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2 pointsI had to google that. At first I thought it was just your shorthand for a Kleenex tissue that "somehow" had become rock hard...
2 pointsAh, the Legend of the Lost List. Perhaps we could sneak that in the plot of DeathList, the Movie. regards, Hein
2 pointsOooh, this looks really good: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Albums-Wont-Believe-until-Hear/dp/1908728469/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1424206871&sr=1-1&keywords=thom+nixon
1 pointThey'll be playing three days a week when the sun comes out just to complete the season in time.
1 pointOr stubbing your little toe, and then doing it again an hour later on the exact same toe. treading on a lego brick in the middle of the night while barefoot is no joke either.
1 pointI'm sorry to break the news but Peter Falk died 3 years ago. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13909992 Console yourself with the Colombo boxset. Console YOURself with a punch in the face, you nob.
1 pointBut you do get all the best jobs and better pay.... ...oh wait. At least you get into clubs for free on a Friday night whereas us blokes have to pay. On average women live a few years longer than geezers. I don't know how much fun those years are, living with faulty plumbing. regards, Hein I can't remember the last time I went into a club - it was probably about 3 years ago. It was full of pissed-up, middle-aged, mutton-dressed-as-spam slags looking to get fingered in the park on the way home......oh wait..... Fingered? You are in Wiltshire Lardy, that's going to be 14 fingers and retro Casio digital special going elbows in there. Anyway, while we are on the "oh woe is me coz I is a wimmin" bollocks, a woman at work has just given birth to her second child. Now how long has she got off for that then? How about ELEVEN MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come back and complain when you've squeezed a watermelon out of your jap's eye and had someone chewing on your nipples for six months straight, and have had no proper sleep for the last four months of your pregnancy because you're the size of a fucking airship and can't turn over in bed without help from the local fire brigade, and then no sleep for the next three years because your lazy ass twat of a husband pretends to be asleep every time the baby screams, and then the one and only time he DOES get up in the night to take the baby downstairs to feed her, he comes and wakes you up to tell you PRINCESS DIANA HAS FUCKING DIED.
1 pointGoing down for the last time is Italian porn director Lasse Braun (or so I've been lead to believe, by, erm, friends) http://www.liberoquotidiano.it/news/spettacoli/11757314/Addio-a-Lasse-Braun--il.html
1 pointBut you do get all the best jobs and better pay.... ...oh wait. At least you get into clubs for free on a Friday night whereas us blokes have to pay. On average women live a few years longer than geezers. I don't know how much fun those years are, living with faulty plumbing. regards, Hein I can't remember the last time I went into a club - it was probably about 3 years ago. It was full of pissed-up, middle-aged, mutton-dressed-as-spam slags looking to get fingered in the park on the way home......oh wait..... Fingered? You are in Wiltshire Lardy, that's going to be 14 fingers and retro Casio digital special going elbows in there. Anyway, while we are on the "oh woe is me coz I is a wimmin" bollocks, a woman at work has just given birth to her second child. Now how long has she got off for that then? How about ELEVEN MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that is way too short a time.
1 pointI used to sit alone in my room and cry listening to that song on the radio thinking about all the parties I was never invited to. Bit ironic really... Are you a lesbian too? are males allowed to be lesbians? You used the word ironic to mean coincidence (the most popular misuse of the word). It's like raaaaaiiiiinnn, on your wedding day...
1 pointThird hit from this list from last August with Beryl Platt dying. you missed out Philip Knights who died in December. you must keep up ! Thank you - whoever you are. I struggle to pay attention during the festive season. 5 have gone now. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-31513192 Quarter of your list have died in just 6 months 1 At this rate, Jim Prior'll be a decent bet for the 2016 list if hes still alive.
1 pointI'm sorry to break the news but Peter Falk died 3 years ago. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-13909992 Console yourself with the Colombo boxset. LIES! Uncle Pete is alive and well: I'd remember if he had died!
1 pointDespite being told he had 90 days to live last year, Walter Trout is back touring again. Could be a good DDP diferential pick in 2016.
1 pointBut you do get all the best jobs and better pay.... ...oh wait. At least you get into clubs for free on a Friday night whereas us blokes have to pay. On average women live a few years longer than geezers. I don't know how much fun those years are, living with faulty plumbing. regards, Hein I can't remember the last time I went into a club - it was probably about 3 years ago. It was full of pissed-up, middle-aged, mutton-dressed-as-spam slags looking to get fingered in the park on the way home......oh wait.....
1 pointIts not as if there is even 100 posts a day on here, just read them all you lazy fuckers
1 pointCase in point..... While a good number of celeb deaths have occurred in the past 48 hours, NONE are posted HERE, in the forum called the Deaths Of 2015. Yet I have to read all this garbage banter for what...,, 8 or so posts over whether some Guest posted first? In the meantime no obits are posted here in the forum called DEATHS OF 2015. What is the function of this forum if ALL obits aren't posted here? This should be one stop shopping. You wanna get cute and put a Nobel prize winner in that Nobel prize too, great. Yet you deride a guest for posting here....cuz he thought he was first...cuz logic told him a forum called DEATHS OF 2015 may in fact be the place to post, oh I don't know, deaths for the year 2015? For the record Lesley Gore died but you'll have to search all over to find it. Try dead Pop Stars. She is a dead pop star but apparently not part of the Class of 2015 Dead people. Smfh. And if posting obits in the other forums was priority, then having SIXTY-EIGHT PAGES of forums is asking quite a bit for a Guest to consume at one sitting. How about archiving 90% of those and making the list of forums something useful? Why a thread for 'who will be the 4th hit of 2014?' Archive that shit. You've only yourselves to blame for duplicitous posts what with duplicitous forums, a plethora of needless forums to sift through , and a search box that leant work on many occasions (it sure as hell doesn't list results by 'most recent update' which would be the only way it was useful). SC (Reposting in rant section)
1 pointAh yes, the ever popular close-relative with inside info and open-ended statement of hope gambit. Please refer to the Muhammad Ali thread for further information. Did you mean this in reverse (where relative claims death is imminent when person is fine and dandy)? Or have you some scoop on the soon demise of Mr Ali? Cuz it's one or the other, right? SC Nope, simply that in Ali's case over the years there have been claims in both directions (about to die/ in complete control of his life) and we've come to suspect anything that arrives from a single source. Granted, the predictions of demise are the worst offenders for accuracy there. But, you get my drift.
1 pointChinese is indeed a smart choice, and an admirably difficult one. Learning a tonal language isn't easy when your first language doesn't know that. Learning some 2500 common characters to get basic literacy is quite a job. As the joke goes: learning Chinese is much easier when you know Chinese. A colleague of mine of Chinese ancestry (but Dutch upbringing) speaks Chinese. Last year he paid a visit to China and soon experienced that what he learned from his parents didn't work in Peking. He can't read Chinese, so he often used English. I suppose your nephew learns Mandarin. Apart from the UK (and perhaps Ireland), things have changed in Europe. Even in large nations with a tradition of language chauvinism, say France, Germany, Italy or Spain, the majority know one or more foreign languages at a useful level. In the 90s I went to France for business a few times, and without some French one was fucked there and then. In 2013 I was in Paris and Normandy for hols and was pleasantly surprised by the number of locals whose English was better than my French. The Americans I meet are not average yankee Joes and Janes, after all they moved here at some time. Their language skills vary. I met a 23-ish student (at some business school) from Lansing, Michigan, in the pub last year. She'd learned German in high school and had been learning Dutch by trial and error for a month. She asked me what I was reading (a novel by W.F. Hermans) and she read out loud a passage -in an unusual accent- and translated it almost perfectly. I was much impressed. Of course the same pub is full of Americans, Australians and New Zealanders who don't even try. regards, Hein Of course old Zealanders don't have to.
1 pointChinese is indeed a smart choice, and an admirably difficult one. Learning a tonal language isn't easy when your first language doesn't know that. Learning some 2500 common characters to get basic literacy is quite a job. As the joke goes: learning Chinese is much easier when you know Chinese. A colleague of mine of Chinese ancestry (but Dutch upbringing) speaks Chinese. Last year he paid a visit to China and soon experienced that what he learned from his parents didn't work in Peking. He can't read Chinese, so he often used English. I suppose your nephew learns Mandarin. Apart from the UK (and perhaps Ireland), things have changed in Europe. Even in large nations with a tradition of language chauvinism, say France, Germany, Italy or Spain, the majority know one or more foreign languages at a useful level. In the 90s I went to France for business a few times, and without some French one was fucked there and then. In 2013 I was in Paris and Normandy for hols and was pleasantly surprised by the number of locals whose English was better than my French. The Americans I meet are not average yankee Joes and Janes, after all they moved here at some time. Their language skills vary. I met a 23-ish student (at some business school) from Lansing, Michigan, in the pub last year. She'd learned German in high school and had been learning Dutch by trial and error for a month. She asked me what I was reading (a novel by W.F. Hermans) and she read out loud a passage -in an unusual accent- and translated it almost perfectly. I was much impressed. Of course the same pub is full of Americans, Australians and New Zealanders who don't even try. regards, Hein
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