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Celine Dion's husband Rene Angelil is suffering from throat cancer for the second time. Obit worthy.


He's had a really rough time of it, but what with him having been Celine Dion's manager would that still put him in the "Fringes of fame" category?

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Celine Dion's husband Rene Angelil is suffering from throat cancer for the second time. Obit worthy.



Good spot!! Early contender for my 2016 list.

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Celine Dion's husband Rene Angelil is suffering from throat cancer for the second time. Obit worthy.



Good spot!! Early contender for my 2016 list.



I've picked him for a couple of pools this year, and he's got other DDP supporters, I think.

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Celine Dion's husband Rene Angelil is suffering from throat cancer for the second time. Obit worthy.



Didn't we know this already? There must be some reason why he's in my DDP team.

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Celine Dion's husband Rene Angelil is suffering from throat cancer for the second time. Obit worthy.



Didn't we know this already? There must be some reason why he's in my DDP team.



Quite possibly, but it's more in the news recently since Dion has spoken out more about Angelil's health

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Celine Dion's husband Rene Angelil is suffering from throat cancer for the second time. Obit worthy.



Didn't we know this already? There must be some reason why he's in my DDP team.



Quite possibly, but it's more in the news recently since Dion has spoken out more about Angelil's health




That forthcoming blues album might rekindle some critical respect for her work, then.

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Tracy Ullman's mother in fire at retirement home at 85. https://uk.tv.yahoo.com/tracey-ullmans-mother-dies-fire-124819199.html

So she's 'deeply saddened' by the death of her mother in a FIRE? Fuck me, I'm 'deeply saddened' when I open the fridge and there's no cheese, or when Eastenders is cancelled because of fucking football. If my dad died in a fire I'd be fucking inconsolable and highly traumatised, not 'deeply saddened'.

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Tracy Ullman's mother in fire at retirement home at 85. https://uk.tv.yahoo.com/tracey-ullmans-mother-dies-fire-124819199.html

So she's 'deeply saddened' by the death of her mother in a FIRE? Fuck me, I'm 'deeply saddened' when I open the fridge and there's no cheese, or when Eastenders is cancelled because of fucking football. If my dad died in a fire I'd be fucking inconsolable and highly traumatised, not 'deeply saddened'.


I guess it depends on how close to her mum she was.

If they haven't seen each other in years, it doesn't have the same impact as if you had regularly contact with them

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Priyantha Sirisena, the youngest brother of Sri Lanka President Maithripala Sirisena who was attacked by Ishara Lakmal Saputhanthri with an axe on the head on Thursday evening, passed away at 3.50 a.m.


Third World Problems. It explains why the youngest brother wasn't Head of State.



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Tracy Ullman's mother in fire at retirement home at 85. https://uk.tv.yahoo.com/tracey-ullmans-mother-dies-fire-124819199.html

So she's 'deeply saddened' by the death of her mother in a FIRE? Fuck me, I'm 'deeply saddened' when I open the fridge and there's no cheese, or when Eastenders is cancelled because of fucking football. If my dad died in a fire I'd be fucking inconsolable and highly traumatised, not 'deeply saddened'.


I guess it depends on how close to her mum she was.

If they haven't seen each other in years, it doesn't have the same impact as if you had regularly contact with them


Having had a period of quiet reflection, you of course are absolutely right - I have no idea how she gets along with her mum, and if it were my mother, I wouldn't give a flying fuck, so I hereby retract my possibly harsh words. As you were.

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All depends....


She may be 'deeply saddened' by not wiping her dabs off of the aerosol can/petrol can.......

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Tracy Ullman's mother in fire at retirement home at 85. https://uk.tv.yahoo.com/tracey-ullmans-mother-dies-fire-124819199.html

So she's 'deeply saddened' by the death of her mother in a FIRE? Fuck me, I'm 'deeply saddened' when I open the fridge and there's no cheese, or when Eastenders is cancelled because of fucking football. If my dad died in a fire I'd be fucking inconsolable and highly traumatised, not 'deeply saddened'.


I guess it depends on how close to her mum she was.

If they haven't seen each other in years, it doesn't have the same impact as if you had regularly contact with them


Having had a period of quiet reflection, you of course are absolutely right - I have no idea how she gets along with her mum, and if it were my mother, I wouldn't give a flying fuck, so I hereby retract my possibly harsh words. As you were.


In all the reports I've seen (i.e. both of them) they're the words of a spokesman, who probably hasn't got a clue how she's really feeling.

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America's most famous sportswoman Lauren Hill gets another notch towards widespread obituaries after being awarded with the Pat Summit Award for Braveness by the US Basketball Writers Association. Presumably this means that Pat Summit herself may get the Daily Mail write-up when she finally goes.


Again, Sir Creep is not learned on the media of the UK, but goddamit if Pat Summit wouldn't obit no sense in publishing the damned paper. Granted we had this tiff re: Tarkanian a couple months ago and Sir Creep was right, which seemed obvious to him. But she's the greatest NCAA female bb coach ever, what could possibly be the debate?


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America's most famous sportswoman Lauren Hill gets another notch towards widespread obituaries after being awarded with the Pat Summit Award for Braveness by the US Basketball Writers Association. Presumably this means that Pat Summit herself may get the Daily Mail write-up when she finally goes.

Again, Sir Creep is not learned on the media of the UK, but goddamit if Pat Summit wouldn't obit no sense in publishing the damned paper. Granted we had this tiff re: Tarkanian a couple months ago and Sir Creep was right, which seemed obvious to him. But she's the greatest NCAA female bb coach ever, what could possibly be the debate?


The question is whether anyone in Europe really cares that much about college-level female basketball. Yes, NBA is a thing in Europe and you get to watch it live in almost any country, but even WNBA or male college basketball is less interesting for European viewers. So if the matches get basically 0 coverage how would you learn that she was a legend?


It's a bit like cricket in the US and continental Europe. Most people there have probably never heard of Sachin Tendulkar, yet he is the single most popular player and #1 sports legend in India. But you can't really appreciate his achievements as an American. You lack the "reference frame" to interpret feats like "the highest number of centuries" when you don't even know how they score in cricket and how many runs are scored by ordinary players.

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America's most famous sportswoman Lauren Hill gets another notch towards widespread obituaries after being awarded with the Pat Summit Award for Braveness by the US Basketball Writers Association. Presumably this means that Pat Summit herself may get the Daily Mail write-up when she finally goes.

Again, Sir Creep is not learned on the media of the UK, but goddamit if Pat Summit wouldn't obit no sense in publishing the damned paper. Granted we had this tiff re: Tarkanian a couple months ago and Sir Creep was right, which seemed obvious to him. But she's the greatest NCAA female bb coach ever, what could possibly be the debate?


The question is whether anyone in Europe really cares that much about college-level female basketball. Yes, NBA is a thing in Europe and you get to watch it live in almost any country, but even WNBA or male college basketball is less interesting for European viewers. So if the matches get basically 0 coverage how would you learn that she was a legend?


It's a bit like cricket in the US and continental Europe. Most people there have probably never heard of Sachin Tendulkar, yet he is the single most popular player and #1 sports legend in India. But you can't really appreciate his achievements as an American. You lack the "reference frame" to interpret feats like "the highest number of centuries" when you don't even know how they score in cricket and how many runs are scored by ordinary players.


For me, Lauren Hill falls into the "famous for being terminally ill" category. Nowadays, quite a lot of people achieve this kind of fame by "raising awareness", or by blogging about their cancer. Obit-wise these cases are always a bit of a gamble. There's the case of Paul Kalanithi, who died of cancer earlier this year He was a well-regarded neurosurgeon, but only really famous for his cancer that he wrote about to newspapers. It just so happened that his "letter to his daughter" made it to the Guardian after his death:




Since the webpage mentions Paul Kalanithi's death, it fulfils the requirements of the DDP, even though it's not really an obituary. So sometimes these gambles pay off. On the other hand, there are quite a few other people blogging about their diseases and they will hardly find national recognition from a UK newspaper. As far as I know, The Guardian was also the only british newspaper mentioning the death of Paul Kalanithi.

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America's most famous sportswoman Lauren Hill gets another notch towards widespread obituaries after being awarded with the Pat Summit Award for Braveness by the US Basketball Writers Association. Presumably this means that Pat Summit herself may get the Daily Mail write-up when she finally goes.

Again, Sir Creep is not learned on the media of the UK, but goddamit if Pat Summit wouldn't obit no sense in publishing the damned paper. Granted we had this tiff re: Tarkanian a couple months ago and Sir Creep was right, which seemed obvious to him. But she's the greatest NCAA female bb coach ever, what could possibly be the debate?





Never trust anyone who refers to themselves in the third person. I cna't quite remember where that bit of advice came from but it is worth noting.

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America's most famous sportswoman Lauren Hill gets another notch towards widespread obituaries after being awarded with the Pat Summit Award for Braveness by the US Basketball Writers Association. Presumably this means that Pat Summit herself may get the Daily Mail write-up when she finally goes.

Again, Sir Creep is not learned on the media of the UK, but goddamit if Pat Summit wouldn't obit no sense in publishing the damned paper. Granted we had this tiff re: Tarkanian a couple months ago and Sir Creep was right, which seemed obvious to him. But she's the greatest NCAA female bb coach ever, what could possibly be the debate?





Never trust anyone who refers to themselves in the third person. I cna't quite remember where that bit of advice came from but it is worth noting.


Bill Clinton in 1996 probably?



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Andrea Finley The mum of pop star Taylor Swift has cancer. The stage and type of cancer has been undisclosed.

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Andrea Finley The mum of pop star Taylor Swift has cancer. The stage and type of cancer has been undisclosed.

Seeing as this links directly to her website, I'm highly concerned how you 'happened upon' this revelation.


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