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Lord Fellatio Nelson


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Presenter of Rainbow dies...only it's David Cook, who was 74. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/11888563/David-Cook-broadcaster-and-author-obituary.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter


Warning: scary original Bungle pics are contained in this obit.


I could never understand why Bungle walked around naked all day, then would put on pyjamas at the end of the show when he was going to bed.

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Presenter of Rainbow dies...only it's David Cook, who was 74. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/11888563/David-Cook-broadcaster-and-author-obituary.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter


Warning: scary original Bungle pics are contained in this obit.


I could never understand why Bungle walked around naked all day, then would put on pyjamas at the end of the show when he was going to bed.



That's what Patrick Macnee used to do....

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Presenter of Rainbow dies...only it's David Cook, who was 74. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/11888563/David-Cook-broadcaster-and-author-obituary.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter


Warning: scary original Bungle pics are contained in this obit.

I remember when he was doing it.

IIRC, I can actually remember watching the first episode broadcast.

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Presenter of Rainbow dies...only it's David Cook, who was 74. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/11888563/David-Cook-broadcaster-and-author-obituary.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter


Warning: scary original Bungle pics are contained in this obit.

he looks like someone Jimmy savile would love to meet

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Presenter of Rainbow dies...only it's David Cook, who was 74. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/11888563/David-Cook-broadcaster-and-author-obituary.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter


Warning: scary original Bungle pics are contained in this obit.


I remember when he was doing it.

IIRC, I can actually remember watching the first episode broadcast.

I really remember the first episode of Tiswas.

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Jeez, two big misses for the DDP this year. Gawd bless 'em. In particular Honeycombe was my favourite newsreader when I was wee. (That is "young" in Scots, not the streak of wee I grew up to be).

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Can't believe Scully was only 72. He was the same age as Toni Basil, ffs.

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I honestly thought Hugh Scully had died years ago.

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Hugh Scully


Wasn't he the red-head in the 'X Files' ? :scratchhead:


No ST, the redhead in the X-Files is a lesbian not a he. :D

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Can't believe Scully was only 72. He was the same age as Toni Basil, ffs.

...........but nowhere near as shagable.........ever!!

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Can't believe Scully was only 72. He was the same age as Toni Basil, ffs.

...........but nowhere near as shagable.........ever!!


Well, not now obviously. But "Hey Mickey" era, deffo...

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Redvers Kyle, Yorkshire TV continuity announcer, has reportedly died at 86. http://www.transdiffusion.org/2015/11/19/redvers-kyle-1929-2015


DDP team awaits obit.


Edit: He narrated the educational programme How We Used To Live, which was one of my favourite TV shows growing up. Bless him.


Edit 2: Not sure if this counts as a valid DDP Obit: http://www.atvtoday.co.uk/74540-ytv/ I'll keep looking if not. Also there's this which is from YTV's Calendar programme: https://youtu.be/_lS_5vbLkEo

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If you want some ones who might go before all the above


  • Peter Dimmock
  • Michael Barrett
  • Brian Trueman

Although probably not Brian Trueman.

Well Dimmock's, gone, aged 94.

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Redvers Kyle, Yorkshire TV continuity announcer, has reportedly died at 86. http://www.transdiffusion.org/2015/11/19/redvers-kyle-1929-2015


DDP team awaits obit.


Edit: He narrated the educational programme How We Used To Live, which was one of my favourite TV shows growing up. Bless him.


Edit 2: Not sure if this counts as a valid DDP Obit: http://www.atvtoday.co.uk/74540-ytv/ I'll keep looking if not. Also there's this which is from YTV's Calendar programme: https://youtu.be/_lS_5vbLkEo


Need worry no more, he has achieved a Telegraph Obit: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/12021429/Redvers-Kyle-television-announcer-obituary.html

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Redvers Kyle, Yorkshire TV continuity announcer, has reportedly died at 86. http://www.transdiffusion.org/2015/11/19/redvers-kyle-1929-2015


DDP team awaits obit.


Edit: He narrated the educational programme How We Used To Live, which was one of my favourite TV shows growing up. Bless him.


Edit 2: Not sure if this counts as a valid DDP Obit: http://www.atvtoday.co.uk/74540-ytv/ I'll keep looking if not. Also there's this which is from YTV's Calendar programme:


Need worry no more, he has achieved a Telegraph Obit: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/12021429/Redvers-Kyle-television-announcer-obituary.html

Just as I had placed him in the List of the Lost for the next update...

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Tyne Tees presenter/continuity announcer Kathy Secker dies aged 70. http://www.itv.com/news/tyne-tees/2015-12-16/tyne-tees-presenter-kathy-secker-dies-aged-70/

Along w this http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=8493&p=242728

How we gonna explain why presenters are missing to the little chilluns??

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Oh my lord, Fred Dinenage has just asked Tim Peake a question in Peake's interview from the ISS! He's working for Meridian still? And alive, obviously.

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Oh my lord, Fred Dinenage has just asked Tim Peake a question in Peake's interview from the ISS! He's working for Meridian still? And alive, obviously.

Now HE is a good candidate to replace Dunn.

Always looked ancient, is still ( only) 73 and could go on until 123 or summat.

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