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The BonScott distortion of "woke" as a term is basically the right-winger's favorite pasttime of finding ways to say the n-word without actually saying the n-word

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11 hours ago, Death Impends said:

The BonScott distortion of "woke" as a term is basically the right-winger's favorite pasttime of finding ways to say the n-word without actually saying the n-word

What absolute hogwash, I know it is a stereotype to say “I have black friends” when someone is accused of being a racist, I can do better than that, I have black FAMILY members, I am 1/8th Jamaican, all my black relatives I love to bits, and indeed I do have black friends too, having been born and bred in Tottenham I encountered many many black people, some of which I am friends with still to this day


I also spent some years as a mentor for the PYBT in London, many of those I mentored were black lads, I took great pride in seeing their businesses grow


So now I have well and truly debunked your defamatory lie that I am a racist lets get back to woke.


Woke started off as a well meaning concept, standing up for victims of racism, injustice, and prejudice in society, very noble idea that I fully support, but woke culture has evolved into something sinister where you are cancelled if you dislike Meghan Markle, where you are cancelled if you think a woman can’t have a penis, you are cancelled if you think people born with penises should not be allowed in female changing rooms, you are cancelled if you think Winston Churchill was a great guy, you are cancelled if you are proud of our history and the British Empire, a well meaning standing up for injustice has turned into a full scale sinister thought police where you can’t have any view the left wing thought police disagree with


I do hate Meghan Markle, I think 100% of women don’t have a penis, I idolise Winston Churchill, I am very proud of what Britain has done for the world and think the Empire was a great thing 


I also despise diversity and the using of diversity officers in companies, the only factor in recruiting should be the talent/experience/interview performance and the successful candidate judged on that criteria alone, the idea that a certain % of employees in a company should be black/muslim/female/trans/disabled etc etc is a vile concept that should be banned


So yes I am proud to be English, proud to be anti woke, and am part ethnic minority myself

  • Facepalm 2

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16 minutes ago, BonScott said:

Woke started off as a well meaning concept, standing up for victims of racism, injustice, and prejudice in society


And that's exactly what it still is. It's just that you've been consuming too much content from the Daily Mail, GBeebies, your uncle Nigel's Facebook memes etc. It has boiled your brain. The sooner you recognise that, trust me, the better it'll be for your blood pressure.


18 minutes ago, BonScott said:

but woke culture has evolved into something sinister where you are cancelled if you dislike Meghan Markle


What do you mean cancelled? Who has been cancelled for not liking Meghan Markle? Why is Meghan Markle so significant, particularly in the furious rants of the right-wing ghouls who spit venom in the aforementioned media? Why are you so angry?


20 minutes ago, BonScott said:

where you are cancelled if you think a woman can’t have a penis, you are cancelled if you think people born with penises should not be allowed in female changing rooms


Where has this obsession among right-wing ghouls with who has a penis come from? When will they (you) realise how much of an unedifying spectacle it is to keep shouting the word 'penis'? Why does it bother you so much? Why won't you entertain the possibility that people can live their lives how they are comfortable, without hurting anyone, that may be different to how you would? What gave you the right to shout down and reject those who don't identify how you for some reason or other think they should? Why are you so angry?


25 minutes ago, BonScott said:

you are cancelled if you think Winston Churchill was a great guy


Who has been cancelled for even saying that, leave alone thinking it? Why can't people recognise the flaws of these prominent historical figures without being spat the word 'woke' at, like that's some kind of insult? Why are you so angry?


28 minutes ago, BonScott said:

you are cancelled if you are proud of our history and the British Empire, a well meaning standing up for injustice has turned into a full scale sinister thought police where you can’t have any view the left wing thought police disagree with


Who are these left-wing thought police? Can you see them now? How much do you know/are you willing to educate yourself about our Empire days? Is it not the ultimate form of patriotism to learn the full extent of your own country's history, and to recognise the awful and unjust things we've done as well as the good and learn and grow from it? Why is it only a 'left-wing' thing to not be so wifully blind to these things? Why are you so angry?


30 minutes ago, BonScott said:

I do hate Meghan Markle, I think 100% of women don’t have a penis, I idolise Winston Churchill, I am very proud of what Britain has done for the world and think the Empire was a great thing


Congratuwelldone. Feel better now? Now, see all of the above, and try not to be so angry.


33 minutes ago, BonScott said:

I also despise diversity


Ah. What exactly do you mean by this? You think everyone should look and be the same? Like, say, one super race? Why are you so angry?


35 minutes ago, BonScott said:

I also despise diversity and the using of diversity officers in companies, the only factor in recruiting should be the talent/experience/interview performance and the successful candidate judged on that criteria alone, the idea that a certain % of employees in a company should be black/muslim/female/trans/disabled etc etc is a vile concept that should be banned


And yet you won't entertain the possibility that a "certain % of employees" who might be black/muslim/female/trans/disabled might be the best candidates for those jobs? Why is that? Why are you so angry?


37 minutes ago, BonScott said:

So yes I am proud to be English, proud to be anti woke, and am part ethnic minority myself


Proud to have such a negative outlook on people just trying to live their lives and peacefully co-exist, collaborate, work with, live with and support others, from all walks of life, with all kinds of traits you so despise? Why can't having diversity in culture and society be a thing to be proud of, a thing that adds colour to our lives? What went wrong in your life that caused you to be so full of hate? Why are you so angry?

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Posted (edited)

Toast and iirc Gooseberry hate Meghan Markle for some reason (not a request for details) and no one has cancelled either of them or has any plans to.


Death Impends is a lassie and has my support 1000%.


Churchill was flawed yes but absolutely the right man to lead us in Ww2. He is a reminder that great people can make terrible mistakes but be there when everyone needs them the most. See also as a useful example here Gladstone, who went from being a young racist, then through educating and bettering himself, became a Victorian champion for human rights. 


British history is full of amazing inspiring stories and people. It's also full of horrors because the former tended to be reacting against the latter. But I'm quite happy to celebrate the greats while acknowledging the shit bits. It doesn't make the good stuff less inspiring, in fact it makes it more so. 


Like in Star Wars without the dark side hurting the galaxy Luke is just some farmer.


Think that covers most of it.


Edited by msc
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17 minutes ago, msc said:

Toast and iirc Gooseberry hate Meghan Markle for some reason (not a request for details) and no one has cancelled either of them or has any plans to.


Death Impends is a lassie and has my support 1000%.


Churchill was flawed yes but absolutely the right man to lead us in Ww2. He is a reminder that great people can make terrible mistakes but be there when everyone needs them the most. See also as a useful example here Gladstone, who went from being a young racist, then through educating and bettering himself, became a Victorian champion for human rights. 


British history is full of amazing inspiring stories and people. It's also full of horrors because the former tended to be reacting against the latter. But I'm quite happy to celebrate the greats while acknowledging the shit bits. It doesn't make the good stuff less inspiring, in fact it makes it more so. 


Like in Star Wars without the dark side hurting the galaxy Luke is just some farmer.


Think that covers most of it.


Fair play. I just did the nasty question-asking bit. You've answered Bon Scott's drivel perfectly.

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Can add me to the list who hate Meghan Markle if you want.

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It's like BonScott and TOC are having a competition to see who can waste the most oxygen that could be used by other, more intelligent, species. Fittingly, BonScott abbreviates to BS.

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13 minutes ago, TQR said:


Fair play. I just did the nasty question-asking bit. You've answered Bon Scott's drivel perfectly.


I just can't resist it when people ask why non binary things are binary. Plus defending a mate.


4 minutes ago, ladyfiona said:

Can add me to the list who hate Meghan Markle if you want.

Christ how big is this list of people we apparently need to cancel now, this is meant to be my weekend off... :lol:

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1 minute ago, msc said:

I just can't resist it when people ask why non binary things are binary. Plus defending a mate.



As any decent person would. I like to think that's the vast, vast majority of us here.


It's wrong that these people get to say these hateful things without ever having to explain them. And often, when they have to attempt to rationalise how they've arrived at their point of view, they realise they can't. You never know, they might reconsider, but then I doubt BonScott has enough of a mind to change.

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"Woke started off as a well meaning concept, standing up for victims of racism, injustice, and prejudice in society"


And that's fine, but what rankles with many of us older people is the insinuation that this is something new that we need to be taught.  It's not a new concept, most of my generation grew up with a far more open, broad-minded and tolerant outlook than our parents had.  


Sure, there are bigoted and prejudiced people in every generation, but they are the exception rather than the rule, and it shouldn't be confused with disliking someone because of their actions or behaviour.  Nobody should get a free pass because of their race, colour, culture, religion, gender or whatever. 


It just seems to have been taken too far by some, eg only gay actors should play gay roles, that sort of demand. Fine, how about only straight actors should play straight roles then, seems a logical extension?  That is the sort of thing that winds people up.

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15 minutes ago, Toast said:



It just seems to have been taken too far by some, eg only gay actors should play gay roles, that sort of demand. Fine, how about only straight actors should play straight roles then, seems a logical extension?  That is the sort of thing that winds people up.

It does but try arguing against on a lot of forums or social media and you are called homophobic or a supporter of straight washing. For some reason a lot of ( usually) liberal people are now argue there is a biological difference in mannerisms and acting between being Gay and Straight that means a straight actor can never pass - even if it was an Oscar winner. I honestly have never noticed in my life as a gay Man. 

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2 hours ago, BonScott said:

Woke started off as a well meaning concept, standing up for victims of racism, injustice, and prejudice in society, very noble idea that I fully support, but woke culture has evolved into something sinister where you are cancelled if you dislike Meghan Markle, where you are cancelled if you think a woman can’t have a penis, you are cancelled if you think people born with penises should not be allowed in female changing rooms, you are cancelled if you think Winston Churchill was a great guy, you are cancelled if you are proud of our history and the British Empire, a well meaning standing up for injustice has turned into a full scale sinister thought police where you can’t have any view the left wing thought police disagree with.

All of the things you listed above are the opinions of our current Prime Minister, many members of parliament and most of the British press, some of the most powerful people in society, so how exactly do you get cancelled for holding any of these viewpoints?

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Using woke as a derogatory term is, in fact, racism. Imo.


It is used that way by white supremacists. And coconuts.

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1 hour ago, YoungWillz said:

Using woke as a derogatory term is, in fact, racism. Imo.

It is used that way by white supremacists. And coconuts.


Just racism? :blink:


I think the word itself is problematic as it implies that everyone has to be "woken" from a default attitude of bigotry and prejudice.  It is divisive and does more harm than good.

The word I would use is 'egalitarian'.

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Yeah the word woke is just used by right wingers to criticise increased awareness of social justice issues I was genuinely surprised when I saw the government using it, just goes to show how deeply entrenched the far right have become in british instituions

Even just a decade ago we had a national consensus against the type of bigotry that pervades the government, now I and many other trans people, as well as ethnic minorities and immigrants, are fearing what the likes of that rat faced twat who calls himself prime minister and his buddies will enact against what was already a vulnerable minority - I hope to see a day where this current climate of increasing hostility is done away with once and for all

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2 hours ago, Flufen said:

 that rat faced twat who calls himself prime minister and his buddies


Please gods we'll be rid of them soon.

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i newspaper's front page today reporting that a former advisor is Sunak not to go abroad, because that's when coups happen within parties! 







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Sunak giving a speech on welfare. (Quelle surprise, those dirty benefits recipients).


He has, give him his due, outlined the complete failure of this Government to tackle underlying issues of people ending up on benefits.


Let me give him a clue or two. Many people who are working are still on benefits. And using food banks. The rights of workers have been stripped away. Employers are struggling with the downturn in growth and Brexit consequences. People are unable to access GP appointments and healthcare quickly. The lack of investment in mental health support has caused issues. Your sanctions regime caused the death of hundreds. There hasn't been job security in this country since the mid-1980s. Childcare support is already out of reach or unavailable to many.


He has the audacity to talk about benefit fraud being treated like tax fraud. Maybe if tax fraud was cracked down upon like benefit fraud already is, things would be different.


The man is so out of touch with how people are actually struggling to get by day to day under this pathetic bunch of multi-millionaires.

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Remember Tony Blair and Labour had Things Can Only Get Better as their theme for the 97 election?


Well, with rumours of the Tories being predicted to be reduced to a minimal number of seats and Sunak heading for California, I thought Sunak could have this appropriate election campaign choon.



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I agree with Rishi.


A mere 50 quid fine for Partygate wasn't enough. Not when students and others were fined 10 grand.


He should be strung up with that seatbelt he was caught not wearing when driving.


Clunk, click, he's a dick.

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On 15/03/2024 at 08:36, maryportfuncity said:

i newspaper's front page today reporting that a former advisor is Sunak not to go abroad, because that's when coups happen within parties! 








Perhaps this is why he didn't want to spend too much time on D-Day.

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Look at that though:

"Sunak ends speculation that he will hold early general election on 2 May, same day as local polls."


How much money has been wasted by waiting 9 weeks.

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29 minutes ago, Toast said:

Look at that though:

"Sunak ends speculation that he will hold early general election on 2 May, same day as local polls."


How much money has been wasted by waiting 9 weeks.

Not to mention seats lost because people have now seen that tactical voting works.

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3 minutes ago, alt obits guy said:

Says he's not opposed to assistant dying


His poor assistant.

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