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Lord Fellatio Nelson

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Re the autism thang lardy, I also disagree with that.



Through no other reason than a 1 minute think on it, I probably fall within the semi autistic, bi polar , manic depressive loon.


The reason I haven't been diagnosed is I wouldn't go to a doc over it, as to get it diagnosed is to acknowledge the problems existence, and give justification to overpaying the cunts in the NHS.


Fuck 'em.


Got plenty of abuse in school but what you don't understand is the absolute joy that you get out of being better.




Don't give the boy sympathy, give him a boot up the arse, he needs challanged.

I've clearly missed something - you disagree with what?

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I have enough headache living five miles from Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport without worrying about what type of planes are rattling my windows. Y'all aviation enthusiasts have fun.

I know that feeling. Used to live by Chicago O'Hare.

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I've clearly missed something - you disagree with what?

That he's a poor bugger because he's getting bullied. It's quite possible he's loving it.

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I've clearly missed something - you disagree with what?

That he's a poor bugger because he's getting bullied. It's quite possible he's loving it.

what, why how?

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I've clearly missed something - you disagree with what?

That he's a poor bugger because he's getting bullied. It's quite possible he's loving it.


Right - I don't think he's 'loving it'.

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I started spotting artificial satellites but so far have only managed the ISS. Piss poor really.

Heavens-Above is a good site for finding out when and where to look. I've seen literally hundreds but the site won't let you log them anymore.


There's a Transit of Mercury tomorrow visible from the UK and the weather forecast is excellent. The next one is in 2019 and 2032 after that.


But don't go looking directly at the Sun anyone. You'll need some sort of magnification (telescope or on half of a pair of binoculars) projected onto white surface (card will do). Or you could watch it on-line. Full details here http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/events/2016/5/9/how-to-watch-the-transit-of-mercury/

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I've clearly missed something - you disagree with what?


That he's a poor bugger because he's getting bullied. It's quite possible he's loving it.

Right - I don't think he's 'loving it'.

That's the thing with autism etc though....


Does someone 'normal' have the same thought processes ? No.


He might be screaming 'n' shouting , but that might be for attention , and the actual 'bullying' might be the thing he enjoys, as he could be mentally getting the better of the fuds, thus the physicality.


Or not.



But the point remains, some cunt considered 'normal' should have fuck all input. They could be making things worse.

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I've clearly missed something - you disagree with what?

That he's a poor bugger because he's getting bullied. It's quite possible he's loving it.

Right - I don't think he's 'loving it'.

That's the thing with autism etc though....

Does someone 'normal' have the same thought processes ? No.

He might be screaming 'n' shouting , but that might be for attention , and the actual 'bullying' might be the thing he enjoys, as he could be mentally getting the better of the fuds, thus the physicality.

Or not.

But the point remains, some cunt considered 'normal' should have fuck all input. They could be making things worse.

how is he getting the better of them? 3 he's been bullied ffs

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You really don't get 'stuff' mk, s'all right.

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I've clearly missed something - you disagree with what?

That he's a poor bugger because he's getting bullied. It's quite possible he's loving it.

Right - I don't think he's 'loving it'.

That's the thing with autism etc though....


Does someone 'normal' have the same thought processes ? No.


He might be screaming 'n' shouting , but that might be for attention , and the actual 'bullying' might be the thing he enjoys, as he could be mentally getting the better of the fuds, thus the physicality.


Or not.



But the point remains, some cunt considered 'normal' should have fuck all input. They could be making things worse.


I'm really not following you.


He does bus spotting and he gets grief about it at school. Those two things are related to each other.


He's autistic and he gets grief about it at school. Those two things are also related to each other.


Whether the bus spotting and autism are related, who knows?


I honestly don't know what point you are trying to make about my original post.

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You really don't get 'stuff' mk, s'all right.


I think I know what you're trying to say, in that because his brains wired differently he might not suffer the effects of bullying to as much as a high emotional degree as a "normal" child. It's still going to seriously effect him though, as someone whose been through it, there's a spectrum and he's almost certainly able to process some emotions such as anger and sadness better than others. It's still horrible being bullied as an autistic child, especially as it's a vicious cycle as the only way you're able to respond is blowing your lid at the wankers, which just encourages them to carry on more and more, and winds you up more and more. Bullying is destructive for anybody regardless of what behavioural conditions they may have on top of it.

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Since May is Brain Tumour Awareness Month, I'd like to remind those people I've put on my DP teams who have been told they have brain tumours of their medical circumstances, and that its ok to get busy dying. You know who you are.



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I've clearly missed something - you disagree with what?


That he's a poor bugger because he's getting bullied. It's quite possible he's loving it.

Right - I don't think he's 'loving it'.

That's the thing with autism etc though....

Does someone 'normal' have the same thought processes ? No.

He might be screaming 'n' shouting , but that might be for attention , and the actual 'bullying' might be the thing he enjoys, as he could be mentally getting the better of the fuds, thus the physicality.

Or not.

But the point remains, some cunt considered 'normal' should have fuck all input. They could be making things worse.

I'm really not following you.


He does bus spotting and he gets grief about it at school. Those two things are related to each other.


He's autistic and he gets grief about it at school. Those two things are also related to each other.


Whether the bus spotting and autism are related, who knows?


I honestly don't know what point you are trying to make about my original post.


Apologies lardy, was half cut and as normal that leads to a stream of my consciousness, which even I find hard to follow...



My point was/is, nobody on Earth knows bar him. Shrinks would be guessing, you would be guessing, I am guessing, and the most pertinent of all, he will be guessing.



Good luck to the wee fla, and that's all I'll say on it. :/out.

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I've clearly missed something - you disagree with what?

That he's a poor bugger because he's getting bullied. It's quite possible he's loving it.

Right - I don't think he's 'loving it'.

That's the thing with autism etc though....

Does someone 'normal' have the same thought processes ? No.

He might be screaming 'n' shouting , but that might be for attention , and the actual 'bullying' might be the thing he enjoys, as he could be mentally getting the better of the fuds, thus the physicality.

Or not.

But the point remains, some cunt considered 'normal' should have fuck all input. They could be making things worse.

I'm really not following you.


He does bus spotting and he gets grief about it at school. Those two things are related to each other.


He's autistic and he gets grief about it at school. Those two things are also related to each other.


Whether the bus spotting and autism are related, who knows?


I honestly don't know what point you are trying to make about my original post.


Apologies lardy, was half cut and as normal that leads to a stream of my consciousness, which even I find hard to follow...



My point was/is, nobody on Earth knows bar him. Shrinks would be guessing, you would be guessing, I am guessing, and the most pertinent of all, he will be guessing.



Good luck to the wee fla, and that's all I'll say on it. :/out.


Fair enough.


I, of course, always make complete sense when I've hoovered up a few jugs of ale.....:D

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Out of interest does anyone on here find that by analyzing photos of sick people in the media you get more aware of when someone you know is unwell when they post a picture?A friend of mine posted a photo the other day and was pale as a sheet with her cheekbones showing fairly visibly.Luckily I am aware she is under an intense amount of stress so I put it down to that.Maybe it is the Deadpooling that makes me paranoid about these sorts of things.

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Out of interest does anyone on here find that by analyzing photos of sick people in the media you get more aware of when someone you know is unwell when they post a picture?A friend of mine posted a photo the other day and was pale as a sheet with her cheekbones showing fairly visibly.Luckily I am aware she is under an intense amount of stress so I put it down to that.Maybe it is the Deadpooling that makes me paranoid about these sorts of things.

I don't. I am, so I've been told, so insensitive that if someone were to drag themselves along the ground leaking from every orifice and rambling incoherently, I'd just assume they were either pissed or hungover.

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Out of interest does anyone on here find that by analyzing photos of sick people in the media you get more aware of when someone you know is unwell when they post a picture?A friend of mine posted a photo the other day and was pale as a sheet with her cheekbones showing fairly visibly.Luckily I am aware she is under an intense amount of stress so I put it down to that.Maybe it is the Deadpooling that makes me paranoid about these sorts of things.

Can't speak to photos but like all y'all my research has given me great insight into cancers and illnesses and their symptoms and stages. So when someone begins to tell me about the self or relatives being sick I'm now able to interrupt them mid sentence, which being Irish I'm good at, and tell them all the medical stuff they have and life expectancy and famous folks who have died of the same thing lol.


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It also helps in the other way. A friend was diagnosed with cancer just before Christmas. Several years ago, perhaps, there would been a naturally panic here like with everyone else. Now, however, I was able to point out to them that this cancer was one of the more treatable ones these days, and more so if it were caught early, which it had.

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It also helps in the other way. A friend was diagnosed with cancer just before Christmas. Several years ago, perhaps, there would been a naturally panic here like with everyone else. Now, however, I was able to point out to them that this cancer was one of the more treatable ones these days, and more so if it were caught early, which it had.

Right on, msc, I point out the positive aspects as well. Point is that without any particular medical background I/we are able to competently discuss these matters at least in general terms and quite accurately. For instance I know what the Whipple procedure is (for pancreatic C), and who on earth besides physicians or sufferers would have even heard of it? No one that's who.


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The Universe.

Ok, I hate the World, don't want to go to heaven ( I wont anyway ) God is a massive cunt bucket and Jesus was a preening transvestite called Malcolm from somewhere south of Addis Ababa or something but.......................

Random stuff. I buy a car that's last three digits are RPO, I get given a van that's last three digits are RTO and I spoke to my friend today and they mentioned somebody that I had thought about two days ago.

That person was only in our school for the first two years, my friend didn't know me at school and never attended any of the same lessons as me yet still managed to mention one person out of hundreds who I had thought about, at random, for 2 mins and had last seen sometime back in 1978.

So what the fuck is going on?

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And you used to work for the GPO ....?



Be some innocent thing re the school friend. He'll have been in the local rag for rape/murder or summat, and it'll pinged into both your subconscious.

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The Universe.

Ok, I hate the World, don't want to go to heaven ( I wont anyway ) God is a massive cunt bucket and Jesus was a preening transvestite called Malcolm from somewhere south of Addis Ababa or something but.......................

Random stuff. I buy a car that's last three digits are RPO, I get given a van that's last three digits are RTO and I spoke to my friend today and they mentioned somebody that I had thought about two days ago.

That person was only in our school for the first two years, my friend didn't know me at school and never attended any of the same lessons as me yet still managed to mention one person out of hundreds who I had thought about, at random, for 2 mins and had last seen sometime back in 1978.

So what the fuck is going on?


You'll probably see the friend you both remembered in a couple of days.

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And you used to work for the GPO ....?



Be some innocent thing re the school friend. He'll have been in the local rag for rape/murder or summat, and it'll pinged into both your subconscious.

Consider that registrations ( the last letters ) are pretty random it could have been umpteen combinations yet I got one almost the same bar one digit.

The car is Norfolk and the van is Birmingham.

Ha, the school friend wasn't really a friend, it was a girl who sat infront of me in Maths ( fucking hated Maths) and she was only there for the first and second year. The other friend who mentioned her never attended any class I did so its all a bit odd that ONE girl who only went to one class of mine for two years out of five would be thought about/mentioned twice in a matter of two days.

Mind you, my school year did produce 1x paedo 1x murderer and 1x fraudster. The odd mental case or three emanated from there too but that was normal for Essex :D

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The Universe.

Ok, I hate the World, don't want to go to heaven ( I wont anyway ) God is a massive cunt bucket and Jesus was a preening transvestite called Malcolm from somewhere south of Addis Ababa or something but.......................

Random stuff. I buy a car that's last three digits are RPO, I get given a van that's last three digits are RTO and I spoke to my friend today and they mentioned somebody that I had thought about two days ago.

That person was only in our school for the first two years, my friend didn't know me at school and never attended any of the same lessons as me yet still managed to mention one person out of hundreds who I had thought about, at random, for 2 mins and had last seen sometime back in 1978.

So what the fuck is going on?


You'll probably see the friend you both remembered in a couple of days.


Ive more chance of seeing Bruce Forsyth making a comeback on TV.....

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