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13 minutes ago, Thatcher said:

The format was dreadful. Need to remove the audience and focus on 3 policy areas, or if you want to focus on 5-6 needs to be at least 1h30-2h, but nobody honestly wants that.


Did Starmer actually give a direct answer? Besides confirming that given a choice he’d choose for his family to die. He was given plenty of opportunities to reject the £2000 additional tax assertion, and only at the 16th time of asking did he tiptoe around the edges to say it wasn’t the case. Why not just put it to bed at the first time of asking? 

Neither fit to hold the office.

I think the broadcasters don’t want to agree to splitting the questions as they all want to ask about the same issues. In 2010 they did split it but never since. 


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1 hour ago, Steve said:

Been watching Sunak v Starmer and I have to say none of these clowns deserve to be Prime Minister. I am a staunch socialist. Starmer seems as though he his trying to seek the support of Middle England voters whilst Sunak is a far right international law breaker. 

Unfortunately those are the people Starmer will need to appease in order to get what he wants. The rest of us have pretty much made up our minds by now.

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Sunak getting very good write up’s from the Tory leaning press. Will it shift the polls - it could do by a few percentages at most. 

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Watched it on catch-up (watched the Lionesses first and was hoping for a couple more ad breaks frankly). Rishi's entire argument consists of 2 points:

1. I know the last 14 years have been shit, but give us 5 more years and I promise we've got a plan this time.

2. Ooooh, aren't Labour scary!


Starmer had some success but could've landed more. He had a few chances to skewer Sunak that he missed (cutting NCS funding, for example).  He was trying to come across as sober and serious and I get his concern about making a notable mistake (he's got everything to lose in these debates) but I really want him to loosen up a bit and come off the leash. Be a bit bolder. But not bold in the way Rishi Sunak thinks is bold.


Think Rayner will have fun when she gets her moment, though.

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3 hours ago, YoungWillz said:

Afghan betrayal (save the animals first!)


No, it was worse than that. Animals go in the cargo hold, people go in the cabin.  Nearly a whole planeload of seats on a privately chartered plane were offered to the MoD to evacuate anyone in need, but the offer was ignored.  So the plane eventually left with the animals in the hold and a couple of hundred empty seats.

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9 hours ago, TQR said:

Times Laughed At By Audience (exc. jokes)


Sunak - 4

Starmer - 0

There were jokes? I think I missed them.


My main amusement of the hour was my wife’s bemusement at batch cooking being quoted as a sign of financial hardship.

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What’s Ed Davey doing today? Photobombing speed cameras, as it turns out:



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59 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:


Turnout will be low. 



Or perhaps people have already decided how they will vote, and are giving TV debates a swerve.  That's me anyway.

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Oh look. Rishi ‘Two Grand’ Sunak was flat out lying about these ‘independent civil servants’ costings of Labour’s plans.




This letter and all the fact-checkers are out in force today. Now I know why Starmer only defended the claim once: he knew that this is more effective than dignifying Sunak’s lies with an answer every time.

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Excellent video, if you're not in a hurry.


I don't know how anyone could watch this and say we're better off than in 2010. It's things you already know, but put together, it makes you want to vomit.

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13 hours ago, RoverAndOut said:

Think Rayner will have fun when she gets her moment, though.

The only way Mordaunt is surviving that debate is if she threatens the other leaders with her beloved sword.

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28 minutes ago, Toast said:

Martin Lewis explains the truth about the state pension and tax, about which Sunak has been deliberately misleading.


More disingenuous bullshyze from a bloke who spends more than these amounts on a day trip in a helicopter.


A two line precis of what Martin points out is:-

The current personal tax free allowance for income is £12,750 a year.

Single persons full state pension is £11,000 (ish, max). So you don't pay tax - if and only if, that's your only income.


But that's not because the state pension is untaxed, that has never been the case nor is it proposed.


The tories have tried to stealth increase tax by not raising the thresholds in line with inflation, and apparently trying to fix that in stone until 2028 (a change of govt notwithstanding).

So if the pension goes up (as it will with the triple lock) to over £12,750, you'll pay tax on the part that exceeds that amount (if you weren't already via any other income)

It's not rocket science.





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22 minutes ago, En Passant said:

More disingenuous bullshyze from a bloke who spends more than these amounts on a day trip in a helicopter


Blimey, I thought you meant Martin for a minute there!  :o

But yeah, it is very simple to explain and understand unless you deliberately intend to mislead.  Like Sunak and the rest of his lying crew.

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6 minutes ago, Toast said:


Blimey, I thought you meant Martin for a minute there!  :o


Well, he's not short of a bob or two since he sold his moneysavingexpert website. But no, not him :D.

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The Tories are not even good at lying, are they?

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30p Leeanderthal forgot to log into his sock account :lol::lol:



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7 minutes ago, DCI Frank Burnside said:


My neighbouring constituency. Almost certainly a Tory hold; they've got one heck of a majority over Labour and the Greens are fighting it very hard.


Have they got some pondlife lined up to replace Holden in the doomed North West Durham seat?

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2 minutes ago, TQR said:


My neighbouring constituency. Almost certainly a Tory hold; they've got one heck of a majority over Labour and the Greens are fighting it very hard.


Have they got some pondlife lined up to replace Holden in the doomed North West Durham seat?

NW Durham Seat  abolished in the redraw 







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