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I took this photo earlier on this evening and this is the sort of thing that really gets my fucking goat!


Inconsiderate bastards like this should be taken out and flogged to within an inch of their lives.


Blocking the pavement in such an invidious and boorish way is without doubt a gross predilection for causing pain and sorrow for other people. The cunts have no regard or compunction for disabled people especially if the latter is in a wheelchair, buggy or with a guide dog; the same goes for people with infants in pushchairs trying to negotiate this totally fucking unacceptable and avoidable hazard. The bin men came two days ago; get your bin off the street you cunt.


Even worse is the asshole who parks in the middle of the fucking road. Me and my dad nearly got killed because some jerk decided it was a good idea to not only Park their car on the road but on a corner as well my dad only had like two seconds to react.

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I took this photo earlier on this evening and this is the sort of thing that really gets my fucking goat!


Inconsiderate bastards like this should be taken out and flogged to within an inch of their lives.


Blocking the pavement in such an invidious and boorish way is without doubt a gross predilection for causing pain and sorrow for other people. The cunts have no regard or compunction for disabled people especially if the latter is in a wheelchair, buggy or with a guide dog; the same goes for people with infants in pushchairs trying to negotiate this totally fucking unacceptable and avoidable hazard. The bin men came two days ago; get your bin off the street you cunt.



I always made a point of scraping my pushchair up the side of cars parked like this when the kids were small. Very satisfying leaving a massive gouge out of the side of some selfish cunt's Audi.

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I took this photo earlier on this evening and this is the sort of thing that really gets my fucking goat!


Inconsiderate bastards like this should be taken out and flogged to within an inch of their lives.


Blocking the pavement in such an invidious and boorish way is without doubt a gross predilection for causing pain and sorrow for other people. The cunts have no regard or compunction for disabled people especially if the latter is in a wheelchair, buggy or with a guide dog; the same goes for people with infants in pushchairs trying to negotiate this totally fucking unacceptable and avoidable hazard. The bin men came two days ago; get your bin off the street you cunt.



I always made a point of scraping my pushchair up the side of cars parked like this when the kids were small. Very satisfying leaving a massive gouge out of the side of some selfish cunt's Audi.



Here we just shoot out the tires. And windows. And if you have enough firepower, one if the block is very effective.

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I was in Tesco today and these are two of the things that annoyed me:

1) People who walk through the aisles inexplicably slowly.


2) People who stop to chat just inside the front entrance of the shop, right in the way of every other fucker.


Only two things. Today was a good day...

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I was in Tesco today and these are two of the things that annoyed me:

1) People who walk through the aisles inexplicably slowly.


2) People who stop to chat just inside the front entrance of the shop, right in the way of every other fucker.


Only two things. Today was a good day...

It happens in our Tesco too. Fucking pain in the arse, isn't it?

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I was in Tesco today and these are two of the things that annoyed me:

1) People who walk through the aisles inexplicably slowly.


2) People who stop to chat just inside the front entrance of the shop, right in the way of every other fucker.


Only two things. Today was a good day...

It happens in our Tesco too. Fucking pain in the arse, isn't it?



I'd go to ASDA, but our ones all pikey...

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It was wonderful to see cunts guests unable to post, the likes of 'David' and 'Droosy' have been fucked off to elsewhere on'tweb to piss others off.

The trade off, however, is that we have new members that are utter wank and make my postings look like the work of a fucking genius.

The worst of them takes no advise or opinion and has put his feet under the table like he is some sort of veteran who is smart, witty and way better than the rest of us. He even makes SC look completely reasonable.

Another just cannot help posting pointless threads that are beyond inane.

It can be hard enough getting fluid posting up on here but some of these newbies are crucifying the place with their shit.

Nice to see one thread get binned, we need to bin more and the people that post them up.

Yeah, im in a bad mood today.





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I was in Tesco today and these are two of the things that annoyed me:


1) People who walk through the aisles inexplicably slowly.


2) People who stop to chat just inside the front entrance of the shop, right in the way of every other fucker.


Only two things. Today was a good day...


It pisses me off when it's pouring with rain and even those there's a shelter that stretches the entire length of the building, people will still stop right in front of the doors.


What pisses me off too is when someone is driving down our street and a neighbour waves to say hi and the driver stops for a chat, but stops in the middle of the road and their neighbour stands by the car to have a chat.

Why it never occurs to them to just pull over to the curb and then have a chat.

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Much as I chortle re the Americas and the mosquitoes, that is only because we have summit worse.



Weans wae wee heads + malaria are small cheese compared to the midge.



And they're here.......

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It was wonderful to see cunts guests unable to post, the likes of 'David' and 'Droosy' have been fucked off to elsewhere on'tweb to piss others off.

The trade off, however, is that we have new members that are utter wank and make my postings look like the work of a fucking genius.

The worst of them takes no advise or opinion and has put his feet under the table like he is some sort of veteran who is smart, witty and way better than the rest of us. He even makes SC look completely reasonable.

Another just cannot help posting pointless threads that are beyond inane.

It can be hard enough getting fluid posting up on here but some of these newbies are crucifying the place with their shit.

Nice to see one thread get binned, we need to bin more and the people that post them up.

Yeah, im in a bad mood today.


let me guess the first one is drol and the second one is joeyruss.

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Much as I chortle re the Americas and the mosquitoes, that is only because we have summit worse.



Weans wae wee heads + malaria are small cheese compared to the midge.



And they're here.......

...and their bigger cousins are in Derby.


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Much as I chortle re the Americas and the mosquitoes, that is only because we have summit worse.



Weans wae wee heads + malaria are small cheese compared to the midge.



And they're here.......

...and their bigger cousins are in Derby.



I'm highly allergic to mosquito bites. I got bit on my foot about a month ago, and my foot was too swollen for me to put my shoes on, and I could barely put pressure on that foot for a couple of days.

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Much as I chortle re the Americas and the mosquitoes, that is only because we have summit worse.



Weans wae wee heads + malaria are small cheese compared to the midge.



And they're here.......

...and their bigger cousins are in Derby.



I'm highly allergic to mosquito bites. I got bit on my foot about a month ago, and my foot was too swollen for me to put my shoes on, and I could barely put pressure on that foot for a couple of days.


Have ya tried being bitten on yer knob ? :D

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Much as I chortle re the Americas and the mosquitoes, that is only because we have summit worse.



Weans wae wee heads + malaria are small cheese compared to the midge.



And they're here.......

...and their bigger cousins are in Derby.


I'm highly allergic to mosquito bites. I got bit on my foot about a month ago, and my foot was too swollen for me to put my shoes on, and I could barely put pressure on that foot for a couple of days.

Have ya tried being bitten on yer knob ? :D

Nothing's put their gob near your nob in years I'll wager!

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Much as I chortle re the Americas and the mosquitoes, that is only because we have summit worse.



Weans wae wee heads + malaria are small cheese compared to the midge.



And they're here.......

...and their bigger cousins are in Derby.



I'm highly allergic to mosquito bites. I got bit on my foot about a month ago, and my foot was too swollen for me to put my shoes on, and I could barely put pressure on that foot for a couple of days.


Have ya tried being bitten on yer knob ? :D



Had a bite on my bollocks a few years ago, damn thing itched like hell.

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Think I've shaved the neckline on my beard wrong but I'm too lazy to shave the rest of it off!

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Much as I chortle re the Americas and the mosquitoes, that is only because we have summit worse.



Weans wae wee heads + malaria are small cheese compared to the midge.



And they're here.......

...and their bigger cousins are in Derby.



I'm highly allergic to mosquito bites. I got bit on my foot about a month ago, and my foot was too swollen for me to put my shoes on, and I could barely put pressure on that foot for a couple of days.


Have ya tried being bitten on yer knob ? :D



Had a bite on my bollocks a few years ago, damn thing itched like hell.



Maybe ask her not to have a whisky and put the germoline on her lip before she gives you a blowie next time!

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Much as I chortle re the Americas and the mosquitoes, that is only because we have summit worse.



Weans wae wee heads + malaria are small cheese compared to the midge.



And they're here.......

...and their bigger cousins are in Derby.



I'm highly allergic to mosquito bites. I got bit on my foot about a month ago, and my foot was too swollen for me to put my shoes on, and I could barely put pressure on that foot for a couple of days.


Have ya tried being bitten on yer knob ? :D



Had a bite on my bollocks a few years ago, damn thing itched like hell.



Maybe ask her not to have a whisky and put the germoline on her lip before she gives you a blowie next time!


She still has teeth?

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Can I just throw in here the vile excuse for a human being who shot and killed all the deer, in the woods/meadow I walk the dogs in, last Monday night. All the carcasses were just left to rot. Killed just to kill. Possibly had young at foot who will now be condemned to a slow and wretched death. Ass cancer is the most benign thing I wish on them.

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Can I just throw in here the vile excuse for a human being who shot and killed all the deer, in the woods/meadow I walk the dogs in, last Monday night. All the carcasses were just left to rot. Killed just to kill. Possibly had young at foot who will now be condemned to a slow and wretched death. Ass cancer is the most benign thing I wish on them.

It's not just asshole individuals that do it.

The John Muir Trust has rightly been getting grief for doing it on a laaarge scale up here.

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Carol mentioned this in another trend I realized how much this annoys so here goes. I hate the fucking I guess I'll call it sue culture in America. It seems people will sue people for anything just watch Judge Judy and you'll see tons of situations that could have been settled outside of the court without lawyers. I remember hearing about the time a women sued three girl scouts for disturbing her by ringing on her doorbell and she won. For fuck sakes was the judge drunk?! How could they have possibly disturbed her mentally.

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How so many people in the UK think democracy is great, until things don't go their way.

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How so many people in the UK think democracy is great, until things don't go their way.


To be fair general elections and local council elections have never been truly democratic so an actually democratic vote is a shock to the system for many.

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How so many people in the UK think democracy is great, until things don't go their way.


To be fair general elections and local council elections have never been truly democratic so an actually democratic vote is a shock to the system for many.



There is an Isaac Asimov short story where the democratic system has evolved so that one person goes into a booth with a computer and asks him lots of questions and then decides who should be running the country. Probably an early idea on his way to Psychohistory but at the GE I did one of those policy questionaires and found that I was voting closest to my policy beliefs. Isn't it the electorates duty to educate themselves enough to make an informed decision.

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How so many people in the UK think democracy is great, until things don't go their way.


To be fair general elections and local council elections have never been truly democratic so an actually democratic vote is a shock to the system for many.



There is an Isaac Asimov short story where the democratic system has evolved so that one person goes into a booth with a computer and asks him lots of questions and then decides who should be running the country. Probably an early idea on his way to Psychohistory but at the GE I did one of those policy questionaires and found that I was voting closest to my policy beliefs. Isn't it the electorates duty to educate themselves enough to make an informed decision.


That may well be the case in principle. But on the subject of Europe, where was this information? I had a damn good look around, all I found was an interminable supply of polemic from each side. Practically zero in the way of unbiased facts.

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