I confess to not reading too much here nowdays, however, I did give this thread a bash.
Im bound to ask the obvious question: "Just what the fuck are some of you on?"
There are certain parallels between James and my life at the moment.
My Dad was recently diagnosed with cancer.
Now, he is undergoing treatment, fingers crossed and God willing ( If there really is one) he will beat it and be the wonderful Dad he was before he became ill.
So what, might you ask, has this all got to do with Clive James?
Well my Dad is 72 years old and, lets be honest here, has a considerably shorter natural life span than the average 30 or even 49 year old ( like wot I am) so, assuming he does recover, the odds of a recurrence, relapse or something else going wrong is considerably higher than the average fit and healthy adult half his age.
Its fair to say that he is being utterly positive, as is his family, that he will still be able to soldier on for years to come.
Ditto Clive James.
Well he may be a self absorbed cunt, a raconteur that loves the sound of his own voice, infact he may be a multitude of things.
What he certainly is though, is a man fighting tooth and nail to stay alive.
Ditto my Dad.
Some of you cunts are taking the attitude "Not dead yet?" "Hurry up and die for fuck sakes!!"
The fact that a 74 year old man with a terminal illness is still alive two years after its first diagnosis says more about medical science and sheer will than anything else.
The man is hanging on, don't knock it.
One day it may be you.
Butt hurt