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Peter Sutcliffe

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Olive Smelt, who was attacked by Peter Sutcliffe with a hammer in 1975, has died at the age of 82. He was convicted of her attempted murder and received a life sentence, to go with the other nineteen life sentences he totted up for his various offences.

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I say cut his Gizzard



The fat hammer attacking bearded W**ker


Can you be convicted of attacking hammers?


DWB :)


Dunno, but if someone could kick the fu ck out of this twat I'd be much obliged.




Lardy, I do believe you are showing your age. I'm sure some of our younger viewers aren't familiar with this chap. Just google "talentless millionaire" to find out more.


DWB :)


Don't think he's qualified as a millionaire for some considerable (Hammer?)time

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I say cut his Gizzard



The fat hammer attacking bearded W**ker


Can you be convicted of attacking hammers?


DWB :)


Dunno, but if someone could kick the fu ck out of this twat I'd be much obliged.




Lardy, I do believe you are showing your age. I'm sure some of our younger viewers aren't familiar with this chap. Just google "talentless millionaire" to find out more.


DWB :)


Don't think he's qualified as a millionaire for some considerable (Hammer?)time


Maybe he did two years ago, when that comment was posted.

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I say cut his Gizzard



The fat hammer attacking bearded W**ker


Can you be convicted of attacking hammers?


DWB :)


Dunno, but if someone could kick the fu ck out of this twat I'd be much obliged.




Lardy, I do believe you are showing your age. I'm sure some of our younger viewers aren't familiar with this chap. Just google "talentless millionaire" to find out more.


DWB :)


Don't think he's qualified as a millionaire for some considerable (Hammer?)time


Maybe he did two years ago, when that comment was posted.


Believe he wound up filing for bankruptcy sometime in the mid-90s, and was last known to be an ordained minister, preaching a weekly sermon, known as - you guessed it - Hammertime!

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I say cut his Gizzard



The fat hammer attacking bearded W**ker


Can you be convicted of attacking hammers?


DWB ;)


Dunno, but if someone could kick the fu ck out of this twat I'd be much obliged.



Lardy, I do believe you are showing your age. I'm sure some of our younger viewers aren't familiar with this chap. Just google "talentless millionaire" to find out more.


DWB :(


Don't think he's qualified as a millionaire for some considerable (Hammer?)time


Maybe he did two years ago, when that comment was posted.


Believe he wound up filing for bankruptcy sometime in the mid-90s, and was last known to be an ordained minister, preaching a weekly sermon, known as - you guessed it - Hammertime!


...and why are you trolling up old posts up just to make retarded comments?


MC Hammer filed for bankruptcy in 1996 and was sued by several people for several million, all of which was settled. His albums still sell and he still rakes in every time his songs are used for some commercial purpose. I doubt he's hurting.


Now can we further discuss our favorite should-be-executed serial killer?

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I say cut his Gizzard



The fat hammer attacking bearded W**ker


Can you be convicted of attacking hammers?


DWB ;)


Dunno, but if someone could kick the fu ck out of this twat I'd be much obliged.



Lardy, I do believe you are showing your age. I'm sure some of our younger viewers aren't familiar with this chap. Just google "talentless millionaire" to find out more.


DWB :(


Don't think he's qualified as a millionaire for some considerable (Hammer?)time


Maybe he did two years ago, when that comment was posted.


Believe he wound up filing for bankruptcy sometime in the mid-90s, and was last known to be an ordained minister, preaching a weekly sermon, known as - you guessed it - Hammertime!


...and why are you trolling up old posts up just to make retarded comments?


MC Hammer filed for bankruptcy in 1996 and was sued by several people for several million, all of which was settled. His albums still sell and he still rakes in every time his songs are used for some commercial purpose. I doubt he's hurting.


Now can we further discuss our favorite should-be-executed serial killer?


Well excuse me!


He's banged up for life and lost the plot, not much else doin at present. Could live for another 20-30 years, barring suicide or an inmate attack

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I kid you not....... apparently Sutcliffe was offended by Jeremy Clarkson's joke a few years back about lorry drivers murdering prostitutes........ https://uk.news.yaho...-114158385.html




Bit of a delayed reaction, isn’t it? That episode and controversy was from 2009.

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I kid you not....... apparently Sutcliffe was offended by Jeremy Clarkson's joke a few years back about lorry drivers murdering prostitutes........ https://uk.news.yaho...-114158385.html




Bit of a delayed reaction, isn’t it? That episode and controversy was from 2009.


IDK, don't ask me, I was too busy laughing to read the whole article but I think it's just a "release" of old letters he has sent to his female admirers who wrote to him in jail........


Also I found this from last month, about him being given a personal trainer because he weighs 19st

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I kid you not....... apparently Sutcliffe was offended by Jeremy Clarkson's joke a few years back about lorry drivers murdering prostitutes........ https://uk.news.yaho...-114158385.html




Bit of a delayed reaction, isn’t it? That episode and controversy was from 2009.


IDK, don't ask me, I was too busy laughing to read the whole article but I think it's just a "release" of old letters he has sent to his female admirers who wrote to him in jail........


Also I found this from last month, about him being given a personal trainer because he weighs 19st


The first funny part of that is The Sun referring to Sutcliffe as being a "slob". I would have thought they'll risk offending most of their.. I almost said readership there, what is the correct term for people that buy The Sun?

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I kid you not....... apparently Sutcliffe was offended by Jeremy Clarkson's joke a few years back about lorry drivers murdering prostitutes........ https://uk.news.yaho...-114158385.html




Bit of a delayed reaction, isn’t it? That episode and controversy was from 2009.


IDK, don't ask me, I was too busy laughing to read the whole article but I think it's just a "release" of old letters he has sent to his female admirers who wrote to him in jail........


Also I found this from last month, about him being given a personal trainer because he weighs 19st


The first funny part of that is The Sun referring to Sutcliffe as being a "slob". I would have thought they'll risk offending most of their.. I almost said readership there, what is the correct term for people that buy The Sun?



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The first funny part of that is The Sun referring to Sutcliffe as being a "slob". I would have thought they'll risk offending most of their.. I almost said readership there, what is the correct term for people that buy The Sun?




Back in the 80s, when Jasper Carrott used to do a lot of jokes about Sun readers, I once worked on a promotion that entailed collecting vouchers from the Sun. It was massively oversubscribed, and we couldn't keep up with the amount of mail coming in. This resulted in lots of angry phone calls and letters, many of them from posh people who clearly had only bought the paper for the vouchers. We sent out a letter to all disappointed punters, addressing them as "Dear Sun Reader". How we smirked as we imagined their expressions as they read that. :P

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Apparently cameras have been allowed into Broadmoor for the first time, for a documentary which will air next week.


But I've read about it and we won't bee seeing Sutcliffe or any of the public's, er.. "favourites". And it'll probably be shit cos it's ITV

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Apparently cameras have been allowed into Broadmoor for the first time, for a documentary which will air next week.


But I've read about it and we won't bee seeing Sutcliffe or any of the public's, er.. "favourites". And it'll probably be shit cos it's ITV


Aye, but ITV have their uses, seriously. On the days when the news is really, depressingly, shit somehow it never seems quite as bad on ITV.

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Apparently cameras have been allowed into Broadmoor for the first time, for a documentary which will air next week.


But I've read about it and we won't bee seeing Sutcliffe or any of the public's, er.. "favourites". And it'll probably be shit cos it's ITV


Aye, but ITV have their uses, seriously. On the days when the news is really, depressingly, shit somehow it never seems quite as bad on ITV.


Rohit Kachroo can be pretty depressing. If you ever spot him on your manor then get away quick because the apocalypse is round the corner...

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Hang on he has Friends???????????:0 Lets hope he suffers like hell and lives just long enough to make my list next year.Not one I want to miss!

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The question is should we swap Brady for Sutcliffe or keep them both on?


I'd say keep them both on. If one dies next year and he isn't on the list it would be a major miss for the death list although both of them are scum when they do eventually go it will be big news and a high profile death, best to play it safe.

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The question is should we swap Brady for Sutcliffe or keep them both on?


I'd say keep them both on. If one dies next year and he isn't on the list it would be a major miss for the death list although both of them are scum when they do eventually go it will be big news and a high profile death, best to play it safe.


Hell yeah. Brady has got to be a candidate. When guys who've been banged up for years get multiple health problems the walls do - sort of - start to close in. These two have no hopes of freedom, and that might well crush their spirits and fighting force. Sutcliffe - according to today's Sun - is already well down the complaining route and the one positive in his life is his Jehovah's Witness faith (which may preclude blood transfusions and therefore rule out life-saving surgery).

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Put them both on .They are both as ill as fuck and picking people that are "confirmed as having a year or less" has failed epically this year.Maybe we should put Phil Spector on the list as well?

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Real hammer blow to sutcliffe's health that

The Sun has The Ripper "on the brink of death" after a heart attack.




Just when I was gonna suggest him for next year's DL.


EDIT: Detail here from the Mail


Real hammer blow to sutcliffe's health that is.

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Hope he suffers immense pain for the next 7-8 weeks then dies in January to give out DDP points

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