alan Greenspan: 30%, quiet recently but another ageist pick, always chosen but never goes. If Kissinger made 100, why can’t the healthier Greenspan. Exactly, a centenarian in the making like Van Dyke. Pope Francis: 75%, still well enough to be Pope, but 2023 was a year of health problems for him, so 2024 is expected to be even worse. Pretty much a 2024 or 2025 cert, won't see 90. Ethel Kennedy: 95%, looked frail in 2022, very little heard about her in 2023. Approaching 96 fast, wise to keep this one on, will pay off this year for sure. Cleo Laine: 90%, going on 97 years of age and has always looked a life of excess. Plus, never heard from nowadays, and I even dreamt her death last month. 2024 is likely her year, and is likely to be one of the first hits this year. Sandy Gall: 65%, has stayed active into his senior years, but he is a 96 year old male, and not as healthy as Attenborough or Van Dyke I would guess. Gall is also one of the tallest on the list (187cm at his peak). Noam Chomsky: 90%, reportedly seriously ill and has taken a sudden step back from all interview activity without any explanation. 2025 is a near impossible task for this one. Robert Wagner: 20%, continuously mentions he feels great in videos, and looks like one of the healthiest 93-year-old men out there, whilst carrying a great head of hair. Also being highly active doing interviews in recent years lowers his chances of being a 2024 DL hit further. Honestly, one of the worst 2024 DL picks. Mel Brooks: 55%, hasn’t been a good DL pick until now. No known health issues, but started looking frail in 2023. Dennis Skinner: 85%, reportedly at the end stages of dementia, has supposedly beaten 91 years of age (a touch age to get out of), and is never heard from anymore. One of the better 2024 DL candidates. Nigel Starmer-Smith: 85%, reportedly bedridden and dying since 2021, a wonder he even made 2023. James Whale: 80%, still dying of terminal cancer, his treatment nearing its end, and he doesn’t expect to see another year (again!). This one is also clutching at straws, good-great pick. A 2024 or 2025 dead cert. Glynis Johns: 95%, oldest and only centenarian on the list, supposedly bed ridden under around the clock care, pretty safe to say 2024 is Glynis' year. Stanley Baxter: 90%, 2024 feels just like his year, and he will likely go at 98 like Leslie Phillips. Joanne Woodward: 90%, dementia for 16 years, widower for 15 years, 93-years-old. How did she make it out of 2023 alive? A far better selection than her Kiss Before Dying and Winning co-star Robert Wagner. Patricia Routledge: 45%, in her declining years no doubt, but looked rather chipper and full of life throughout her various 2023 appearances. One to revisit in 2025. Clint Eastwood: 20%, directed a film a month ago, and was reportedly in fine form. Age sounds good, and time for a DL debut, but nothing else to really justify what is a bit of a lazy selection. Derek Draper: 100%, got my vote for 1st Death of 2024. Is in critical condition, may only have a few days left. Vanessa Redgrave: 100%, 2024 is her year, she seemed gravely ill in a farewell video a few months ago. Seems certain she will go at 87. Desmond Morris: 20%, has looked great in photos from last year, could have done with a DL break in 2024. Tired of this really ageist pick, he is old and a bit stout, that’s it. Gene Hackman: 30%, very independent, slim if a bit frail, and was able to drive alone in 2023 without glasses! Another Eastwood situation, about time for his DL induction but should be readily available the 2025 DL at this rate. Jean-Marie Le Pen: 85%, stroke in 2022, heart attack in 2023, 95 years old and morbidly obese, 2024 will no doubt be a very tough one for Le Pen to manoeuvre out of, really doubt he’ll manage it. Denis Law: 80%, 3-year dementia sufferer, Bobby Charlton died after 3 years. Not a bad pick at all. Hans Blix: 30%, no reason why he won't do a Jacques Delors on us in 2026, couldn't find a single health issue with this guy. Julie Walters: 45%, could really go either way. If she did complete filming for the new Paddington film at the end of 2023, maybe our suspicions about her current condition are a bit exaggerated. Tom Brokaw: 70%, this was one smart pick by the committee this year. Even though younger than most of his fellow candidates, his run-in with blood cancer is definitely no small matter. Linda Nolan: 65%, her tumours are shrinking and she is now seemingly toying with us... but with these kind of picks, anything could happen suddenly without notice. Bob Newhart: 90%, increasingly frail in recent years, on his last legs, highly questionable whether he’ll even make 95. One of the best picks on the 2024 DL, and is expected to be one of the first to depart (remember 94-year-old Burt Bacharach last year?). Louis Farrakhan: 40%, looked great in recent Twitter videos, but has recently lost his son, and has had a very rocky health history over the years. Not a good nor bad pick. Norman Tebbit: 40%, potential to squeak into 2025, looked well in a recent photo, and apparently still lives independently, spraying intruder pigeons with a water pistol. Cannot really call this one. Willie Nelson: 40%, all that performing as impressive as it is for someone at his age, might finish him off, it worked for Charles Aznavour. Plus, if you look at Nelson’s lifestyle history, if someone said he would be alive, let alone performing in his 91st year, they would be laughed at. Yet, seeing 2025 is still somehow a good possibility for Nelson, who is in better health than the majority of his fellow candidates this year. Daniel Barenboim: 35%, may stick around another year or two, seemingly not deteriorating rapidly and without a life-threatening condition. Esther Rantzen: 90%, stage 4 lung cancer patient, doesn’t expect to make Christmas, and treatment has failed her. Pretty obvious. Roberta Flack: 60%, 87 feels like her age of death and her ALS has put her in a very fragile condition, although is not the fastest killing disease. She could very well see 2025, but I wouldn't bet on it. Dick Cheney: 60%, could go either way, but he has had health woe after health woe, including multiple heart attacks and is now well into his 80s. He was also given roughly 10 years following his heart transplant in 2012. Finally has become a worthy DL pick. Prunella Scales: 30%, dementia has a very fast deterioration rate once it reaches a certain point, but Scales looked so stunning in 2023, I doubt it will reach that point any time this year. Robert Duvall: 25%, was out and about in 2023 giving speeches, looking fine for a nonagenarian male. Not in any immediate danger. A better choice than he was last year, is the most promising thing I can say about this pick. Josef Fritzl: 80%, smart inclusion by the committee. Health plague after health plague seems to come to this one and being imprisoned is no help. Brigitte Bardot: 45%, very difficult one. She was reportedly suffering severe breathing difficulties multiple times over 2023, but was then seen driving a few months later, looking her usual chic self. Would expect her to still be around in 2025 but anything is possible with this wild card. Raul Castro: 30%, touch and go whether he’ll see 2025, his siblings have died off, but no immediate health crisis evident with Raul makes me think this will be one of the candidates not to pay as much attention to in 2024. Imelda Marcos: 40%, a longtime complainer but very well looked after, should see 2025 with another health problem or two. Ted Turner: 35%, a great one for 2025, not so sure about 2024, still remains semi-active on Twitter, and there has been limited updates on his condition. I would have approved of Michael Schumacher or Michael York over Turner this year. Buzz Aldrin: 20%, got married last year and looked in top form at the wedding. Jim Lovell is the astronaut candidate who will ascend in 2024. Aldrin will be one of the last, potentially even the last, of the 2024 DL survivors, if Wagner and Eastwood let him. Sonny Rollins: 35%, sounded very sharp and healthy in 2023 interview, touch and go whether Sonny will be around in 2025, my guess is yes, by the skin of his teeth. Sly Stone: 25%, a gut feeling he'll go aged 83 in 2026, nothing seemingly terminal health wise, just taken a lot over the years. Tom Baker: 45%, has been getting out and about unaided in recent months, though he is getting more and more frail these days. One to include for sure in 2025, if he makes it... Franz Beckenbauer: 85%, very nice addition. Pretty much a guarantee 2024 DL hit, with escalating reports on him nearing the end. Joe Bugner: 25%, a feeling he'll throw in the towel in 2025, he's only 73 at this moment, only scarce updates on his health, and although the tallest on the list these days (has shrunk from 6'4" to about 6'3"), height does not play a big role health wise, it just makes it a bit harder for blood to pump around the body. So if we take all the 50% plus candidates, we're looking at 25 hits (Carter, Francis, Kennedy, Laine, Gall, Chomsky, Brooks, Skinner, Starmer-Smith, Whale, Johns, Baxter, Woodward, Draper, Redgrave, Le Pen, Law, Brokaw, Nolan, Newhart, Rantzen, Flack, Cheney, Fritzl, Beckenbauer).
  23. gcreptile

    5. Pope Francis

    Last video I saw of him, early Decembre, he was in a wheelchair, but sort of stable. In my mind he's a pretty certain 2025 hit. But yes. you don't want to miss him.
  24. dirtracer18

    The Chequered Flag

    Apparently this wreck was GNARLY. I'm sure everyone's seen the video of Gordon Smiley blowing his car, and himself, into a million pieces all over turn 3 at Indianapolis by now. Some of the descriptions of Renna's crash make it sound like Smiley's crash to the power of two.
  25. MrWonderful

    Ideas and possibilities for 2024

    I just think he looks like a man who is dying. In those photos of him from late 2022, that just didn't look to me like someone who lost a lot of weight from gastric bypass surgery. He looked very, very sick to me. He could barely walk, in that video of him at a red carpet event, actually needing assistance, it looked like. There hasn't been any information that has been released as far as a specific illness that he may or may not have, but I'm just going with my eyes on this one, that's all. Has anyone had a positive update on him being out and about in public and looking spry? Until I see something like that, he's staying on my list if he continues to have that look to me like he's very sick. Also, I found this, from an appearance on Live with Kelly and Mark, where the article notes that when the show came back from commercial, Jackson was already seated, so they didn't actually show him on camera walking onstage. That almost certainly means that he either needed assistance walking to the stage, or that he can barely walk. And he still looks sick to me. Judge for yourself.

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