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Octopus of Odstock

Derby Dead Pool 2008

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Good work son....


I did notice that the picture for Bert Wallace the footballer is actually of Don Revie!


Bert WILLIAMS, I think you mean.


I'm innocent for that one, it was up there already, but regardless, I'll change it for the next time.


You're responsible for one pic though - Lenox Hewitt - couldn't find any pic at all - any ideas?

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Good work son....


I did notice that the picture for Bert Wallace the footballer is actually of Don Revie!


Bert WILLIAMS, I think you mean.


I'm innocent for that one, it was up there already, but regardless, I'll change it for the next time.


You're responsible for one pic though - Lenox Hewitt - couldn't find any pic at all - any ideas?


Yes Williams. Where the hell did Wallace come from? :)


I've tried to look for Hewitt's picture to no avail.

Perhaps we'll get one in the Times Obituary if he finally cops it... :P

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I am somewhat relieved to see that someone in the British press has finally noted the death of Merv Wallace, something that has been mentioned here twice before, but without the necessary obit. Like my DDP team, Wallace made little impact in the highest form of the game.

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Are there any plans to update the DDP any time soon? Just wondering.

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Are there any plans to update the DDP any time soon? Just wondering.


I do have a social life as well, you know. :skull:


I have been at a family function for the last two days away from my computer & at work with extended hours since Tuesday (again, away from a computer).


Tomorrow morning is likely to be my first chance to update the site for Widmark's death, but I might just wait another week (or wait until you aren't top) yet just to piss you off! :P

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Are there any plans to update the DDP any time soon? Just wondering.


I do have a social life as well, you know. :skull:


I have been at a family function for the last two days away from my computer & at work with extended hours since Tuesday (again, away from a computer).


Tomorrow morning is likely to be my first chance to update the site for Widmark's death, but I might just wait another week (or wait until you aren't top) yet just to piss you off! :P

Pissed off? Me? Why? I haven't had the time to look in myself lately. Has Richard Widmark died? Do I have him on my team? Goodness me, what a surprise, hadn't noticed. I must say I don't take much interest, just chuck a few names together plucked from nowhere at the end of the year and forget about them. And how are you doing OoO? :P

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Here's the Top 10 with a quarter of the year gone....


1. Godot's Waiting List 71

2. The Living End 69

3. They're Dead, Y'Know! 59

4. R.I.P. It Up And Start Again 49

5. Tonight Matthew, I'm Going To

Be Badly-Torn Boy 44

6. Misers 42

7. Meet Your Maker 39

8. Rude Kid 36

9. Master Mind 35

10. Hunting Halos 33


As you can see, the field is starting to stretch, but there's plenty of time for others to catch up...

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Any of those teams not regular posters here?


Here's the Top 10 with a quarter of the year gone....


1. Godot's Waiting List 71 of course

2. The Living End 69 yes

3. They're Dead, Y'Know! 59

4. R.I.P. It Up And Start Again 49 Me

5. Tonight Matthew, I'm Going To

Be Badly-Torn Boy 44

6. Misers 42 yes

7. Meet Your Maker 39

8. Rude Kid 36 Of course

9. Master Mind 35 err....

10. Hunting Halos 33


As you can see, the field is starting to stretch, but there's plenty of time for others to catch up...

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Any of those teams not regular posters here?


Here's the Top 10 with a quarter of the year gone....


1. Godot's Waiting List 71 of course

2. The Living End 69 yes

3. They're Dead, Y'Know! 59

4. R.I.P. It Up And Start Again 49 Me

5. Tonight Matthew, I'm Going To

Be Badly-Torn Boy 44

6. Misers 42 yes

7. Meet Your Maker 39

8. Rude Kid 36 Of course

9. Master Mind 35 err....

10. Hunting Halos 33


As you can see, the field is starting to stretch, but there's plenty of time for others to catch up...


Me! :skull:

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Only 2 of them to the best of my knowledge.


However, accusations that Deathlist regulars dominates the top of the scoreboard can be discounted when you look at my lamentable showing. Rotten Ali's had a slow start too...

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At the entrance of this year, 2008, I had one ambition here in the world of death. I had the facts memorized... the names categorized... the dream visualized ... it was my world. I had the championship right in front of me ... win or lose this year ... I had it right in front of me. I had the prospects ... I had the concept ... I had the prestige. I've always had that fire in me ... the one that sets competition in a blaze. I can tell you ... that from day one I knew the measures it would take to own deaths standings which amounts of several hundred minds. Today, I want to announce things have changed. Something in me has changed. From realities stand point the Master Mind team is slowly ... making it's way up the great ladder of honor ... and I know it and you damn well know it too. What's changed is I don't need the glory. Anyway it goes down 'is the way it goes down with me'. I just don't care - the party is over - turn out the light on what you knew me as. If anyone can beat me this year ... congratulations ... you truly are the very best.

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Any of those teams not regular posters here?


From what I can see, Badly-Torn and Hunting Halos, unless they play their hand?

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At the entrance of this year, 2008, I had one ambition here in the world of death. I had the facts memorized... the names categorized... the dream visualized ... it was my world. I had the championship right in front of me ... win or lose this year ... I had it right in front of me. I had the prospects ... I had the concept ... I had the prestige. I've always had that fire in me ... the one that sets competition in a blaze. I can tell you ... that from day one I knew the measures it would take to own deaths standings which amounts of several hundred minds. Today, I want to announce things have changed. Something in me has changed. From realities stand point the Master Mind team is slowly ... making it's way up the great ladder of honor ... and I know it and you damn well know it too. What's changed is I don't need the glory. Anyway it goes down 'is the way it goes down with me'. I just don't care - the party is over - turn out the light on what you knew me as. If anyone can beat me this year ... congratulations ... you truly are the very best.



With apologies for the dullness of this post - but I don't care because I have a raging hangover - Banshees, you truly are a cock.

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To those who check the site in the next 24 hours or so:

  • Main Page
  • D
  • Update

The Main Page has changed - this is deliberate & is the new colour scheme. The wood background is no more! :)


D - I am well aware that for some reason the whole set-up of D has changed - the font type, the RIP pics, the joker pics and the pics of the celebrities. I have no idea quite why this has happened, but is in the process of being fixed. However, I simply do not have any time tonight to fix it, so it will remain like that for the time being.


As a result, I haven't done a full update of the scores, team page & who's dead & a e-mail update either until I fix D. I uploaded B & all seems fine, but seems to have thrown a wobbly. Strangely, it also did it when I tried to put the "Old" D page back. Might need a bit of serious study to see what has happened & hopefully I can fix it asap. (If not, I will contact a man or two who can!)


So, apologies for the funny D page and apologies the site is in mid-update, as I don't really like any sloppiness on it, but I am on to it. Can't quite fathom why the links keep coming up as blue on the main page too, but that's being worked on.


Anyway, apologies again & thanks for your patience.

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Only 2 of them to the best of my knowledge.


However, accusations that Deathlist regulars dominates the top of the scoreboard can be discounted when you look at my lamentable showing. Rotten Ali's had a slow start too...


Well, I,ve got Heston to come soon! Plus a few more who are prime candidates - they are taking their time OK!!!

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Here is how I project the Top 10 with look like after an update is done for Charlton Heston - BBC obit.


1. Godot's Waiting List 71 - 9 hits

2. The Living End 69 - 8 hits

3. They're Dead, Y'Know! 65 - 9 hits

4. R.I.P. It Up And Start Again 55 - 7 hits

5. Tonight Matthew, I'm Going To Be Badly-Torn Boy 50 - 6 hits

6. Meet Your Maker 45 - 6 hits

7. Misers 42 - 6 hits

8. Hunting Halos 39 - 5 hits

9. CanadianPaul 38 - 6 hits

10. Eejit 37 - 4 hits

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I think there will be a record of individual hits this year. The current record is 12, held by Fallen Sparrow and Meet Your Maker...

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Update done nice & early.


As far as DDP history is concerned, Heston's death means one current competitor is now the all-time leader outright... but I will reveal no more yet as the inane analysis, DDP history & List of the Missed are all coming soon!

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Wow, that was a jump. I knew picking Heston as my joker would pay.


On another note I see someone has picked conjoined twins this year and it wasn't me. Maybe next year...

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Only 2 of them to the best of my knowledge.


However, accusations that Deathlist regulars dominates the top of the scoreboard can be discounted when you look at my lamentable showing. Rotten Ali's had a slow start too...


Well, I,ve got Heston to come soon! Plus a few more who are prime candidates - they are taking their time OK!!!


So is that called an inkling? or outragus good fortune?

so my =35th today becomes 23rd place!!!


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Carkers Convention 2008 line up:


8 – Charlton Heston

10 – Rachel Jones

20 – Don Wittman


A day of mixed blessings for MPFC. A hit with Heston, but Jones very sadly lost her cancer battle last month. It was only covered in her local paper, so she joins Wittman as a pick with no points.

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I looked up my team to see if the points were there, and ..... there was the little man with the funny colored hat. I forgot that at the last minute I had switched the Joker to Charleton Heston from Omar Abdel Rahman. Will wonders never cease? :flame:

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John Archibald Wheeler, whom I had on my DDP for 2 years, then took off, has died. :banghead:


I suspect that he'll get a UK obit of some sort for coining the term "black hole," although the last guy who died after I took him off my DDP (Fred Saberhagen) didn't. Nevertheless, he's already got an obit that's good enough for the HDP, which is where I kept him (albeit third from the bottom :banghead:).


EDIT: And it's a 13th-of-the-month hit as well! :banghead:

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