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Big role in the best crap film of all time, Silence of the Hams.

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16 minutes ago, ajlposh said:


I always used to mix him up with Rip Torn and it's interesting that both of them died the same year.

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1 hour ago, ajlposh said:


Only know him from being in the Jackass movies

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That really sucks.  He was an icon.  Nutty, but that's the schtick.

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Interesting, I was considering him for a couple of the smaller deadpools. Never got around to it. R.I.P

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Another hit for me.

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On 06/10/2019 at 18:13, markb4 said:


I always used to mix him up with Rip Torn and it's interesting that both of them died the same year.


Interestingly, U.S. Census records reveal that Rip Taylor was born in 1931, not 1935 as previously reported, which in turn means that the two Rip Ts were born weeks apart.

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Nearly time for Barry Humphries to have his own thread, but while we wait on those 8 years before it is necessary, watching him on the BBC just now and I'd buy his chat show a million times over before Graham Norton.


'Mon, tell me I'm wrong.

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On ‎03‎/‎09‎/‎2006 at 19:17, Octopus of Odstock said:


The IMDB list hardly covers any of it. Typical US bias. After doing some quite basic research, the following:-


Russ Abbot .... ALIVE b. 1947

Lennie Bennett .... ALIVE b. 1938. Had a h/a in 1994, but now recovered.

Stan Boardman .... ALIVE, sadly. b. 1940 His daughter, Andrea was pretty though.

Jim Bowen .... ALIVE b. 1937

Jimmy Bright .... b. 1950, still performing.

Duggie Brown .... ALIVE, b. 1940. Sister Lynne Perrie died earlier this year.

Roy Walker .... ALIVE - say what you see, say what you see, b. 1940

Charlie Williams .... <_<

Alan Brady ??

Mike Burton ??

Dave Butler - ALIVE. Still performing

Kenny Cantor - ALIVE. Still performing

Jackie Carlton ??

Frank Carson - ALIVE. b. 1926. Still performing.

Paddy Cassidy ??

Mike Coyne ??

Colin Crompton :rip:

Steve Faye ??

Ray Fell - ALIVE. Still performing

Eddie Flanagan :rip:

Stu Francis b. 1951. Still doing panto.

Syd Francis :rip: (died earlier this year, with barely a mention, MPFC)

Alan Fox ALIVE - still performing

Mike Goddard - ALIVE. Another cruise comic.

Ken Goodwin - ALIVE - still performing.

Jackie Hamilton - ALIVE. Later a BBC comedy producer.

Jerry Harris ??

Dennis Jones ??

Bobby Knoxall - ALIVE. Got an MBE last year. Still performing, but nearly died 2 years ago due to blood clot in stomach. b. 1934.

Bernard Manning - ALIVE, sadly. b. 1930. In poor health lately.

Jimmy Marshall :rip:

Paul Melba - ALIVE, still performing

Pat Mooney - ALIVE, still performing

Johnny More - still ALIVE, performing. Better known as an impressionist, really.

Hector Nicol :rip:

Tom O'Connor b. 1939- ALIVE

Bryn Phillips - ALIVE & performing

Colin Price - ALIVE & performing

Mike Reid - ALIVE, b. 1940

George Roper :rip:

Tony Stewart ALIVE - still performing

Sammy Thomas ??

Johnny 'Goon' Tweed ??

Johnny Wager - ALIVE & still performing.

Jos White ??

Stu Williams ??

Sheps Banjo Boys - all still performing, all ALIVE.

Johnny Carroll - ALIVE. Still performing

Bob Curtiss - ALIVE. Still performing

Ivor Davies - ALIVE

Charlie Daze - ALIVE, b. 1938. Still performing

Vince Earl - ALIVE - more famous for being in Brookside. b. 1944

Bobby Kaye - ALIVE - still performing (In Colwyn Bay on Saturday, apparently)

Mike Kelly - ALIVE - still performing

George King - ALIVE

Bobby Knutt - ALIVE b. 1945

Mick Miller - ALIVE b. 1950, still performing

Hal Nolan - ALIVE. Still performing.

Harry Scott - ALIVE. Still performing

Paul Shane - ALIVE, sadly, b. 1940

Kenny Smiles - ALIVE. Doing cruises.

Paul Squire ALIVE

Pat Tansey - ALIVE, still performing, mainly corporate functions

Lee Wilson - ALIVE. b. 1938. Still performing.

Lenny Windsor - ALIVE, apparently living in Florida. Still does performing on the cruises.


The Comedians


You know, if they were at a reunion & the reunion meeting place got bombed, I doubt few tears would be shed.


Most of these will not get obits, apart from the most famous ones already mentioned. In other words, don't put many of these on your DP lists in the future & concentrate your efforts elsewhere. This lot ain't worth it.

Well this is an old post. deserving of a new death.


New Faces winner Johnny Carroll has died aged 78: https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/tributes-mr-showbiz-johnny-carroll-17630913


For example:


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I did some research into The Comedians a while back. Quite a few have died off radar. I’ll post my list when I get home in a couple of days time.

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Stand up US comedian, bit part actor on The Andy Griffith Show and writer for the Muppets, Jack Burns, being reported dead on Twitter:


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36 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Stand up US comedian, bit part actor on The Andy Griffith Show and writer for the Muppets, Jack Burns, being reported dead on Twitter:


Obit from the same source.

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1 hour ago, YoungWillz said:

Stand up US comedian, bit part actor on The Andy Griffith Show and writer for the Muppets, Jack Burns, being reported dead on Twitter:


He was also the announcer of "Fridays". I've first learned of him after watching  a recorded King Crimson 1982 performance on Youtube. I always thought he will die soon. RIP.

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The Comedians (1971–1993)

Johnny Allan 1931–2016 (84) mention of death / death notice
Russ Abbot (wiki) b. 1947 / note: then known as Russ Roberts
Lennie Bennett (wiki) 1938–2009 (70) BBC obit
Harry Black (IMDb) 1938–2014 (75) local obit
Stan Boardman 
(wiki) b. 1937
Jim Bowen (wiki1937–2018 (80) BBC obit
Alan Brady b. 1943 / note: today a local politician, known by his real name of Alan Godson
Jimmy Bright (IMDbb. 1971 / note: youngest comedian to star on the show
Duggie Brown (wiki) 1940–2022 (82) BBC obit
Les Bryan b. c. 1941
Mike Burton (IMDbb. 19?? / note: recent comments (2021) on Facebook confirm he's alive
Dave Butler (IMDb) 1936–1996 (60) mention of death
Kenny Cantor
(IMDb) 1938–2019 (80) local obit
Jackie Carlton (IMDb1923–1995 (72) local obit
Brian Carroll (IMDb1930–2014 (84) local obit (dead link)
Johnny Carroll (IMDb) 1941–2020 (78) local obit
Frank Carson (wiki) 1926–2012 (85) BBC obit
Paddy Cassidy NO INFO
Johnnie Casson (wiki) b. 1943
Eddie Colinton (IMDb) 1936–2002 (66) local obit
Mike Coyne (IMDbb. 1939
Colin Crompton (wiki) 1931–1985 (54) The Stage obit
Bob Curtiss (IMDb) b. 1938
Pauline Daniels (IMDbb. 1955 / note: only comedienne to star on the show
Ivor Davis b. 19?? / note: Manchester comedian, noted as being alive in 2020 on FB
Charlie Daze (IMDb1938–2024 (86) / note: brother of Mike Douglas death notice
Les Dennis (wikib. 1953
Mike Douglas b. 19?? 
/ note: later known as Mike Cash, also the brother of Charlie Daze
Vince Earl (wiki) b. 1944
Stevie Faye (IMDb1927–2023 (95) local obit
Ray Fell (IMDb1939–2016 (76) death notice
Mickey Finn (IMDb) 1946–2016 (69) local obit
Eddie Flanagan (IMDb) 1936–2002 (66) mention of death
Alan Fox 1936–2014 (77) local obit (dead link)
Stu Francis (wiki) b. 1948
Syd Francis (IMDb1943–2006 (62) Times obit
Mike Goddard (IMDbb. 1943 / note: initially known as Mike Goodwin, changed name to avoid confusion with Ken
Ken Goodwin (wiki) 1933–2012 (78) BBC obit
Jackie Hamilton (wiki1937–2003 (66) local obit
Jerry Harris 19??–201? / note: later moved to Malta, noted as having died between 2010 and 2012
Tony Jo (IMDb) 1951–2022 (70) local obit
Dennis Jones 1935–1993 (58) / note: Bradford comedian, confirmed deceased via this Facebook post
Jimmy Jones (wikib. 1938
Mike Kelly (IMDb) 1943–2018 (74) mention of death (dead link)
George King (IMDbb. 1948 
Terry "Slipperman" King (IMDb) 19??–c. 2002 mention of death
Bobby Knoxall MBE (wiki) 1933–2009 (75) local obit
Bobby Knutt
(wiki1945–2017 (71) BBC obit
Brian Lewis (IMDb19??–???? mention of death / note: also in Super Gran as one half of "The Muscles"
Bernard Manning (wiki) 1930–2007 (76) BBC obit
Jimmy Marshall (IMDb1933–1996 (63) The Stage obit
Mike McCabe b. 19?? / note: alive and well, his son Milo McCabe is also a prominent comedian
Paul Melba (wiki) 1936–2020 (84) local obit
Mick Miller (wikib. 1950
Bal Moane
(IMDbb. 1936
Pat Mooney (IMDb) 1931–2008 (76) mention of death
Johnny More (wiki1934–2015 (81) local obit
Hector Nicol (wiki) 1920–1985 (64) Herald obit
Hal Nolan
(IMDb) 1932–2014 (82) mention of death
Chris O'Dell 1939–2016 (76) local obit

Tom O'Connor (wiki) 1939–2021 (81) BBC obit
Tom Pepper (IMDb) 1950–2018 (67) death notice
Bryn Phillips (IMDb1934–2014 (79) local obit
Colin Price b. 19?? / note: Welsh, still doing stand-up in 2018
Don Reid b. 1943 / note: Crewe, Cheshire comedian as per this
Mike Reid (wiki) 1940–2007 (67) BBC obit
Al Rich 1933–1996 (62) mention of death

Greg Rogers c.1949–2003 (53) mention of death / mention of death
George Roper (wiki1934–2003 (69) Guardian obit
Harry Scott (IMDb) b. 19?? / note: Cockney comedian, still making club appearances a few years ago
Mike Scott NO INFO
Paul Shane (wiki1940–2013 (72) BBC obit
Kenny Smiles
(IMDb) 1946–2013 (67) local obit
Ollie Spencer (IMDb) b. c. 1945
Paul Squire (IMDb) 1950–2019 (69) local obit
Tony Stewart b. 1936 / note: Scottish, but has lived in South Africa for years
Pat Tansey (IMDb) b. 19??
Gerry Thomas (IMDb1931–2020 (89) death notice
Sammy Thomas (IMDb1932–2010 (77) local obit
Johnnie "Goon" Tweed
(IMDb) 1928–2006 (77) / note: retired to the Isle of Man, where he died
Johnnie Wager (IMDb1930–2019 (89) mention of death / note: real name Robert Ernest Benton
Roy Walker (wiki) b. 1940
Jos White (IMDb) 1923–2019 (96) ITV obit
Charlie Williams MBE (wiki1927–2006 (78) BBC obit
Stu Williams 1934–1991 (57) 
/ note: according to this, previously a pro footballer called Willie Nimmo
Lee Wilson (wiki1938–2013 (74) local obit
Lenny Windsor (IMDbb. c. 1946

Interesting to see Jos White died last year aged 96(!) I had been trying to find out for years what became of him and had presumed him long dead!

If anybody is able to offer any info on the missing years of birth/death, it would be appreciated!

"No info" means I don't have any years for the person, though Google shows that the majority of these names are still living. Though I imagine the likes of Jackie Carlton and Mike Burton must have died off the radar given how old they'd now be now.

I also note the list of names is probably incomplete so if I've forgotten anyone, please say and I will add.

19/02/23 EDIT: I've removed Jimmy Cricket because despite being listed on IMDb and Wiki, it doesn't look like he ever appeared on the show.

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Earl Pomerantz


The Emmy winning Screenwriter/Producer who worked on The Mary Tyler Moore Show,Larry Sanders Show,Cheers,Sanford And Son etc. is dead at age 75

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Johnny Yune, a Korean-born comedian and actor with around 20 North American acting credits, has died.  He was 84. Yune appeared in several M*A*S*H episodes and was in the movie the Cannonball Run. He also did several game shows and appeared over a dozen times on the Tonight Show.




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On ‎14‎/‎06‎/‎2019 at 13:50, The Quim Reaper said:

I wouldn't have thought he'll be in any danger imminently, but comedian & Chaser Paul Sinha has Parkinson's Disease

Paul Sinha showing symptoms as his quiz teammate dies of COVID - 19. https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/showbiz-news/itv-chase-stars-quiz-teammate-17971437

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Vic Henley, the celebrated Alabama-born comedian, has died at the age of 57. A legend on the stand-up circuit, Henley is also well known for his appearances on the “Opie & Anthony” radio show. He was 57 years old. 

Henley’s niece, Tatum Singley, wrote on Facebook late on April 6 to break that the news that the stand-up had suffered from a pulmonary embolism.


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1 hour ago, Sir Creep said:

Vic Henley, the celebrated Alabama-born comedian, has died at the age of 57. A legend on the stand-up circuit, Henley is also well known for his appearances on the “Opie & Anthony” radio show. He was 57 years old. 

Henley’s niece, Tatum Singley, wrote on Facebook late on April 6 to break that the news that the stand-up had suffered from a pulmonary embolism.


Vic Henley occasional guest on Never Mind The Buzzcocks, here on Jupitus' team:



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Michael McCarthy, a former Saturday Night Live writer, has died.  He was 59. McCarthy becomes the second behind-the-scenes SNL name to die in recent times, following the death of music producer Hal Willner.




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BBC Radio 2 just announced the death of comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor OBE at the age of 79.

Apparently he had tested positive for COVID-19.

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1 minute ago, Ulitzer95 said:

BBC Radio 2 just announced the death of comedian Tim Brooke-Taylor.

Apparently he had tested positive for COVID-19.

Also a DDP pick, which makes it 4 hits with COVID-19 now.

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