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Paul Bearer

Ideas and possibilities for 2025

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On 27/06/2024 at 19:24, Summer in Transylvania said:

Disclaimer: Crem quoted below. Spoilertagged for those who do not wish to read his input. However, from a death pooling perspective, this might actually be one to pay attention to.

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Looking into the type of tumour he has, oligodendroglioma, it should seem that, while it is inoperable, it seems to have a five-year survival rate of 74%, so he may not be one for 2025. However, he also details in his post that, due to the slow-growing nature of the tumours, they may have gone undetected for years. Make of this what you will. I hope that he is coping the best he can given the circumstances, and that he has much more life in him. Discussion on a mortality forum is not something that should happen about someone 23 years old.

Quick update on this - His best friend is competing in an Ironman event in Barcelona to raise money for the charity Astrofund who are a charity focused on fundraising for research on low grade giloma tumours. So that strongly suggest the grade of his tumour,.

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On 24/11/2022 at 13:16, Perhaps said:

If you want a controversial, potentially fringy pick, look no further!


The mother of Ellen DeGeneres, Betty DeGeneres (wiki), seemingly never mentioned here before, is still alive and turns 93 next year.


Has her own Wikipedia page due to her LGBT activism and suffered from breast cancer over 40 years ago. Famous in her own right? I'll leave that to the experts.


Betty DeGeneres has dementia.

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Dick Carlson (Richard Carlson) former VoA director, father of Tucker and quite a piece of shit is now 83, has been obese most of his life and (as far as I know) has been pretty quiet in recent years.

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13 minutes ago, arghton said:

father of Tucker and quite a piece of shit


Never much of a believer myself in the adage 'Like father like son" however there's always the exception proves the rule.

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On 08/04/2024 at 20:23, Commtech Sio Bibble said:

Barbara Knox (b. 1933) - Her role as Rita in Corrie has been massively scaled back in the past year, very slow on her feet nowadays and is looking quite thin.


Barbara Knox gave a speech at Manchester Pride today - in fine form for almost 91, she wouldn’t be anywhere near my list yet.

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Pepe Mujica, Ex President of Uruguay, has esophagus cancer treatment since April... his actual conditions are bad but stable... He will probably go in 2025

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On 08/04/2024 at 20:23, Commtech Sio Bibble said:

Quentin Blake (b.1932) - Wasn't looking the best in his 2021 BBC special and hasn't been seen much since.

Blake is still active, and doesn't look too bad for 91 in what appears to be a new photo advertising an exhibition of his which is currently ongoing. I would say he is probably one to come back to in 2026, but now that I have said that prepare for his demise in the coming days.

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Anything in the DL rules that state the subject has to be human? If not then Larry the Cat might be worth a punt



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3 minutes ago, Sasnak said:

Anything in the DL rules that state the subject has to be human? If not then Larry the Cat might be worth a punt



Eh, I don't see anything there that suggests he's at death's door. He's old and very beloved, of course they'll have a planned press release for when he goes. He could go tomorrow, he could live for a good few years - 17 is old but not absolutely ancient for a cat. This screams of a complete non-story that has been written for the sake of having an article.


I'm pretty sure the DL has to be entirely people - if not then I'm sure they'd have had Kabosu on it for a good few years.

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15 minutes ago, Sasnak said:

Anything in the DL rules that state the subject has to be human? If not then Larry the Cat might be worth a punt



Unless we can prove that he was born on 1st January 2007, he shouldn't be allowed as it's unethical to pick candidates under the age of 18 :P


10 minutes ago, Master Obit said:

I'm pretty sure the DL has to be entirely people - if not then I'm sure they'd have had Kabosu on it for a good few years.

I very much doubt the committee are familiar with the Doge meme. They're stuck on Oogachaka Baby.

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24 minutes ago, Master Obit said:

I'm pretty sure the DL has to be entirely people - if not then I'm sure they'd have had Kabosu on it for a good few years.

I'm fairly sure that is the case now, but racehorse Red Rum did make an appearance in 1992.

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Larry the Cat could be a nice no. 50. Also a name that could stay on the list for a decade, Kirk Douglas-style.

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40 minutes ago, gcreptile said:

Larry the Cat could be a nice no. 50. Also a name that could stay on the list for a decade, Kirk Douglas-style.

Larry is already 17 and slowing down. I sincerely doubt he'll live for another decade. He'll live another 3 tops.

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Jim Donovan, (wiki) the radio voice of the Cleveland Browns from 1999-2023, officially retires from the broadcast booth due to “aggressive” cancer and associated treatment plans.

Evidently, he was first diagnosed with leukemia in 2000.

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On 31/12/2023 at 03:45, Paul Bearer said:

:lol:We promise not to ignore your suggestions. 


I’ll believe that when I see it. I predict Ringo Starr, Patrick Stewart, and Tom Brokaw. 

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furniture salesman, and general famous character in the Houston, Texas area “mattress mack” Jim Mcingvale is recovering in the hospital from (what he labels as) a “cognitive issue”. mack is 73 and has been looking frail for the last few years, and i dont see him making 2026, nor do i really see him making july 2025.

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"Idea and Possibility" of 2008, Debbie Nelson, Eminem's mother, supposedly has advanced lung cancer and not much time left:



However, she was also supposed to be dying from breast cancer in 2007.

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Some more miscellaneous possibilities.


Greg Bell (wiki) 93 - US olympic long jump champion, history of heart problems, decrepit and on oxygen.


Gustavo Gorriti (wiki) 76 - Major Peruvian journalist who helped put Fujimori and Vladimiro Montesinos behind bars, agressive lymphatic cancer.


Ingvar Carlsson (wiki) 89 - Swedish Prime Minister following the assasination of Olof Palme. Heart problems.


Ivan Mišković Brk, 104 - Yugoslavian general and head of Tito's Counterintelligence ServiceMultiple strokes, multiple heart attacks, abdominal cancer.


George C. Coulam (wiki) 86 - Ren Faire, US founder of the Texas Renaissance Festival, decrepit pervert, claims to have reversed his Alzheimer's disease with traditional medicine.


Daniel Bisogno, 51 - Mexican tv presenter and my former DL Cup pick, multiple organ problems and liver transplant.


And last, but definitely not least: 


Carlos Colon (wiki) 76, Puerto Rican wrestler. Advanced Parkinson's.



Adding more here:


Jamaloddin Khanjani, 91, of the Baháʼí 7. Alleged pancreatic cancer.

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On 02/08/2024 at 01:50, Summer in Transylvania said:

Former UKIP Leader and old racist git Jeffrey Titford turns 92 next year, and surprisingly has not been mentioned on this forum before, nor picked in the DDP. 

Jeffrey Titford dead at 90.

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35 minutes ago, drol said:

Jeffrey Titford dead at 90.

Also the ex president of the NAFD national association of funeral directors. Of which I am a member myself 

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Anyone heard of Robert Eddison before? He’s an author who specialises in language apparently and once interviewed Margaret Thatcher for the Times. I came across him on Instagram doing sorta self-help themed videos. He claims to be 90 and looks very good for it, though he’s definitely had a facelift or three. He doesn’t seem all that notable but I’m more curious about what this guy has been up to for the last 70 years. 

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