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1. Jimmy Carter

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12 minutes ago, drol said:

"Has decided to forgo any further medical treatment"


"Will get the best treatment possibile "


You have serious difficulties in comprehension.

Well that escalated quickly xD


The work of a hospice is to make sure the patient dies comfortably - sadly this isnt the case for many hospices. Given that he'll be given the most comfortable exit possible, be it the best morphine etc... Why am I even responding to this smh...


Next time you quote me, copy and paste so you get the correct spelling, illiterate miserable old geezer has nothing better to do than argue over nothing on a celebrity death forum. xD

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Former US President Jimmy Carter will receive hospice care and "spend his remaining time at home with his family" instead of additional medical intervention, the Carter Center said.


Mr Carter, 98, is the country's oldest living former leader.


The Democrat served one term from 1977 to 1981. He was defeated in his re-election bid by Ronald Reagan.



BBC News

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5 minutes ago, msc said:

The comments by his grandson make it sound like Rosalynn is also near the end tbh.

Not necessarily.I think it is more a response to the announcement.The pair are deeply in love have had over three quarters a century of marriage and are confronting the inevitability of separation.Think it just means Jimmy is dying and he and Rosalynn are at peace with that inevitable fact.

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I don’t understand Why he wasn’t ever nº1… probably the most prominent pick of the list right ?

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Just now, Lafaucheuse said:

I don’t understand Why he wasn’t ever nº1… probably the most prominent pick of the list right ?

Anyone on the list is better than Dick Van Dyke.

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Just now, Sean said:

Anyone on the list is better than Dick Van Dyke.

Only at cockney accents. 

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2 minutes ago, Lafaucheuse said:

I don’t understand Why he wasn’t ever nº1… probably the most prominent pick of the list right ?

Yep and yet Dick Van Dyke was chosen..

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11 minutes ago, Sean said:

Not necessarily.I think it is more a response to the announcement.The pair are deeply in love have had over three quarters a century of marriage and are confronting the inevitability of separation.Think it just means Jimmy is dying and he and Rosalynn are at peace with that inevitable fact.

I agree, although I do wonder how long Ros will last without him. She’ll be 96 in August. HW Bush passed away seven months after Barbara.

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18 minutes ago, msc said:

The comments by his grandson make it sound like Rosalynn is also near the end tbh.

I don't think there will be long between them, and you never know Jimmy may not be first.

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2 minutes ago, Deadboy999 said:

Come on Jimmy you can make 100!

He can't. 

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1 minute ago, bfc said:

I agree, although I do wonder how long Ros will last without him. HW Bush  passed away seven months after Barbara.

I can see it being another Prince Philip/QE2 scenario where she lasts less than 18 months 

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Sad but not a shock.


Tell you what is a shocker mind, is the fact that I left him off my DDP team to prioritise a few younger names. Like Rhod Gilbert who is planning a charity mountain trek, and Janey Godley who’s doing an extensive tour.


I’m a prick.

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23 minutes ago, msc said:
The comments by his grandson make it sound like Rosalynn is also near the end tbh.

Figured as much. She looked worse than he did in recent-ish photos...

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1 minute ago, TQR said:

Sad but not a shock.


Tell you what is a shocker mind, is the fact that I left him off my DDP team to prioritise a few younger names. Like Rhod Gilbert who is planning a charity mountain trek, and Janey Godley who’s doing an extensive tour.


I’m a prick.

Yeah but they are worth a lot more points than Carter so it isn't that silly a decision plus it is only February.

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Incredible Jimmy made 98 given that he was the eldest of 4 children who other than him are all long gone:


Gloria (1926_1990) 63

Ruth (1929_1983) 54

Billy (1937_1988) 51


All died of pancreatic cancer.Jimmy apparently was the only non smoker which probably explains how he was able to live so much longer.

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That's really made me sad. On a lot of issues he was years even decades ahead of his time. There will be a time when his presidency and style of leadership will be examined. He was not the kind of personality who usually gets those positions. But he was the right person at that time and I think we desperately need more of people like him who have moral character and a lifetime of service. 

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14 minutes ago, One shot Paddy said:

I don't think there will be long between them, and you never know Jimmy may not be first.

Seems unlikely.

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20 minutes ago, Sean said:

I can see it being another Prince Philip/QE2 scenario where she lasts less than 18 months 

For that to happen twice in 5 years for two former US Presidents and First Ladies, is quite the coincidence should it happen this year.

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2 minutes ago, Brad252 said:

For that to happen twice in 5 years for two former US Presidents and First Ladies, is quite the coincidence should it happen this year.

Not really a coincidence it's just something that happens. To put in very unscientifically, at that age when they lose a partner of many decades they often just lose the will to live.

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Feels weird to say this about a 98-year-old who has lasted longer than anyone expected, but this is very sad news to me.


Fuck what you think about his politics or his presidency, he was a good man in an environment that produces plenty of terrible men.


I hope his final days are peaceful.

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