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Seemingly the electorate response to Theresa May:



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DUP's manifesto is "basically the bible with a fortnightly bin collection thrown in for good measure.

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UK Direct Rule effectively puts the DUP in charge of Northern Ireland.

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2 hours ago, Deathray said:

As soon as the Tories lose some by-elections May is fucked.


A majority of 6.5 working is unlikely.

Depends which by elections come up.Of course Mackinlay springs to mind but I reckon the next few by elections will be Labour due to them having the most old farts.

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Arlene Foster hinting the negotiations may still fall apart.

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I always like to see how the lesser known candidates got on.  The Irish Times have provided a helpful list of the ten hopefuls who accrued the lowest amount of votes.  I think it is regrettable that the man who dressed up as Elmo and challenged Teresa May only persuaded three constituents he was the best man for the job.



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I reckon Andrea Leadsom would have done better.A far more positive optimistic figure who can actually debate pretty well!

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13 minutes ago, DevonDeathTrip said:

I think it is regrettable that the man who dressed up as Elmo and challenged Teresa May only persuaded three constituents he was the best man for the job.

Elmo is evil though...

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Turnout up by 3%.


If the trend continues we could hit 70% at the next election, whenever the heck that is.

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35 minutes ago, DevonDeathTrip said:

I always like to see how the lesser known candidates got on.  The Irish Times have provided a helpful list of the ten hopefuls who accrued the lowest amount of votes.  I think it is regrettable that the man who dressed up as Elmo and challenged Teresa May only persuaded three constituents he was the best man for the job.



It was nice to see Lord Buckethead back on the campaign trail after all these years...

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1 hour ago, DevonDeathTrip said:

I always like to see how the lesser known candidates got on.  The Irish Times have provided a helpful list of the ten hopefuls who accrued the lowest amount of votes.  I think it is regrettable that the man who dressed up as Elmo and challenged Teresa May only persuaded three constituents he was the best man for the job.





Aye tragic, cos frankly he's a better campaigner than her

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44 minutes ago, Deathray said:

Turnout up by 3%.


If the trend continues we could hit 70% at the next election, whenever the heck that is.



No more than twelve months away, surely

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Just now, maryportfuncity said:



No more than twelve months away, surely


Hopefully, although I reckon she'll limp on until the end of Brexit negotiations.

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So the departing Nick Clegg said some intelligent things imho, foremost of which was asking the question when did a major modern democracy last do itself so much harm with a series of such catastrophic political decisions?


From -  just about - a significant world power at the end of WW2 we're now reduced to a marginal role and led by a shakey government into negotiations fundamental to our future in which 27 others will also have a say and some of that 27 will have self-interests in seeing us struggle so's they can take a slice of our ability to generate prosperity and stability. The leadership taking us into this is built on forging strength by uniting a divided party and including a handful of Scots Tories (many of whom got in on votes from people who still think we should remain in Europe) with DUP die-hards (who were rightly derided a few posts above for having a manifesto that amounts to The Bible with fortnightly bin collections thrown in). All of these lined up behind a PM who'll suffer for the "strong and stable" comment the way one of her predecessors did for saying we'd "never had it so good." Oh aye, and the enthused young activitists who gave Jezza a turbo boost will doubtless be drunk on their own effectiveness and dizzy at the prospect of it all kicking off again sometime in the next twelve months; by which time the Tories might well we weary to the point of bitter in-fighting. Doubtless a dozen television screenplays were started this morning and a few actresses recently starved of leading roles are already being tapped up for the tragicomic lead role.


(out of character) rant over


Bring on the next football season now!!


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 Theresa May on BBC talking about the fact she was "forming a government" not much talk of "leading a government".


She's going.

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Just now, Deathray said:

 Theresa May on BBC talking about the fact she was "forming a government" not much talk of "leading a government".


She's going.



So, who's coming?


Apart for Jezza jizzing at the prospect, obviously

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I want an October election. Never had an October election in my lifetime.


Come on, it pissed it down yesterday! It'll probably be dry on October 12th...

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13 minutes ago, themaninblack said:

I want an October election. Never had an October election in my lifetime.


Come on, it pissed it down yesterday! It'll probably be dry on October 12th...


I quite fancy a December election.

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Wiff-waff, bibbly bobbly and........it's BORIS to the rescue - he quite fancies (well everything in a skirt) a December election.  Ho Ho Ho.

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In other election news - the guy that wrote this book lost his seat last night








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Thing is, it takes a lot longer to crank an election into gear, as we have seen. The "snap" one took SEVEN weeks!. It was just three weeks in February 1974.


By law an election is 25 working days after dissolution. It used to be 18 but that changed after an amendment to the FTPA 2011.

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Isn`t possible May could last a year or two?I mean many of her MP`s want her to go but a tory bloodbath during the Brexit negotiations would fuck the party for a generation maybe more.Also who the hell would want to take over right now anyway?Big risk for big players like Boris who May just want the PM to struggle until she quits then take the helm.Rudd won`t be leader now.She nearly lost her seat and was too close to the campaign.I wonder if Gove could be sharpening his knife right now though?Surely he wouldn't dare stab another senior member of the party in the back?

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45 minutes ago, Shaun of the Dead said:

Isn`t possible May could last a year or two?I mean many of her MP`s want her to go but a tory bloodbath during the Brexit negotiations would fuck the party for a generation maybe more.Also who the hell would want to take over right now anyway?Big risk for big players like Boris who May just want the PM to struggle until she quits then take the helm.Rudd won`t be leader now.She nearly lost her seat and was too close to the campaign.I wonder if Gove could be sharpening his knife right now though?Surely he wouldn't dare stab another senior member of the party in the back?


It's possible but I don't think it's entirely within her control. She'd be a lame duck Prime Minister in many respects but she could stay at least until we formally exit the European Union. It all depends on how many of her MPs she keeps. Knowing the Tory party, she'll probably end up with a slew of MPs defecting to UKIP half way through the parliament.

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