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The Next Tory Leader

Who’ll Be The Next Tory Leader?  

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2 hours ago, RoverAndOut said:


Five more years! Five more years! Five more years!

...and the fucking tragic thing?

All of the blows landed on this shit show of a Government have been either self inflicted or by public opinion.

Fuck all has landed from those useless cunts on the opposite benches, which says it all.

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10 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

...and the fucking tragic thing?

All of the blows landed on this shit show of a Government have been either self inflicted or by public opinion.

Fuck all has landed from those useless cunts on the opposite benches, which says it all.


Well I don't know.  Angela Rayner is always pretty outspoken.

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55 minutes ago, Toast said:


Well I don't know.  Angela Rayner is always pretty outspoken.

Generally, she talks a load of shit.

Being outspoken means bugger all if you are not making these bunch of tossers look, well, a bunch of tossers.

They should have been completely dismantled by Labour by now, yet the only dismantling of the Conservatives has been brilliantly executed by the Conservatives.

The whole sodding point is that, by now, we all should be saying things like ' yeah, Labour/ Lib Dems etc, have had them on the ropes, exposed them for the cunts that they are and are demonstrating that they know how to take us all forward when we vote them in. 

So far, fuck all.

It's like they only have to fuck the corpse but they can't even get a hard on.

They, purely by being utterly toothless, are as culpable for the shit we are in as the sitting bunch of bastards.

We are doomed.

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15 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

Generally, she talks a load of shit.

Being outspoken means bugger all if you are not making these bunch of tossers look, well, a bunch of tossers.

They should have been completely dismantled by Labour by now, yet the only dismantling of the Conservatives has been brilliantly executed by the Conservatives.

The whole sodding point is that, by now, we all should be saying things like ' yeah, Labour/ Lib Dems etc, have had them on the ropes, exposed them for the cunts that they are and are demonstrating that they know how to take us all forward when we vote them in. 

So far, fuck all.

It's like they only have to fuck the corpse but they can't even get a hard on.

They, purely by being utterly toothless, are as culpable for the shit we are in as the sitting bunch of bastards.

We are doomed.


John Smith was heavily criticized for not doing anything as the John Major government fell apart but if the the Government are destroying themselves surely you just let them get on with it

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4 minutes ago, Bibliogryphon said:


John Smith was heavily criticized for not doing anything as the John Major government fell apart but if the the Government are destroying themselves surely you just let them get on with it



Depends on who "you" are, though. Some are better than others at seizing chances. One thing about the Labour and Liberal semi-stand-offs is that the SNP have been all over the Conservative's calamities, exploiting opportunities to the point they've probably wrapped up support in Scotland for the foreseeable, making themselves much bigger players on the national stage because they'll have a serious block of Westminster votes, whatever the state of the other main parties in the rest of the UK. In a split parliament and/or a situation where Labour have a thin majority this could take us places, politically speaking, we've never previously been. Corbyn and Johnson between them probably conspired to gift the SNP masses of votes. It seldom gets discussed that there's plenty votes in Scotland that are pragmatic SNP, basically liking their policies as more left wing than Starmer's Labour. Many of those voters might well abstain or even vote for Scotland to stay in the union, if and when the next referendum comes. 

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28 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

It's like they only have to fuck the corpse but they can't even get a hard on.


I'd pay good money to see this being put forward as an argument on the ten o'clock news. 


You do have a way with words there on occasion LFN :D

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2 minutes ago, maryportfuncity said:



Depends on who "you" are, though. Some are better than others at seizing chances. One thing about the Labour and Liberal semi-stand-offs is that the SNP have been all over the Conservative's calamities, exploiting opportunities to the point they've probably wrapped up support in Scotland for the foreseeable, making themselves much bigger players on the national stage because they'll have a serious block of Westminster votes, whatever the state of the other main parties in the rest of the UK. In a split parliament and/or a situation where Labour have a thin majority this could take us places, politically speaking, we've never previously been. Corbyn and Johnson between them probably conspired to gift the SNP masses of votes. It seldom gets discussed that there's plenty votes in Scotland that are pragmatic SNP, basically liking their policies as more left wing than Starmer's Labour. Many of those voters might well abstain or even vote for Scotland to stay in the union, if and when the next referendum comes. 


When Blair was PM Charles Kennedy was fantastic at sweeping up disgruntled Labour voters because the LDs appeared to have positioned themselves to the left of Labour. 


Ed Davey might be able to do something similar but Kier Starmer thinks he can hold on to the traditional left by just being Labour and by not opposing Brexit he might pick up some of the 2019 Tory voters that he needs to get a working majority


Scottish Independence is ironically more likely under a Conservative government than a Labour one in my opinion

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2 minutes ago, Bibliogryphon said:


When Blair was PM Charles Kennedy was fantastic at sweeping up disgruntled Labour voters because the LDs appeared to have positioned themselves to the left of Labour. 


Ed Davey might be able to do something similar but Kier Starmer thinks he can hold on to the traditional left by just being Labour and by not opposing Brexit he might pick up some of the 2019 Tory voters that he needs to get a working majority


Scottish Independence is ironically more likely under a Conservative government than a Labour one in my opinion



It might well be, but that Lib Dem sweep of Labour votes back in the day was nothing compared to the creeping tactical voting under Bojo that's seen whole swathes of the UK, mainly England become hard to call at the next general election. If - as expected - Truss is the next PM, fires her one tax cutting shot and crashes and burns as it does little or nowt for the state of the economy it could well be that much previously stable territory sees voting best described as anti-Tory, a parliament is much changed as a result. Decent guesses, Rhys Mogg and Bojo will be Portillo moment fodder and a few other places might have surprising MPs. 


Game  on, or summat

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1 minute ago, maryportfuncity said:



It might well be, but that Lib Dem sweep of Labour votes back in the day was nothing compared to the creeping tactical voting under Bojo that's seen whole swathes of the UK, mainly England become hard to call at the next general election. If - as expected - Truss is the next PM, fires her one tax cutting shot and crashes and burns as it does little or nowt for the state of the economy it could well be that much previously stable territory sees voting best described as anti-Tory, a parliament is much changed as a result. Decent guesses, Rhys Mogg and Bojo will be Portillo moment fodder and a few other places might have surprising MPs. 


Game  on, or summat


Our MP elected in 1997 here in Kettering was fairly unreconstructed old labour but he was not stopped from standing because he was not expected to win. 


The next parliament could see quite a few of those so look out for the Jared Mara and Louise Mensch types


By-election Bingo 24-29 could be chaotic

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21 minutes ago, Bibliogryphon said:


John Smith was heavily criticized for not doing anything as the John Major government fell apart but if the the Government are destroying themselves surely you just let them get on with it

So the other parties allow them to destroy themselves, then what?

Who do we vote for?

Aside from ' traditional' Tory, Labour,. Lib Dem, etc voters, the vast majority of us vote for the party that, in our view, offers us a better alternative, a better manifesto and a better future.

Can you tell me if any of the other parties currently offer us that alternative?

Currently, we KNOW how shit this mob is but we don't actually KNOW if the alternatives are any better.

Let's not forget that lying, cheating, law breaking and doing bird is not just a Tory thing, yes, they do it on a grand scale but the others are hardly fucking saintly, are they.

So, I refer back to my original point, and a point I made a while back, that there is no clear alternative and that alone could see the wankers return to power.

I mean, for some, it may be a case of ' better the devil you know' eh.

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2 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

So the other parties allow them to destroy themselves, then what?

Who do we vote for?

Aside from ' traditional' Tory, Labour,. Lib Dem, etc voters, the vast majority of us vote for the party that, in our view, offers us a better alternative, a better manifesto and a better future.

Can you tell me if any of the other parties currently offer us that alternative?

Currently, we KNOW how shit this mob is but we don't actually KNOW if the alternatives are any better.

Let's not forget that lying, cheating, law breaking and doing bird is not just a Tory thing, yes, they do it on a grand scale but the others are hardly fucking saintly, are they.

So, I refer back to my original point, and a point I made a while back, that there is no clear alternative and that alone could see the wankers return to power.

I mean, for some, it may be a case of ' better the devil you know' eh.


Starmer is terrified of being Corbyned out of the next election and so is avoiding saying anything as long as possible to avoid the papers who have a vested interest in the Conservative party being in power tear him to shreds and scare the more easily influenced part of the electorate that he is going to allow a full socialist/islamic/gay rights agenda* to trash the country. I want to vote Labour because I am a Union member but I also want to understand that the party that is elected will not just be Tory lite. Having said that I would consider voting Labour if it meant getting out Conservative MP out who is extremely Brexity


*Pick whichever scares your target audience most

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9 minutes ago, Bibliogryphon said:


Starmer is terrified of being Corbyned out of the next election and so is avoiding saying anything as long as possible to avoid the papers who have a vested interest in the Conservative party being in power tear him to shreds and scare the more easily influenced part of the electorate that he is going to allow a full socialist/islamic/gay rights agenda* to trash the country. I want to vote Labour because I am a Union member but I also want to understand that the party that is elected will not just be Tory lite. Having said that I would consider voting Labour if it meant getting out Conservative MP out who is extremely Brexity


*Pick whichever scares your target audience most

I was in the CWU for over 30 years and it never influenced how I voted.

Starmer happily sat in Corbyns shadow cabinet so, logically, he was and still is aligned to his policies, ideology and manifesto. The public are not so massively stupid that they don't get that.

Even if he has had a wholesale shift, politically, the Trojan horse scenario could happen. Maybe.

Just because, as a society, we agree in equality, social justice and all that shizzle, doesn't make us a socialist society, if it did Labour would have swept to power many more times than it has.

Having said that, at least we knew where Corbyn stood, Starmer? No fucking idea!

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I mean, that's just life, really. Did anyone think David Cameron had brilliant amazing ideas? No, for years they thought he was that idiot who wanted to hug hoodies. Then the economy tanked so David Cameron looked like a shiny new toy to the voters, and the Tories have had 12+ years in government so far. (And no one cared that Cameron's ideas pre-economy tanking were "let's deregulate the banks and mortgages" which would have made 2008 much worse, because voters don't care about hindsight/foresight - just events.)


Blair papered over a lot of cracks by being a charismatic bastard. His actual election manifesto is one of the fluffiest pamphlets you'll ever read. Lots of standing up for Britain, being fare to Britain, tough on crime tough on the causes of crime, and education education education. Bar a few Gordon Brown plans (minimum wage), not much substance. (This was brought up on TV a lot at the time.) But no one gave a shit because they were fucked off with the Tories by that point.


Even if we go back to the 1970s, Callaghan outscored Thatcher on "who'd make the best Prime Minister?" polling but the public were still fed up with the government. (Worth noting that this is the last time a major party leading losing the head to head polling questions on their own qualities has won the general election - Foot, Kinnock, Kinnock, Major, Hague, Howard, Brown, Miliband, Corbyn and Corbyn were all second best in these and lost.)


The last time we had anyone knowing what to expect from the opposition was 1974 when the public brought back Harold Wilson who they knew from his last term in office. 


Mostly life is oppositions looking gormless until the public get fed up with the government and vote them into power. At which point they suddenly have power to do stuff. 


I'd love an exciting unstoppable force offering transport/infrastructure investment for the 21st Century, a revamp of the energy network and free traction engines for all, but I know its never going to happen. 


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2 minutes ago, msc said:

I mean, that's just life, really. Did anyone think David Cameron had brilliant amazing ideas? No, for years they thought he was that idiot who wanted to hug hoodies. Then the economy tanked so David Cameron looked like a shiny new toy to the voters, and the Tories have had 12+ years in government so far. (And no one cared that Cameron's ideas pre-economy tanking were "let's deregulate the banks and mortgages" which would have made 2008 much worse, because voters don't care about hindsight/foresight - just events.)


Blair papered over a lot of cracks by being a charismatic bastard. His actual election manifesto is one of the fluffiest pamphlets you'll ever read. Lots of standing up for Britain, being fare to Britain, tough on crime tough on the causes of crime, and education education education. Bar a few Gordon Brown plans (minimum wage), not much substance. (This was brought up on TV a lot at the time.) But no one gave a shit because they were fucked off with the Tories by that point.


Even if we go back to the 1970s, Callaghan outscored Thatcher on "who'd make the best Prime Minister?" polling but the public were still fed up with the government. (Worth noting that this is the last time a major party leading losing the head to head polling questions on their own qualities has won the general election - Foot, Kinnock, Kinnock, Major, Hague, Howard, Brown, Miliband, Corbyn and Corbyn were all second best in these and lost.)


The last time we had anyone knowing what to expect from the opposition was 1974 when the public brought back Harold Wilson who they knew from his last term in office. 


Mostly life is oppositions looking gormless until the public get fed up with the government and vote them into power. At which point they suddenly have power to do stuff. 


I'd love an exciting unstoppable force offering transport/infrastructure investment for the 21st Century, a revamp of the energy network and free traction engines for all, but I know its never going to happen. 



I do actually complete the policy questionnaires which are based on the manifestos to see where I sit. I normally triangulate between Labour, LD and Green then I have to overlay FPTP pragmatism to decide my final vote. I voted Labour at the last two elections because I liked what Jeremy Corbyn was saying, Green in 2015 (after making sure the polls were not predicting a tight contest in my constituency) and LD in 2010

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1 hour ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

Nadine on the Sherry early I see




I wonder who else has been sucking cock....:sherlock:

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The ERG are pushing for Sir John Redwood to be appointed chancellor by Liz Truss.

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Christ sake this is STILL going on?  You could really use a Vice Minister and an immediate transfer of power. 

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9 hours ago, Sir Creep said:

Christ sake this is STILL going on?  You could really use a Vice Minister and an immediate transfer of power. 

No. We could do with an immediate General Election.

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Andrew Neil dismantling Sunak for the past half hour has been a joy.


Can't wait for him to tear into Truss. 

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5 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Andrew Neil dismantling Sunak for the past half hour has been a joy.


Can't wait for him to tear into Truss. 

Wait. Truss turned the opportunity to be interviewed by Neil down.


International coward - if she can't face a few questions, how can she face down the despots of the world? She knows she'd be ripped to shreds.

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Liz truss followed by sir Keir Starmer what a wonderful treat we all have in store for us over the next decade. When Sir Keir is in power at least we'll have a leader who knows what's like to be poor! He grew up on the mean streets of surrey.

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Wallace and Tugendhat backing Truss. It's a fait accompli now.

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