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Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Mudslides

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Rose Cliver


"One of the oldest known survivors of the Great 1906 San Francisco Earthquake has died at age 109 ... With Cliver's death, only four known earthquake survivors are still living".


Now down to two, with the death of 107-year-old Winnie Hook,,, a unique for One Century Is Enough, Madam! if the obit comes, which there's a fair chance of given that Cliver got a Daily Mail mention when she died.

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Now "the worst storm ever?" Typhoon Haiyan currently hitting The Philippines...

Last one, typhoon Bopha left 1,000 dead.

Epic scale...




Edit... As of the 18th Dec' 2013, confirmed dead stands at 6105, and 1779 are still listed as missing.

At least it never got in the area of the 500,000 deaths from Bangladesh in the 1970's.

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That's a couple hundred miles north east of Australia for those of you who went to a comprehensive school (like me. I just looked it up now).

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Massive earthquake has struck the Solomon Islands.A tsunami warning has been issued http://www.bbc.co.uk...d-asia-27006985

And cancelled shortly afterwards. :smiley_f:


That must be really annoying for surfers.


Is it wrong that whenever I hear/read there's a tsunami warning somewhere in Asia or South America, I put on "Scalped" by Dick Dale?

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Earthquake in California judging by the mercifully non-existent death toll not "The Big One" - magnitude 6.0 apparently whatever that means. It's the fourth in the state this year; does increased activity indicate a higher likelihood of the big one?



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Earthquake in California judging by the mercifully non-existent death toll not "The Big One" - magnitude 6.0 apparently whatever that means. It's the fourth in the state this year; does increased activity indicate a higher likelihood of the big one?




I will take anything as a sign of the big one. Damn Hollywood, can't wait to see those dull and smug bastards slide into the ocean and fulfill the prophecy of Escape from LA. If I hear any slight news about an earthquake in California, I get excited like a kid at Christmas. Sure it could have just been Rosie O'Donnell farting but... I prefer to stay optimistic.

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After a landslide, the house of Kate Bush is in danger of falling into the sea:




That's going to inspire a couple of interesting songs I guess, if she happens to be outside, of course, which only seems to happen every 35 years or so.

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After a landslide, the house of Kate Bush is in danger of falling into the sea:




That's going to inspire a couple of interesting songs I guess, if she happens to be outside, of course, which only seems to happen every 35 years or so.


Maybe she was aware of this before she decided to do the tours


"Bugger, I need to buy an big new secluded extensive house as befits the mysterious Queen of British Pop but I have spent all my money on privately educating my son....... What to do, what to do?"

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reports coming in of a massive earthquake and tsunami off coast of Chile http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-34275783

No there isn't .



Tsunami warning you oaf, is not a tsunami.

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they pretty much only have coastal areas in chile dont they?

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they pretty much only have coastal areas in chile dont they?


That, and mountains.

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they pretty much only have coastal areas in chile dont they?


That, and mountains.


Chile looks like (and is the size of) the westernmost tenth of California.

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I hope all those who have fled will be going back soon to help out with the clean up.


Because after all, many 'Andes make light work

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Guatemala mudslide:
Rescue workers using shovels and pickaxes recovered more bodies from the rubble of a collapsed hillside on the outskirts of Guatemala City on Saturday as an official said the death toll had risen to 69 with another 350 people believed missing. Julio Sanchez, spokesman for Guatemala's volunteer firefighters, said the death toll will likely continue to rise as emergency crews dig through tons of earth that buried some 125 homes Thursday night in Cambray, a neighborhood in the suburb of Santa Catarina Pinula. Earlier estimates had said that 600 people could be missing.


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