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Showing content with the highest reputation on 20/09/15 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    indeed, its ironic when the person who bitches the most about useless threads is actually the biggest offender the crime
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points
    Utter horse shit. Poor rhyme, that. Agreed BUT Guest decided to lump in modern slang together with cockney rhyming slang which is completely wrong! Sorry that is agreed, some of that is modern, brown bread is the traditional phrase, but I also like the words they have for parts of the body, like boat for face (boat race) And Khyber for guest.
  4. 2 points
    S'cuse me splitting hairs but...since when were those two things mutually exclusive?
  5. 1 point
    Not necessarily. Superfast is a bit of a con trick, unless you need a high speed for data/music downloading or your broadband speed is mega shite but a provider will offer you superfast to compensate it, don't bother. My landline STILL don't work. You are fucking joking!!!!! I'm fucking not. They refuse to fix it. Insist it's my fault. Costs me a fortune to keep ringing them from my mobile, and it's causing me so much grief I've stopped bothering, it boils my fucking piss so much each time I try and speak to them that I'll have a fucking coronary soon. I've taken to gobbing on every Openreach van I see
  6. 1 point
    Utter horse shit. Poor rhyme, that.
  7. 1 point
    I am currently suffering from intermittent internet, which I put down to the fact that they have just installed superfast fibre broadband locally. Not that I'm cynical or anything, but I bet it would mysteriously cure itself the moment I order an upgrade.
  8. 1 point
    Sewell and Collins in 24 hours? Jeremy Corbyn's class war is off to a good start.
  9. 1 point
    indeed, its ironic when the person who bitches the most about useless threads is actually the biggest offender the crimeum sir creep you do realize that was at you and not lfn
  10. 1 point
    Talking of footballers, I always thought the former Middlesbrough player Mido looked like the late actor Alan Lake... Lake: Mido:
  11. 1 point
    Freddie 'Parrot face' Davies Ex Spurs legend Ossie Ardilles Well I think so...
  12. 1 point
    Quite possibly the worst thread going. We need some poachers to come and shoot the fucker dead!!
  13. 1 point
    Leonard Skinner died 5 years ago today He's the guy Lynyrd Skynyrd was named after.
  14. 1 point
    They were terrific. No support, just time to collect winnings for a wee after the last race, and Madness were on stage just after 5 pm. Here's my pic, complete with the mandatory huge bloke standing in front ... I had room to dodge about a bit though, luckily.
  15. 1 point
    Guess I better make a post in this thread... Head still buzzing after going to see (and hear) the Stereo MC's at the Rescue Rooms in Nottingham. £19.50, doors 6:30pm. Fifth time I've been to one of their gigs, and this one well on par. Guess about 400 in attendance, quite rammed but not so you could not fully dance along. They had a warm up act but I was not that interested to see them I guessed when the MC's would play and only waited about 15 minutes. On stage about 8:20pm. Bagged a spot upstairs on the balcony. Joining in from the back with all the jumping up and down malarchy in my own ample space. However with my bad back I know I'm too old for it and I'll feel it for a few days I'm sure. The band is down to two backing singers (think having and bringing up children don't mix too well with all that bouncing around). Still, Rob Birch was again giving it his mad fast social rapping all. He has pushed 50 too and still as thin as a rake. Excluded the camo look and gone back to baggy denim and supplemented it with a fluorescent beanie. By the forth song the crowd was loving it. And Rob had stripped off two layers. Great historic play list interspersed with about 4 new songs I've not been top side of from the new album that I'm not a fan of. Still got my fill of good stuff. Took a photo of the play list taped to the stage that they were winging. They did "Deep Down And Dirty" twice and ran out of time to play one song they planned to add at some point. One small table of merchandise (already own the tee shirt) and lemonade at £2.60 / pint. Most people drinking Red Stripe. Good mix of ages 18 to 50's. Guess most people had a jolly good time. Finished at 9:54pm.
  16. 1 point
    You and me both, I was pretty hopeful I'd have two hits straight off the bat for January with them two. RIP Brian, you leave many memorable quotes and were an inspiration for pseudo-intellectual curmudgeons everywhere.
  17. 1 point
    Well, he's not on my DDP team, so: long live the King!
  18. 1 point
    Says who? Nobody, everyone's saying "24 days" now!
  19. 1 point
    If Brian Clough had given his players yoghurts would he have saved the fruits of the forest one for Justin Fashnu?
  20. 1 point
    Yeah, 66 year old Jeremy Corbyn being a case in point.
  21. 1 point
    Yet another NHL enforcer dies this year, this time it's Wade Belak of a suspected suicide. The things these players will do to get out of training camp.
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