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Just now, YoungWillz said:

So let's scrap Remembrance Sunday, the War Graves commission, the Holocaust memorial - knock it down, etc etc.


I don't believe I said that.


1 minute ago, YoungWillz said:

Money better spent on today, eh? If only Sunak had rushed back to actually to something for the country. Maybe he had to rush back to check how his investments were doing, or how to fill his wallet with more taxpayers' cash before he loses office. 


Sunak is a self assured hedge fund arsehole, but his suitabilty as a current leader is not to do with whether he waves the appropriate flag over history. Nor is any politicians.

Criticising them for not waving the appropriate historical flag vigourously enough is a waste of time. Of course I feel it, like any other, but it doesn't help people living under bridges right now.

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4 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:


You can do both. The whole purpose of history is to learn from the past and not make the same mistakes again (which we are). D-Day was arguably the most significant day of the 20th Century. It was daring and it was dangerous and it paved the way for the defeat of the most dangerous regime in the history of modern Europe (yes, up to now, even more dangerous than Putin). It is commemorated every year, but this year is a significant milestone as it is the 80th anniversary and, probably, the last significant milestone for which there will be veterans alive for (85 is a possibility, but that's not as significant, 90 is unlikely). Reaffirming the commitment to peace and remembering the sacrifice that brought it to Europe is symbolic, but also crucial to us not repeating those mistakes. Sadly some of us need to stop reading revisionist history. For your tomorrow, we gave our today. As the Prime Minister of this country, the 80th anniversary of D-Day should be a solemn occasion where he represents the nation in giving thanks to those who died and honours those who are still with us. Instead, he bailed and did a political interview as he tries to stay in office. This is exactly why Sly Ronnie said having the election around the D-Day commemoration was a bad idea.


We can worry about the world today tomorrow. One day to remember is not an issue. Without them, we wouldn't have tomorrow.


The difference is that I'm saying they all know this well enough. However, Willz first post on the subject makes it appear that somehow what current politicians do or say about historical events completely negates their view on where we go from here. It shouldn't. What is done is done, we should learn and move on. I've already said I am  (probably still) crying like a fucking baby about what happened then, but it's done, no?  I went to Dachau about 30 years ago, I died inside, especially at 'Arbeit Macht Frei', but we can't fix that now, we can put 'never again' as the current administration had, and must, must move on. Sunak is an asshole, but not respecting history is not the greatest of his sins.

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1 minute ago, En Passant said:
10 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

So let's scrap Remembrance Sunday, the War Graves commission, the Holocaust memorial - knock it down, etc etc.


I don't believe I said that.

I know you didn't say it.


But they are all symbols. All tokens to the past. Even the poppy wearing.


As Rover said, one day, that's all we asked of him. And you know, any PM before Boris we might trust to do the best for the country and sort out our country's problems today AND respect our traditions - that appears to be in question after today.


I remain appalled (not of Tunbridge Wells) and I am unanimous in that. ;)

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Also, I look forward to the day when we can have a Foodbank Memorial Day.


Ah, we can but dream.

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Wear a poppy.

But I care about the living, not the dead, I remember and am aware and have tears falling down my face watching images from then, but I want my politicians to stop people living on the street now, not be criticised because they didn't do the right thing at the cenotaph. I know that's not what you were saying, but I'm a noisy bastard mate and from your original post it looked like that. Entirely possible I misread it.


We are of the same opinion I think.

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53 minutes ago, En Passant said:


Call me cynical, but none of them were even born then  (few now alive were), it's all a political exercise anyway.

I cannot get enthused about it one way or the other.

In terms of what does matter, i.e. where we are going from this point in time? It makes zero difference. It's symbolism at most. 

Even if it is pure symbolism now, Sunak committed the worst of both worlds by going then leaving halfway through. Had he not gone at all that would have been better than what he did do, even if not the best option.

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1 minute ago, En Passant said:

Wear a poppy.

But I care about the living, not the dead, I remember and am aware and have tears falling down my face watching images from then, but I want my politicians to stop people living on the street now, not be criticised because they didn't do the right thing at the cenotaph. I know that's not what you were saying, but I'm a noisy bastard mate and from your original post it looked like that. Entirely possible I misread it.


We are of the same opinion I think.

We are, I just decided to wildly extrapolate your point. ;)


As you can see from my previous posts, Sunak deserves to go for many, many reasons - I thought maybe, just maybe, Sunak had the least respect of the country and its people, even just a teensy bit, and this was the straw that broke me. I'm not saying he should go just for not attending an event for long enough - but its the last great disrespect to the country which has shown the nonsense that he even gives a shit about the country that gave his family refuge.


We have more in common, but our differences enrich us. But we want more for our country than this piece of work will ever deign to consider.

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16 minutes ago, Brad252 said:

Even if it is pure symbolism now, Sunak committed the worst of both worlds by going then leaving halfway through. Had he not gone at all that would have been better than what he did do, even if not the best option.


At the risk of sounding like a repeating alarm clock I care about what they do, not whether they make the right noises politically. In fact the more time they spend on image (whatever political party) the less time they are spending fixing what can actually be fixed. (I've already stated how I'm still crying like a baby about the things I've seen, take that as read).

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@En Passant I entirely agree that flag waving and symbolism should not decide the election. But duty, honour and statesmanship do matter. Diplomacy matters. The President of the United States flew halfway around the world for this. The President of Ukraine left a warzone. Sunak couldn't spare a day? It's about our reputation. Our standing. He represents us. What he does matters. How he conducts himself matters.


And all this just adds to the reasons the lying, graceless little shit needs booting out of office ASAFP.

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Somebody from another country posting on Twitter noted that Sunak left early "leaving Grant Shapps as the UK representative".

This person apparently oblivious to the presence of the King, the Queen, the Prince of Wales, the Princess Royal - but still, it's a very bad look.


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3 minutes ago, Toast said:

Somebody from another country posting on Twitter noted that Sunak left early "leaving Grant Shapps as the UK representative".

This person apparently oblivious to the presence of the King, the Queen, the Prince of Wales, the Princess Royal - but still, it's a very bad look.


Elected representative I suppose would be the distinction.

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6 minutes ago, RoverAndOut said:

@En Passant I entirely agree that flag waving and symbolism should not decide the election. But duty, honour and statesmanship do matter. Diplomacy matters. The President of the United States flew halfway around the world for this. The President of Ukraine left a warzone. Sunak couldn't spare a day? It's about our reputation. Our standing. He represents us. What he does matters. How he conducts himself matters.


And all this just adds to the reasons the lying, graceless little shit needs booting out of office ASAFP.


Oh he's a fuck and bye bye is not an issue for me, I'm voting that way.

But on the right grounds, not just because he was a bit of a tit at a flag waving ceremony, for me that's a bit like a dress dinner, they all have to know the protocol just to be there at all.

It isn't ultimately what gets that homeless guy out from under Waterloo bridge, simply a hurdle you must pass to be in the conversation (even if actually you'd really rather leave him there, which is what I really care about.)

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10 minutes ago, Toast said:

Somebody from another country posting on Twitter noted that Sunak left early "leaving Grant Shapps as the UK representative".

This person apparently oblivious to the presence of the King, the Queen, the Prince of Wales, the Princess Royal - but still, it's a very bad look.


But in addition to Grant Shapps, Michael Green, Corinne Stockheath and Sebastian Fox were all also there. :lol:

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6 hours ago, Toast said:

Somebody from another country posting on Twitter noted that Sunak left early "leaving Grant Shapps as the UK representative".

This person apparently oblivious to the presence of the King, the Queen, the Prince of Wales, the Princess Royal - but still, it's a very bad look.


Piggy Cameron was there who would "outrank" Grant Shapps aka Michael Green aka Sebastian Fox aka Corrine Stockheath

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16 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

Piggy Cameron was there who would "outrank" Grant Shapps aka Michael Green aka Sebastian Fox aka Corrine Stockheath


And he hasn't been an elected representative since 2016!

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Adding to this, he's probably now succeeded in thoroughly pissing off the last people left in this country who would have voted for him. I really don't know if he really is this stupid or if he's actively sabotaging his campaign at this point. Maybe it's both... somehow.

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This swing would cost the Tories the seat of Torbay as that was their safest ward within it and their almost lost it. 

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Aside from the monarchy and David Attenborough, and possibly even moreso, WWII veterans are as close as this country gets to sacred cows. It truly boggles the mind that Sunak wouldn't understand this.

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17 minutes ago, prussianblue said:

Aside from the monarchy and David Attenborough, and possibly even moreso, WWII veterans are as close as this country gets to sacred cows. It truly boggles the mind that Sunak wouldn't understand this.


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28 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:

Holy fuck his original intention was to not attend at all......





Similiar to this vibe in America


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