Drake did all of his work on the orders of Elizabeth I, and I am yet to see suggestions we change anything named after her. Or Victoria.
Curious to see their list includes Sir Robert Peel, possibly because they are mistaking him for another member of his own family, but also maybe because of his anti-Catholic views. Despite those views, he wrote the bill on emancipation in the 1820s and sacrificed his own top level career to end the Corn Laws. So are we going to hate on a chap in 2020 for his personal views when he was still directly responsible for the two of the biggest moves in favour of poor Irish and British Catholics in his life? (Lets not forget the man also banned sending kids down mines, and 99% of the capital offences from the times when you could be hung for stealing an apple...) Gladstone also based on his family and the reason he was put in parliament in the first place as a 20 year old was to oppose abolition - but we don't remember him solely for that, do we? We remember him because he grow out of those views, denounced them, and went onto champion the rights of the individual throughout the world. Both were heavy on basic civil rights long before that became a big thing.
I do have sympathy for the BLM cause, and get the starting point for some of these discussions (as I said before, any statue put up to a known racist in the 1990s in a public place is just shit stirring) but if everyone is getting judged to the standards of the two men above in 2020 as a basic example, none of us are escaping spotless. There's a strong degree of baby with the bathwater here, led on by the Scrappy Doos in society who probably couldn't name you a single African American civil rights leader. So either we bulldoze all of the UK, or we face up to history and context. But then I am opposed to facelift proposals that do nothing to make things better bar make a few guilty middle class consciences feel better.