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20 minutes ago, BuffaloPhil said:



The same YouGov report has this seat projection :

Labour 422

Conservative 140

Lib Dem 48

SNP 17

Green 2

Plaid Cymru 2

Reform 0

Northern Ireland and Others 19


So the percentages of the vote and of the seats turn out as :


Labour - 37% of the vote, 64.9% of the seats

Conservative - 18% of the vote, 21.5% of the seats

Lib Dem - 14% of the vote, 7.4% of the seats

SNP - 3% of the vote, 2.6% of the seats

Green - 7% of the vote, 0.3% of the seats

Plaid Cymru - 1% of the vote, 0.3% of the seats

Reform - 19% of the vote, 0% of the seats

NI/Others - 2% of the vote, 2.9% of the seats.


Reform would kick off (understandably, to be fair) and hopefully Labour will bring in some form of PR, as FPTP has generally hurt them more than it's helped them.

Zero chance Labour or any majority government will bring in PR without being forced to by a coalition agreement. Even then it might only be a referendum which probably wouldn’t pass. 

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1 hour ago, BuffaloPhil said:

and hopefully Labour will bring in some form of PR, as FPTP has generally hurt them more than it's helped them.

Tbh I think they will eventually, but this is something they’ll keep in their back pocket until it looks like they’re running out of steam. I’d expect them to back a change to the voting system (and subsequently offer a referendum on it) late into their second term at the earliest, unless a pro-PR party becomes the official opposition and becomes increasingly popular.

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4 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

Farage bleating earlier that he's  not getting enough coverage. The cunt is everywhere ffs

He's the political equivalent of herpes, disgusting and keeps coming back.

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1 hour ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

Farage bleating earlier that he's  not getting enough coverage. The cunt is everywhere ffs

Reform UK just showed a political broadcast which was nothing but five minutes of a blank screen with the words 'Britain is broken. Britain needs reform'. To their credit (and this is literally the only credit they deserve in this election, other than their 'useful idiots' role of bleeding away the Tory vote even further), if you don't interpret the word 'reform' to mean 'Reform UK', it's probably the one ad in this whole election period which doesn't contain a single fib or (soon to be) broken promise. 

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I remember Have I Got News For You special where they recorded the Friday morning rather Thursday afternoon because there had been some kind of election. I think within the space of two hours of recording, about 3 important people had quit politics or something (including Nigel Farage). So if there is a show on 5th July. Get your bingo card out.

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1 minute ago, ladyfiona said:

I remember Have I Got News For You special where they recorded the Friday morning rather Thursday afternoon because there had been some kind of election. I think within the space of two hours of recording, about 3 important people had quit politics or something (including Nigel Farage). So if there is a show on 5th July. Get your bingo card out.

There is not going to be one this year for the first time ever. 

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6 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:

I remember Have I Got News For You special where they recorded the Friday morning rather Thursday afternoon because there had been some kind of election. I think within the space of two hours of recording, about 3 important people had quit politics or something (including Nigel Farage). So if there is a show on 5th July. Get your bingo card out.


Ah yes, 2015. NF had resigned, Prick Clegg had resigned, then Ed Miliband resigned while they were filming. And to think that was seen back then as a chaotic day in politics!

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1 hour ago, TQR said:

Ah yes, 2015. NF had resigned, Prick Clegg had resigned, then Ed Miliband resigned while they were filming. And to think that was seen back then as a chaotic day in politics!


Cameron flying high with an unexpected majority. Within a year, he was out and Pandora had opened her box. :facepalm:


Still, at least it wasn't Miliband's Coalition of Chaos, eh? :rolleyes:

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9 hours ago, RoverAndOut said:



And another one! :D


Rishi Sunak looks more like Bob Marley than the actor who played Bob Marley in the Bob Marley film.

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With the current awful weather it’s very sensible to not talk about climate change. Voters tend to doubt its happening when it’s freezing in June and non stop cloudy and lots of rain. 

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45 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

With the current awful weather it’s very sensible to not talk about climate change. Voters tend to doubt its happening when it’s freezing in June and non stop cloudy and lots of rain. 


As usual misconstruing climate change and global warming. Is this weather typical of the English climate in June? No. So the climate has changed (it is warmer and wetter as the scientists have said). Climate change and global warming does not mean we should all be basking in shorts and tshirts and 40°C heat all summer. Unless you're an imbecile, which 99% of the right seem to be.

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5 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:


As usual misconstruing climate change and global warming. Is this weather typical of the English climate in June? No. So the climate has changed (it is warmer and wetter as the scientists have said). Climate change and global warming does not mean we should all be basking in shorts and tshirts and 40°C heat all summer. Unless you're an imbecile, which 99% of the right seem to be.


A facepalm not for the content in your response, of which every single word was spot on, but for quoting the Crembecile.

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12 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:


As usual misconstruing climate change and global warming. Is this weather typical of the English climate in June? No. So the climate has changed (it is warmer and wetter as the scientists have said). Climate change and global warming does not mean we should all be basking in shorts and tshirts and 40°C heat all summer. Unless you're an imbecile, which 99% of the right seem to be.

But that is what the average 40+  person in the UK thinks climate change is. After all it was widely called global warming until fairly recently. I don’t know anyone in my family who is a fan of environmentalists. We have seen in the Netherlands and probably soon France being anti green policies can be an election winning policy. 

In London the tensions between those who want Green policies and those who is growing - see Tower Hamlets for a big example of where tensions exist. 

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Will it be a good or bad thing for the Sun to endorse Starmer and Labour? 

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The heavy rain here reminds me of something funny that happened at either the 2001 or 2005 General Election.


I used to take long bus journey into work through a lot of rural areas. On the Wednesday before the election the roadside fences of one large area of farmland were festooned with a lot of small signs, about A4 sized, emblazoned with the name of the constituency's Conservative candidate.


It rained heavily overnight. The glue used to attach the paper sign to the hardboard was water soluble, so by around 8am most signs were simply blank, as the paper sign had fallen off during the deluge. The rest of these signs were pasted over ones from a previous campaign bearing the name of some other candidate not standing that day, and these were on display instead.


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2 hours ago, RoverAndOut said:

 Is this weather typical of the English climate in June? No.


Actually it is.  I often refer people to this article in Metcheck.  It's a good few years old.

Worth checking out if you're planning anything outdoor in June. It doesn't always turn out like this, but it does surprisingly often.


June Monsoon


Flamin' June... Scorchin' June... for some strange reason we hold in our memories June being a hot, sunny and settled month?

Of course, it's the start of the meteorological summer as well as having the solstice on the 21st. Perhaps that's why we always imagine it to be so amazing?

Sadly we forget that it also contains Glastonbury (usually rains) and the start of Wimbledon (why do you think they bought a roof?).

In fact, June is well known in UK meteorology to be a traditionally wet summer month due to the June Monsoon.

The exact cause of this is still not widely understood, although this is the time of year where the European and other land plateaus in the Northern Hemisphere

heat up and are at their greatest contrast with the colder oceans.

The end result is usually three distinctive waves of cooler, wetter weather which push in from the West in between an ever expanding Azores high.

1st to the 4th of June, 10th to the 14th and 18th to the 27th are the periods which are usually dominated by low pressure across the British Isles.

So there you have it. June rarely lives up to its commonly held vision and if you are thinking of booking a week off work to laze around in the garden

then July is a far better bet.



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Weather is always shit during election time, in my experience.

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I'm sure I met Fartage around 1998/99.


Back then I worked for an IT company in Yorkshire. Most of our business was selling and support an obscure operating system, but it's days were clearly numbered as the only new sales we were making were to existing customers, whilst others migrated away or closed down. We had a few other departments, including an 'internet team' who sold firewalls and routers to businesses, but clearly had no idea what they were doing, as I was once called on site to a business in Leeds to sort out their mess.


Anyway this 'internet team' moved on to developing a web server package, which was essentially just a WiKi server to which Word and Excel files could be uploaded and translated into HTML. The clever code used some third-party document conversion libraries and Lotus Notes (really!) as web server. Notes was a terrible webserver, and the whole system could be locked for minutes by running a single query. I was the one who had to log support calls from the two disgruntled test sites and fob them off with excuses. It wasn't helped by the fact that a couple of programmers were hopeless.


The idea was then raised to float the company on some stock market to gain extra funding to market the thing. We liased with some finance organistion in the city, and their contact was someone named Nigel with an odd surname. He once turned up at the office for a meeting, and it became an all-night piss-up which I wasn't pleased about. I despised the stuck-up git, and all he seemed to bother about was money.


I recall a document being printed to hype up the software around the time of the floatation. It was full of claims of things the software could do that certainly weren't true, some were things we'd not yet written, other were features that we hadn't yet tested. There were also claims that the system could be managed from a Mac web client, which was clearly false as I'd briefly tested that when using our only Mac to support something else, due to the system being coded to only be managed from a certain version of Internet Explorer. It was essentially a tissue of lies - a bit like some manifestos!


I walked out of the place a few weeks later as I couldn't stand the mess the company had become. The company was also renamed to that of this awful software. We could have sold and supported differnet operating systems to this day, but instead they went around this route.


The company collapsed soon afterwards. It looks like this flotation was nothing more than a sure-fire get rich scheme - now, I wonder who benefitted the most from that?

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Reform campaign going well in Norfolk.



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