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I think this lot are well enough connected to lead you to most people making their living on the fringes of the death industry. Time was we were rubbing shoulders with someone who worked there, i.e. they had a poster on here. Not sure if that person is likely to read this, get my drift and PM you.

Link broken MPFC. I'm all ears.

Said member did drop by for a rare post last week, so you might be in luck.

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Link's going fine when I try it, give it another go.

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I think this lot are well enough connected to lead you to most people making their living on the fringes of the death industry. Time was we were rubbing shoulders with someone who worked there, i.e. they had a poster on here. Not sure if that person is likely to read this, get my drift and PM you.

Link broken MPFC. I'm all ears.

Said member did drop by for a rare post last week, so you might be in luck.

Is this one of us? It looks like an advice service for undertakers. Interesting topics mind: what do you do with your dead relative's facebook page, web site, online photograph album? who inherits this stuff and what do they do if they do?

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One of us is somewhere in there, it's a university research centre - the only one in the UK - dealing with death and mortality related issues in terms of their social impact.......kinda like us without the laughs.


I keep clicking that link and it IS working for me.

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One of us is somewhere in there, it's a university research centre - the only one in the UK - dealing with death and mortality related issues in terms of their social impact.......kinda like us without the laughs.


I keep clicking that link and it IS working for me.

Yes it works, it works, but it didn't when I tried it the first couple of times, must be my knackered old lap top.

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Guest CDAS member
One of us is somewhere in there, it's a university research centre - the only one in the UK - dealing with death and mortality related issues in terms of their social impact.......kinda like us without the laughs.


Oi. There are plllllenty of laughs.

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One of us is somewhere in there, it's a university research centre - the only one in the UK - dealing with death and mortality related issues in terms of their social impact.......kinda like us without the laughs.


Oi. There are plllllenty of laughs.


Apologies......I haven't travelled to the furthest reaches of your site. Click a link to them there laughs.

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Having battled through freezing weather to get home from his bass lesson, myself and The Voice of Young Maryport thought to avail ourselves of some mindless entertainment on telly and flipped over to the movie channels. Within a minute we'd looked at four movies on Movies4Men, realised we'd never heard of any of them and couldn't recognise a single actor we saw.


So...just how f***ing cheap/bad does a movie have to be before that channel would fail to show it?



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Having battled through freezing weather to get home from his bass lesson, myself and The Voice of Young Maryport thought to avail ourselves of some mindless entertainment on telly and flipped over to the movie channels. Within a minute we'd looked at four movies on Movies4Men, realised we'd never heard of any of them and couldn't recognise a single actor we saw.


So...just how f***ing cheap/bad does a movie have to be before that channel would fail to show it?




I used to licence music to movies so have a thin knowledge.



Channels get the shit movies as part of discounted licensing packages. Basically they cost nothing... but the contracts may dictate a minimum of screenings for the real crud to hide the film studio's balance sheet embarrassments. As moviesformen et al get charged by SKY / Freeview (platform holders) whether they use the day time bandwidth or not they may as well show something even though the margins are wafer thin. I reckon they actually lose money on many screenings but once committed to schedule, usually 7 - 9 weeks in advance they have to show it. Even if those high class finance advertisers flake out on them and don't renew their monthly subscriptions.

Fck knows how half of those low rent channels make money in the shitty advertising market that everyone has been in


if you want to be bored about other deals - read on

- if not tune out


As I understand it, a broadcaster licenses a movie or franchise on various deals and lengths of time. Terrestrial (BBC 1 - CH5) means pay as you show (ie royalties each time) and digital means you can show it as many times as you can rinse out for a flat fee per year if the contract allows it.

There are exclusive deals - ie expensive franchises a la Bond, Star Wars & Harry Potter // Pirates of the Caribbean & Meet The Fockers. This Means they can mix it up over ITV1 to ITV4 /BBC1 to 3 etc. Ch 4 / Film4 have their own movies as well . BBC do as well to a lesser extent. Common sense & market forces decide when studios slacken the grip and let things go to digital.

Other deal lengths for movies range from 1 to 3 years exclusive and even non exclusive after it's a bit old.




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Has anyone else had this bastard virus called Security Shield that tells you your computer is infected with all kinds of crap and promises to remove it for some vast sum? The thing is a virus in itself and it's one hell of a job getting rid of it. Is there any fellow sufferer who can advise me how to go about it? I would pay for something like Spywear Doctor if I could be sure it would work. I have McAfee on the computer but it didn't stop this little sod getting through.


I've Googled it but there seems to be lots of advice, usually involving buying some protection software. I think all these bastards are in it together and don't trust any of them. I'm definitely getting a Mac next time.

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Has anyone else had this bastard virus called Security Shield that tells you your computer is infected with all kinds of crap and promises to remove it for some vast sum? The thing is a virus in itself and it's one hell of a job getting rid of it. Is there any fellow sufferer who can advise me how to go about it? I would pay for something like Spywear Doctor if I could be sure it would work. I have McAfee on the computer but it didn't stop this little sod getting through.


I've Googled it but there seems to be lots of advice, usually involving buying some protection software. I think all these bastards are in it together and don't trust any of them. I'm definitely getting a Mac next time.


No, not me. Just lucky I guess.

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Has anyone else had this bastard virus called Security Shield that tells you your computer is infected with all kinds of crap and promises to remove it for some vast sum? The thing is a virus in itself and it's one hell of a job getting rid of it. Is there any fellow sufferer who can advise me how to go about it? I would pay for something like Spywear Doctor if I could be sure it would work. I have McAfee on the computer but it didn't stop this little sod getting through.


I've Googled it but there seems to be lots of advice, usually involving buying some protection software. I think all these bastards are in it together and don't trust any of them. I'm definitely getting a Mac next time.


I had this about a year ago. I think http://www.combofix.org/ killed it for me.

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Has anyone else had this bastard virus called Security Shield that tells you your computer is infected with all kinds of crap and promises to remove it for some vast sum? The thing is a virus in itself and it's one hell of a job getting rid of it. Is there any fellow sufferer who can advise me how to go about it? I would pay for something like Spywear Doctor if I could be sure it would work. I have McAfee on the computer but it didn't stop this little sod getting through.


I've Googled it but there seems to be lots of advice, usually involving buying some protection software. I think all these bastards are in it together and don't trust any of them. I'm definitely getting a Mac next time.


That rings a bell - you are right about it being a bastard - had some fun and games with it myself. Pernicious critter that one - you have my sympathies.

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Has anyone else had this bastard virus called Security Shield that tells you your computer is infected with all kinds of crap and promises to remove it for some vast sum? The thing is a virus in itself and it's one hell of a job getting rid of it. Is there any fellow sufferer who can advise me how to go about it? I would pay for something like Spywear Doctor if I could be sure it would work. I have McAfee on the computer but it didn't stop this little sod getting through.


I've Googled it but there seems to be lots of advice, usually involving buying some protection software. I think all these bastards are in it together and don't trust any of them. I'm definitely getting a Mac next time.


I had this about a year ago. I think http://www.combofix.org/ killed it for me.

Aye it looks like it might, like all the other security stuff and virus zappers I'm downloading but this little bastard whacks them as soon as they poke their heads above the trench. So they're all lying doggo in the bottom of the trench refusing to come out. Something told me I should disable my existing security software. How? Kick it in the shins? It's like having an army of superheroes that are all trussed up by the bad guy before they can bring their powers to bear. McAfee, Spy Doctor and now this new one, Stopzilla - they're all there, snivelling and powerless while the security shield guys are popping out all over the place, pulling faces, throwing custard pies, kicking me up the backside. Meanwhile I'm writing this in safe mode. It's like having an invisible cloak but I have the feeling that its powers too could be failing. People keep telling me I'll have to do dangerous things like going in something called the registry file. This seems akin to snipping coloured wires in an unexploded bomb. The thought of it is bringing me out in a sweat. I just thought I'd be able to creep up behind it and knock it on the head.

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Has anyone else had this bastard virus called Security Shield that tells you your computer is infected with all kinds of crap and promises to remove it for some vast sum? The thing is a virus in itself and it's one hell of a job getting rid of it. Is there any fellow sufferer who can advise me how to go about it? I would pay for something like Spywear Doctor if I could be sure it would work. I have McAfee on the computer but it didn't stop this little sod getting through.


I've Googled it but there seems to be lots of advice, usually involving buying some protection software. I think all these bastards are in it together and don't trust any of them. I'm definitely getting a Mac next time.


I had this about a year ago. I think http://www.combofix.org/ killed it for me.

Aye it looks like it might, like all the other security stuff and virus zappers I'm downloading but this little bastard whacks them as soon as they poke their heads above the trench. So they're all lying doggo in the bottom of the trench refusing to come out. Something told me I should disable my existing security software. How? Kick it in the shins? It's like having an army of superheroes that are all trussed up by the bad guy before they can bring their powers to bear. McAfee, Spy Doctor and now this new one, Stopzilla - they're all there, snivelling and powerless while the security shield guys are popping out all over the place, pulling faces, throwing custard pies, kicking me up the backside. Meanwhile I'm writing this in safe mode. It's like having an invisible cloak but I have the feeling that its powers too could be failing. People keep telling me I'll have to do dangerous things like going in something called the registry file. This seems akin to snipping coloured wires in an unexploded bomb. The thought of it is bringing me out in a sweat. I just thought I'd be able to creep up behind it and knock it on the head.




We had this on a lap top about 18 months ago. It was a real pain to remove. The first thing to do is disable the internet access on the PC or as soon as you start to try to get rid of it, ie. delete part of it, another bit detects what you have done and goes off to a web address and reloads what you just deleted! Yes to get rid of it you need to disable your anti spy-where and anti virus software as it just hides from you if they are active, however you definatly need to be disconnected from the intenet as if not it goes off to other sites and loads up more viruses (remember the people who wrote this are trying to make you buy their junk antivirus software). Alot of it's removal was going in and deleting files manually that should not be there and removing infected files and reloading them from a date prior to being infected. From what I remember some of it is in the registries and they need sorting.

There are some websites out there that tell you what to look for to remove it, there are some pieces of software that will help you remove it, make sure you are continually clearing out all your pempory internet caches and files whenever you do make a change as bits of this thing get copied into there.

We have a small linux machine we used to access web sites while we tried to get rid of this so we could download files safely without putting the machine we were trying to clean back on line.

Once we had all the files cleaned we saved them onto a cd rom and used the factory recover disc to reinstate everything as it had been the day we bought the machine, then put on windows and then AGV antivirus and re enabled everything.

Best of luck


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Thanks spudu'rnot. Looking at Sydney's experience above this may well be the solution.

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Thanks spudu'rnot. Looking at Sydney's experience above this may well be the solution.

That reminds me of a conversation I once had with a political activist of the anarchist persuasion. As I'm rumoured to know a thing or two about those things, he consulted me about how to sabotage a computer, expecting high-tech methods. He was rather disappointed with my answer: with a hammer, of course.




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Do any of the hacks who frequent this forum know what Alan Johnson's "personal reasons" were for resigning his post as shadow chancellor?


Was he shagging someone else, or was his wife shagging someone else? Or was he just shit at Math?

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Do any of the hacks who frequent this forum know what Alan Johnson's "personal reasons" were for resigning his post as shadow chancellor?


Was he shagging someone else, or was his wife shagging someone else? Or was he just shit at Math?


Shit at 'Math'? Is that like being shit at 'Englis'? Don't you mean 'maths'?


Anyway, from the Grauniad:

Last night it was reported that Johnson's former police bodyguard, named as Paul Rice, was expected to be suspended from duty after allegations that he had been having an affair with Johnson's wife.

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Do any of the hacks who frequent this forum know what Alan Johnson's "personal reasons" were for resigning his post as shadow chancellor?


Was he shagging someone else, or was his wife shagging someone else? Or was he just shit at Math?


Shit at 'Math'? Is that like being shit at 'Englis'? Don't you mean 'maths'?


Anyway, from the Grauniad:

Last night it was reported that Johnson's former police bodyguard, named as Paul Rice, was expected to be suspended from duty after allegations that he had been having an affair with Johnson's wife.


No its like being shit at English, but with numbers instead. Stop being an asshol about it. :wheelchair:


It would appear that Mrs Johnson is a dirty skank. Lets hope he used protection. I'll get my coat...

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Yesterday morning the house and car alarms kicked off. Checked it out but couldn't see any cause. About half an hour later the house alarm went off again, with the answerphone reacting as if it had had a power shortage. No fuses tripped, no further probs.


Any ideas, I'd say some power-supply problem but that wouldn't set the car off, would it?

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Yesterday morning the house and car alarms kicked off. Checked it out but couldn't see any cause. About half an hour later the house alarm went off again, with the answerphone reacting as if it had had a power shortage. No fuses tripped, no further probs.


Any ideas, I'd say some power-supply problem but that wouldn't set the car off, would it?


might be a coincidence that the car alarm went off, either that or its a ghost of a past DL'er haunting you

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Can anyone that's used a Kindle recommend them (or not) ? I do a lot of reading while out walking (not into lampposts or people, so far) and while there's nothing nicer than a good old paperback I'm thinking of taking the plunge. Not into a bath, obviously, as I'd imagine that wouldn't do it any good.

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