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Just now, Sinbabad said:

Meaning ? I’m not fluent in English 

Le Pen and her cronies are waiting for votes.


May I ask something? You say the French have ID cards. So, do they have to be renewed? How often? Do you have to pay for that? 


I mean, I definitely don't look the same from 40 years ago, 30 years ago or even 10 years ago. So you have to provide photos throughout your life?

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1 minute ago, YoungWillz said:

Le Pen and her cronies are waiting for votes.


May I ask something? You say the French have ID cards. So, do they have to be renewed? How often? Do you have to pay for that? 


I mean, I definitely don't look the same from 40 years ago, 30 years ago or even 10 years ago. So you have to provide photos throughout your life?

Yes you have to renew them every 15 years, with a current photo. And it’s free.



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1 hour ago, Toast said:


I have no doubt that was deliberate, as it will mostly have been younger people affected.

As a young person, I carry ID around with me at all times and I know most of my friends do, so I disagree here. It was seen in the 2023 local elections that it was the over 65s that had the most trouble with ID rather than the under 25s.

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I voted Green. I'm in one of their target seats, Bristol Central, and there's basically 0% chance of a Tory win here. 


In a marginal seat, I would grit my teeth and vote tactically. That said, Gaza and trans issues are both important to me, and labour has been exceptionally disappointing on both counts. Pretty glad I didn't have to.

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1 minute ago, Sinbabad said:

Yes you have to renew them every 15 years, with a current photo. And it’s free.



Wow. The government holds a pictorial record of all citizens throughout their life.


I'd guess for me that might be a small price to pay for your work laws, your healthcare and other things.


What you have to remember is I am a gay man who grew up in Thatcher's Britain who used the police as her personal militia and made various laws allowing the hatred of gay people. That may go some way to explaining my reluctance to provide them with something that a future government could use to hunt me down.


I like my physical invisibility, and that is a freedom I'm happy to keep. They didn't want my presence or my blood in the 1980s, now they don't want my vote in the 2020s.


Fuck them. Both main parties. My fizzog is mine and who I choose to share that with is my business.

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7 minutes ago, Sleepiestpeep said:

In a marginal seat, I would grit my teeth and vote tactically. That said, Gaza and trans issues are both important to me, and labour has been exceptionally disappointing on both counts. Pretty glad I didn't have to.


Not in UK, but it's annoying how I can't truly be happy with the likely result knowing how much of a T*RF-pandering fuckwit Starmer has been.


For tonight I'm going to focus my mental energies on who loses rather than who wins, as I'm not losing sight of the fact the Tories are the greatest cunts of all who deserve what's (hopefully) coming to them.

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Voted Labour for the second time in my life.

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2 hours ago, JQW said:


You could have applied for a Voter Authority Certificate for free - you simply had to upload a photo to the government website and provide various bits of personal info such as date of birth and NI number. 

I know people who applied for this and it never arrived, despite applying before the deadline. Much like the postal ballots in Scotland and elsewhere it has been a complete debacle. You can apply for an emergency proxy vote, but it's a bit of a faff and some people would prefer the ritual of going themselves to the polling station for a myriad of reasons. 

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Went for the Lib Dems. I've recently moved back to my hometown, which is in the most northerly mainland constituency (and also the largest); which last election was marginal Lib Dem-SNP. I can't really bring myself to vote for the SNP at the moment given the shitshow that's gone down recently, and Labour have done absolutely no campaigning up here and selected some rando candidate with an address in London so they clearly couldn't give less of a fuck. 


Ed Davey's emphasis on social care definitely helped me feel more confident in my voting decision as my mum has MS (I believe his wife does as well) and it's good to see a party taking a firm stance in guaranteeing support. 

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6 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

That may go some way to explaining my reluctance to provide them with something that a future government could use to hunt me down.


I like my physical invisibility, and that is a freedom I'm happy to keep. They didn't want my presence or my blood in the 1980s, now they don't want my vote in the 2020s.

Ok, now I understand your point of view, though I disagree.


I’d like to add that, though the ID are mandatory and have to be renewed, you won’t be arrested or prosecuted if you don’t have renewed it.


My grandma had a expired ID during 30 years, she never had any problems. It’s only recently that we renew her ID because she moved to retirement home and we had a lot of procedures to do.


My former ID expired during the Covid crisis and all the administrations were closed. But a cop told me that it wasn’t a big deal to have an expired ID. It is only a problem if you have troubles with the law, or if you recently acquired French nationality.

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1 hour ago, time said:

I have voted. Despite being a traditional Labour voter, I haven't voted for them this time round, for a number of reasons, but primarily and secondarily


  • Deselecting the incumbent MP at short notice with no explanation (save a complaint has been made against him relating to something that happened 8 years ago) and parachuting in a candidate from London who just happens to be Keir Starmers former speechwriter
  • Starmer's declared position on a number of things (e.g. ceasefire in Gaza, rejoining the EU/single market). He really is Tory-lite.

Don't worry I haven't voted Tory either (on account that shes a London resident too Tory), and Reform Ltd didn't have a candidate standing here..


I still expect a Labour win here, Tories had two chances, and slim has already left.


Guessing Green since you're in Brighton. (of course what anyone votes is between them and the ballot box, so clearly no need to confirm/deny. I'm just speculating for fun).

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Labour. Wanted to vote Lib Dem this time for several reasons not least the best chance of getting some form of PR.

Also agree with Time on this:


1 hour ago, time said:

Starmer's declared position on a number of things (e.g. ceasefire in Gaza, rejoining the EU/single market). He really is Tory-lite. 


But my seat is absolutely a Tory/Labour swing seat (been Tory since 2010) and everyone else including LD is nowhere.

Not a chance in hell I'll risk it.

Which sadly just annoys me even more about the above. Under PR, I could vote for what I want, not against what I hate.


If it were PR and policies actually taken at face value? Binface for me.

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2 minutes ago, En Passant said:

Binface for me.


I've said it before, he needs to recruit more bins and stand candidates nationwide. It's not fair that only the people in the current Prime Minister's constituency get the opportunity to vote for the fucker.

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How fitting that a fair old handful of the Deathlist appear to be going Green.

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59 minutes ago, TQR said:

How fitting that a fair old handful of the Deathlist appear to be going Green. 


I'm not in the least surprised. The discourse on here appears way above the level of most of the Vox-Pops I've seen. Yeay us.


The ones in Clacton and Canvey (which ofc isn't far from your good self) in particular simply confirmed that the 'man in the street' has no idea what he is talking about (or at least when presented with a microphone and a camera, gibber like a baboon. It's possible they're far more thoughtful than they appear, just their minds and subsequently mouths go blank under the pressure)

The things they claim to care about (usually fairly reasonably) are almost diametrically opposed to who they say they are voting for. Or simply 'my family' has always voted X.

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Labour. I'm in Plymouth Sutton and Devonport so Luke Pollard was and will be again an excellent MP. 


But I'm switch voter from 2019. I was so sick of a Labour party which didn't respect my views and with Boris claiming Brexit I was for the only time a Tory voter. 

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I voted Liberal Democrat today. When your supposedly left-wing party is being outflanked by Joe Biden in twenty-fucking-twelve on trans issues, you don't deserve my vote.

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Cast my vote about half an hour ago. Labour in a seat that's been Labour since at least 1945. I really do believe this country will be better off under a Labour government, and while I realise that's not a high bar, I am quietly hopeful that they will be more radical if given a decent majority and with 5 years til they next face the voters. Dad also voted Labour, mum voted Lib Dem.


Polling station was pleasingly busy, we had to queue briefly which is not common, but we don't often go so close to rush hour, usually it's after 6 or 7.

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Voted Lib Dem as this constituency is a tight one between the incumbent Tory and the LDs. With true PR I would have voted Green, with limited PR I probably would have voted Labour as an anti-Tory vote.

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Voted Labour as this seat is a contest between Labour & Conservative, was Labour until 2010.


In an ideal world I would probably have voted Liberal Democrats, with the caveat that I haven't quite forgiven them for getting into bed with the Tories in 2010.

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I voted by postal vote. I am being tactical and so I voted Liberal Democrats. They came second in the last election here.

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I voted Labour. Not because I really strongly support the party, but because

1) There are a lot of independent candidates around here who will get votes from the specific demographic they target, and I can't bear the thought of them getting in.

2) The tories need to be ousted, and Labour are the only reasonable contender to get enough seats.


The Lib Dems could absolutely get my vote next election, but the main focus now is getting rid of the tories. Even "tory-lite" is better than full fat tory (also my nickname for Boris Johnson).

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Forum members convincingly backing the coalition of chaos so far.

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I voted Lib Dem, I thought the conservatives missed out on their immigration deterrents, they should have opened up the mines that Maggie closed and used them to process the criminal illegal immigrants who poison our community. This would also be good for drug dealers, rapists, serial thieves and motor offenders. I used to vote conservative but they have misused their power to the detriment of the country with their self focussed Peter Principle government. I look forward to tax accountability and fraud convictions.

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