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I will enlighten.


Canadian Paul's dream is a combination of thoughts and reality which have projected as one event. I've never seen the film "running man" but it would make sense that the Colombian drug lords are the illusion. He placed himself in the atmosphere of the film and decided that he would escape to Italy so he could run away from his demons.

One can only find the answers deep within themselves.


Windsor, I think you need to take a vacation where people test their freedoms. It will heal your mind.


Lard Bazarr, I think you need a boyfriend who can live up to the responsiblities of an adult.

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Lard Bazarr, I think you need a boyfriend who can live up to the responsiblities of an adult.


But I don't want a boyfriend that can live up to the responsibilities of an adult, I want to go out with you. Come on, don't knock it till you've tried it, and you never know, you might find we have a lot in common - for instance, I also talk like a twat a lot of the time.


And in any case, I've more chance of finding Jade Goody at a MENSA meeting than I have of finding a man that can live up to adult responsibilities. So until you come to your senses, my love, and come and whisk me off my feet, I'll stick to the one I've got. But thanks for the advice.


By the way, how big is your cock?

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Lard Bazarr, I think you need a boyfriend who can live up to the responsiblities of an adult.


But I don't want a boyfriend that can live up to the responsibilities of an adult, I want to go out with you. Come on, don't knock it till you've tried it, and you never know, you might find we have a lot in common - for instance, I also talk like a twat a lot of the time.


And in any case, I've more chance of finding Jade Goody at a MENSA meeting than I have of finding a man that can live up to adult responsibilities. So until you come to your senses, my love, and come and whisk me off my feet, I'll stick to the one I've got. But thanks for the advice.


By the way, how big is your cock?



Ain't that the truth.

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Thats right, tar all men with the BS brush <_<

I suppose my ability to Cook, Clean, use a Washing Machine/Tumbledryer, know when to get the Hoover out, be a Taxi for the two women I live with ( Wife and daughter) work my Tits off in freezing weather, have the know how how to put Flat Pack furniture together, Decorate, sympathise to all their woes ( never mind mine) get dragged around every Clothes shop in Town and have to smile because if I dont I get " stop being a miserable old c***" means that Im not living up to my adult responsibilities?

Utter and complete BOLLOCKS!!!!

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Thats right, tar all men with the BS brush <_<

I suppose my ability to Cook, Clean, use a Washing Machine/Tumbledryer, know when to get the Hoover out, be a Taxi for the two women I live with ( Wife and daughter) work my Tits off in freezing weather, have the know how how to put Flat Pack furniture together, Decorate, sympathise to all their woes ( never mind mine) get dragged around every Clothes shop in Town and have to smile because if I dont I get " stop being a miserable old c***" means that Im not living up to my adult responsibilities?

Utter and complete BOLLOCKS!!!!


Beautifully put LFN, agree 100%

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Oh please stop being a miserable old C-word <_<

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Oh please stop being a miserable old C-word :unsure:

Its alright for you, Monkey.

You can criss cross Europe with only your fanny, a suitcase and an adventure to keep you company!!

Lucky bugger <_<

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Lots of men live up to adult responsibilities. Just because you haven't found one doesn't mean they don't exist.

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Oh please stop being a miserable old C-word :unsure:

Its alright for you, Monkey.

You can criss cross Europe with only your fanny, a suitcase and an adventure to keep you company!!

Lucky bugger <_<


I don't know anyone called Fanny.


As for the adventure, I'm into my fourth year abroad so the intrigue has pretty much dwindled, it pretty much boils down to keeping yourself in a job to keep yourself in argent. There is a lot to be said to being settled and I admire all of you who have been at it for 10+ years, perhaps I should be giving it a go too. Anyway I don't want any yanker coming along, overanalysing this post and calculating that 2+2 = 57,054,345 so I'll leave it at that.

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Lots of men live up to adult responsibilities. Just because you haven't found one doesn't mean they don't exist.


I've never found a unicorn either, or the Loch Ness Monster, or a Yeti. Do they exist?


It was a light hearted post, intended to annoy Banshees, of course (sadly he hasn't bitten yet, but give it time). Yes, there are men that live up to adult responsibilities (somewhere). There are also men with absolutely no sense of humour. Which one are you, I wonder? <_<

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Lots of men live up to adult responsibilities. Just because you haven't found one doesn't mean they don't exist.


I've never found a unicorn either, or the Loch Ness Monster, or a Yeti. Do they exist?


It was a light hearted post, intended to annoy Banshees, of course (sadly he hasn't bitten yet, but give it time). Yes, there are men that live up to adult responsibilities (somewhere). There are also men with absolutely no sense of humour. Which one are you, I wonder? <_<


Sorry Lardy, I have a very good sense of humor but it's an old and tired line of complaint so I overreacted. My humblest apologies.

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Windsor, I think you need to take a vacation where people test their freedoms. It will heal your mind.


Heal my mind of what? <_<

What does the dream mean?

Should I be worried if any of the three do actually die in the near future?

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Windsor, I think you need to take a vacation where people test their freedoms. It will heal your mind.


Heal my mind of what? <_<

What does the dream mean?

Should I be worried if any of the three do actually die in the near future?

Windsor, it is your psyche reminding you that good people and bad people die in car accidents, through no fault of their own, all the time. Statistically speaking, public transport is a far safer alternative, so it is your own mind reaffirming that, no matter how dire the situation may be, your crappy bus service really is the best mode of transport available to you.

The unfortunate death of the child is a reminder of your boyhood hopes and aspirations; all crushed under the weight of the depressing realisation of the humdrum monotony of the New Year. Or summat.

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Windsor, I think you need to take a vacation where people test their freedoms. It will heal your mind.


Heal my mind of what? <_<

What does the dream mean?

Should I be worried if any of the three do actually die in the near future?

Windsor, it is your psyche reminding you that good people and bad people die in car accidents, through no fault of their own, all the time. Statistically speaking, public transport is a far safer alternative, so it is your own mind reaffirming that, no matter how dire the situation may be, your crappy bus service really is the best mode of transport available to you.

The unfortunate death of the child is a reminder of your boyhood hopes and aspirations; all crushed under the weight of the depressing realisation of the humdrum monotony of the New Year. Or summat.


Works for me. :unsure:

Its probably just as well I can't remember what I dreamt about last night...

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Deathlist dreaming took a very odd turn for me this morning. I was having a dream about being at UCSD's annual Sun God festival and I had run into a couple of my old friends from grade school. Anyhow, after imbibing copious qualities of alcohol, I was summoned to Wikipedia because it was under attack by many vandals and it was my duty as an administrator to protect it. Anyhow, as I tried to grasp what was happening, I decided to check my watchlist and I noticed that OoO was editing Wikipedia to list Nautica Thorn as having died on May 13, 2009. He assured me that he wasn't a vandal and he showed me the obit to prove that it was true (and it was).


Now the really weird thing is, I've never heard of Nautica Thorn before. When I recalled the dream this morning, I thought she was an old Olympic swimmer, hence my surprise when typing the name into Google. ;)

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Deathlist dreaming took a very odd turn for me this morning. I was having a dream about being at UCSD's annual Sun God festival and I had run into a couple of my old friends from grade school. Anyhow, after imbibing copious qualities of alcohol, I was summoned to Wikipedia because it was under attack by many vandals and it was my duty as an administrator to protect it. Anyhow, as I tried to grasp what was happening, I decided to check my watchlist and I noticed that OoO was editing Wikipedia to list Nautica Thorn as having died on May 13, 2009. He assured me that he wasn't a vandal and he showed me the obit to prove that it was true (and it was).


Now the really weird thing is, I've never heard of Nautica Thorn before. When I recalled the dream this morning, I thought she was an old Olympic swimmer, hence my surprise when typing the name into Google. ;)


Well as excuses go for googling porn actresses that is pretty creative.


I had a DL realted dream too. I dreamt the death from cancer of one of my old teachers was announced and there was a bit of scandal as people broke into her house to take a photo of her dying while her husband was out played golf. Then something I wrote about them on the forum was misinterpreted to mean I was having an affair with the husband and I had paparazzi ourside me door.

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Deathlist dreaming took a very odd turn for me this morning. I was having a dream about being at UCSD's annual Sun God festival and I had run into a couple of my old friends from grade school. Anyhow, after imbibing copious qualities of alcohol, I was summoned to Wikipedia because it was under attack by many vandals and it was my duty as an administrator to protect it. Anyhow, as I tried to grasp what was happening, I decided to check my watchlist and I noticed that OoO was editing Wikipedia to list Nautica Thorn as having died on May 13, 2009. He assured me that he wasn't a vandal and he showed me the obit to prove that it was true (and it was).


Now the really weird thing is, I've never heard of Nautica Thorn before. When I recalled the dream this morning, I thought she was an old Olympic swimmer, hence my surprise when typing the name into Google. ;)


Paul, this is turning into a habit, last time it was Rachel Azaini. ;)

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Had the weirdest dream last night. I was driving an old 1100 (not sure if it was Austin or Morris) and I knew that the car previously belonged to Harry Patch. The odd thing was, the car kept running down on power and - I can't think of a better expression - dying on me.


Probably means nowt, other than a recollection of a 'stop-gap' car my dad owned between a Humber and a Jag that was truly a piece of British Leyland sh*t. On the other hand, if Harry dies within the next week...........

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Had a weird dream last night, just remember dreaming about watching the tv and seeing the caption come up


"Dolores Hope 1909 - 2009", sadly that's all I remember about the dream

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Had another dream last night that Natalie Cole had died. At first felt a bit excited and then realised that I hadn't put her on any of my lists.

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Somewhat of a departure from the usual inordinate amount of detail in my dreams, but I recall seeing Susan Atkins deceased on Wikipedia in a dream last night, and being very happy with that news.

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Dream last night as clear as day... TV broke in to announce the death of Elton John...in my dream I remember thinking WOW, I guess the Grim Reeper was invited to Jade's wedding and decided that Elton was better to take home then the table's centerpiece.

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The other night I dreamed I was driving my wife's car. I could hear a loud noise and I thought that the exhaust system must be going bad and it would probably cost me $400 or so to fix it and I was bummed out. Then I woke up and discovered that the loud noise was my wife snoring.

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The other night I dreamed I was driving my wife's car. I could hear a loud noise and I thought that the exhaust system must be going bad and it would probably cost me $400 or so to fix it and I was bummed out. Then I woke up and discovered that the loud noise was my wife snoring.

Be thankful you didn't dream it was backfiring.

  • Haha 2

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