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Interestingly, the Daily Mail have highlighted the questions from Andrew Neil that Tezza dodged tonight. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4531304/PM-warns-Corbyn-end-leading-Brexit-talks.html


It has to be said, if you scroll down the comments, they are hardly complimentary either. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

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Does anyone think this terror attack in Manchester will effect the election?

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53 minutes ago, the_engineer said:

Does anyone think this terror attack in Manchester will effect the election?


Few more Tory seats in Manchester probably.

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Tories 43% Labour 38%


Might be an outlier, if it's not then I might start getting excited...


This is a ridiculous surge and if it keeps at current pace Corbyn could actually do it.

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12 minutes ago, Deathray said:

Tories 43% Labour 38%


Might be an outlier, if it's not then I might start getting excited...


This is a ridiculous surge and if it keeps at current pace Corbyn could actually do it.

I think (and hope) Labour can do it

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Don't think anyone can take a collapse in UKIP voting for granted now.


Question Time tonight adds to the intrigue. Ruddsy says new offences re terrorism are under consideration (it's in the manifesto) but can't tell us what they'll be. The lack of figures, clarity of outcomes etc in that document is making the whole Tory strategy looking like a fudge. They just don't look sure-footed on what they want to do, except leave the EU (but can't tell us the outcome of that either).


Meantime, it became clear that the Prevent strategy is just the Government financing their out of touch friends into jobs. It's like the re-introduction of Grammar Schools - we all know those schools will be built on Tory pals' land and leased back to the school, just like they did with free schools. It's not about choice, it's another money making scheme.


Disappointing we have had no more Andrew Neil Interviews - I was rather enjoying how he'd put them through the mill.





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Outlier poll, mind.



Hahahahahahahahaha anyhow.

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Well Jezza got his Andrew Neil treatment this evening.


He really fell down on the Trident issue imo. He puts himself in an unjustifiable position by setting himself at odds with party policy. Why he couldn't do a "Tim Farron" and say he sets his personal agenda aside in order to lead the country in a positive manner I don't know. More grist for journalists to hound him, even though his party policy is in line with most Labour leaders.


Otherwise, seemed to be an ok performance, didn't resort to sloganeering or trying to get the agenda onto a pet policy all the time like Tezza did. Quite directly answered everything that was asked. In fact I'm surprised Neil didn't give him a rougher ride on immigration or the prospects of capital flight on his economic policies.

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On 5/23/2017 at 19:32, Deathray said:


Few more Tory seats in Manchester probably.

I hope so

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23 hours ago, YoungWillz said:

Don't think anyone can take a collapse in UKIP voting for granted now.


Question Time tonight adds to the intrigue. Ruddsy says new offences re terrorism are under consideration (it's in the manifesto) but can't tell us what they'll be. The lack of figures, clarity of outcomes etc in that document is making the whole Tory strategy looking like a fudge. They just don't look sure-footed on what they want to do, except leave the EU (but can't tell us the outcome of that either).


Meantime, it became clear that the Prevent strategy is just the Government financing their out of touch friends into jobs. It's like the re-introduction of Grammar Schools - we all know those schools will be built on Tory pals' land and leased back to the school, just like they did with free schools. It's not about choice, it's another money making scheme.


Disappointing we have had no more Andrew Neil Interviews - I was rather enjoying how he'd put them through the mill.





I wish Andrew would take over bumbling Dimbleby on Question time.QT last night was a load of meaningless virtue signalling.Was unimpressed by the entire panel.

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Always thought Neil was better than Paxman as an interview tbh. Paxman goes right into attack mode, so most folk are on defence from the off. Neil can lead people gently into a trap with their own responses, and then snap it shut.


Dimbleby is back for the election night coverage, presumably as no one wants Huw bloody Edwards to do it.

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I don't think people should be dusting off their coalition builder models just yet. I still expect the Tories to get in with a majority of anywhere between 50-100 seats...

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In American politics, Greg Gianforte wins a special election for Montana's at-large congressional district. 


The man was in the news two days ago for body-slamming a reporter.


A quick look at his platform also shows that he is a total loon. He believes that the entire concept of retirement should be eliminated because it was never mentioned in the Bible.

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15 minutes ago, themaninblack said:

I don't think people should be dusting off their coalition builder models just yet. I still expect the Tories to get in with a majority of anywhere between 50-100 seats...


Damn, I bought mine brand new in 2015 on the promises of Sturgeon, Miliband and Jarndyce and Jarndyce, and yet it remains in its box unused...

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11 minutes ago, RadGuy said:

In American politics, Greg Gianforte wins a special election for Montana's at-large congressional district. 


The man was in the news two days ago for body-slamming a reporter.


A quick look at his platform also shows that he is a total loon. He believes that the entire concept of retirement should be eliminated because it was never mentioned in the Bible.

There were a couple of other seats that were Republican for over 20 years that were taken by Democrats. This is how Trump will get impeached: once they realize their party is getting booted, then they will try to impeach Trump. Now, Trump could resign, but he won't serve the full years (though the president still would be conservative to 2021). 

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14 hours ago, RadGuy said:

In American politics, Greg Gianforte wins a special election for Montana's at-large congressional district. 


The man was in the news two days ago for body-slamming a reporter.


A quick look at his platform also shows that he is a total loon. He believes that the entire concept of retirement should be eliminated because it was never mentioned in the Bible.

Neither were elections.

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Well, politics continues to be garbage.


National politics obviously dominated by last week's news. Yet sick and tired of intellectuals telling us other intellectuals aren't doing enough/the public don't understand/it's all too complex, blah blah blah. Essentially boiling down to Tories saying it will be business as usual, Labour saying more police will help.


Ruddsy in particular was poor again on Marr, she keeps using the phrase "I cannot be drawn on that". Strong and decisive action or direction required, she won't tell us what she will do, won't give numbers, won't admit current policies which her party introduced aren't working and how that can be addressed. Diane "The Monk" Abbott got her figures right apparently but again where was the direction and line? "I is black and understand me bredren" doesn't quite cut it for a prospective Home Secretary, does it?


Meantime, we had some lovely Scottish leaders on up here. Kezia "Branch Office" Dugdale (Labour) basically saying Labour's taxation in England won't raise the money needed in Scotland, so they would tax the basic rate (everyone including the poorest workers) higher to make up the shortfall. So what is she saying? Under UK Labour, the Scottish Budget won't be increased significantly, the Scottish economy won't be boosted by further investment so tax everyone more to punish them for voting SNP? She is also looking forward to more powers coming back to Scotland from Europe. Interesting, what if they don't? What hold or threat does Scottish Labour offer given they are totally opposed to an Independence Referendum in perpetuity?


Ruth "Jolly Hockey Sticks" Davidson (Conservative) meantime was even more ambivalent. When asked if it was ok for Scottish millionaires to keep their Winter Fuel Payments while barring tax credits for poor workers unless they could prove rape, her answer seemed to be yes, whatever Tezza wants. It was not ok for Scotland to have a Referendum as we wouldn't know what Scotland's place in Europe would look like, but it does seem ok for us to have a General Election when we don't even know what kind of Brexit Tezza will propose.


Haven't seen Peston today so I've no idea how Nuttall or Corbyn did, but I'm sure I won't have learned anything new.

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How Dianne Abott has managed to become a Shadow Home Secretary is completely and utterly mad, she could so easily slot into the thick of it. 

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On 5/26/2017 at 19:08, Joey Russ said:

There were a couple of other seats that were Republican for over 20 years that were taken by Democrats. This is how Trump will get impeached: once they realize their party is getting booted, then they will try to impeach Trump. Now, Trump could resign, but he won't serve the full years (though the president still would be conservative to 2021). 

Agree. Georgia's district 6 special election between Ossoff and Handel will be the first one to fall, and it will be brutal for the Trumplicans in 2018. 

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This is the best video I've ever seen.


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Jezza and Tezza on Channel 4 tonight.


I see Tezza is banking on using our intelligence services and police as bargaining chips in the Brexit negotiations. That'll be the intelligence services who knew about the Manchester bomber and did nothing about it and the police whose numbers we are cutting.


Jezza meantime has come out saying he might open discussions with the Scottish Parliament on the independence issue. That'll be the issue that his Scottish leader has ruled out forever.


They really are both toxic as far as I'm concerned.

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25 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Jezza and Tezza on Channel 4 tonight.


I see Tezza is banking on using our intelligence services and police as bargaining chips in the Brexit negotiations. That'll be the intelligence services who knew about the Manchester bomber and did nothing about it and the police whose numbers we are cutting.


Jezza meantime has come out saying he might open discussions with the Scottish Parliament on the independence issue. That'll be the issue that his Scottish leader has ruled out forever.


They really are both toxic as far as I'm concerned.

To be fair, fuck up or not, the Intelligence services are under a fucking avalanche of potential terrorists and, without a doubt, have stopped umpteen attempts before the London and Manchester attacks.

It has been said before that it was never a case of if but of when and, honestly, the public is never going to know how much money is being pumped into MI5 and the like to try and combat the threat.

The idea that more bobbies on the beat would help is, frankly, bollocks although I agree that cutting Police numbers is fucking ridiculous.

Our intelligence agencies are not super human.

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35 minutes ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:

To be fair, fuck up or not, the Intelligence services are under a fucking avalanche of potential terrorists and, without a doubt, have stopped umpteen attempts before the London and Manchester attacks.

It has been said before that it was never a case of if but of when and, honestly, the public is never going to know how much money is being pumped into MI5 and the like to try and combat the threat.

The idea that more bobbies on the beat would help is, frankly, bollocks although I agree that cutting Police numbers is fucking ridiculous.

Our intelligence agencies are not super human.

Agreed to everything.


However, to suggest in the face of that particular fuck up that the EU will be desperate for our services is, to quote you, "fucking bollocks".

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18 minutes ago, YoungWillz said:

Agreed to everything.


However, to suggest in the face of that particular fuck up that the EU will be desperate for our services is, to quote you, "fucking bollocks".

Tbh, im not giving a fuck what the EU wants or needs, certainly, our intelligence agencies are needed just as much as theirs, if not more so.

The Germans have, allegedly, very good 'sources' which attempt to keep them one step ahead of the game.

They still rely on the intelligence gathered by us and the Americans.

You are being massively harsh towards our intelligence services, our country is teeming with potential nutjobs, ok they have fucked up but show me a country that hasnt.

There isnt one.

Intelligence is the one thing that will continue to be shared whatever the result of the Brexit negotiations, to assume other wise is, yep, fucking bollocks. :D


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1 minute ago, Lord Fellatio Nelson said:


Intelligence is the one thing that will continue to be shared whatever the result of the Brexit negotiations, to assume other wise is, yep, fucking bollocks. :D


So Tezza is once again lying to the British public? If it's the case that intelligence will be shared regardless (which I agree it will), that's another discard from Tezza's "strong hand".

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