I read something on a russian billionaire who wants to upload minds , I think that has a chance to take off in the coming decades.
The human body is old technology and is very inefficient and once Pandora's box has been opened it won't close . Eyes that never degenerate and see better ,ears that hear better , legs that never get tired or hurt running . The moment someone sees the benefit of one argumentation they will want another and another. At that point when someone is 51% cybernetic 49% flesh and bone are they human anymore ? They have believe it or not even bulit a cybernetic sperm . Once you have part human part cyborgs that can self replicate you pretty much are seeing the end of flesh and bone humans ,especially with falling fertility rates.
They are already taking out jobs , next it will be our women . Not sure i would want to sleep with a cybernetic woman, but then again suppose it would depend on her skills haha.
This is a subject that really interests me because me , you or anyone who can live for the next 40 years reading this have a realistic chance to live forever . The idea's are there , The technology is not far away and you have billionaires willing to fund it.
I still think there will be a place for the deathlist though , large groups of people will reject it and im sure even part cyborg part humans can die too, accidents etc.