I'm seeing your 2016 line up sitting on a PM hereabouts and seriously doubting the ability of some of those picks to make the start line. Up to now we haven't had a rule about early entries and I did accept someone in August last year but my suspicion about accepting a team too early is that it's simply asking to create work as they start shedding talent ahead of the start.
So, the present plan (i.e. I dreamt it up in the last 60 seconds) is that there WILL be a 2016 Deathrace, I'll start loading the requisite posts into a new thread in the first week of December (assuming the Deathlist and I make the start line for that) and anyone sending a team to me via PM from 1 September 2015 will be treated seriously. To be fair to our only entrant so far - Deathray - I'll leave his team on my PMs when I go there after this post and delete all the messages containing 2015 teams. So, by default, if Deathray doesn't reconsider, and in the unlikely event that the current King of Thailand and 19 other vulnerably functioning individuals are still with us at that point, his line up will be first into the new masterlist.
And finally
If anyone has a strong opinion about rule changes etc. that should be implemented to improve customer enjoyment of the fastest dead pool hereabouts, post them on this thread before it falls into oblivion and the committee will take them on board, or summat.