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Derby Dead Pool 2024

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On 09/01/2024 at 19:26, maryportfuncity said:



Was just trawling obits for the man - he's hit the woefully low standards of Deathrace q/o and helped one team cash in a joker, seen nowt of DDP worthiness yet. 


I just hope that uk.news.yahoo.com 's sweeper-bot doesn't regurgitate (a polite way of saying COPY & PASTE)  a non qualifying obit and turn it into a QO.


If so it will illustrate, yet again, why IMHO  uk.news.yahoo.com  needs to be removed as a QO source UNLESS IT IS AN ORIGINAL ARTICLE written for the site. 

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3 minutes ago, drunkasaskunk said:


I just hope that uk.news.yahoo.com 's sweeper-bot doesn't regurgitate (a polite way of saying COPY & PASTE)  a non qualifying obit and turn it into a QO.


If so it will illustrate, yet again, why IMHO  uk.news.yahoo.com  needs to be removed as a QO source UNLESS IT IS AN ORIGINAL ARTICLE written for the site. 

Yahoo doesn’t publish any original article I don’t think. 

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6 minutes ago, The Old Crem said:

Yahoo doesn’t publish any original article I don’t think. 


Even more reason why (IMHO) it should be binned as a QO source.


I can't see why a NON QO is suddenly and magically turned into a scoring QO just because a search engine has cut and paste an an article from it. 


The Hollywood Reporter, CBC, Huffpost and the Chicago Tribune are NOT permissible sources of a QO.  I can not understand the logic of allowing articles that have been copied from them and harvested for a search engine - albeit a supposed UK search engine - are deemed to count.  


It seems that a copy is of more value than the original !

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3 minutes ago, drunkasaskunk said:


Even more reason why (IMHO) it should be binned as a QO source.


I can't see why a NON QO is suddenly and magically turned into a scoring QO just because a search engine has cut and paste an an article from it. 


The Hollywood Reporter, CBC, Huffpost and the Chicago Tribune are NOT permissible sources of a QO.  I can not understand the logic of allowing articles that have been copied from them and harvested for a search engine - albeit a supposed UK search engine - are deemed to count.  


It seems that a copy is of more value than the original !

Yahoo is not quite a search engine. It’s more like a news site that has licenses with websites. 

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I like the Yahoo UK addition.


Yields a much higher number of hits and it makes it more inclusive for ppl outside the UK eg for US sporting stars that wouldn’t otherwise obit. Makes it far more interesting.

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11 minutes ago, Ulitzer95 said:

I like the Yahoo UK addition.


Yields a much higher number of hits and it makes it more inclusive for ppl outside the UK eg for US sporting stars that wouldn’t otherwise obit. Makes it far more interesting.


I take your point, however, I maintain that the powers-that-be have decided that (among many many more_ ) The Hollywood Reporter, CBC, Huffpost and the Chicago Tribune are NOT permissible sources, so I cannot understand why  THIS LINK  relating to the passing of Arthur Duncan Is NOT a QO but THIS LINK IS a QO when they are written by the same person for the same publication. 


Take the passing of Brian O'Donovan.



Take the passing of Byun Hee-bong




Take the passing of Lowell Weicker




In all of the above examples the Qualifying Obituary has been copied from, word for word, and even CREDITED to, a source that does NOT count as a qualifying source.





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On 03/12/2023 at 18:22, Captain Hemlock said:

And...we're off!


I want to thank the committee again for the hard work they put in each year. This is the absolute greatest Dead Pool. I have some picks for 2024, who if they get a QO, will strain @Death Impends creativity in writing a DDP obit. :P



I'm  100% sure Death Impends will rise to the challenge and I hope to keep them similarly busy with quirky DDP obituaries this year to make up for the drought of Crumble successes last year!

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The one year I don’t play and Joyce Randolph drops dead - woulda been a hit for Made In Detroit team that gets 1 or 2 a year.

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It should be a matter of days til we're up and running. As usual, here's a list of 2024 names that were rejected under our FFBI rules.


Selma Wilde - Apparently, a German supercentenarian. There's not even any mention of her on the 110 Club. The 110 Club FFS.

Janet Gibbs - A centenarian, that's about it.

Edwin Rayner - Old chap on YouTube who sings... to an audience of 1,000 followers.

Jay Tenison - Terminally ill army veteran who got to fire a tank one final time.

Gabriel Yeung Ka-piu - Terminal cancer patient who made the news for donating a lot of money to the Children's Cancer Foundation of Hong Kong.

Clare Sacco - Cancer TikToker with nowhere near enough followers.

Martin Butler - A food reviewer on YouTube who doesn't pass the follower quota.

Gareth Morgan - As above.

Emilio Betancourt - Cancer Tiktoker. Does have a sufficient amount of followers, but it was a following accrued entirely off his cancer.

George Smith (x2) - There is a theme team of George Smiths. Lucky us. Two of them - George Smith of the Canadian Parks & Wildlife Society, and George Smith the centenarian schools engineer - were so obscure even by this team's barrel scraping standards that they were DQed.

Ruth langsford mother joan langsford - I warned you she wouldn't count, and one of you didn't listen.

David Marsh - Previously rejected in 2022. "He's a 60s musician I never heard of" might have been my greatest putdown of a no-name, and with him now dead I'm not going to get the chance to use it again...

Jonathan Mills - Too low level a cricketer who never would've gotten attention without the cancer.

Bruce Murray - The closest decision, while his camera assistant work is no doubt one of the many important cogs to Home and Away his public notability was very much embellished by the press.

Phillip Mark Mehrtens - New Zealand pilot being held hostage by Indonesian insurgents. Terrorist hostages have been banned in the DDP since 2015, years before the more robust FFBI rules were set up.

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5 minutes ago, Commtech Sio Bibble said:

@Death Impends You've probably said already somewhere else but how many followers on certain social media sites do people need to qualify.


Half a million.

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Thanks for all your hard work @Death Impends @Banana and @Grim Up North

I am full of appreciation and respect how much work, time, energy and passion you put into setting this up, running it and making it the amazing enjoyable  success that it is. 

I take my hat of to you all.

Looking forward to seeing the 2024 Website unveiling  in the near future and especially excited to see how many unique picks out of my 60 names  I have  managed. 

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1 minute ago, Gooseberry Crumble said:

Thanks for all your hard work @Death Impends @Banana and @Grim Up North

I am full of appreciation and respect how much work, time, energy and passion you put into setting this up, running it and making it the amazing enjoyable  success that it is. 

I take my hat of to you all.

Looking forward to seeing the 2024 Website unveiling  in the near future.


Ditto. Fantastic work.


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Heh, well, Grim Up North left the committee over a year ago for Banana.

I am leaving the committee now (except, maybe, for some last questions for the transition).

I will hand over the score updates and all matters of database-related issues to our veteran forum member time.

From what I've seen so far, he will be an excellent successor. The DDP will be lucky to have him.

He has already updated a few scores last month and is currently setting up the 2024 game.

Best of luck!

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The teams, celebs, and Drop 40 pages have all been posted, and you can now access them from the front page. @time is still working on updating for deceased celebs. As @gcreptile has said he's been brill so far.


Not sure when I'll start posting obits, not all of them have been written yet. Been busy with the new celeb bios. time, @Banana, and I, plus Reptile in his outgoing capacity and like last year @Whitehouse in a guest capacity, have taken care of all the bios, and once again the 5-person crew has made it a lot more feasible.

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On 01/01/2024 at 15:19, Spade_Cooley said:


By the look of gcreptile's teams, they exist to stop me getting any uniques.

Well, Jane McAlevey was even picked by a 3rd person. So it's only David Elmore Smith that I spoiled. I think he's good enough for a main team, as a competetive pick, but then I thought that he might be too much bottom of the barrel for the main team.

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Amazing work!

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Damn good job, cmme members present and outgoing. Damn good bloody good damn good job. 

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It’s always interesting to see which uniques I get and don’t get. I’m amazed that John Okafor aka Mr Ibu is a unique for my B team. The guy has been poisoned many times and may have had one or both legs amputated recently.

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Oh fuck off.


I claim mine to be superior as the title quote is correct and I've more uniques.

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Thank you to everyone on the team who work hard to get this out quickly, great work!!!!


I managed to get 2/4 of the uniques I wanted so I'm quite happy with that.

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Just to make note of drop 40 changes 



Rhod Gilbert

Kate Keltie

Vladimir Putin

Janey Godley

Randy Jackson


NEW (inc. re-entries)

Esther Rantzen
Derek Draper
Bruce Willis
Michael Tilson Thomas
Theo Burrell
Noam Chomsky

Patrick Murray

Toby Keith

Denis Law

Clint Eastwood

Phil Collins

Franz Beckenbauer
Ozzy Osbourne

Bob Newhart

Pope Francis


I'm very much surprised that Andy Taylor has managed to not just cling on but only drop from 12th to 19th.

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Fantastic job, chaps.  Thank you.

Give me a shout if you want help with images again.

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