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After a year on these forums, I have still failed to understand the purpose of the following threads:

"Whom are you tarring with the epithet twunt?"

"Room lovely, look you."

"Room 101"

1. Twunt - 1000 posts.

2. Antedote to 3 below

3. Room 101 was a show where you would put things you hate and one would get voted off the planet forever, or summat.


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101... Reference from the film 1984. The room in which the mind control torture is carried out.


And surely you know the hotel room 101. Shares a common thin wall to the Kitchen, between the lift shaft and the stairwell to all the other rooms...

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101... Reference from the film 1984. The room in which the mind control torture is carried out.


And surely you know the hotel room 101. Shares a common thin wall to the Kitchen, between the lift shaft and the stairwell to all the other rooms...


Anyone else hear George Orwell turning in his grave?

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101... Reference from the film 1984. The room in which the mind control torture is carried out.

And surely you know the hotel room 101. Shares a common thin wall to the Kitchen, between the lift shaft and the stairwell to all the other rooms...


Anyone else hear George Orwell turning in his grave?

Sorry. More taken by the acting prowess of Richard Burton and John Hurt than the original (turgid, as I remember it, reading it for my Englist Lit) writing of Orwell. But, you have to hand it to him that he very well understood how the powers of the state could be overwhelming on every aspect of society if allowed to manifest it's own maximum reach. 65 years on, we really see it everyday now. CCTV cameras everywhere, computers tracking our shopping habits and single party government whence only actually gaining only about 25% support.

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101... Reference from the film 1984. The room in which the mind control torture is carried out.

And surely you know the hotel room 101. Shares a common thin wall to the Kitchen, between the lift shaft and the stairwell to all the other rooms...

Anyone else hear George Orwell turning in his grave?

Sorry. More taken by the acting prowess of Richard Burton and John Hurt than the original (turgid, as I remember it, reading it for my Englist Lit) writing of Orwell. But, you have to hand it to him that he very well understood how the powers of the state could be overwhelming on every aspect of society if allowed to manifest it's own maximum reach. 65 years on, we really see it everyday now. CCV cameras everywhere, computers tracking our shopping habits and single party government whence only actually gaining only 25% support.



Whereas all I remember from the film is Suzanna Hamilton's bush.

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101... Reference from the film 1984. The room in which the mind control torture is carried out.

And surely you know the hotel room 101. Shares a common thin wall to the Kitchen, between the lift shaft and the stairwell to all the other rooms...

Anyone else hear George Orwell turning in his grave?


[T]he original (turgid, as I remember it, reading it for my Englist Lit) writing of Orwell.


I'm glad to learn I'm not the only one who doesn't like the book. I bought it second hand, started reading it and abandonded the read well before page 96.


BTW, Orwell's Animal Farm sucks as well. I suppose he had great ideas, but wasn't a good wordsmith.

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:) just moved into a cottage called Barnhill , but not the Jura one, and there's a copy of 'down and out in Paris & London' there which I started yesterday.


Must be an Orwell vibe going on.

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101... Reference from the film 1984. The room in which the mind control torture is carried out.


And surely you know the hotel room 101. Shares a common thin wall to the Kitchen, between the lift shaft and the stairwell to all the other rooms...


Anyone else hear George Orwell turning in his grave?



I often hear that, it's only a few miles from my house

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101... Reference from the film 1984. The room in which the mind control torture is carried out.


And surely you know the hotel room 101. Shares a common thin wall to the Kitchen, between the lift shaft and the stairwell to all the other rooms...


Anyone else hear George Orwell turning in his grave?



I often hear that, it's only a few miles from my house


He's buried in All Saints' Churchyard, Sutton Courtenay, Oxfordshire.



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101... Reference from the film 1984. The room in which the mind control torture is carried out.


And surely you know the hotel room 101. Shares a common thin wall to the Kitchen, between the lift shaft and the stairwell to all the other rooms...


Anyone else hear George Orwell turning in his grave?



I often hear that, it's only a few miles from my house


He's buried in All Saints' Churchyard, Sutton Courtenay, Oxfordshire.





So is Herbert Henry Asquith, Prime Minister of the UK 1908-1916

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So when is/does this drop 40 thingy begin or at least get posted?

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So when is/does this drop 40 thingy begin or at least get posted?


When the data has been extracted and TMIB has had time to do it.

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So when is/does this drop 40 thingy begin or at least get posted?


When the data has been extracted and TMIB has had time to do it.

I figured it was among those lines. No rush, I just don't wanna miss anything.

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Recruiters or retail managers would a candidate menttionin ur company in. Cv statement ne a positice

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Recruiters or retail managers would a candidate menttionin ur company in. Cv statement ne a positice

Eh? :scratchhead:

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Recruiters or retail managers would a candidate menttionin ur company in. Cv statement ne a positice

Eh? :scratchhead:

Sorry phone touchpad broke. in quick if a candidates cv statement has company applied for in would it increase odds of interview

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Recruiters or retail managers would a candidate menttionin ur company in. Cv statement ne a positice

Eh? :scratchhead:

Sorry phone touchpad broke. in quick if a candidates cv statement has company applied for in would it increase odds of interview


Eh? :scratchhead:

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Recruiters or retail managers would a candidate menttionin ur company in. Cv statement ne a positice

Eh? :scratchhead:

Sorry phone touchpad broke. in quick if a candidates cv statement has company applied for in would it increase odds of interview


Eh? :scratchhead:


Morbidkid, can you translate this for us please?

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Recruiters or retail managers would a candidate menttionin ur company in. Cv statement ne a positice


Eh? :scratchhead:

Sorry phone touchpad broke. in quick if a candidates cv statement has company applied for in would it increase odds of interview

Eh? :scratchhead:

Morbidkid, can you translate this for us please?

Not sure how you work in the company name you are applying to in your CV. I always have a cover letter that has a physical address and contact person/Dept even if an online posting asking it to be sent to HR dotcom. Shows I took the time to learn something about them. Maybe it shows I'm a stalker lol.


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Recruiters or retail managers would a candidate menttionin ur company in. Cv statement ne a positice

Eh? :scratchhead:

Sorry phone touchpad broke. in quick if a candidates cv statement has company applied for in would it increase odds of interview


Eh? :scratchhead:


Morbidkid, can you translate this for us please?



Sorry I was a bit tired last night and using my phone which has a load of broken parts to the screen when typing. Basically I'm currently applying to some jobs that require CV only applications and a bit unsure about how far to go with tailoring the CV to the position applied for. I've always been taught to open my CV with a brief personal statement highlighting key skills relevant to the post applied for and I was wondering whether it is better to finish that section of the CV off with something along the lines of "I would relish an opportunity to work in retail and utilise these skills" or "I would relish working in [shop name] and utilise these skills". It's barely any extra effort as I'm already re-writing that section for every job applied for but was wondering if it came off as a bit gimmicky?







Recruiters or retail managers would a candidate menttionin ur company in. Cv statement ne a positice

Eh? :scratchhead:

Sorry phone touchpad broke. in quick if a candidates cv statement has company applied for in would it increase odds of interview

Eh? :scratchhead:
Morbidkid, can you translate this for us please?

Not sure how you work in the company name you are applying to in your CV. I always have a cover letter that has a physical address and contact person/Dept even if an online posting asking it to be sent to HR dotcom. Shows I took the time to learn something about them. Maybe it shows I'm a stalker lol.




See above.

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If it feels like you are just inserting name here then this will be obvious. You need to come across as genuine.

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No not gimmicky. If you really want the job, and you want to stand out, you have to get to the interview stage. Therefore, it would be good to taylor the CV. Then you could say something more like "I would relish an opportunity at interview to demonstrate my desire to work for you at (insert name of company).

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There is a phrase for people who use the word 'relish' in an interview.


It is "they deserve to be cunt-punted".

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There is a phrase for people who use the word 'relish' in an interview.


It is "they deserve to be cunt-punted".


Tad unfair if they're seeking employment at one of the burger chains....

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No not gimmicky. If you really want the job, and you want to stand out, you have to get to the interview stage. Therefore, it would be good to taylor the CV. Then you could say something more like "I would relish an opportunity at interview to demonstrate my desire to work for you at (insert name of company).




There is a phrase for people who use the word 'relish' in an interview.


It is "they deserve to be cunt-punted".


What alternative would you suggest? The truth; I would absolute detest working for your shitty organisation that exploits workers, takes advantage of consumers ignorance and treats both staff and patrons like something you'd wipe off your shoe" Also, this isn't for an interview.



There is a phrase for people who use the word 'relish' in an interview.


It is "they deserve to be cunt-punted".


Tad unfair if they're seeking employment at one of the burger chains....



Unsurprisingly one of the places these applications are going!

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